See the in the parent directory.
Some classes are provided to facilitate making plots in CMS style.
If you have a list of histograms, hists
, you want to compare with a ratio plot,
use the Plot
class, e.g.
from TauFW.Plotter.plot.Plot import Plot, CMSStyle
plot = Plot("x",hists)
If you want to make a data-MC comparison between a data histogram datahist
a list of expected SM processes, exphists
you can use the Stack
class, with something like
from TauFW.Plotter.plot.Stack import Stack, CMSStyle
plot = Stack("p_{T} [GeV]",datahist,exphists)
plot.drawtext("#mu#tau_{h} baseline")
More examples of usage of Plot
and Stack
are provided in test/
, run as
test/ -v2
test/ -v2
provides tools to make a plot have the CMS style.
The luminosity and center-of-mass energy are automatically set for a given year,
but can be manually set as
A Variable
class is provided to contain variable name (e.g. pt_1
title (e.g. Leading p_{T} [GeV]
) and the binning (nbins,xmin,xmax
or a list of bins edges), for example:
from TauFW.Plotter.plot.Variable import Variable
variables = [
Variable('pt_1', "p_{T}", 40, 0,200),
Variable('m_vis', "m_{vis}", [0,20,40,50,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,100,120,150]),
Variable('njets', "Number of jets", 8, 0, 8),
Variable('nbtag', "Number of b jets", 8, 0, 8, weight="btagweight"),
Variable('pt_1+pt_2+jpt_1', "S_{T}", 40, 0, 800, cut="jpt_1>50", fname="ST"),
A Variable
object can contain a lot of information, passed as key-word arguments that are
useful when making plots (e.g. ymin
, ymax
, logx
, logy
, ymargin
, ...)
or selection strings (e.g. cut
, blind
, weight
, ...).
It also has several handy functions that provide shortcuts for common routines.
For example, Variable.gethist
can create a histogram for you:
hist = var.gethist()
and Variable.drawcmd
can parse a draw command for TTree::Draw
var = Variable('pt_1',40,0,200)
hist = var.gethist('hist') # returns a TH1D
dcmd = var.drawcmd('hist') # returns a string, e.g. "pt_1 >> hist"
tree.Draw(dcmd) # loops over tree events and fills the histogram 'hist'
It can also be used to initialize a Plot
or Stack
object, e.g.
var = Variable('pt_1',40,0,200,logy=True,ymargin=1.4)
plot = Plot(var,hists)
Examples are provided in test/
A Sample
class is provided to contain and interface your analysis ntuples (pico
It keeps track of a sample's information like title (for legends), filename, cross section, normalization, etc.
To initialize, you need to pass a unique name, a title (for legends) and a filename:
sample = Sample("TT","t#bar{t}","TT_mutau.root",831.76)
The fourth argument can be a float that is the cross section (in units of pb).
It will be used by Sample.normalize
to compute the normalization to the integrated luminosity times cross section as
norm = lumi*xsec*1000/sumw
if the total sum of weights, sumw
, of all MC samples is given, otherwise the total number of MC events nevts
is used.
The total number of events and total sum of weights will automatically be taken from the
histogram if it exists,
otherwise, the user should pass it directly with nevts
or sumw
sample = Sample("TT,"t#bar{t}","TT_mutau.root",831.76,nevts=76915549,lumi=59.7)
Instead of passing the integrated luminosity with lumi
(in units of inverse fb) to Sample
, you can set it globally
in python/sample/
by passing the era like this:
from TauFW.Plotter.sample.utils as setera
This will also immediately set the era for plots via CMSStyle
. To set the era manually,
directly edit the dictionary lumi_dict
in the python/sample/
, or use
provides a useful method that can create and fill a histogram (TH1D
) for some variable.
It can be called in several ways:
var = Variable('m_vis',40,0,200)
hist = sample.gethist('m_vis',40,0,200,"pt_1>30 && pt_2>30")
hist = sample.gethist('m_vis',[0,40,50,60,70,90,100,120,200],"pt_1>30 && pt_2>30")
hist = sample.gethist(var,"pt_1>30 && pt_2>30")
To speed up things, it can create histograms in parallel with MultiDraw
vars = [
Variable('m_vis', 40,0,200),
Variable('nbtags', 8,0, 8, weight="btagweight"),
Variable('jpt_1', 40,0,200, cut="abs(jeta_1)<2.5", title="Forward jet pt"),
hists = sample.gethist(vars,"pt_1>30 && pt_2>30")
where vars
is a list of variables as above, and the returned hists
is a list of TH1D
Similarly, Sample.gethist2D
is available for 2D histograms (TH2D
With Variable
objects, you can include extra cuts or weights that are variable-specific.
In the example above, the btagweight
weight will only be applied to nbtags
and the jpt_1>0
cut only to jpt_1
You can also split samples into different components (e.g. real/misidentified, or decay mode) based on some cuts. e.g.
sample.split(('ZTT',"Real tau","genmatch_2==5"),
('ZJ', "Fake tau","genmatch_2!=5"))
hists = { }
for subsample in sample.splitsamples:
hists[subsample] = subsample.gethist(vars,"pt_1>50")
Each component is defined by a unique name (e.g. 'ZTT'
and 'ZJ'
), a title "Real tau"
, and a cut,
which must be orthogonal to the others to avoid overlap.
Examples are provided in test/
test/ -v2
The color and title style is predefined by dictionaries in python/sample/
These dictionaries are used to automatically set the color for Sample
object if none is passed.
You can change the default sample colors and title to your preference as
from TauFW.Plotter.sample.SampleStyle as STYLE
STYLE.sample_colors['ZTT'] = kOrange-4
STYLE.sample_titles['ZTT'] = "Z -> #tau#tau
Some string patterns for axis titles and legend entries are automatically converted to LaTeX format
by makelatex
in python/plot/
. To disable this, pass the latex=False
option to the Plot.draw
, Plot.drawlegend
and , Plot.drawtext
The SampleSet
class helps to contain data and MC Samples
from TauFW.Plotter.sample.SampleSet import SampleSet
samples = SampleSet(datasample,expsamples)
Here, datasample
is a single Sample
object of observed data,
while expsamples
is a simple python list of Sample
objects wrapping MC ntuples.
To make initialization of sample sets of pico
ntuples easier,
you can use the help function getsampleset
, for example:
expsamples = [ # table of MC samples to be converted to Sample objects
('DY', "DYJetsToLL_M-10to50", "Drell-Yan 10-50", 18610.0, {'extraweight': 'zptweight'} ),
('WJ', "WJetsToLNu", "W + jets", 50260.0, ),
('TT', "TT", "ttbar", 831.76 ),
datasamples = ('Data', "SingleMuon_Run2016?", "Observed") # to be converted to Sample object
sampleset = getsampleset(datasamples,expsamples,era=2016)
Here, expsamples
is a list of python tuples:
To pass special options via keywords, use an extra dictionary.
Here, group name GROUP
and sample name SAMPLE
correspond to what was used during pico
Data is a single tuple:
should be the data set name (e.g. SingleMuon_Run2016
) corresponding to a single pico
(e.g. SingleMuon_Run2016_mutau.root
) containing processed events of the whole data period,
or it can be a pattern (e.g. SingleMuon_Run2016?
) for multiple files
(e.g. SingleMuon_Run2016B_mutau.root
, SingleMuon_Run2016C_mutau.root
, ...)
By default, getsampleset
will automatically assume the samples can be found via the pattern
will be retrieved from the PicoProducer
config file.
You can instead specify to getsampleset
the file name pattern with the keyword file
With the keyword option url
you can pass a XRootD
url that will be prepended to this pattern.
To get an overview of the samples, use
>>> Samples with integrated luminosity L = 35.9 / fb at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV
>>> Sample name title xsec [pb] nevents sumweights norm weight
>>> SingleMuon_Run2016 Observed 1.000
>>> ├─ SingleMuon_Run2016B Observed -1.00 154054252.0 154054252.00 1.000
>>> ├─ SingleMuon_Run2016C Observed -1.00 64718679.0 64718679.00 1.000
>>> ├─ SingleMuon_Run2016D Observed -1.00 96657799.0 96657799.00 1.000
>>> ├─ SingleMuon_Run2016E Observed -1.00 87378748.0 87378748.00 1.000
>>> ├─ SingleMuon_Run2016F Observed -1.00 65047318.0 65047318.00 1.000
>>> ├─ SingleMuon_Run2016G Observed -1.00 147941144.0 147941144.00 1.000
>>> └─ SingleMuon_Run2016H Observed -1.00 171137991.0 171137991.00 1.000
>>> DYJetsToLL_M-50 Drell-Yan 50 4963.00 146280395.0 146277764.00 1.000 zptweight
>>> WJetsToLNu W + jets 50260.00 86413370.0 86411825.00 1.000
>>> TT ttbar 831.76 76915549.0 76914152.00 0.388 ttptweight
The luminosity-cross section normalization is given by the norm
column, which is described above.
A full example is given in test/
This script assumes a complete list of 2016 pico
ntuples in the mutau
Sometimes you want to group samples into one bigger merged sample,
to reduce the number of backgrounds on your plots, or treat them as one in a fit.
This can be done with by using the MergedSample
but SampleSet
provides a help function that does it for you, for example,
sampleset.join('DY', name='DY', title="Drell-Yan" )
sampleset.join('VV','WZ','WW','ZZ',name='VV', title="Diboson" )
sampleset.join('TT','ST', name='Top',title="ttbar and single top")
The name and (legend) title of the merged sample is passed by the keyword arguments name
and title
The first string arguments are different search terms or glob patterns (with *
wildcards) that can be used to identify the samples you want to merge.
In the TauPOG, typically "jet-binned" samples of Drell-Yan (Z+jets) and W+jets are used,
like DY[1-4]JetsToLL_M-50*
or W[1-4]JetsToLNu*
. (Here "jet" means number of LHE-level partons.)
They increase the statistics, but overlap with their respective jet-inclusive sample.
Therefore a special "stitching" procedure is needed that changes the effective
luminosity-cross section normalization per "jet-bin", before they are merged into one big sample.
You can use the stitch
help function to do it automatically:
sampleset.stitch("W*Jets", incl='WJ', name='WJ' )
sampleset.stitch("DY*J*M-50",incl='DYJ',name="DY_M-50",title="Drell-Yan M=50GeV")
Again, the first strings arguments are search terms or patterns to identify the samples you want to stitch together.
The keyword argument incl
is the search term to identify the inclusive samples (e.g. DYJetsToLL_M-50
or WJetsToLNu
As per HTT convention, the branch variable name that indicates the number of partons ("jets") is called NUP
This variable corresponds to LHE_Njets
in nanoAOD.
To understand how the normalization is computed, look in python/sample/
and pass stitch
the option verbosity=2
to printout a table.
The k-factor is computed on the fly. You can set the (N)NLO cross section via the xsec
or by changing the hardcoded xsecs_nlo
dictionary in
In the end, after merging and stitching, you might obtain something a summary table like this:
>>> Samples with integrated luminosity L = 35.9 / fb at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV
>>> Sample name title xsec [pb] nevents sumweights norm weight
>>> SingleMuon_Run2016 Observed 1.000
>>> ├─ SingleMuon_Run2016B Observed -1.00 154054252.0 154054252.00 1.000
>>> ├─ SingleMuon_Run2016C Observed -1.00 64718679.0 64718679.00 1.000
>>> ├─ SingleMuon_Run2016D Observed -1.00 96657799.0 96657799.00 1.000
>>> ├─ SingleMuon_Run2016E Observed -1.00 87378748.0 87378748.00 1.000
>>> ├─ SingleMuon_Run2016F Observed -1.00 65047318.0 65047318.00 1.000
>>> ├─ SingleMuon_Run2016G Observed -1.00 147941144.0 147941144.00 1.000
>>> └─ SingleMuon_Run2016H Observed -1.00 171137991.0 171137991.00 1.000
>>> DY Drell-Yan 1.000
>>> ├─ DYJetsToLL_M-10to50 Drell-Yan 10-50 18610.00 35114961.0 35114342.00 19.026 zptweight
>>> └─ DY_M-50 Drell-Yan M=50GeV 1.000
>>> ├─ DYJetsToLL_M-50 Drell-Yan 50 4963.00 146280395.0 146277764.00 1.000 zptweight
>>> ├─ DY1JetsToLL_M-50 Drell-Yan 1J 50 1012.00 63730337.0 63729233.00 0.476 zptweight
>>> ├─ DY2JetsToLL_M-50 Drell-Yan 2J 50 334.70 19879279.0 19878905.00 0.495 zptweight
>>> ├─ DY3JetsToLL_M-50 Drell-Yan 3J 50 102.30 5857441.0 5857336.00 0.507 zptweight
>>> └─ DY4JetsToLL_M-50 Drell-Yan 4J 50 54.52 4197868.0 4197790.00 0.413 zptweight
>>> WJ W + jets 1.000
>>> ├─ WJetsToLNu W + jets 50260.00 86413370.0 86411825.00 1.000
>>> ├─ W1JetsToLNu W + 1J 9625.00 43773492.0 43772700.00 7.012
>>> ├─ W2JetsToLNu W + 2J 3161.00 60366929.0 60365816.00 2.111
>>> ├─ W3JetsToLNu W + 3J 954.80 59300029.0 59298987.00 0.689
>>> └─ W4JetsToLNu W + 4J 494.60 29941394.0 29940855.00 0.706
>>> VV Diboson 1.000
>>> ├─ WW WW 75.88 7982180.0 7982164.32 0.341
>>> ├─ WZ WZ 27.60 3997571.0 3997499.00 0.248
>>> └─ ZZ ZZ 12.14 1988098.0 1988063.00 0.219
>>> Top ttbar and single top 1.000
>>> ├─ ST_t-channel_top ST t-channel t 136.02 31848000.0 31835196.51 0.153
>>> ├─ ST_t-channel_antitop ST t-channel at 80.95 17780700.0 17771156.67 0.164
>>> ├─ ST_tW_top ST tW 35.85 4983500.0 173905506.74 0.007
>>> ├─ ST_tW_antitop ST atW 35.85 4980600.0 174107294.88 0.007
>>> └─ TT ttbar 831.76 76915549.0 76914152.00 0.388 ttptweight
This is the output of the full example given in test/
This script assumes a complete list of 2016 pico
ntuples in the mutau
Like described above, you can split samples via SampleSet
('ZTT',"Z -> tau_{#mu}tau_{h}", "genmatch_2==5"),
('ZL', "Drell-Yan with l -> tau_{h}","genmatch_2>0 && genmatch_2<5"),
('ZJ', "Drell-Yan with j -> tau_{h}","genmatch_2==0")
The SampleSet
class can create and fill histograms for you:
result = samples.gethists(var,selection)
print result.var # Variable
print # TH1D
print result.exp # list of TH1Ds
var, datahist, exphists = result # Variable, TH1D, list
Or with MultiDraw
for many variables:
result = samples.gethists(vars,selection)
print result.vars # list of Variable
print # dictionary of Variable object to TH1D
print result.exp # dictionary of Variable object to list of TH1Ds
for var, datahist, exphists in result:
print var, datahist, exphists # Variable, TH1D, list
Here, result
is a HistSet
object, which contains a list of Variable
and dictionaries for data and MC histograms.
Alternatively, you can immediately prepare the histograms into a Stack
stacks = samples.getstack(variables,selection)
for stack in stacks:
Examples are provided in test/
Data-driven background methods like QCD or j → 𝜏h fake estimation can be added as plug-ins
in python/methods/
. A python file should contain a function of the same name,
e.g. for the
from TauFW.Plotter.sample.SampleSet import SampleSet
def QCD_OSSS(self, variables, selection, **kwargs):
return qcdhists
SampleSet.QCD_OSSS = QCD_OSSS # add as class method of SampleSet
The method returns a list of TH1
histograms that correspond one-to-one to the list of variables
These histograms are subsequently inserted in the list of MC histograms.
To use them, specify the method name when using SampleSet.getstack
or SampleSet.gethists
stacks = samples.getstack(variables,selection,method='QCD_OSSS')
This will load the file and make the method available.
You can set the position of the new histogram in the stack via imethod
where 0
means on the top, and -1
means on the bottom.
An example of a plotting script is given by
It can be run for a given channel and era as
./ -c mutau -y 2018
It will load a SampleSet
from config/
, which by default will look for pico samples in $PICODIR
You can edit the scripts and this config file to your specifications and liking.