The Amplify Central Traceability Agents can be used for monitoring the traffic for APIs that were discovered by Amplify Central Discovery Agent and publishing the traffic event to Amplify Central API Observer. The Amplify Agents SDK helps in building custom elastic beat as Amplify Central traceability agent by providing the necessary config, supported transports and interfaces to manage the communication with Amplify Central.
The traceability agents are custom elastic beats which generally has two main components
- a component that collects data
- a component that publishes the data to specified output
The Amplify Agents SDK provides implementation for component to publish the data to Amplify ingestion service either using lumberjack or HTTP protocol. The agent developers can implement the component to collect the data or use existing beat implementations (e.g. filebeat) to collect the data.
To ingest the traffic related events for the Amplify Central Observer, the event is required to be in a specific structure. The Amplify Agents SDK provides definition for the log event (transaction.LogEvent) that can be used to setup the event data required by Amplify Central Observer service. The log event can be either of summary or transaction type. Refer to section for the details. The agent developer can choose to implement the mapping from the collected data to log event required by Amplify Central Observer service either while the data is collected by the custom beat logic or by setup output event processor to perform the mapping. The output event processor are invoked when the publisher is processing the event to be published over specified transport.
The Amplify ingestion service authenticates the publish request using the token issued by AxwayID. For the lumberjack protocol the token is required as a field in event getting published. With HTTP, the ingestion service authenticates the request using bearer token in "Authorization" header.
The Amplify Agents SDK provides a component for generating beat event from the mapped log event. This component take care of setting up the beat event with fields required by Amplify Central Observer service.
- Building Traceability Agent
- Table of Contents
- Central Configuration
- Agent Specific Configuration
- Amplify Ingestion output configuration
- Setting up command line parser and binding agent config
- Initializing Agent/Custom elastic beat
- Transaction Event processing and Event Generation
- Traceability redaction
- Traceability sampling
- Traceability usage reporting
- Building the Agent
- Executing Traceability Agent
- Table of Contents
The Amplify Agents SDK provides a predefined configuration that can be setup based on yaml file, using environment variables or passed as command line option. This configuration is used for setting up parameter that will be used for communicating with Amplify Central.
Below is the list of Central configuration properties in YAML and their corresponding environment variables that can be set to override the config in YAML.
YAML propery | Variable name | Description |
central.url | CENTRAL_URL | The URL to the Amplify Central instance being used for Agents (default value: US =<> / EU = ) |
central.organizationID | CENTRAL_ORGANIZATIONID | The Organization ID from Amplify Central. Locate this at Platform > User > Organization. | | CENTRAL_TEAM | The name of the team in Amplify Central that all APIs will be linked to. Locate this at Amplify Central > Access > Team Assets. (default toDefault Team ) |
central.environment | CENTRAL_ENVIRONMENT | Name of the Amplify Central environment where API will be hosted. |
central.environmentID | CENTRAL_ENVIRONMENTID | Only required when CENTRAL_USAGEREPORTING_OFFLINE=true . The Amplify Central environment ID for usage reports. |
central.deployment | CENTRAL_DEPLOYMENT | Specifies the Amplify Central deployment. This could be "prod" or "prod-eu" based on the Amplify Central region. |
central.agentName | CENTRAL_AGENTNAME | The agent name of this agent on Amplify Central |
central.reportActivityFrequency | CENTRAL_REPORTACTIVITYFREQUENCY | The frequency in which the agent published activity to Amplify Central (default: 15m ) |
central.clientTimeout | CENTRAL_CLIENTTIMEOUT | The time interval at which the http client times out making HTTP requests and processing the response (default: 60s ) |
central.auth.url | CENTRAL_AUTH_URL | The Amplify login URL:<> |
central.auth.clientID | CENTRAL_AUTH_CLIENTID | The client identifier associated to the Service Account created in Amplify Central. Locate this at Amplify Central > Access > Service Accounts > client Id. |
central.auth.privateKey | CENTRAL_AUTH_PRIVATEKEY | The private key associated with the Service Account. |
central.auth.publicKey | CENTRAL_AUTH_PUBLICKEY | The public key associated with the Service Account. |
central.auth.keyPassword | CENTRAL_AUTH_KEYPASSWORD | The password for the private key, if applicable. |
central.auth.timeout | CENTRAL_AUTH_TIMEOUT | The timeout to wait for the authentication server to respond (ns - default, us, ms, s, m, h). Set to 10s. |
central.ssl.insecureSkipVerify | CENTRAL_SSL_INSECURESKIPVERIFY | Controls whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name. If true, TLS accepts any certificate presented by the server and any host name in that certificate. In this mode, TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks. |
central.ssl.cipherSuites | CENTRAL_SSL_CIPHERSUITES | An array of strings. It is a list of supported cipher suites for TLS versions up to TLS 1.2. If CipherSuites is nil, a default list of secure cipher suites is used, with a preference order based on hardware performance. See Supported Cipher Suites. |
central.ssl.minVersion | CENTRAL_SSL_MINVERSION | String value for the minimum SSL/TLS version that is acceptable. If zero, empty TLS 1.0 is taken as the minimum. Allowed values are: TLS1.0, TLS1.1, TLS1.2, TLS1.3. |
central.ssl.maxVersion | CENTRAL_SSL_MAXVERSION | String value for the maximum SSL/TLS version that is acceptable. If empty, then the maximum version supported by this package is used, which is currently TLS 1.3. Allowed values are: TLS1.0, TLS1.1, TLS1.2, TLS1.3. |
central.proxyURL | CENTRAL_PROXYURL | The URL for the proxy for Amplify Central<http://username:password@hostname:port> . If empty, no proxy is defined. |
central.metricReporting.publish | CENTRAL_METRICREPORTING_PUBLISH | Enables/disables the sending of metric events to Amplify (default: true ) |
central.metricReporting.schedule | CENTRAL_METRICREPORTING_SCHEDULE | The frequency schedule in which the agent sends metric events to Amplify Central (default: @hourly ) |
central.usageReporting.publish | CENTRAL_USAGEREPORTING_PUBLISH | Enables/disables the sending of usage events to Amplify (default: true ) |
central.usageReporting.offline | CENTRAL_USAGEREPORTING_OFFLINE | Enables/disables the sending of usage events to lighthouse or saving to disk (default: false ) |
central.usageReporting.offlineschedule | CENTRAL_USAGEREPORTING_OFFLINESCHEDULE | The frequency schedule that the agent collects activity for the offline reports (default: @hourly ) |
central.grpc.enabled | CENTRAL_GRPC_ENABLED | Controls whether an agent uses a gRPC based stream connection to manage its internal cache. (Default value = true) | | CENTRAL_GRPC_HOST | The host name of the gRPC based Amplify Central watch service (default value: uses the host from central.url config) |
central.grpc.port | CENTRAL_GRPC_PORT | The port of the gRPC based Amplify Central watch service (default value: uses the port from central.url config) |
central.cacheStoragePath | CENTRAL_CACHESTORAGEPATH | The file path the agent will use to persist internal cache (default value: ./data) |
central.cacheStorageInterval | CENTRAL_CACHESTORAGEINTERVAL | The interval the agent will use to periodically check if the internal agent cache needs to be persisted (default value : 30 seconds) |
The following is a sample of Central configuration in YAML
organizationID: "123456789"
team: APIDev
environment: remote-gw
deployment: prod
additionalTags: DiscoveredByCustomAgent
clientId: serviceaccount_1234
privateKey: ./private_key.pem
publicKey: ./public_key.pem
Amplify Agents SDK expose the following interfaces to retrieve the configuration items.
// Central Configuration
type CentralConfig interface {
GetAgentType() AgentType
GetTenantID() string
GetEnvironmentID() string
GetEnvironmentName() string
GetTeamName() string
GetTeamID() string
GetURL() string
GetPlatformURL() string
GetAPIServerURL() string
GetEnvironmentURL() string
GetServicesURL() string
GetRevisionsURL() string
GetInstancesURL() string
DeleteServicesURL() string
GetAPIServerSecretsURL() string
GetSubscriptionConfig() SubscriptionConfig
GetAuthConfig() AuthConfig
GetTLSConfig() TLSConfig
GetTagsToPublish() string
GetProxyURL() string
GetPollInterval() time.Duration
IsUsingGRPC() bool
GetGRPCHost() string
GetGRPCPort() int
GetCacheStoragePath() string
GetCacheStorageInterval() time.Duration
// Central Authentication config
type AuthConfig interface {
GetTokenURL() string
GetRealm() string
GetAudience() string
GetClientID() string
GetPrivateKey() string
GetPublicKey() string
GetKeyPassword() string
GetTimeout() time.Duration
// TLS Config
type TLSConfig interface {
GetNextProtos() []string
IsInsecureSkipVerify() bool
GetCipherSuites() []TLSCipherSuite
GetMinVersion() TLSVersion
GetMaxVersion() TLSVersion
BuildTLSConfig() *tls.Config
The agent can define a struct that holds the configuration it needs specifically to communicate with the external API Gateway. The agent config struct properties can be bound to command line processor to setup config, see Setting up command line parser and binding agent config
type GatewayConfig struct {
TrafficLogFilePath string `config:"trafficLogFilePath"`
ExcludeHeaders []string `config:"excludeHeaders"`
To validate the config, the following interface provided by config package in Amplify Agents SDK must be implemented for the agent config. The ValidateCfg() method is called by Amplify Agents SDK after parsing the config from command line.
// IConfigValidator - Interface to be implemented for config validation by agent
type IConfigValidator interface {
ValidateCfg() error
For e.g.
// ValidateCfg - Validates the agent config
func (c *GatewayConfig) ValidateCfg() (err error) {
if c.LogFilePath == "" {
return errors.New("Error: gateway.trafficLogFilePath is empty"))
return nil
If there are ResourceInstance values that you want to apply to your agent config, the following interface provided by config package in Amplify Agents SDK must be implemented for the agent config. The ApplyResources() method is called by Amplify Agents SDK after parsing the config from command line.
// IResourceConfigCallback - Interface to be implemented by configs to apply API Server resource for agent
type IResourceConfigCallback interface {
ApplyResources(agentResource *v1.ResourceInstance) error
For e.g.
// ApplyResources - Applies the agent and dataplane resource to config
func (c *GatewayConfig) ApplyResources(agentResource *v1.ResourceInstance) error {
const (
resourceConfigKey = "config"
enableAPIConfig = "processHeaders"
config, ok := agentResource.Spec[resourceConfigKey]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("resource from central did not have a config map")
if value, ok := config.(map[string]interface{})[enableAPIConfig]; ok {
c.EnableAPICalls = value.(bool)
// copy any other values from the agentResource to the AgentConfig
return nil
The Amplify Agents SDK provides a predefined configuration for setting up the output transport the agent is going to use for publishing the events.
Below is the list of traceability output transport configuration properties in YAML and their corresponding environment variables that can be set to override the config in YAML.
YAML propery | Variable name | Description |
output.traceability.enabled | Flag for enabling traceability output | |
output.traceability.hosts | TRACEABILITY_HOST | The host name of the ingestion service ( ) |
output.traceability.protocol | TRACEABILITY_PROTOCOL | The transport protocol to be used 'tcp' for lumberjack or 'https' for HTTPS protocol (default:tcp ) |
output.traceability.compression_level | TRACEABILITY_COMPRESSIONLEVEL | Specifies the gzip compression level (default:3 ) |
output.traceability.bulk_max_size | TRACEABILITY_BULKMAXSIZE | The max number of evnets in a single request to Condor (default:100 ) |
output.traceability.client_timeout | TRACEABILITY_CLIENTTIMEOUT | Number of seconds to wait for responses from Condor (default:60s ) |
output.traceability.pipelining | TRACEABILITY_PIPELINING | Number of asynchronous batches to send, must be 0 |
output.traceability.worker | TRACEABILITY_WORKER | Number of workers communicating with Condor (default:1 ) |
output.traceability.slow_start | TRACEABILITY_SLOWSTART | When set to true the number of events sent to Condor is ramped up to bulk_max_size (default:true ) |
output.traceability.ssl.enable | TRACEABILITY_ENABLE_SSL | Enables SSL connections to Condor (default:true ) |
output.traceability.proxy_url | TRACEABILITY_PROXYURL | The URL for the HTTP or SOCK5 proxy for Amplify ingestion service for e.g.<http://username:password@hostname:port> . If empty, no proxy is defined. |
output.traceability.redaction | Refer toTraceability redaction |
organizationID: "123456789"
team: APIDev
environment: remote-gw
additionalTags: DiscoveredByCustomAgent
clientId: serviceaccount_1234
privateKey: ./private_key.pem
publicKey: ./public_key.pem
trafficLogFilePath: "./logs/traffic.log"
excludeHeaders: ["x-header-1", "x-header-2"]
# Amplify Ingestion service
enabled: true
protocol: ${TRACEABILITY_PROTOCOL:"tcp"}
enabled: true
verification_mode: none
worker: 1
pipelining: 0
Amplify Agents SDK internally uses Cobra for providing command line processing and Viper to bind the configuration with command line processing and YAML based config file. The SDAmplify Agents K exposes an interface for predefined configured root command for Agent that setup Central Configuration. The Agent root command allows to hook in the main routine for agent execution and a callback method that get called on initialization to setup agent specific config. The Amplify Agents SDK root command also allows the agent to setup command line flags and properties that are agent specific and bind these flag/properties to agent config.
As traceability agents are custom elastic beat, the agent root command can be setup by wrapping beat root command which sets up the command flags/properties and command execution required by elastic beat.
// RootCmd - Agent root command
var RootCmd corecmd.AgentRootCmd
var beatCmd *libbeatcmd.BeatsRootCmd
func init() {
name := "apic_traceability_agent"
settings := instance.Settings{
Name: name,
HasDashboards: true,
ConfigOverrides: corecfg.LogConfigOverrides(),
// Initialize the beat command
beatCmd = libbeatcmd.GenRootCmdWithSettings(beater.New, settings)
cmd := beatCmd.Command
// Wrap the beat command with the agent command processor with callbacks to initialize the agent config and command execution.
RootCmd = corecmd.NewCmd(
name, // Name of the agent and yaml config file
"Sample Traceability Agent", // Agent description - you can set this to "" if you set BuildAgentDescription in your makefile
initConfig, // Callback for initializing the agent config
run, // Callback for executing the agent
corecfg.TraceabilityAgent, // Agent Type (Discovery or Traceability)
/ Get the root command properties and bind the config property in YAML definition
rootProps := RootCmd.GetProperties()
rootProps.AddStringProperty("gateway.trafficLogFilePath", "./logs/traffic.log", "Sample log file with traffic event from gateway")
rootProps.AddStringSliceProperty("gateway.excludeHeaders", []string{}, "List of headers to be excluded from published events")
// Callback that agent will call to process the execution of custom elastic beat
func run() error {
return beatCmd.Execute()
// Callback that agent will call to initialize the config. CentralConfig is parsed by Amplify Agents SDK
// and passed to the callback allowing the agent code to access the central config
func initConfig(centralConfig corecfg.CentralConfig) (interface{}, error) {
rootProps := RootCmd.GetProperties()
// Parse the config from bound properties and setup gateway config
gatewayConfig := &config.GatewayConfig{
TrafficLogFilePath: rootProps.StringPropertyValue("gateway.trafficLogFilePath"),
ExcludeHeaders: rootProps.StringSLICEPropertyValue("gateway.excludeHeaders"),
agentConfig := &config.AgentConfig{
CentralCfg: centralConfig,
GatewayCfg: gatewayConfig,
return agentConfig, nil
The traceability agent are custom beat which needs to implement the Beater interface defined in libbeat
// Beater is the interface that must be implemented by every Beat. A Beater
// provides the main Run-loop and a Stop method to break the Run-loop.
// Instantiation and Configuration is normally provided by a Beat-`Creator`.
// Once the beat is fully configured, the Run() method is invoked. The
// Run()-method implements the beat its run-loop. Once the Run()-method returns,
// the beat shuts down.
// The Stop() method is invoked the first time (and only the first time) a
// shutdown signal is received. The Stop()-method normally will stop the Run()-loop,
// such that the beat can gracefully shutdown.
type Beater interface {
// The main event loop. This method should block until signalled to stop by an
// invocation of the Stop() method.
Run(b *Beat) error
// Stop is invoked to signal that the Run method should finish its execution.
// It will be invoked at most once.
To implement the Beater interface define a beater object that implements the methods specified by the interface.
type customLogBeater struct {
client beat.Client
// Run starts customLogBeater.
func (bt *customLogBeater) Run(b *beat.Beat) error {
bt.client, err = b.Publisher.Connect()
// Stop stops customLogTraceabilityAgent.
func (bt *customLogBeater) Stop() {
The custom beat needs create a method to create the beater object. This method is used by the beat root command to setup (with libbeatcmd.GenRootCmdWithSettings() method) to hook the method with libbeat initialization. When the beat execution start the beat library makes a call to this method to create the beater and then make call to Run method to execute the beat processing.
// New creates an instance of aws_apigw_traceability_agent.
func New(b *beat.Beat, cfg *common.Config) (beat.Beater, error) {
bt := &customLogBeater{
return bt, nil
The goal of the traceability agents is to publish API traffic events to Amplify ingestion service to allow computing statistics and monitor the transactions. To achieve this there are two kinds of log events that can be published thru traceability agents.
- Transaction Summary : Summarizes the interaction between the client application and discovered API. The transaction summary log entry is used for computing the API Usage statistics and display the list of transactions on API Traffic page.
- Transaction Event: Represents the interaction between services involved in the API transaction and provides details on the protocol being used in the interaction.
This means that there will be a transaction summary log entry for API transaction flow from client but there could be multiple transaction events log entries involved in a transaction flow, first (leg 0) identifying the inbound interaction from client app to API endpoint exposed by the API Gateway and second(leg 1) identifying outbound interaction from API Gateway to backend API.
"version": "1.0",
"timestamp": 1607622630,
"transactionId": "0000000011",
"environment": "sample-demo",
"apicDeployment": "preprod",
"environmentId": "8a0597c6762adbac01763cd9445800a0",
"tenantId": "224879455212557",
"trcbltPartitionId": "224879455212557",
"type": "transactionSummary",
"transactionSummary": {
"status": "Success",
"statusDetail": "200",
"team": {
"id": "e4eb11a969e09fdf0169e3d994e2000a"
"proxy": {
"id": "unknown"
"entryPoint": {
"type": "http",
"method": "GET",
"path": "/api/v1/test",
"host": "localhost"
"version": "1.0",
"timestamp": 1607622630,
"transactionId": "0000000011",
"environment": "sample-demo",
"apicDeployment": "preprod",
"environmentId": "8a0597c6762adbac01763cd9445800a0",
"tenantId": "224879455212557",
"trcbltPartitionId": "224879455212557",
"type": "transactionEvent",
"transactionEvent": {
"id": "0000000001.2",
"parentId": "0000000001.1",
"source": "localhost:9090",
"destination": "somehost:443",
"direction": "OUTBOUND",
"status": "PASS",
"protocol": {
"type": "http",
"uri": "/api/v1/test",
"method": "GET",
"status": 200,
"statusText": "OK",
"host": "localhost",
"remoteAddr": "somehost",
"remotePort": 443,
"localAddr": "localhost",
"localPort": 9090,
"requestHeaders": "{\"X-Header-1\":\"value\"}",
"responseHeaders": "{\"Content-Length\":\"1000\",\"Content-Type\":\"application/json\"}"
The attributes below are to be included in both type of events.
Attribute Name | Description |
version | Event version (should be set to "1.0") |
timestamp | Unix timestamp of the event |
transactionId | Unique business transaction id. Used for correlate the events for same transaction |
environmentName | Name of the Amplify Central environment |
environmentId | ID of the Amplify Central environment |
apicDeployment | Name of APIC deployment environment (prod, prod-eu) |
tenantId | Amplify platform organization identifier |
trcbltPartitionId | Amplify platform organization identifier. Used by Amplify Ingestion service to send events to appropriate tenant |
type | Identifies the type of log event (transactionSummary or transactionEvent) |
Attribute Name | Description |
status | Identifies the transaction flow status (Success, Failure, Exception or Unknown ) |
statusDetail | Protocol specific response status |
duration | Duration in milliseconds | | ID of the API on remote gateway. This should be prefixed with "remoteApiId_". For e.g. "remoteApiId_0000000001 | | Name of the API on remote gateway |
proxy.revision | Revision of the API on remote gateway | | Amplify Team ID | | Amplify Team Name |
entryPoint.type | Protocol type used in transaction flow (http) |
entryPoint.method | HTTP Method |
entryPoint.path | HTTP Path | | HTTP Host request header |
Attribute Name | Description |
id | Id of the transaction |
parentId | Id of parent transaction |
source | Name of source service |
destination | Name of destination service |
duration | Duration in milliseconds |
direction | Direction of the transaction(Inbound, Outbound). Inbound to API Gateway or outbound from API Gateway |
status | The status of the transaction leg |
protocol | Protocol(http or jms) specific details |
Attribute Name | Description |
type | Identifies the HTTP protocol ("http") |
uri | HTTP URI |
method | HTTP Method |
status | HTTP Status Code |
statusText | String representation of HTTP Status Code |
userAgent | User Agent used in the transaction |
host | HTTP Host request header |
version | HTTP Version |
bytesReceived | Total bytes received |
bytesSent | Total bytes sent |
remoteName | Remote host name |
remoteAddr | Remote host address |
remotePort | Remote port |
localAddr | Local address |
localPort | Local port |
requestHeaders | Request headers in serialized json format |
responseHeaders | Response headers in serialized json format |
The Amplify Agents SDK provides the structures with above definition to setup the log entries for both type of events
type LogEvent struct {
Version string `json:"version"`
Stamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"`
Environment string `json:"environment,omitempty"`
APICDeployment string `json:"apicDeployment,omitempty"`
EnvironmentName string `json:"environmentName"`
EnvironmentID string `json:"environmentId"`
TenantID string `json:"tenantId"`
TrcbltPartitionID string `json:"trcbltPartitionId"`
Type string `json:"type"`
TargetPath string `json:"targetPath,omitempty"`
ResourcePath string `json:"resourcePath,omitempty"`
TransactionEvent *Event `json:"transactionEvent,omitempty"`
TransactionSummary *Summary `json:"transactionSummary,omitempty"`
The traffic log entry from different API gateways can be in different formats, so the agents can parse the received log entry and map the entries to TransactionSummary or TransactionEvent log events. The Amplify Agents SDK provides the following set of builders to setup the both type of log events.
// SummaryBuilder - Interface to build the log event of type transaction summary
type SummaryBuilder interface {
SetTimestamp(timestamp int64) SummaryBuilder
SetTransactionID(transactionID string) SummaryBuilder
SetAPICDeployment(apicDeployment string) SummaryBuilder
SetEnvironmentName(environmentName string) SummaryBuilder
SetEnvironmentID(environmentID string) SummaryBuilder
SetTenantID(tenantID string) SummaryBuilder
SetTrcbltPartitionID(trcbltPartitionID string) SummaryBuilder
SetTargetPath(targetPath string) SummaryBuilder
SetResourcePath(resourcePath string) SummaryBuilder
SetStatus(status TxSummaryStatus, statusDetail string) SummaryBuilder
SetDuration(duration int) SummaryBuilder
SetApplication(appID, appName string) SummaryBuilder
SetProduct(product string) SummaryBuilder
SetTeam(teamID string) SummaryBuilder
SetProxy(proxyID, proxyName string, proxyRevision int) SummaryBuilder
SetProxyWithStage(proxyID, proxyName, stageName string, proxyRevision int) SummaryBuilder
SetRunTime(runtimeID, runtimeName string) SummaryBuilder
SetEntryPoint(entryPointType, method, path, host string) SummaryBuilder
Build() (*LogEvent, error)
// EventBuilder - Interface to build the log event of type transaction event
type EventBuilder interface {
SetTimestamp(timestamp int64) EventBuilder
SetTransactionID(transactionID string) EventBuilder
SetAPICDeployment(apicDeployment string) EventBuilder
SetEnvironmentName(environmentName string) EventBuilder
SetEnvironmentID(environmentID string) EventBuilder
SetTenantID(tenantID string) EventBuilder
SetTrcbltPartitionID(trcbltPartitionID string) EventBuilder
SetTargetPath(targetPath string) EventBuilder
SetResourcePath(resourcePath string) EventBuilder
SetID(id string) EventBuilder
SetParentID(parentID string) EventBuilder
SetSource(source string) EventBuilder
SetDestination(destination string) EventBuilder
SetDuration(duration int) EventBuilder
SetDirection(direction string) EventBuilder
SetStatus(status TxEventStatus) EventBuilder
SetProtocolDetail(protocolDetail interface{}) EventBuilder
Build() (*LogEvent, error)
// HTTPProtocolBuilder - Interface to build the HTTP protocol details for transaction log event
type HTTPProtocolBuilder interface {
SetURI(uri string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetVersion(version string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetArgs(args string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetArgsMap(args map[string][]string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
AddArg(key string, value []string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetMethod(method string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetStatus(status int, statusText string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetUserAgent(userAgent string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetHost(host string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetByteLength(byteReceived, byteSent int) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetRemoteAddress(remoteName string, remoteAddr string, remotePort int) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetLocalAddress(localAddr string, localPort int) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetSSLProperties(sslProtocol, sslServerName, sslSubject string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetAuthSubjectID(authSubjectID string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetHeaders(requestHeaders, responseHeaders string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetRequestHeaders(requestHeaders map[string]string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetResponseHeaders(responseHeaders map[string]string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
AddRequestHeader(headerKey string, headerValue string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
AddResponseHeader(headerKey string, headerValue string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetIndexedHeaders(indexedRequestHeaders, indexedResponseHeaders string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetIndexedRequestHeaders(indexedRequestHeaders map[string]string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetIndexedResponseHeaders(indexedResponseHeaders map[string]string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
AddIndexedRequestHeader(headerKey string, headerValue string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
AddIndexedResponseHeader(headerKey string, headerValue string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetPayload(requestPayload, responsePayload string) HTTPProtocolBuilder
SetWAFStatus(wasStatus int) HTTPProtocolBuilder
Build() (TransportProtocol, error)
// JMSProtocolBuilder - Interface to build the JMS protocol details for transaction log event
type JMSProtocolBuilder interface {
SetMessageID(messageID string) JMSProtocolBuilder
SetCorrelationID(correlationID string) JMSProtocolBuilder
SetAuthSubjectID(authSubjectID string) JMSProtocolBuilder
SetDestination(destination string) JMSProtocolBuilder
SetProviderURL(providerURL string) JMSProtocolBuilder
SetDeliveryMode(deliveryMode int) JMSProtocolBuilder
SetPriority(priority int) JMSProtocolBuilder
SetReplyTo(replyTo string) JMSProtocolBuilder
SetRedelivered(redelivered int) JMSProtocolBuilder
SetTimestamp(timestamp int) JMSProtocolBuilder
SetExpiration(expiration int) JMSProtocolBuilder
SetJMSType(jmsType string) JMSProtocolBuilder
SetStatus(status string) JMSProtocolBuilder
SetStatusText(statusText string) JMSProtocolBuilder
Build() (TransportProtocol, error)
The two sample code below demonstrates building up the transaction summary log event
txSummary, err := transaction.NewTransactionSummaryBuilder().
SetStatus(m.getTransactionSummaryStatus(statusCode), strconv.Itoa(statusCode)).
SetEntryPoint("http", method, uri, host).
SetProxy("unknown", "", 0).
// if the Proxy being used includes a stage
txSummary, err := transaction.NewTransactionSummaryBuilder().
SetStatus(m.getTransactionSummaryStatus(statusCode), strconv.Itoa(statusCode)).
SetEntryPoint("http", method, uri, host).
SetProxyWithStage("unknown", "", "stage", 0).
Below is an example code for building transaction event with HTTP protocol details
httpProtocolDetails, err := transaction.NewHTTPProtocolBuilder().
SetStatus(txDetails.StatusCode, http.StatusText(txDetails.StatusCode)).
SetHeaders(m.buildHeaders(txDetails.RequestHeaders), m.buildHeaders(txDetails.ResponseHeaders)).
SetByteLength(txDetails.RequestBytes, txDetails.ResponseBytes).
SetRemoteAddress("", txDetails.DesHost, txDetails.DestPort).
SetLocalAddress(txDetails.SourceHost, txDetails.SourcePort).
txEvent, err := transaction.NewTransactionEventBuilder().
SetSource(txDetails.SourceHost + ":" + strconv.Itoa(txDetails.SourcePort)).
SetDestination(txDetails.DesHost + ":" + strconv.Itoa(txDetails.DestPort)).
The mapped LogEvent object can then be used to construct beat.Event using the transaction.EventGenerator. The agents can construct event generator using transaction.NewEventGenerator() method.
Below is the sample code for the custom beat generating the events. The sample does not demonstrate how the agent collects the log entry for API Gateway and is left up to agent implementation.
func (bt *customLogBeater) Run(b *beat.Beat) error {
bt.client, err = b.Publisher.Connect()
// Construct the event generator
eventGenerator = transaction.NewEventGenerator(),
for {
select {
// Receive the collected log entry
case eventData := <-bt.eventChannel:
// Parse the gateway log entry
var gatewayTrafficLogEntry GwTrafficLogEntry
json.Unmarshal(rawEventData, &gatewayTrafficLogEntry)
// Map the gateway log entry to transaction.LogEvents for TransactionSummary and TransactionEvent
logEvents := p.eventMapper.processMapping(gatewayTrafficLogEntry)
// Use event generator to create beat.Events for logEvents
eventsToPublish := make([]beat.Event, 0)
for _, logEvent := range logEvents {
// Generates the beat.Event with attributes by Amplify ingestion service
event, _ := eventGenerator.CreateEvent(logEvent, time.Now(), nil, nil, nil)
events = append(events, event)
// Publish the events to transport
The above sample demonstrates the event generation in the component that collects data, however the developer might want to use existing beat implementation(like filebeat) which has its own data collection mechanism that publishes event to the component processing the output. The Amplify Agents SDK provides mechanism to hook a callback that can be invoked before the event is published over the transport. To use the output event process the agent needs to implement the Beater interface defined in libbeat
type OutputEventProcessor interface {
Process(events []publisher.Event) []publisher.Event
Below is the sample code demonstrating the use of output event processor.
import (
filebeater ""
// Custom beat factory method to create wrapped filebeat
func New(b *beat.Beat, cfg *common.Config) (beat.Beater, error) {
return filebeater.New(b, cfg)
type EventProcessor struct {
// Process - callback set as output event processor that gets invoked by transport publisher to process the received events
func (p *EventProcessor) Process(events []publisher.Event) []publisher.Event {
newPublisherEvents := make([]publisher.Event, 0)
for _, event := range events {
// Parse the log entry received from API Gateway logs
rawEventData, err := event.Content.Fields.GetValue("message")
var gatewayTrafficLogEntry GwTrafficLogEntry
json.Unmarshal(rawEventData, &gatewayTrafficLogEntry)
// Map the gateway log entry to transaction.LogEvents for TransactionSummary and TransactionEvent
logEvents := p.eventMapper.processMapping(gatewayTrafficLogEntry)
// Use event generator to create beat.Events for logEvents
for _, logEvent := range logEvents {
// Generates the beat.Event with attributes by Amplify ingestion service
beatEvent, _ := eventGenerator.CreateEvent(logEvent, time.Now(), nil, nil, nil)
publisherEvent := publisher.Event{
Content: beatEvent,
newPublisherEvents = append(newEvents, publisherEvent)
return newPublisherEvents
The Amplify Agents SDK has the ability to handle redaction and sanitization of URL path, Query Arguments, Request and Response headers. When building the transaction summary and protocol events the Amplify Agents SDK will apply these rules before sending to Amplify Central.
By default all of the fields URL path, Query Arguments, Request and Response headers will be redacted and sanitized. The settings below are to enable what to allow through.
Below is the list of the redaction configuration properties in a YAML and their corresponding environment variables that can be set to override the config in YAML. All of these are children of output.traceability.redaction
YAML property | Variable name | Description |
---|---|---| | TRACEABILITY_REDACTION_PATH_SHOW | Determines what path values to send to Amplify | | TRACEABILITY_REDACTION_QUERYARGUMENT_SHOW | Determines what query arguments to send to Amplify |
queryArgument.sanitize | TRACEABILITY_REDACTION_QUERYARGUMENT_SANITIZE | Determines what query argument values to sanitize before sending to Amplify | | TRACEABILITY_REDACTION_REQUESTHEADER_SHOW | Determines what request headers to send to Amplify |
requestHeader.sanitize | TRACEABILITY_REDACTION_REQUESTHEADER_SANITIZE | Determines what request header values to sanitize before sending to Amplify | | TRACEABILITY_REDACTION_QUERYARGUMENT_SHOW | Determines what response headers to send to Amplify |
responseHeader.sanitize | TRACEABILITY_REDACTION_RESPONSEHEADER_SANITIZE | Determines what response header values to sanitize before sending to Amplify |
maskingCharacters | TRACEABILITY_REDACTION_MASKING_CHARACTERS | Determines what characters are displayed as the sanitized response header values on Amplify |
All of the SHOW properties above accept a keyMatch attribute that is a regular expressions to determine what path value, argument, or header may be sent to Amplify.
All of the SANITIZE properties above accept both a keyMatch and valueMatch attribute. The keyMatch attribute is applied to the argument name or header key. Once it finds a match the valueMatch regular expression is applied to the value to remove any string of characters that match.
In order for the Sanitization to take place the argument name or header key must first have passed a show keyMatch.
The regular expression syntax that may be applied can be found here
keyMatch: "^path" # allow paths values that start with the word path
keyMatch: "^id$" # allow query arguments that equal id exactly
keyMatch: "^id$" # find the query arguments that equal id exactly
valueMatch: "^.*{0,5}" # sanitize the first five characters, no matter what they are
keyMatch: "header" # allow request headers that have the word header within them
keyMatch: "header" # find request headers that have the word header within them
valueMatch: ".*" # sanitize the entire header value
keyMatch: ".*" # allow all response headers
keyMatch: "^response" # find any response headers that start with the word response
valueMatch: "password" # sanitize the word password any time it occurs in the header value
maskingCharacters: "{*}" # sanitize using these characters to mask values
The default YAML in the example has the following setup for the redaction section. As long as this is not changed the environment variables below can set up the redaction.
maskingCharacters: ${TRACEABILITY_REDACTION_MASKING_CHARACTERS:"\u007B*\u007D"} # unicode for {*}
When setting up the environment variables the following is the syntax that must be used. These settings are the same as in the YAML example
The Amplify Agents SDK has the ability to handle sampling of transactions that are processed. This sampling controls what transaction events are sent to Amplify.
By default all transaction data is sent to Amplify.
Below is the list of the sampling configuration properties in a YAML and their corresponding environment variables that can be set to override the config in YAML. All of these are children of output.traceability.sampling
YAML property | Variable name | Description |
percentage | TRACEABILITY_SAMPLING_PERCENTAGE | Defines the percentage of events (0-10. Decimals allowed. Any value above will default it to 1) that are sent to Amplify |
per_api | TRACEABILITY_SAMPLING_PER_API | Defines if the percentage above is applied to all events or separate based on API ID in the event |
onlyErrors | TRACEABILITY_SAMPLING_ONLYERRORS | Defines if only error transaction events are sent to Amplify |
The Amplify Agents SDK has the ability to track API usages and report them back to the Amplify platform.
By default metric and usage reporting is on but can be configured using the following information.
Below is the list of the metric reporting configuration properties, all of these properties are children of [[agent type]].central.metricReporting in the yaml.
YAML property | Variable name | Default | Description |
Defines if individual API Metrics will be published to Amplify |
Defines the schedule, in the default online mode, that metric events are sent to Amplify |
Below is the list of the usage reporting configuration properties, all of these properties are children of [[agent type]].central.usageReporting in the yaml.
YAML property | Variable name | Default | Description |
Defines if API usage numbers will be published to Amplify |
Defines if the agent is working in offline mode for generating usage reports, see Offline usage reporting |
Defines the schedule in which the usage numbers are determined when in offline mode, see Defining a schedule |
If it is desired to create usage reports without connecting the agent to the Amplify platform offline usage reports may be used. When in offline mode the agent will create a reports directory ([[agent_dir]]/data/reports) and at the end of every month create a report file.
To operate in offline mode set CENTRAL_USAGEREPORTING_OFFLINE=true
in addition to setting the corresponding Amplify environment ID CENTRAL_ENVIRONMENTID=abc123
By default this will save usages to a cache every hour, CENTRAL_USAGEREPORTING_OFFLINESCHEDULE
, and that will be saved to the report file at the end of the month.
The agents are applications built using Go programming language. Go is open source programming language that gets statically compiled and comes with a rich toolset to obtain packages and building executables. The Amplify Agents SDK uses the Go module as the dependency management which was introduced in Go 1.11. Go modules is collection of packages with go.mod file in its root directory which defines the modules source paths used in the packages as imports.
The go mod tidy command will prune any unused dependencies from your go.mod and update the files to include used dependencies. The go mod verify command checks the dependencies, downloads them from the source repository and updates the cryptographic hashes in your go.sum file.
Run the following commands to resolve the dependencies
go mod tidy
go mod verify
After resolving the dependencies, run make build to compile the source and generate the binary executable for the target system. The Amplify Agents SDK provides support for specifying the version of the agent at the build time. The following variables can be set by compile flags to setup agent name, version, commit SHA and build time.
- - this is an internal name
- - this is a friendly description that will be displayed in the --version and --help commands
The following is an example of the build command that can be configured in the Makefile
@export time=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` && \
export version=`cat version` && \
export commit_id=`git rev-parse --short HEAD` && \
export sdk_version=`go list -m | awk '{print $$2}' | awk -F'-' '{print substr($$1, 2)}'` && \
go build -tags static_all \
-ldflags="-X '$${time}' \
-X '$${version}' \
-X '$${commit_id}' \
-X '' \
-X ' Traceability Agent' \
-X '$${sdk_version}'" \
-a -o ${WORKSPACE}/bin/apic_traceability_agent ${WORKSPACE}/main.go
- An Axway Amplify Central subscription in the Amplify™ platform. See Get started with Amplify Central.
- An Amplify Central Service Account. See Create a service account.
- An Amplify Central environment. See Create environment.
The Agent built using Amplify Agents SDK can be executed by running the executable. The agent on initialization tries to load the configuration from following sources and applies the configuration properties in the order described below.
- The configuration YAML file in the current working directory.
- Environment variable defined for configuration override on the shell executing the agent
- A file containing the list of environment variable override
- Command line flags
Below is the sample for executing the agent when the config YAML file only is used.
cd <path-to-agent-install-directory>
Typically, the configuration YAML can be placed in the same directory as the agent executable, but alternatively the YAML file could be placed in another directory and then pathConfig command line flags can be used to specify the directory path containing the YAML file.
<path-to-agent-install-directory>/apic_traceability_agent --pathConfig <directory-path-for-agent-yaml-config-file>
The following is an example of command to execute the agent with a file holding environment variables
cd <path-to-agent-install-directory>
./apic_traceability_agent --envFile <path-of-env-file>/config.env
The agent configuration can also be passed as command line flags. Below is an example of agent usage that details the command line flags and configuration properties
cd <path-to-agent-install-directory>
./apic_traceability_agent --help
Sample Traceability Agent
apic_traceability_agent [flags]
apic_traceability_agent [command]
Available Commands:
export Export current config or index template
help Help about any command
keystore Manage secrets keystore
run Run apic_traceability_agent
setup Setup index template, dashboards and ML jobs
test Test config
version Show current version info
-E, --E setting=value Configuration overwrite
-N, --N Disable actual publishing for testing
-c, --c string Configuration file, relative to path.config (default "traceability_agent.yml")
--cpuprofile string Write cpu profile to file
-d, --d string Enable certain debug selectors
-e, --e Log to stderr and disable syslog/file output
--envFile string Path of the file with environment variables to override configuration
--environment environmentVar set environment the Beat is run in (default default)
-h, --help help for traceability_agent
--httpprof string Start pprof http server
--memprofile string Write memory profile to this file
--path.config string Configuration path string Data path
--path.home string Home path
--path.logs string Logs path
--pathConfig string Path to the directory containing the YAML configuration file for the agent
--status Get the status of all the Health Checks
--strict.perms Strict permission checking on config files (default true)
--synchronize Run the sync process for the discovery agent
-v, --v Log at INFO level
--version version for traceability_agent