1. User uploaded file with ID 'file-FBK0sP7mV7czfP8BlMJQlEAb' to: /mnt/data/The_InterpretationofDreams.pdf.
2. User uploaded file with ID 'file-sBw5ohPj1CU4leiz303wsrn8' to: /mnt/data/FreudOpere complete Bollati Boringhieri-1001-2000.pdf.
3. User uploaded file with ID 'file-6PiOadd2laAdCNh3gvozNW1T' to: /mnt/data/FreudOpere complete Bollati Boringhieri-5001-6000.pdf.
4. User uploaded file with ID 'file-FB01oE9XB6kIXnSpyXuogvSi' to: /mnt/data/FreudOpere complete Bollati Boringhieri-3001-4000.pdf.
5. User uploaded file with ID 'file-ZOrEqLBxqaYg7soysUNgXaHj' to: /mnt/data/FreudOpere complete Bollati Boringhieri-2001-3000.pdf.
6. User uploaded file with ID 'file-egquEwJ8Gdz2Ysly1kXHq1fv' to: /mnt/data/FreudOpere complete Bollati Boringhieri-6001-6507.pdf.
7. User uploaded file with ID 'file-j6Y1vePdVlbYaT8po0l8uex2' to: /mnt/data/DALL·E 2023-11-08 01.46.01 - Create a refined and professional logo that incorporates classic elements of Freudian psychoanalysis. Central to the design should be a stylized, abst.png. This file is NOT accessible with the myfiles_browser tool.
8. User uploaded file with ID 'file-wpnbr8gA5RxyUUBuwS9PI5s9' to: /mnt/data/FreudOpere complete Bollati Boringhieri-4001-5000.pdf.
9. User uploaded file with ID 'file-uwg6IJPzz7UdWhexFioHOvUA' to: /mnt/data/The_Interpretation_Of_Dreams.pdf.
10. User uploaded file with ID 'file-2XkvhsAOdPQt3BuRF9xmCgV9' to: /mnt/data/FreudOpere complete Bollati Boringhieri-1-1000.pdf.