- Adds a mechanism to preserve opaque json when reading from Cosmos and also writing to Cosmos - for example in migration scenarios. Just mark the StructField of type StringType with the
comment to trigger the handling as opaque json.
- Moves to version 2.12.4 of the Cosmos Bulk Executor SDK and version 2.6.4 of the Cosmos Java SDK to...
- add retries on
errors for read-only requests in more scenarios
- add retries on
- Fixes another issue sometimes causing "Invalid partition key range" errors when processing queries while partition splits happened.
- Fixes an issue sometimes causing "Invalid partition key range" errors when processing queries while partition splits happened.
- Moves to version 2.12.2 of the Cosmos Bulk Executor SDK to...
- fix an issue where on some transient errors documents sometimes were not ingested but skipped without throwing an error
- move to the latest version of the Guava dependency (30.1.1-jre) to address a security issue in previous Guava versions
- Moves to version of com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-databind to address a known security issue in previous versions
- Moving to version 2.6.2 of the Cosmos SDK to also add retries on read timeouts there
- Fixes an issue when trying to save rdd with 0 partitions
- Adds retries on ReadTimeouts
- Reduces the performance overhead when a Spark DataFrame as many partitions - especially when using Cosmos DB as a sink in Spark Streaming scenarios
- Fixes a bug introduced in 3.6.6 in the retry policy on collection recreation
- Adds the logic to handle EOF exception in Streaming checkpoint reads caused by the transient flush exception during checkpoint writes
- Adds a check to purge the Connection Cache when a Container is not available anymore (due to being dropped and recreated for example) during read operations
- Fixes WriteStream retry policy to always treat unique key constraint violation as non-transient error
- Fixes a regression introduced in 3.4.0 causing NullPointerException during writeStream
- Adds a check to purge the Connection Cache when a Container is not available anymore (due to being dropped and recreated for example) during write operations
- Adds a boolean config to enable converting nested docs that are derived as string into the native json format
- Fixes an issue sometimes resulting in unnecessary duplicates when using readStream in combination with maxPagesPerBacth setting and updating documents
- Fixes an issue preventing docs with MapType and of type NonInternalRow to be ingested in Batch mode to Cosmos DB
- Added support for preserveNullInWrite option to preserve null values in write.
- Improves Write Throughput Budget accuracy that can be used to limit the RU consumption during bulk operations
- Fixes an issue in Streaming preventing docs with MapType to be ingested into Cosmos DB
- Fixes an issue preventing apps from gracefully shutting down by moving Timer task in CosmosDBConnectionCache to a daemon thread
- Fixes an issue preventing updates to existing documents being captured in bookmarks when maxPagesPerBatch is used with streaming.
- Fixes null pointer exception in streaming schema inference.
- Adds a new config option "changefeedstartfromdatetime" that can be used to specify from when the changefeed should be processed. See Config options for details.
- Fixes a regression that caused excessive memory consumption on the executors for large result sets (for example with millions of rows) ultimately resulting in an error "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded"
- Fixes a streaming checkpoint edge case where in the "id" contains "|" character with the "ChangeFeedMaxPagesPerBatch" config applied
- Adds support for bulk updates when using nested partition keys
- Adds support for Decimal and Float data types during writes to Cosmos DB.
- Adds support for Timestamp types when they are using Long (unix Epoch) as a value
- Fixes type cast exception when using "WriteThroughputBudget" config.
- Adds error information for bulk failures to exception and log.
- Fixes streaming checkpoint issues.
- Fixes log level of a message left unintentionally with level ERROR to reduce noise
- Fixes a bug in structured streaming during partition splits - possibly resulting in missing some change feed records or seeing Null exceptions for checkpoint writes
- Fixes a bug where a custom schema provided for readStream is ignored
- Fixes regression (unshaded JAR includes all shaded dependencies) which increased build time by 50%
- Fixes a dependency issue causing Direct Transport over TCP to fail with RequestTimeoutException
- Improves connection management and connection pooling to reduce number of metadata calls