This guide provides troubleshooting tips for common issues that you might encounter when deploying this accelerator to Azure using Azure Developer CLI or Bicep.
You might want to try again running the deployed as it might resolve some of the transient issues.
azd up
This is usually a transient issue. Please try again after some time (it might take up to 1 hour unfortunately).
Below are few examples of transient issues:
Unable to edit or replace deployment 'application-insights-dashboard'
Runtime Scale Monitoring is not supported for this Functions version
Failed to connect to management endpoint for a service deployed in a Virtual Network. Make sure to follow guidance at for Inbound connectivity to Management endpoint. Check 'ApiManagement Control Plane - inbound' connectivity at (Code: ManagementApiRequestFailed)
Managed identity id not found
Timeout: Call to Management API timed out for the Developer SKU service which will have inherent capacity issues due to it's scale. Please refer to SLA at and considering upgrading to a SKU Tier with higher SLA.
Deployment 'azure-ai-search-api' could not be found (this only will happen if you sett
to false and you can ignore it)