- [ ] Objectives
- [ ] Display Technology Tree
- [ ] Chat Dialog
- [ ] Diplomacy
- [ ] Menu
- [ ] Display Options Screen
- [ ] Toggle Friend or Foe Colors
- [ ] Display Statistics
- [ ] Display Game Time
- [ ] Mini-map Economic Mode
- [ ] Mini-map Combat Mode
- [ ] Mini-map Normal Mode
- [ ] Slow Down Game
- [ ] Speed Up Game
- [ ] Toggle Visual Grid
- [ ] Toggle Health Bar
- [ ] Toggle Extended Tooltips
- [ ] Flare
- [ ] Pause Game
- [ ] Save Game
- [ ] Save Chapter
- [ ] Send Chat Message
- [ ] Review Chat Messages Backward
- [ ] Review Chat Messages Forward
- [ ] Review Event Messages Backward
- [ ] Review Event Messages Forward
- [ ] Click-Drag Scroll
- [ ] Scroll Down
- [ ] Scroll Left
- [ ] Scroll Right
- [ ] Scroll Up
- [ ] Zoom In
- [ ] Zoom Out
- [ ] Reset Zoom
- [ ] Return to Previous View
- [ ] Replay Speed Down
- [ ] Replay Speed Up
- [ ] Set Speed to Default
- [ ] Set Speed to Extra Fast
- [ ] Set Speed to Fast
- [ ] Set Speed to Slow
- [ ] Watch Gaia
- [ ] Watch Player One
- [ ] Watch Player Two
- [ ] Watch Player Three
- [ ] Watch Player Four
- [ ] Watch Player Five
- [ ] Watch Player Six
- [ ] Watch Player Seven
- [ ] Watch Player Eight
- [ ] Create Group #1
- [ ] Create Group #2
- [ ] Create Group #3
- [ ] Create Group #4
- [ ] Create Group #5
- [ ] Create Group #6
- [ ] Create Group #7
- [ ] Create Group #8
- [ ] Create Group #9
- [ ] Create Group #10
- [ ] Create Group #11
- [ ] Create Group #12
- [ ] Create Group #13
- [ ] Create Group #14
- [ ] Create Group #15
- [ ] Create Group #16
- [ ] Create Group #17
- [ ] Create Group #18
- [ ] Create Group #19
- [ ] Create Group #20
- [ ] Select Group #1
- [ ] Select Group #2
- [ ] Select Group #3
- [ ] Select Group #4
- [ ] Select Group #5
- [ ] Select Group #6
- [ ] Select Group #7
- [ ] Select Group #8
- [ ] Select Group #9
- [ ] Select Group #10
- [ ] Select Group #11
- [ ] Select Group #12
- [ ] Select Group #13
- [ ] Select Group #14
- [ ] Select Group #15
- [ ] Select Group #16
- [ ] Select Group #17
- [ ] Select Group #18
- [ ] Select Group #19
- [ ] Select Group #20
- [ ] Select & Center Group #1
- [ ] Select & Center Group #2
- [ ] Select & Center Group #3
- [ ] Select & Center Group #4
- [ ] Select & Center Group #5
- [ ] Select & Center Group #6
- [ ] Select & Center Group #7
- [ ] Select & Center Group #8
- [ ] Select & Center Group #9
- [ ] Select & Center Group #10
- [ ] Select & Center Group #11
- [ ] Select & Center Group #12
- [ ] Select & Center Group #13
- [ ] Select & Center Group #14
- [ ] Select & Center Group #15
- [ ] Select & Center Group #16
- [ ] Select & Center Group #17
- [ ] Select & Center Group #18
- [ ] Select & Center Group #19
- [ ] Select & Center Group #20
- [ ] Append Group #1
- [ ] Append Group #2
- [ ] Append Group #3
- [ ] Append Group #4
- [ ] Append Group #5
- [ ] Append Group #6
- [ ] Append Group #7
- [ ] Append Group #8
- [ ] Append Group #9
- [ ] Append Group #10
- [ ] Append Group #11
- [ ] Append Group #12
- [ ] Append Group #13
- [ ] Append Group #14
- [ ] Append Group #15
- [ ] Append Group #16
- [ ] Append Group #17
- [ ] Append Group #18
- [ ] Append Group #19
- [ ] Append Group #20
- [ ] Ungroup Control Group
- [ ] Go to Mill
- [ ] Go to Mining Camp
- [ ] Go to Lumber Camp
- [ ] Go to Dock
- [ ] Go to Blacksmith
- [ ] Go to Market
- [ ] Go to Monastery
- [ ] Go to University
- [ ] Go to Town Center
- [ ] Go to Barracks
- [ ] Go to Archery Range
- [ ] Go to Stable
- [ ] Go to Siege Workshop
- [ ] Go to Castle
- [ ] Go to Krepost
- [ ] Go to Next Idle Military Unit
- [ ] Go to Next Idle Villager
- [ ] Go to Selected Object
- [ ] Go to Last Notification
- [ ] Go to King
- [ ] Go to Donjon
- [ ] Select all Military Buildings
- [ ] Select all Docks
- [ ] Select all Barracks
- [ ] Select all Archery Ranges
- [ ] Select all Stables
- [ ] Select all Siege Workshops
- [ ] Select all Castles
- [ ] Select all Kreposts
- [ ] Select all Donjons
- [ ] Select all Monasteries
- [ ] Select all Town Centers
- [ ] Select all Markets
- [ ] Select all Blacksmiths
- [ ] Select all Universities
- [ ] Select all Land Military Units
- [ ] Select all Idle Villagers
- [ ] Select all Visible Land Military Units
- [ ] Select all Idle Trade Carts
- [ ] Select all Idle Land/Naval Military Units
- [ ] Select all Trade Carts/Cogs
- [ ] Delete Unit
- [ ] Delete All Selected Units
- [ ] Garrison
- [ ] Stop
- [ ] Attack Move
- [ ] Patrol
- [ ] Guard
- [ ] Follow
- [ ] Aggressive
- [ ] Defensive
- [ ] Stand Ground
- [ ] No Attack
- [ ] Line
- [ ] Box
- [ ] Staggered
- [ ] Flank
- [ ] Build (Serjeant)
- [ ] Change Weapon
- [ ] Unpack
- [ ] Pack
- [ ] Attack Ground
- [ ] Convert
- [ ] Heal
- [ ] Drop Relic
- [ ] Economic Buildings
- [ ] Military Buildings
- [ ] Repair
- [ ] Cancel Build
- [ ] Auto Scout
- [ ] Set Gather Point
- [ ] Remove Gather Point
- [ ] Go Back to Work
- [ ] Unload/Ungarrison
- [ ] Lock/Unlock Gate
- [ ] Ungarrison
- [ ] House
- [ ] Mill
- [ ] Mining Camp
- [ ] Lumber Camp
- [ ] Dock
- [ ] Farm
- [ ] Blacksmith
- [ ] Market
- [ ] Monastery
- [ ] University
- [ ] Town Center
- [ ] Wonder
- [ ] Feitoria
- [ ] Caravanserai
- [ ] More Buildings
- [ ] Barracks
- [ ] Archery Range
- [ ] Stable
- [ ] Siege Workshop
- [ ] Outpost
- [ ] Palisade Wall
- [ ] Stone Wall
- [ ] Tower
- [ ] Bombard Tower
- [ ] Gate
- [ ] Palisade Gate
- [ ] Rotate Gate Clockwise
- [ ] Rotate Gate Counterclockwise
- [ ] Castle
- [ ] Krepost
- [ ] Donjon
- [ ] Fish Trap
- [ ] Rebuild Fish Trap
- [ ] Toggle Automatic Fish Trap Rebuilding
- [ ] Villager
- [ ] Flemish Militia
- [ ] Ring Town Bell
- [ ] Tech: Loom
- [ ] Tech: Wheelbarrow, Hand Cart
- [ ] Tech: Town Watch, Town Guard
- [ ] Tech: Age Up
- [ ] Fishing Ship
- [ ] Transport
- [ ] Trade Cog
- [ ] Galley, War Galley, Galleon
- [ ] Demolition Ship, Heavy Demolition Ship
- [ ] Fire Ship, Fast Fire Ship
- [ ] Cannon Galleon
- [ ] Unique Warships
- [ ] Longboat
- [ ] Turtle Ship, Elite Turtle Ship
- [ ] Tech: Gillnets
- [ ] Tech: Careening, Dry Dock
- [ ] Tech: War Galley, Galleon
- [ ] Tech: Heavy Demolition Ship
- [ ] Tech: Fast Fire Ship
- [ ] Tech: (Elite) Cannon Galleon
- [ ] Tech: Shipwright
- [ ] Tech: Elite Unique Ship
- [ ] Milita, Man-at-Arms, etc. (swordsmen)
- [ ] Spearman, Pikeman, Halberdier
- [ ] Condottiero
- [ ] Huskarl
- [ ] Eagle Warrior, Elite Eagle Warrior
- [ ] Tech: Swordsmen Upgrades
- [ ] Tech: Pikeman, Halberdier
- [ ] Tech: (Elite) Eagle Warrior
- [ ] Tech: Supplies
- [ ] Tech: Squires
- [ ] Tech: Arson
- [ ] Archer, Crossbowman, Arbalest (archers)
- [ ] Skirmister, Elite Skirmisher
- [ ] Cavarly Archer, Heavy Cavalry Archer
- [ ] Hand Cannoneer, Slinger
- [ ] Genitour
- [ ] Slinger
- [ ] Tech: Crossbowman, Arbalester
- [ ] Tech: Elite, Imperial Skirmisher
- [ ] Tech: Heavy Cavalry Archer
- [ ] Tech: Elite Genitour
- [ ] Tech: Thumb Ring
- [ ] Tech: Parthian Tactics
- [ ] Elephant Archer
- [ ] Tech: Elite Elephant Archer
- [ ] Scout Cavalry, Light Cavalry, Hussar
- [ ] Knight, Cavalier, Paladin (knights)
- [ ] Camel, Heavy Camel
- [ ] Battle Elephant, Elite Battle Elephant
- [ ] Tarkan
- [ ] Steppe Lancer
- [ ] Tech: Light Cavalry, Hussar
- [ ] Tech: Cavalier, Paladin
- [ ] Tech: Heavy, Imperial Camel Rider
- [ ] Tech: Battle Elephant, Steppe Lancer
- [ ] Tech: Bloodlines
- [ ] Tech: Husbandry
- [ ] Xolotl Warrior
- [ ] Shrivamsha Rider
- [ ] Tech: Elite Shrivamsha Rider
- [ ] Tech: Elite Battle Elephant
- [ ] Battering Ram, Capped Ram, Siege Ram
- [ ] Mangonel, Onager, Siege Onager
- [ ] Scorpion, Heavy Scorpion
- [ ] Bombard Cannon
- [ ] Siege Tower
- [ ] Tech: Capped, Siege Ram
- [ ] Tech: (Siege) Onager
- [ ] Tech: Heavy Scorpion
- [ ] Armored Elephant
- [ ] Tech: Siege Elephant
- [ ] Monk
- [ ] Missionary
- [ ] Tech: Redemption
- [ ] Tech: Atonement
- [ ] Tech: Fervor
- [ ] Tech: Sanctity
- [ ] Tech: Faith
- [ ] Tech: Illumination
- [ ] Tech: Block Printing
- [ ] Tech: Heresy
- [ ] Tech: Theocracy
- [ ] Tech: Herbal Medicine
- [ ] Trade Cart
- [ ] Tech: Caravan
- [ ] Tech: Coinage, Banking
- [ ] Tech: Guilds
- [ ] Sell 100 Food
- [ ] Sell 100 Wood
- [ ] Sell 100 Stone
- [ ] Buy 100 Food
- [ ] Buy 100 Wood
- [ ] Buy 100 Stone
- [ ] Build Unique Unit
- [ ] Build Trebuchet
- [ ] Petard
- [ ] Elite Kipchak
- [ ] Flaming Camel
- [ ] Tech: Elite Unique Unit
- [ ] Tech: Unique Imperial Technology
- [ ] Tech: Unique Castle Technology
- [ ] Tech: Hoardings
- [ ] Tech: Sappers
- [ ] Conscription
- [ ] Tech: Spies/Treason
- [ ] Reseed Farm
- [ ] Tech: Farm Upgrades
- [ ] Toggle Automatic Farm Reseeding
- [ ] Tech: Gold Upgrades
- [ ] Tech: Stone Upgrades
- [ ] Tech: Wood Upgrades
- [ ] Tech: Melee Attack Upgrades
- [ ] Tech: Arrow Attack Upgrades
- [ ] Tech: Infantry Armor Upgrades
- [ ] Tech: Cavalry Armor Upgrades
- [ ] Tech: Archer Armor Upgrades
- [ ] Tech: Masonry, Architecture
- [ ] Tech: Treadmill Crane
- [ ] Tech: Heated Shot
- [ ] Tech: Ballistics
- [ ] Tech: Chemistry
- [ ] Tech: Siege Engineers
- [ ] Tech: Arrowslits
- [ ] Tech: Murder Holes
- [ ] Tech: Tower Upgrades
- [ ] Tech: Fortified Wall
- [ ] Tech: Bombard Tower