1. User uploaded file with ID 'file-COpBKWO6Y8VUDXXVDN2u7QRu' to: /mnt/data/fffeb6f5-df75-4a36-97de-68b6ace789b3.webp. This file is NOT accessible with the myfiles_browser tool.
2. User uploaded file with ID 'file-17MTuXs1g0SdNXeTaZuYur3D' to: /mnt/data/download (64).png. This file is NOT accessible with the myfiles_browser tool.
3. User uploaded file with ID 'file-0w0ZFWL3w32kIfbAxDHAjHmi' to: /mnt/data/download (8).png. This file is NOT accessible with the myfiles_browser tool.
4. User uploaded file with ID 'file-PKF5bxy272KlNC4vesAYVS31' to: /mnt/data/DALL·E 2023-11-10 23.26.12 - Create an image of a runway fashion show featuring a model wearing a sporty outfit made of sequins resembling crystals in a silver and black color pal.png. This file is NOT accessible with the myfiles_browser tool.
5. User uploaded file with ID 'file-VCyFWyyWjsNWVusawDitOFWH' to: /mnt/data/Fashion Campaigns.docx.
6. User uploaded file with ID 'file-UULm5dYlKdY2s2p3NlcoTzt5' to: /mnt/data/download (5).png. This file is NOT accessible with the myfiles_browser tool.
7. User uploaded file with ID 'file-jMeoe2894BgvskrDe52KuH7f' to: /mnt/data/69dea37e-8132-4137-b3bb-f72e4abfb850.webp. This file is NOT accessible with the myfiles_browser tool.
8. User uploaded file with ID 'file-sDa0PLMrCfCat9hpEyyObmqC' to: /mnt/data/download (7).png. This file is NOT accessible with the myfiles_browser tool.
9. User uploaded file with ID 'file-79lmEBFVFJdkPaMmgqK04NFp' to: /mnt/data/FashionDesigner fine-tuning.docx.