language: python python: - '2.7' # Exclude any tag pushes/builds from being picked up by Travis # Exclusion format numbers & dots e.g. 1, 1.2, 1.2.3, etc branches: except: - /^\d+(\.\d+)*$/ # Setting environment variables that can be used by Git via Travis to identify current user env: global: # Generated by `travis encrypt GIT_NAME=..." GIT_EMAIL=... GH_TOKEN=...` secure: nrNOM7DRXT8xSdGfEjTyx1LVV7rKCb/ZC6aHexzg6TW1CFA+CZMVzZHCvWfuUz0Qc8rLkUF9K5ZIdXW16x1gvTAS+dL2Y2FvQ3HgX6/QHbKDBUGXNbRYCSsLclwxLn6fYmSCxxPt9OqLIoY1Mx+9r+59a9B+tSP4+9BSSbdUUM8= install: - pip install -r requirements.txt # Discover and run all plugin tests script: - python -m unittest discover #- touch after_script: #- bash # Build and Deploy a new plugin ZIP bundle before_deploy: # Rename script to #- npm install #- node tag_version.js # Deploy build to GitHub Releases deploy: provider: releases api-key: secure: i+DhcN8WKYhwYkviS72nWc8Y7i4GP11BntvnadQvATbyr2TGrtwd7b3hQLG/srVnSxl8L81E6pzOWST/1Nz1cYr6iiTeAhH+l0ZsTfqzYBEmfnGEmSoeRER0ZmUIPsu/2jLHXPsGGDPPI5k53OPlgeZOhmoeqii/PQpDl7R3lKQ= file: "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}.zip" skip_cleanup: true on: all_branches: true condition: -n "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*zip')" # tags: true # branch: master repo: ArabicXBMC/