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The 'Connect-AzAccount' command was found in the module 'Az.Accounts', but the module could not be loaded. #13145

sgiovinetti opened this issue Oct 5, 2020 · 16 comments
customer-reported needs-author-feedback More information is needed from author to address the issue. question The issue doesn't require a change to the product in order to be resolved. Most issues start as that


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sgiovinetti commented Oct 5, 2020


In VSCode terminal I'm unable to run any Az commands. They all end up with error

The Az* command was found in the module 'Az.Accounts', but the module could not be loaded.

Same commands in a standalone cmd windows seem to work fine even though I compared the 2 sessions (cmd and VSCode) and apart from ms-vscode.powershell-2020.6.0\modules the same modules seems to be installed on both.

Environment data

Here the details of pwsh in VSCode

PS D:\> $PSVersionTable

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      7.0.3
PSEdition                      Core
GitCommitId                    7.0.3
OS                             Microsoft Windows 10.0.18363
Platform                       Win32NT
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…}       
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3
WSManStackVersion              3.0

PS D:\> Get-Module -ListAvailable

    Directory: C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\Modules

ModuleType Version    PreRelease Name                                PSEdition ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ---------- ----                                --------- ----------------
Manifest               CimCmdlets                          Core      {Get-CimAssociatedInstance, Get-CimClass, Get-CimInstance, Get-CimSession…}
Manifest   1.2.5                 Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive        Desk      {Compress-Archive, Expand-Archive}
Manifest               Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics    Core      {Get-WinEvent, New-WinEvent, Get-Counter}
Manifest               Microsoft.PowerShell.Host           Core      {Start-Transcript, Stop-Transcript}
Manifest               Microsoft.PowerShell.Management     Core      {Add-Content, Clear-Content, Get-Clipboard, Set-Clipboard…}
Manifest               Microsoft.PowerShell.Security       Core      {Get-Acl, Set-Acl, Get-PfxCertificate, Get-Credential…}
Manifest               Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility        Core      {Export-Alias, Get-Alias, Import-Alias, New-Alias…}
Manifest               Microsoft.WSMan.Management          Core      {Disable-WSManCredSSP, Enable-WSManCredSSP, Get-WSManCredSSP, Set-WSManQuickConfig…}
Script     1.4.7                 PackageManagement                   Desk      {Find-Package, Get-Package, Get-PackageProvider, Get-PackageSource…}
Script     2.0.5                 PSDesiredStateConfiguration         Core      {Configuration, New-DscChecksum, Get-DscResource, Invoke-DscResource}
Script               PSDiagnostics                       Core      {Disable-PSTrace, Disable-PSWSManCombinedTrace, Disable-WSManTrace, Enable-PSTrace…}
Script     2.0.2                 PSReadLine                          Desk      {Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler, Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler, Remove-PSReadLineKeyHandler, Get-PSReadLineOption…}
Binary     2.0.3                 ThreadJob                           Desk      Start-ThreadJob

    Directory: C:\Users\giost\Documents\PowerShell\Modules

ModuleType Version    PreRelease Name                                PSEdition ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ---------- ----                                --------- ----------------
Script     4.7.0                 Az                                  Core,Desk
Script     1.9.4                 Az.Accounts                         Core,Desk {Disable-AzDataCollection, Disable-AzContextAutosave, Enable-AzDataCollection, Enable-AzContextAutosave…}
Script     1.1.1                 Az.Advisor                          Core,Desk {Get-AzAdvisorRecommendation, Enable-AzAdvisorRecommendation, Disable-AzAdvisorRecommendation, Get-AzAdvisorConfiguration…}
Script     1.3.0                 Az.Aks                              Core,Desk {Get-AzAksCluster, New-AzAksCluster, Remove-AzAksCluster, Import-AzAksCredential…}
Script     1.1.4                 Az.AnalysisServices                 Core,Desk {Resume-AzAnalysisServicesServer, Suspend-AzAnalysisServicesServer, Get-AzAnalysisServicesServer, Remove-AzAnalysisServicesServer…}
Script     2.1.0                 Az.ApiManagement                    Core,Desk {Add-AzApiManagementApiToGateway, Add-AzApiManagementApiToProduct, Add-AzApiManagementProductToGroup, Add-AzApiManagementRegion…}
Script     1.1.0                 Az.ApplicationInsights              Core,Desk {Get-AzApplicationInsights, New-AzApplicationInsights, Remove-AzApplicationInsights, Update-AzApplicationInsights…}
Script     1.4.0                 Az.Automation                       Core,Desk {Get-AzAutomationHybridWorkerGroup, Remove-AzAutomationHybridWorkerGroup, Get-AzAutomationJobOutputRecord, Import-AzAutomationDscNodeConfiguration…}
Script     3.1.0                 Az.Batch                            Core,Desk {Remove-AzBatchAccount, Get-AzBatchAccount, Get-AzBatchAccountKey, New-AzBatchAccount…}
Script     1.0.3                 Az.Billing                          Core,Desk {Get-AzBillingInvoice, Get-AzBillingPeriod, Get-AzEnrollmentAccount, Get-AzConsumptionBudget…}
Script     1.4.3                 Az.Cdn                              Core,Desk {Get-AzCdnProfile, Get-AzCdnProfileSsoUrl, New-AzCdnProfile, Remove-AzCdnProfile…}
Script     1.6.0                 Az.CognitiveServices                Core,Desk {Get-AzCognitiveServicesAccount, Get-AzCognitiveServicesAccountKey, Get-AzCognitiveServicesAccountSku, Get-AzCognitiveServicesAccountType…}
Script     4.4.0                 Az.Compute                          Core,Desk {Remove-AzAvailabilitySet, Get-AzAvailabilitySet, New-AzAvailabilitySet, Update-AzAvailabilitySet…}
Script     1.0.3                 Az.ContainerInstance                Core,Desk {New-AzContainerGroup, Get-AzContainerGroup, Remove-AzContainerGroup, Get-AzContainerInstanceLog}
Script     1.1.1                 Az.ContainerRegistry                Core,Desk {New-AzContainerRegistry, Get-AzContainerRegistry, Update-AzContainerRegistry, Remove-AzContainerRegistry…}
Script     1.1.0                 Az.DataBoxEdge                      Core,Desk {Get-AzDataBoxEdgeJob, Get-AzDataBoxEdgeDevice, Invoke-AzDataBoxEdgeDevice, New-AzDataBoxEdgeDevice…}
Script     1.10.1                Az.DataFactory                      Core,Desk {Set-AzDataFactoryV2, Update-AzDataFactoryV2, Get-AzDataFactoryV2, Remove-AzDataFactoryV2…}
Script     1.0.2                 Az.DataLakeAnalytics                Core,Desk {Get-AzDataLakeAnalyticsDataSource, New-AzDataLakeAnalyticsCatalogCredential, Remove-AzDataLakeAnalyticsCatalogCredential, Set-AzDataLakeAnalyticsCatalogCredential…}
Script     1.2.8                 Az.DataLakeStore                    Core,Desk {Get-AzDataLakeStoreTrustedIdProvider, Remove-AzDataLakeStoreTrustedIdProvider, Remove-AzDataLakeStoreFirewallRule, Set-AzDataLakeStoreTrustedIdProvider…}
Script     1.0.0                 Az.DataShare                        Core,Desk {New-AzDataShareAccount, Get-AzDataShareAccount, Remove-AzDataShareAccount, New-AzDataShare…}
Script     1.1.0                 Az.DeploymentManager                Core,Desk {Get-AzDeploymentManagerArtifactSource, New-AzDeploymentManagerArtifactSource, Set-AzDeploymentManagerArtifactSource, Remove-AzDeploymentManagerArtifactSource…}
Script     1.0.0                 Az.DesktopVirtualization            Core,Desk {Disconnect-AzWvdUserSession, Get-AzWvdApplication, Get-AzWvdApplicationGroup, Get-AzWvdDesktop…}
Script     1.0.2                 Az.DevTestLabs                      Core,Desk {Get-AzDtlAllowedVMSizesPolicy, Get-AzDtlAutoShutdownPolicy, Get-AzDtlAutoStartPolicy, Get-AzDtlVMsPerLabPolicy…}
Script     1.1.2                 Az.Dns                              Core,Desk {Get-AzDnsRecordSet, New-AzDnsRecordConfig, Remove-AzDnsRecordSet, Set-AzDnsRecordSet…}
Script     1.3.0                 Az.EventGrid                        Core,Desk {New-AzEventGridTopic, Get-AzEventGridTopic, Set-AzEventGridTopic, New-AzEventGridTopicKey…}
Script     1.6.0                 Az.EventHub                         Core,Desk {New-AzEventHubNamespace, Get-AzEventHubNamespace, Set-AzEventHubNamespace, Remove-AzEventHubNamespace…}
Script     1.6.1                 Az.FrontDoor                        Core,Desk {New-AzFrontDoor, Get-AzFrontDoor, Set-AzFrontDoor, Remove-AzFrontDoor…}
Script     1.0.2                 Az.Functions                        Core,Desk {Get-AzFunctionApp, Get-AzFunctionAppAvailableLocation, Get-AzFunctionAppPlan, Get-AzFunctionAppSetting…}
Script     3.6.0                 Az.HDInsight                        Core,Desk {Get-AzHDInsightJob, New-AzHDInsightSqoopJobDefinition, Wait-AzHDInsightJob, New-AzHDInsightStreamingMapReduceJobDefinition…}
Script     1.1.0                 Az.HealthcareApis                   Core,Desk {New-AzHealthcareApisService, Remove-AzHealthcareApisService, Set-AzHealthcareApisService, Get-AzHealthcareApisService}
Script     2.5.0                 Az.IotHub                           Core,Desk {Add-AzIotHubKey, Get-AzIotHubEventHubConsumerGroup, Get-AzIotHubConnectionString, Get-AzIotHubJob…}
Script     2.2.0                 Az.KeyVault                         Core,Desk {Add-AzKeyVaultCertificate, Update-AzKeyVaultCertificate, Stop-AzKeyVaultCertificateOperation, Get-AzKeyVaultCertificateOperation…}
Script     1.0.0                 Az.Kusto                            Core,Desk {Add-AzKustoClusterLanguageExtension, Add-AzKustoDatabasePrincipal, Get-AzKustoAttachedDatabaseConfiguration, Get-AzKustoCluster…}
Script     1.3.2                 Az.LogicApp                         Core,Desk {Get-AzIntegrationAccountAgreement, Get-AzIntegrationAccountAssembly, Get-AzIntegrationAccountBatchConfiguration, Get-AzIntegrationAccountCallbackUrl…}
Script     1.1.3                 Az.MachineLearning                  Core,Desk {Move-AzMlCommitmentAssociation, Get-AzMlCommitmentAssociation, Get-AzMlCommitmentPlanUsageHistory, Remove-AzMlCommitmentPlan…}
Script     1.1.0                 Az.Maintenance                      Core,Desk {Get-AzApplyUpdate, Get-AzConfigurationAssignment, Get-AzMaintenanceConfiguration, Get-AzMaintenanceUpdate…}
Script     1.1.0                 Az.ManagedServices                  Core,Desk {Get-AzManagedServicesAssignment, New-AzManagedServicesAssignment, Remove-AzManagedServicesAssignment, Get-AzManagedServicesDefinition…}
Script     1.0.2                 Az.MarketplaceOrdering              Core,Desk {Get-AzMarketplaceTerms, Set-AzMarketplaceTerms}
Script     1.1.1                 Az.Media                            Core,Desk {Sync-AzMediaServiceStorageKey, Set-AzMediaServiceKey, Get-AzMediaServiceKey, Get-AzMediaServiceNameAvailability…}
Script     2.1.0                 Az.Monitor                          Core,Desk {Get-AzMetricDefinition, Get-AzMetric, Remove-AzLogProfile, Get-AzLogProfile…}
Script     3.4.0                 Az.Network                          Core,Desk {Add-AzApplicationGatewayAuthenticationCertificate, Get-AzApplicationGatewayAuthenticationCertificate, New-AzApplicationGatewayAuthenticationCertificate, Remove-AzApplicationGatewayAuthenticationCertificate…}
Script     1.1.1                 Az.NotificationHubs                 Core,Desk {Get-AzNotificationHub, Get-AzNotificationHubAuthorizationRule, Get-AzNotificationHubListKey, Get-AzNotificationHubPNSCredential…}
Script     2.3.0                 Az.OperationalInsights              Core,Desk {New-AzOperationalInsightsAzureActivityLogDataSource, New-AzOperationalInsightsCustomLogDataSource, Disable-AzOperationalInsightsLinuxCustomLogCollection, Disable-AzOperationalInsightsIISLogCollection…}
Script     1.3.1                 Az.PolicyInsights                   Core,Desk {Get-AzPolicyEvent, Get-AzPolicyState, Get-AzPolicyStateSummary, Get-AzPolicyRemediation…}
Script     1.1.2                 Az.PowerBIEmbedded                  Core,Desk {Remove-AzPowerBIWorkspaceCollection, Get-AzPowerBIWorkspaceCollection, Get-AzPowerBIWorkspaceCollectionAccessKey, Get-AzPowerBIWorkspace…}
Script     1.0.3                 Az.PrivateDns                       Core,Desk {Get-AzPrivateDnsZone, Remove-AzPrivateDnsZone, Set-AzPrivateDnsZone, New-AzPrivateDnsZone…}
Script     2.12.1                Az.RecoveryServices                 Core,Desk {Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProperty, Get-AzRecoveryServicesVault, Get-AzRecoveryServicesVaultSettingsFile, New-AzRecoveryServicesVault…}
Script     1.2.1                 Az.RedisCache                       Core,Desk {Remove-AzRedisCachePatchSchedule, New-AzRedisCacheScheduleEntry, Get-AzRedisCachePatchSchedule, New-AzRedisCachePatchSchedule…}
Script     1.0.3                 Az.Relay                            Core,Desk {New-AzRelayNamespace, Get-AzRelayNamespace, Set-AzRelayNamespace, Remove-AzRelayNamespace…}
Script     2.5.1                 Az.Resources                        Core,Desk {Get-AzProviderOperation, Remove-AzRoleAssignment, Get-AzRoleAssignment, New-AzRoleAssignment…}
Script     1.4.1                 Az.ServiceBus                       Core,Desk {New-AzServiceBusNamespace, Get-AzServiceBusNamespace, Set-AzServiceBusNamespace, Remove-AzServiceBusNamespace…}
Script     2.2.0                 Az.ServiceFabric                    Core,Desk {Add-AzServiceFabricClientCertificate, Add-AzServiceFabricClusterCertificate, Add-AzServiceFabricNode, Add-AzServiceFabricNodeType…}
Script     1.2.0                 Az.SignalR                          Core,Desk {New-AzSignalR, Get-AzSignalR, Get-AzSignalRKey, New-AzSignalRKey…}
Script     2.10.0                Az.Sql                              Core,Desk {Get-AzSqlDatabaseTransparentDataEncryption, Get-AzSqlDatabaseTransparentDataEncryptionActivity, Set-AzSqlDatabaseTransparentDataEncryption, Get-AzSqlDatabaseUpgradeHint…}
Script     1.1.0                 Az.SqlVirtualMachine                Core,Desk {New-AzSqlVM, Get-AzSqlVM, Update-AzSqlVM, Remove-AzSqlVM…}
Script     2.6.0                 Az.Storage                          Core,Desk {Get-AzStorageAccount, Get-AzStorageAccountKey, New-AzStorageAccount, New-AzStorageAccountKey…}
Script     1.3.0                 Az.StorageSync                      Core,Desk {Invoke-AzStorageSyncCompatibilityCheck, New-AzStorageSyncService, Get-AzStorageSyncService, Set-AzStorageSyncService…}
Script     1.0.1                 Az.StreamAnalytics                  Core,Desk {Get-AzStreamAnalyticsFunction, Get-AzStreamAnalyticsDefaultFunctionDefinition, New-AzStreamAnalyticsFunction, Remove-AzStreamAnalyticsFunction…}
Script     1.0.0                 Az.Support                          Core,Desk {Get-AzSupportService, Get-AzSupportProblemClassification, Get-AzSupportTicket, Get-AzSupportTicketCommunication…}
Script     1.0.4                 Az.TrafficManager                   Core,Desk {Add-AzTrafficManagerCustomHeaderToEndpoint, Remove-AzTrafficManagerCustomHeaderFromEndpoint, Add-AzTrafficManagerCustomHeaderToProfile, Remove-AzTrafficManagerCustomHeaderFromProfile…}
Script     1.11.0                Az.Websites                         Core,Desk {Get-AzAppServicePlan, Set-AzAppServicePlan, New-AzAppServicePlan, Remove-AzAppServicePlan…}
Manifest   1.0.867               MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt                Desk      
Binary     1.0.867               MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt.Admin          Desk      {Add-PowerBIEncryptionKey, Get-PowerBIEncryptionKey, Get-PowerBIWorkspaceEncryptionStatus, Switch-PowerBIEncryptionKey…}
Binary     1.0.867               MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt.Capacities     Desk      Get-PowerBICapacity
Binary     1.0.867               MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt.Data           Desk      {Add-PowerBIDataset, Set-PowerBITable, New-PowerBIDataset, New-PowerBITable…}
Binary     1.0.867               MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt.Profile        Desk      {Connect-PowerBIServiceAccount, Disconnect-PowerBIServiceAccount, Invoke-PowerBIRestMethod, Get-PowerBIAccessToken…}
Binary     1.0.867               MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt.Reports        Desk      {Get-PowerBIReport, New-PowerBIReport, Export-PowerBIReport, Get-PowerBIDashboard…}
Binary     1.0.867               MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt.Workspaces     Desk      {Get-PowerBIWorkspace, Get-PowerBIWorkspaceMigrationStatus, Add-PowerBIWorkspaceUser, Remove-PowerBIWorkspaceUser…}
Script     4.10.1                Pester                              Desk      {Describe, Context, It, Should…}
Script     2.2.5                 PowerShellGet                       Desk      {Find-Command, Find-DSCResource, Find-Module, Find-RoleCapability…}
Script     21.1.18228            SqlServer                           Desk      {Add-RoleMember, Add-SqlAvailabilityDatabase, Add-SqlAvailabilityGroupListenerStaticIp, Add-SqlAzureAuthenticationContext…}

    Directory: C:\Users\...\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode.powershell-2020.6.0\modules

ModuleType Version    PreRelease Name                                PSEdition ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ---------- ----                                --------- ----------------
Script     1.1.3                 Plaster                             Desk      {Invoke-Plaster, New-PlasterManifest, Get-PlasterTemplate, Test-PlasterManifest}
Binary     2.1.0                 PowerShellEditorServices            Core,Desk Start-EditorServices
Binary     0.2.0                 PowerShellEditorServices.VSCode     Desk      {New-VSCodeHtmlContentView, Show-VSCodeHtmlContentView, Close-VSCodeHtmlContentView, Set-VSCodeHtmlContentView…}
Script     2.0.2                 PSReadLine                          Desk      {Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler, Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler, Remove-PSReadLineKeyHandler, Get-PSReadLineOption…}
Script     1.19.0                PSScriptAnalyzer                    Desk      {Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule, Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer, Invoke-Formatter}
@ghost ghost added question The issue doesn't require a change to the product in order to be resolved. Most issues start as that customer-reported labels Oct 5, 2020
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markcowl commented Oct 6, 2020

@sgiovinetti Can you please try the following to get some mroe detail on the error:

Import-Module Az.Accounts
$Error[0].Exception | fl * -force

@markcowl markcowl added the needs-author-feedback More information is needed from author to address the issue. label Oct 6, 2020
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sgiovinetti commented Oct 6, 2020

@markcowl Tried your commands

I receive this error:

Message : Assembly with same name is already loaded FileName : FusionLog : TargetSite : Void Bind_LoadAssemblies(System.Management.Automation.ExecutionContext) StackTrace : at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState.Bind_LoadAssemblies(ExecutionContext context) at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState.Bind(ExecutionContext context, Boolean updateOnly, PSModuleInfo module, Boolean noClobber, Boolean local, Boolean setLocation) at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleCmdletBase.LoadModuleManifest(String moduleManifestPath, ExternalScriptInfo manifestScriptInfo, Hashtable data, Hashtable localizedData, ManifestProcessingFlags manifestProcessingFlags, Version minimumVersion, Version maximumVersion, Version requiredVersion, Nullable1 requiredModuleGuid, ImportModuleOptions& options, Boolean&
Data : {}
InnerException :
HelpLink :
Source : System.Management.Automation
HResult : -2146232799`

Maybe is this issue?

How can I solve it?

@ghost ghost added needs-team-attention This issue needs attention from Azure service team or SDK team and removed needs-author-feedback More information is needed from author to address the issue. labels Oct 6, 2020
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dcaro commented Oct 8, 2020

@dingmeng-xue let's investigate further

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sgiovinetti commented Oct 15, 2020

@dingmeng-xue I probably discover the origin. The error is related with the VSCode PowerShell extension in fact running the same commands with the extension disabled work fine. I opened an issue also in the VSCode PowerShell extension repository Issue 3012

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dcaro commented Oct 15, 2020

Related issue: PowerShell/vscode-powershell#3012

@dingmeng-xue dingmeng-xue added needs-author-feedback More information is needed from author to address the issue. and removed Investigate 🔍 needs-team-attention This issue needs attention from Azure service team or SDK team triage labels Oct 28, 2020
@ghost ghost added the no-recent-activity There has been no recent activity on this issue. label Nov 4, 2020
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ghost commented Nov 4, 2020

Hi, we're sending this friendly reminder because we haven't heard back from you in a while. We need more information about this issue to help address it. Please be sure to give us your input within the next 7 days. If we don't hear back from you within 14 days of this comment the issue will be automatically closed. Thank you!

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austica commented Nov 13, 2020

I'm having the same issue. Any updates would be appreciated!

@ghost ghost removed the no-recent-activity There has been no recent activity on this issue. label Nov 13, 2020
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dcaro commented Nov 14, 2020

@austica the updates are in the related issue in the vscode-powershell repo indicated above.

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Restarting VSCode resolved this issue for me

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I also had the same issue. ran this command and it resolved.
set-executionpolicy remotesigned

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ghost commented Nov 25, 2020

Hi, we're sending this friendly reminder because we haven't heard back from you in a while. We need more information about this issue to help address it. Please be sure to give us your input within the next 7 days. If we don't hear back from you within 14 days of this comment the issue will be automatically closed. Thank you!

@ghost ghost added the no-recent-activity There has been no recent activity on this issue. label Nov 25, 2020
@ghost ghost closed this as completed Dec 9, 2020
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I also had the same issue. ran this command and it resolved.
set-executionpolicy remotesigned

Yup this seems to work. please note to run this you need to run VScode with administrator privileges.

@ghost ghost removed the no-recent-activity There has been no recent activity on this issue. label Feb 22, 2021
@changov changov reopened this Oct 8, 2021
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changov commented Oct 8, 2021

Hit the same issue with a fresh, first-time install of VS Code, the PowerShell extension, and the latest Azure PowerShell module.
Following Mark's debugging suggestion, I found the assembly "already loaded" error was likely due to System.Management.Automation. I worked around this by finding the Az.Automation and AzureRM.Automation modules and moving them outside the respective Modules folder.

Upon further exploration, I thought maybe the conflict was due to having both the Az and AzureRM modules loaded. There is an explicit warning about this being unsupported when you run Connect-AzAccount and the like. I ran Uninstall-AzureRm to resolve this issue. Now the Azure cmdlets run cleanly in PS 7, in VS Code.

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@changov , please create a new issue to provide environment information to us. You need to share the module installed on PowerShell, and debug message. Close current issue now.

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TLKG commented Jan 6, 2022

@dcaro 2022-01-06, I'm in Windows 10 / VSC 1.63, PS v 7.2, all up to date.
First got the The 'Connect-AzAccount' command was found in the module 'Az.Accounts', but the module could not be loaded

Ran following as @markcowl suggested, see below screeen
Import-Module Az.Accounts
$Error[0].Exception | fl * -force


Ran the command in one line: Import-Module Az.Accounts $Error[0].Exception | fl * -force got
Import-Module: A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'System.IO.FileLoadException: Assembly with same name is already loaded at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState.Bind_LoadAssemblies(ExecutionContext context) at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState.Bind(ExecutionContext context, Boolean updateOnly, PSModuleInfo module, Boolean noClobber, Boolean local, Boolean setLocation) at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleCmdletBase.LoadModuleManifest(String moduleManifestPath, ExternalScriptInfo manifestScriptInfo, Hashtable data, Hashtable localizedData, ManifestProcessingFlags manifestProcessingFlags, Version minimumVersion, Version maximumVersion, Version requiredVersion, Nullable1 requiredModuleGuid, ImportModuleOptions& options, Boolean& containedErrors)'.`

Import-Module Az.Accounts -force received:
Import-Module: Assembly with same name is already loaded

uninstall-azureRm got:
uninstall-azureRm: The 'uninstall-azureRm' command was found in the module 'Az.Accounts', but the module could not be loaded. For more information, run 'Import-Module Az.Accounts'.

Shut down VSC and restarted as Admin, still the same.
Can someone please help?

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Import-Module AzFilesHybrid -Force -AllowClobber
Install-Module -Name Az.Network -Force -AllowClobber
Import-Module -Name Az.Network -Global -ErrorAction Stop
Import-Module -Name AzFilesHybrid


To resolve this issue, you should first make sure that you have the required modules installed and then load them in the correct order. Here are the steps to do that:

Install Required Modules:

Before loading the AzFilesHybrid module, ensure that you have the necessary modules installed. In this case, you need the Az.Network module.

You can install the Az.Network module using the following command:

Install-Module -Name Az.Network -Force -AllowClobber
The -Force and -AllowClobber flags help ensure that the module is installed and any potential conflicts are resolved.

Load Modules in the Correct Order:

Modules should be loaded in the correct order to resolve dependencies. First, load the Az.Network module and then load the AzFilesHybrid module:

Import-Module -Name Az.Network -Global -ErrorAction Stop
Import-Module -Name AzFilesHybrid
Loading Az.Network with the -Global parameter makes it available to all PowerShell sessions. This should help resolve the dependency issue.

Run Your Desired Command:

After loading the modules successfully, you can run the Join-AzStorageAccount cmdlet or any other cmdlets from the AzFilesHybrid module as needed.

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customer-reported needs-author-feedback More information is needed from author to address the issue. question The issue doesn't require a change to the product in order to be resolved. Most issues start as that
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