Flag Name | Default | Type | Meaning |
chunkSize | 1 | Integer | Groups the number of foreach loop iterations into one task and execute them in a single R session. Consider using the chunkSize option if each iteration in the loop executes very quickly. |
maxTaskRetryCount | 3 | Integer | The number of retries the task will perform. |
enableCloudCombine | TRUE | Boolean | Enables the merge task to be performed |
wait | TRUE | Boolean | Set the job to a non-blocking state. This allows you to perform R tasks while waiting for your results to be complete. |
autoDeleteJob | TRUE | Boolean | Deletes the job metadata and result after the foreach loop has been executed. |
job | The time of job creation | Character | The name of you job. This name will appear in the RStudio console, Azure Batch, and Azure Storage. |
Flag Name | Default | Type | Meaning |
github | c() | Vector | A vector of github package names. The proper name format of installing a github package is the repository address: username/repo[/subdir] |
bioconductor | c() | Vector | A vector of bioconductor package names |
Skipping the merge task is useful when the tasks results don't need to be merged into a list. To bypass the merge task, you can pass the enableCloudCombine flag to the foreach object:
# Enable merge task
foreach(i = 1:3, .options.azure = list(enableCloudCombine = TRUE))
# Disable merge task
foreach(i = 1:3, .options.azure = list(enableCloudCombine = FALSE))
Note: User defined functions for the merge task is on our list of features that we are planning on doing.