ICG511 Group Assignment Members Darlene Daniel, Michael Schubert, Nakanyala Aloyvisia, Fellepus Toivo N. Application that displays and offers the Products from Ayesha Beauty, and in a further stage will provide the option to purchase the products on it as well. The application also provided an HR portal that gives Ayesha Beauty the option to employ and recruit full and part time employees. Lastly a customer database was created that records peronal data of customers as well as people joining the application for competitions, their first and family names as well as age, cellnumber and email is recorded and every person receives a unique customer_id. The inital files for the pseudocode for employee and customer came from Toivo, and the Hr pseudocode and flowchart came from Nakanyala, the amendments come from Darlene and Michael, so do the Flowcharts for employee and customer and the amended flowchart for Hr.