description | icon |
Press any key! |
keyboard |
TermRead implements the following keybindings to interact with the input:
Keybinding | Action |
ENTER | Accepts input |
Ctrl +C | Cancels reading (if TreatCtrlCAsInput is enabled) |
Ctrl +A / HOME | Beginning of line |
Ctrl +E / END | End of line |
Ctrl +B / ← | Backward one character |
Ctrl +F / → | Forward one character |
BACKSPACE | Remove one character from the left |
UP ARROW | Get the older input |
DOWN ARROW | Get the newer input |
DELETE | Remove one character in current position |
ALT +B | One word backward |
ALT +F | One word forward |
TAB | Next auto-completion entry (if there is one) |
Insert four spaces (if no autocompletions) | |
SHIFT +TAB | Previous auto-completion entry |
CTRL +U | Cut to the start of the line |
CTRL +K | Cut to the end of the line |
CTRL +W | Cut to the end of the previous word |
ALT +D | Cut to the end of the next word |
CTRL +Y | Yank the cut content |
Alt +L | Make word lowercase |
Alt +U | Make word uppercase |
Alt +C | Make character uppercase and move to the end of word |
Alt +V | Make character lowercase and move to the end of word |
Alt +S | Shows all suggestions in the style akin to the Bourne Again SHell (bash) |
Alt +R | Refreshes the prompt, the text input, and the current cursor position. |
Insert | Text append mode (Insert or append) |
CTRL +L | Clears the screen and refreshes the prompt. |
ALT +\ | Cut the whitespaces before and after the character. |
CTRL +T | Substitutes two characters |
ALT +T | Substitutes two words |
ALT +SHIFT +# | Makes your current input text a comment (visual only, but ignores your text on submit) |
ALT +TAB / CTRL +I | Forces the tab character to be written. Writes as spaces. |
ALT +SHIFT +C | Temporarily conceals or reveals the whole input in normal prompts. |
{% hint style="warning" %} Warning: Some of the keys conflict with the terminal emulator and/or the operating system keybindings. {% endhint %}