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Paymaun edited this page Jan 18, 2018 · 12 revisions


Append --help or -h to a command group or command for more information.

  • For command groups this will reveal the target group commands
  • For commands this will reveal information about parameters and may include usage examples.


Command group: az iot hub

az iot hub query

az iot hub generate-sas-token
az iot hub show-connection-string

az iot hub apply-configuration

az iot hub invoke-device-method
az iot hub invoke-module-method

Hub Device Identity

Command group: az iot hub device-identity

az iot hub device-identity create
az iot hub device-identity show
az iot hub device-identity list
az iot hub device-identity update
az iot hub device-identity delete

az iot hub device-identity show-connection-string

az iot hub device-identity import
az iot hub device-identity export

Hub Device Twin

Command group: az iot hub device-twin

az iot hub device-twin show
az iot hub device-twin replace
az iot hub device-twin update

Hub Module Identity

Command group: az iot hub module-identity

az iot hub module-identity create
az iot hub module-identity show
az iot hub module-identity list
az iot hub module-identity update
az iot hub module-identity delete

az iot hub module-identity show-connection-string

Hub Module Twin

Command group: az iot hub module-twin

az iot hub module-twin show
az iot hub module-twin replace
az iot hub module-twin update

Edge Deployment

Command group: az iot edge deployment

az iot edge deployment create
az iot edge deployment show
az iot edge deployment list
az iot edge deployment update
az iot edge deployment delete


Command group: az iot device

az iot device send-d2c-message
az iot device simulate
az iot device upload-file

Device c2d-message

Command group: az iot device c2d-message

az iot device c2d-message receive

az iot device c2d-message complete
az iot device c2d-message abandon
az iot device c2d-message reject

DPS Enrollment

Command group: az iot dps enrollment

az iot dps enrollment create
az iot dps enrollment show
az iot dps enrollment list
az iot dps enrollment update
az iot dps enrollment delete

DPS Enrollment Group

Command group: az iot dps enrollment-group

az iot dps enrollment-group create
az iot dps enrollment-group show
az iot dps enrollment-group list
az iot dps enrollment-group update
az iot dps enrollment-group delete

DPS Registration

Command group: az iot dps registration

az iot dps registration show
az iot dps registration list
az iot dps registration delete

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