An official docker image 🐳 is available for CSGO Server Launcher.
For usage and info, check the README in the docker folder.
A script is available to perform an installation with a single command:
$ sudo curl -sSLk | sudo bash
This should output something like this:
Starting CSGO Server Launcher install (v1.15.0)...
Adding i386 architecture...
Installing required packages...
Downloading CSGO Server Launcher script...
Chmod script...
Install System-V style init script link...
Downloading CSGO Server Launcher configuration...
Checking steam user exists...
Adding steam user...
Creating /var/steamcmd folder...
Updating USER in config file...
Updating IP in config file...
Updating DIR_STEAMCMD in config file...
DO NOT FORGET to edit the configuration in '/etc/csgo-server-launcher/csgo-server-launcher.conf'
Then type:
'/etc/init.d/csgo-server-launcher create' to install steam and csgo
'/etc/init.d/csgo-server-launcher start' to start the csgo server!
Or you can install it manually as root or sudoer:
$ dpkg --add-architecture i386
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install -y -q curl gdb libc?-i386 lib32stdc++? lib32gcc1 lib32ncurses? lib32z1 libsdl2-2.0-0:i386 screen tar
$ curl -sSLk -o /etc/init.d/csgo-server-launcher
$ chmod +x /etc/init.d/csgo-server-launcher
$ update-rc.d csgo-server-launcher defaults
$ mkdir -p /etc/csgo-server-launcher/
$ curl -sSLk -o /etc/csgo-server-launcher/csgo-server-launcher.conf
⚠️ Replace lib32ncurses5 with lib32ncurses6 on Debian buster based distros
And you have to create the dedicated user steam
and the steamcmd directory:
$ useradd -m steam
$ mkdir -p /var/steamcmd
$ chown -R steam. /var/steamcmd/
After that you can install and start csgo:
$ /etc/init.d/csgo-server-launcher create
$ /etc/init.d/csgo-server-launcher start