- Each row of the gene set file represents one gene set and consists of:
geneset name (--tab--) description (--tab--) a list of tab-delimited genes
- The gene set names must be unique.
- The gene set file describes the gene sets used for the analysis. These files can be obtained...
- directly downloading our monthly updated gene-set collections from Baderlab genesets collections. Description of sources and methods used to create collection can be found on the :ref:`gene_sets` page.
- directly downloading gene-sets collected in the MSigDB
- converting gene annotations / pathways from public databases
If you use MSigDB Gene Ontology gene-sets, please consider that they do not include all annotations, as an evidence code filter is applied; if you are interested in achieving maximum coverage, download the original annotations.
if you are a R user, Bioconductor offers annotation packages such as GO.db
, KEGG.db
- The expression data can be loaded in three different formats: gct (GSEA file type), rnk (GSEA file type) or txt.
- The expression data serves two purposes:
- Expression data is used by the Heat Map when clicking on nodes and edges in the Enrichment Map.
- Gene sets can be filtered based on the genes present in the expression file. For example, if Geneset X contains genes {1,2,3,4,5} but the expression file only contain expression value for genes {1,2,3} then Geneset X will be represented as {1,2,3} in the Enrichment Map.
- Expression data is not required. In the absence of an expression file EnrichmentMap will create a dummy expression file to associate with the data set. The dummy expression gives an expression value of 0.25 for all the genes associated with the enriched genesets in the Enrichment map.
GCT differs from TXT only because of two additional lines that are required at the top of the file.
The GCT file contains two additional lines at the top of the file.
- The first line contains
. - The second line contains
the number of data rows (--tab--) the number of data columns
- The third line consists of column headings.
name (--tab--) description (--tab--) sample1 name (--tab--) sample2 name ...
- Each line of expression file contains a:
name (--tab--) description (--tab--) list of tab delimited expression values
- The first line contains
If the GCT file contains Probeset ID's as primary keys (e.g. as you had GSEA collapse your data file to gene symbols) you need to convert the GCT file to use the same primary key as used in the gene sets file (GMT file). You have the following options:
- Use the GSEA desktop application: GSEA > Tools > Collapse Dataset
- Run this Python script :ref:`collapse_ExpressionMatrix` using the Chip platform file that was used by GSEA.
RNK file is completely different from the GCT or TXT file. It represents a ranked list of genes containing only gene name and a rank or score.
The first line contains column headings
For example:
Gene Name (--tab--) Rank Name
Each line of RNK file contains:
name (--tab--) rank OR score
Additional Information on GSEA File Formats
Basic file representing expression values for an experiment.
The first line consists of column headings.
name (--tab--) description (--tab--) sample1 name (--tab--) sample2 name ...
Each line of the expression file contains:
name (--tab--) description (--tab--) list of tab delimited expression values
- For each analysis GSEA produces two output files. One representing the enriched genesets in phenotype A and the other representing the enriched genesets in phenotype B.
- These files are usually named
- The files should be loaded in as is and require no pre-processing.
- There is no need to worry about which Enrichment Results Text box to put the two files. The phenotype is specified by the sign of the ES score and is computed internally by the program.
Additional Information on GSEA File Formats
- The generic results file is a tab delimited file with enriched gene-sets and their corresponding p-values (and optionally, FDR corrections)
- The Generic Enrichment Results file needs:
- gene-set ID (must match the gene-set ID in the GMT file)
- gene-set name or description
- p-value
- FDR correction value
- Phenotype: +1 or -1, to identify enrichment in up- and down-regulation, or, more in general,
in either of the two phenotypes being compared in the two-class analysis
- +1 maps to red
- -1 maps to blue
- gene list separated by commas
Description and FDR columns can have empty or NA values, but the column and the column header must exist.
If no value is provided under phenotype, Enrichment Map will assume there is only one phenotype, and will map enrichment p-values to red.
- Available only in v1.0 or higher
- The DAVID option expects a file as generated by the DAVID web interface.
- When using DAVID as the analysis type there is no requirement to enter either a gmt file or an expression file. Both are options if the user wishes to add them to the analysis.
- The DAVID Enrichment Result File is a file generated by the DAVID Functional Annotation Chart
Report and consists of the following fields: Important: Make sure you are using CHART Report
and NOT a Clustered Report.
- Category (DAVID category, i.e. Interpro, sp_pir_keywords, ...)
- Term - Gene set name
- Count - number of genes associated with this gene set
- Percentage (gene associated with this gene set/total number of query genes)
- P-value - modified Fisher Exact P-value
- Genes - the list of genes from your query set that are annotated to this gene set.
- List Total - number of genes in your query list mapped to any gene set in this ontology
- Pop Hits - number of genes annotated to this gene set on the background list
- Pop Total - number of genes on the background list mapped to any gene set in this ontology.
- Fold enrichment
- Bonferroni
- Benjamini
- The FDR value imported into EnrichmentMap is taken from the Benjamini column and not from the FDR column.
- To use a different corrected p-value swap the Benjamini column with Bonferroni or FDR column in the DAVID file.
In the absence of a GMT gene sets are constructed based on the field Genes in the DAVID output. This only considers the genes entered in your query set and not the genes in your background set. This will drastically affect the amount of overlap you see in the resulting Enrichment Map.
- The BiNGO option expects a file as generated by the BiNGO Cytsocape Plugin.
- When using BiNGO as the analysis type there is no requirement to enter either a gmt file or an expression file. Both are options if the user wishes to add them to the analysis.
- The BiNGO Enrichment Result File is a file generated by the BiNGO cytoscape plugin
and consists of the following fields: Important: When running BiNGO make sure to
check off "Check Box for saving data"
- The first 20 lines of BiNGO output file list parameters used for the analysis and are ignored by the Enrichment map plugin
- GO-ID - Gene set name
- p-value - hypergeometric or binomial Exact P-value
- corr p-value - corrected p-value
- x - number of genes in your query list mapped to this gene-set
- n - number of genes in the background list mapped to this gene-set
- X - number of genes annotated to this gene set on the background list
- N - number of genes on the background list mapped to any gene set in this ontology.
- Description - gene list description
- Genes - the list of genes from your query set that are annotated to this gene set.
In the absence of a gmt gene sets are constructed based on the field Genes in the BiNGO output. This only considers the genes entered in your query set and not the genes in your background set. This will drastically affect the amount of overlap you see in the resulting Enrichment Map.
- A special trick for GSEA results, in any GSEA analysis an rpt file is created that specifies the location of all files (including the gmt, gct, results files, phenotype specification, and rank files).
- Any of the Fields under the dataset tab (Expression, Enrichment Results 1 or Enrichment Results 2) will accept an rpt file and populate GMT, Expression, Enrichment Results 1, Enrichment Results 2, Phenotypes, and Ranks the values for that dataset.
- A second rpt file can be loaded for dataset 2. It will give you a warning if the GMT file specified is different than the one specified in dataset 1. You will have the choice to use the GMT for data set 1, data set 2 or abort the second rpt load.
- An rpt file is a text file with following information (parameters surrounded by " ' ' '" are those that EM uses):
'''producer_class''' xtools.gsea.Gsea '''producer_timestamp''' 1367261057110 param collapse false param '''cls''' WHOLE_PATH_TO_FILE/EM_EstrogenMCF7_TestData/ES_NT.cls#ES24_versus_NT24 param plot_top_x 20 param norm meandiv param save_rnd_lists false param median false param num 100 param scoring_scheme weighted param make_sets true param mode Max_probe param '''gmx''' WHOLE_PATH_TO_FILE/EM_EstrogenMCF7_TestData/Human_GO_AllPathways_no_GO_iea_April_15_2013_symbol.gmt param gui false param metric Signal2Noise param '''rpt_label''' ES24vsNT24 param help false param order descending param '''out''' WHOLE_PATH_TO_FILE/EM_EstrogenMCF7_TestData param permute gene_set param rnd_type no_balance param set_min 15 param include_only_symbols true param sort real param rnd_seed timestamp param nperm 1000 param zip_report false param set_max 500 param '''res''' WHOLE_PATH_TO_FILE/EM_EstrogenMCF7_TestData/MCF7_ExprMx_v2_names.gct file WHOLE_PATH_TO_FILE/EM_EstrogenMCF7_TestData/ES24vsNT24.Gsea.1367261057110/index.html
Parameters used by EM and their meaning:
- producer_class - can be xtools.gsea.Gsea or xtools.gsea.GseaPreranked
if xtools.gsea.Gsea:
- get expression file from res parameter in rpt
- get phenotype information from cls parameter in rot
if xtools.gsea.GseaPreranked:
No expression file
use rnk as the expression file from rnk parameter in rot
set phenotypes to na_pos and na_neg.
NOTE: if you want to make using an rpt file easier for GSEAPreranked there are two additional parameters you can add to your rpt file manually that the rpt function will recognize.
To do less manual work while creating Enrichment Maps from pre-ranked GSEA, add the following optional parameters to your rpt file:
param(--tab--)phenotypes(--tab--){phenotype1}_versus_{phenotype2} param(--tab--)expressionMatrix(--tab--){path_to_GCT_or_TXT_formated_expression_matrix}
- producer_timestamp - needed to find the directory with the results files
- cls - path to class/phenotype file with information regarding the phenotypes:
- path/classfilename.cls#phenotype1_versus_phenotype2
- EM get the path to the class file and also pulls the phenotype1 and phenotype2 from the above field
- gmx - path to gmt file
- rpt_label - name of analysis and name of directory that GSEA creates to hold the results. Used when constructing the path to the results directory.
- out - path to directory where GSEA will put the output directory. Used when constructing the path to the results directory.
- res - path to expression file.
rpt Searches for the following results files:
Enrichment File 1 --> {out}(--File.separator--){rpt_label} + "." + {producer_class} + "." + {producer_timestamp}(--File.separator--) "gsea_report_for_" + phenotype1 + "_" + timestamp + ".xls" Enrichment File 2 --> {out}(--File.separator--){rpt_label} + "." + {producer_class} + "." + {producer_timestamp}(--File.separator--) "gsea_report_for_" + phenotype2 + "_" + timestamp + ".xls" Ranks File --> {out}(--File.separator--){rpt_label} + "." + {producer_class} + "." + {producer_timestamp}(--File.separator--) "ranked_gene_list_" + phenotype1 + "_versus_" + phenotype2 +"_" + timestamp + ".xls";
- If the enrichments and rank files are not found in the above path then EM replaces the out directory with the path to the given rpt file and tries again.
- If you would like to create your own rpt file for your own analysis pipeline you can put your own values for the above used parameters.
- If your analysis only creates one enrichment file you can make a copy of enrichment file 1 in the path of enrichment file 2 with no consequences for EM running.
- Contained in the GSEA results folder is an edb folder. In the edb folder there are the
following files:
- results.edb
- gene_sets.gmt
- classfile.cls [Only in a GSEA analysis. Not in a GSEAPreranked analysis]
- rankfile.rnk
- If you specify the results.edb file in any of the Fields under the dataset tab (Expression, Enrichment Results 1 or Enrichment Results 2) the gmt and enrichment files fields will be automatically populated.
- If you want to associate an expression file with the analysis it needs to be loaded manually as described here.
The gene_sets.gmt file contained in the edb directory is filtered according to the expression file. If you are doing a two dataset analysis where the expression files are from different platforms or contain different sets of genes the edb gene_sets.gmt file can not be used as genes found in one analysis might be lacking in the other. In this case use the original gmt file (prior to GSEA filtering) and EM will filter each the gene sets separately according to each dataset.
- For each dataset there are additional parameters that the user can set but are not required.
The advanced parameters include:
- Ranks file - file specifying the ranks of the genes in the analysis
- This file has the format specified in the above section - gene (--tab--) rank or score. See RNK (GSEA file type) for details.
- Phenotypes (phenotype1 versus phenotype2)
- By default the phenotypes are set to Up and Down but in the advanced setting mode the user can change these to any desired text.
- Ranks file - file specifying the ranks of the genes in the analysis
- All of these fields are populated when the user loads the input files using the rpt option.
For readability the following examples have been formatted in a way, that the content of each column is properly aligned. In the actual files, replace each {tab} and it's surrounding SPACE-characters by one TAB-character. The files can be also easily created with any spreadsheet-program (e.g. Excel) and then saved in the "Tab Delimited Text" format.
Example with all possible columns
GO.ID {tab} Description {tab} p.Val {tab} FDR {tab} Phenotype GO:0000346 {tab} transcription export complex {tab} 0.01 {tab} 0.02 {tab} +1 GO:0030904 {tab} retromer complex {tab} 0.05 {tab} 0.10 {tab} +1 GO:0008623 {tab} chromatin accessibility complex {tab} 0.05 {tab} 0.12 {tab} -1 GO:0046540 {tab} tri-snRNP complex {tab} 0.01 {tab} 0.03 {tab} -1 ...
Example without phenotype column
GO.ID {tab} Description {tab} p.Val {tab} FDR GO:0000346 {tab} transcription export complex {tab} 0.01 {tab} 0.02 GO:0030904 {tab} retromer complex {tab} 0.05 {tab} 0.10 GO:0008623 {tab} chromatin accessibility complex {tab} 0.05 {tab} 0.12 GO:0046540 {tab} tri-snRNP complex {tab} 0.01 {tab} 0.03 ...
Example without FDR and phenotype
GO.ID {tab} Description {tab} p.Val GO:0000346 {tab} transcription export complex {tab} 0.01 GO:0030904 {tab} retromer complex {tab} 0.05 GO:0008623 {tab} chromatin accessibility complex {tab} 0.05 GO:0046540 {tab} tri-snRNP complex {tab} 0.01 ...
Example without FDR but with phenotype
GO.ID {tab} Description {tab} p.Val {tab} {tab} Phenotype GO:0000346 {tab} transcription export complex {tab} 0.01 {tab} {tab} +1 GO:0030904 {tab} retromer complex {tab} 0.05 {tab} {tab} +1 GO:0008623 {tab} chromatin accessibility complex {tab} 0.05 {tab} {tab} -1 GO:0046540 {tab} tri-snRNP complex {tab} 0.01 {tab} {tab} -1 ...
Example without Description, FDR and phenotype
GO.ID {tab} {tab} p.Val {tab} {tab} Phenotype GO:0000346 {tab} {tab} 0.01 {tab} {tab} +1 GO:0030904 {tab} {tab} 0.05 {tab} {tab} +1 GO:0008623 {tab} {tab} 0.05 {tab} {tab} -1 GO:0046540 {tab} {tab} 0.01 {tab} {tab} -1 ...
Example with dummy-description and without FDR and phenotype
GO.ID {tab} DESCR {tab} p.Val {tab} {tab} Phenotype GO:0000346 {tab} NA {tab} 0.01 {tab} {tab} +1 GO:0030904 {tab} NA {tab} 0.05 {tab} {tab} +1 GO:0008623 {tab} NA {tab} 0.05 {tab} {tab} -1 GO:0046540 {tab} NA {tab} 0.01 {tab} {tab} -1 ...