- *is not broken *multilingual En/Jp *login with username, password *stored correct answer history and score which allows clearing for logged in users *correct answer history, score for not logged in *accessible (semantic HTML, make sure answers can be selected, OK color scheme, pic captions) *responsive *annoying theme song (that is off unless otherwise specified) *pictures *acceptable CC license wise
- Three pages? The game, settings, and thanks page (xeno-canto, recordings). And login, so 4
- Key commands for selecting bird which can be set to user's preferences
get rid of create-react app boilerplate.....done
write inital readme.....done
make file for getting bird recordings.....done
write a single request to save in db.json.....done
write a single request to xeno-canto api and check it saves in db.json.....done
figure out how to filter responses to the first one with a suitable license and save in db.json....done --We want share alike (international) creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ --Not non derivative //creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ which would mean we can't alter the recording
Make another .js file importing db.json and birdlist to see how many birds are not saved yet, export that, make another pass with getbirds.js.....done
Get last three birds from the error console.log probably.....done
New file for downloading mp3s. What method? node-downloader-helper is working.....done
Can I rename the file to the id instead? Am totally going to screw up file names this long.....done
Download audacity and figure out how to prevent itunes from automically opening mp3 files.....done, set to audacity for now. Quicktime player resaves file on close? and then mac distrusts file
How to download multiple files without being terrible? Whatever, let's do a for loop.
OK, I don't know what's wrong with for loops in node but let's do foreach instead in groups of 10
Why do I have 239 items when there should be only 238...what I am I missing...it's DS_Store!.....done
Look at xeno-canto widget--probably can't use.....done
Setting up testing for helper function...in progress
A function that, given an array, picks a question, and n number of answers including real answer...done
The answers need to be in random order, right now answer is always first...done!
Three pages (react-router)...done
Add languages: react-i18next https://react.i18next.com/latest/using-with-hooks ...done, ish
What is suspense...it is annoying I will turn it off...done
First quiz components, text-based only, no audio/pics...done
Add audio...done
I need to add a jp name and a romaji name to every bird. Did manually, that was inefficient...done
Audio file src doesn't change even when props (question) changes https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43577182/react-js-audio-src-is-updating-on-setstate-but-the-audio-playing-doesnt-chang I can get the audio with useRef, and pass it up. See Full Stack Open 5b !!! It worked!!....done
Key commands, not just click buttons...react-hotkeys-hook...done
Hotkeys (hardcoded #) now work for checking answer....done
Add hotkey for next button...done
How can user set keys?...done kind of
In settings, get charcode of keystroke. Check to see if it's anywhere alphabet-y (that # range). If yes, set state with that. Then check to see if it's in hotkeys-keymap, if yes, get value for key and set state with that. If not, ignore....DONEee finally
Check caps. If state is set with "A", does "a" work. If state is set with "a," does "A" work...nope, so we need to toLowercase...done
Let user choose number of answers...done, phew
OK do I actually need to store mp3s? Let's look at avibase!!... Avibase has a "listen to recording" button that has a data-concept which is same as avibase id (ex. 6D7A9C93AD1830EB) On page reload, a different song from xeno-canto plays. It's using a jquery player called jPlayer. jPlayer is getting the audio out of something called sound_item.jsp using id from data-concept I can look at sound_item.jsp ex. https://avibase.bsc-eoc.org/sound_item.jsp?avibaseid=11453A9801F87E9D and see the mp3 audio URL is different each time. And uh oh wait, there's a fileid. There is only one fileid per recording, and the fileid is not from xeno-canto.
My conclusion is I think probably avibase is linking to files, not hosting them. I don't need to host the files probably because setting audio src to the xeno-canto file is working....done
Show what button is being set...done
Move bird objects, get next question and answer to backend....DONE!
Simplify that part of Settings state to a string/null!...done, that's a little better
Thwarted by CORS! Oh, also the backend isn't running, that's a problem...done
Change front end so it asks back end for question and answer...done
Add connection to MongoDB, Mongoose...done
Testing to make sure it's not completely broken...done, so it is only 1/4 broken maybe
Add new user submit form...done, works
Add login form, and thus tokens and stuff,, and also loginrouter for backend...done
Wheres the bit that expires the token? Part 4d ...done
"data and hash arguments required"...done
The audio is not actually reloading still, whyyy~ do I need to useRef harder or what WTF firstchild source= is right, but currentSource is wrong???...DONE
Forms need to clear after submit...done
Login page should disappear from menu if user?...done
The next arrow key, specifically, is showing hasAnswered as false. Why? Answer: you forgot that dependency array thing again!...done
Disable next key in quiz until question is answered...done
Change array to hold objects {bird id, correct: number, incorrect:number} or something? "The $addToSet operator adds a value to an array unless the value is already present, in which case $addToSet does nothing to that array. To specify a in an embedded document or in an array, use dot notation." An array like answers = [{id: "1234", right: 2, wrong: 3},{id: "1234", right: 2, wrong: 3}] would use the index eg. answers.0, so I'd need to keep track of the index, which I don't want to do. answers = [{id: "1234", history: [{right: 2, wrong: 3}]}] "answers.1234"
- For example, comments in the example blog models is comments: [ String ] I want answers : [Object] You know what, making another schema and storing documents inside the array makes more sense. If answered bird is NOT in user array of answers post to api/answers, make a new answer with 0 right and wrong, save user in its user field or whatever, add it to user, return user. If answered bird IS in user array of answers, put to api/answers/:id (meaning Mongo _id!) with full updated object and incremented right or wrong
- An endpoint that goes to api/answers/
- A new schema for birds
- set _id to bird id. Each bird gets an array of answerSchemas
Guess what, right and wrong have to be numbers or you can't increment them....done
Put answers in a separate state...no I don't want to, that's a pain. OK. I figured out how to alter user's answer array in state....done
Reducing number of answers doesn't limit number of answers in Quiz, like the elements are still there This is # of choices not fed to api call yet. Changed get to post to send data...done
How many documents can these things hold? Is it really OK to have 200 something bird answers per user? 100 users answer all => 23,700 1000 users =>237,000 ....Yeah, it's ok. https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/limits/ under data "there is not limit on # of documents...done
Now why is only loading one answer on next?...done
Show # right and wrong after answered if signed in...done
Why am I not getting answers array from backend? Backend has an array of 281 something objects. I am receiving that just fine on login. I need to get user upon reload, not rely on localStorage, or answers could be out of date. In Full Stack Open example, const user = storage.loadUser() if (user) { dispatch(login(user)) } }, [dispatch]) I want to store user, as in token, username, and id. Separately, I want to store answerhistory, which is loaded with useEffect. -api/answers isn't working? Why?...done
Check for token for posting answers...done, badly -Add try and catch to answerHandler.answerAgain in Quiz...done -Now successfully verifying token for answersRouter, though it does't prompt a logout yet...done -Alter front end to only use one endpoint and send true/false value for right/wrong and bird id to backend, get rid of the front end incrementing...done -Figure out how to omit user in answerFirstTime, right, wrong and user in answerAgain. You should be able to get user from token and increment on backend based on wasCorrect. -Send answer id and right/wrong with token header (which contains user) to backend ==> backend 1. gets user 2. Checks user's answer set for answer 3. if no answer, makes new Answer, adds to set, and saves answer 4. If answer, find and update answer by Mongo id -Increment for backend definitely works now!! You can just, do something Javascript-y to Mongoose documents and save() and it works! https://mongoosejs.com/docs/documents.html#updating-using-save -Also saving answers in state looks OK -Wait, why are there duplicate answers in the backend?...think it's solved...done -Why is returning user.answers empty? There should be 10. Because the answers array in user is actually empty.
I think I fixed "No matching document found for id" error by changing user.save() to user.update()...oh great, now it only saves one answer to array...OK, works with findOneAndUpdate. It was version problems...done -Make User populate answers for being sent back in login check....done -Make new function for clearing logged in user to pass down into quiz, and also make logout stick...done
Can now show right/wrong history with slight delay after answering...done -Change from getting mp3s from xeno canto back to stored on backend, unless we can figure out cross origin cookie issue...done
It would be quicker to just get stored answer from state and increment it...wait, never mind, if it hasn't been answered it's not in state...done
While you're at it, add bird names to answer...WAIT no we can't do that, that hardcodes either English or Japanese name, not good. But on the other end, if we go by xenocanto ID and put that in the i18n thing, then we'd need to change that if we switch xenocanto audio files. OK so answers have BOTH jp and en.
Let users delete their accounts..done, and it no longer wrecks everything, but I need to -Erase all answers that user had...done!!!
(I've set token back to 24h for now...)
Pictures! Here's flicker-sdk https://www.npmjs.com/package/flickr-sdk
Save settings to local storage, like # of options, key commands....done
Save right and wrong to answers array if not logged in, not local storage (?probably)...no, I'm going to leave that just for logged in users...done -Clicking the right answer registers as being the wrong answer...fixed...done -Switch all Buttons to contained...done mostly
Translate rest of site for both JP/EN...done
Start to work on the Dreaded Design...doneish -Looking for hover effect for menu links...never mind Material UI does it for me for buttons...done Add endpoint that gives all the recorders (for thanks)...no I don't need to do that, giving thanks individually...done
- Show citation and license with audio file
${bird.rec}, XC${bird.id}. Accessible at ${bird.url}.
Anon Torimi, XC404507. Accessible at www.xeno-canto.org/404507. (How to do that with react-i18next?)...done
-Tell Heroku secrets & things, it doesn't know anything yet and that is probably why image api is now failing...done
-Set it up so can look at app locally (post switching to relative URL)
- Show citation and license with audio file
Add some kind of message/alert component that says right or wrong and shows errors...kind of like it better without alert?
What am I going to do for a hundred and something more hours? Think of more stuff to do!
Make everything async
I should probably just have one gitignore file instead of multiple, it's one repository?
Safari is super slow with audio, but this seems to be just "the nature of safari"
Other problems
Japanese Grosbeak was restricted and we didn't actually download an mp3 file for it...done
Chinese Hwamei's audio is broken. Another restricted recording....done
Japanese thrush has no Japanese name listed (undefined)....done
What is Western Yellow Wagtail doing in there?...Oh yeah, yellow wagtail in En is gray wagtail, western yellow comes to Okinawa and sometimes Kyushu I guess....done
-Something wrong with Peregrine Falcon audio www.xeno-canto.org/624604...can't tell what it is.Everything looks ok.
Too short or not clear--look for a better source?
Common sandpiper www.xeno-canto.org/575518 change to https://www.xeno-canto.org/240418 downloaded deleted added changed JSON
Jungle nightjar www.xeno-canto.org/404907 change to https://www.xeno-canto.org/575166 downloaded deleted added changed JSON
Common snipe www.xeno-canto.org/622103 to https://www.xeno-canto.org/637616 donwloaded deleted added changed JSON
Japanese cormorant www.xeno-canto.org/360997 to https://www.xeno-canto.org/215126 downloaded deleted added changed JSON
Striated heron www.xeno-canto.org/550529 to https://www.xeno-canto.org/623412 downloaded deleted added changed JSON
Bull-bellied pipit www.xeno-canto.org/624421 to https://www.xeno-canto.org/622932 deleted added changed JSON
Rock dove www.xeno-canto.org/550328 to https://www.xeno-canto.org/615956 downloaded deleted added changed JSON
Oriental Cuckoo www.xeno-canto.org/624365 to https://www.xeno-canto.org/636271 deleted added changed JSON
Tundra Swan www.xeno-canto.org/622675 to https://www.xeno-canto.org/615226 downloaded deleted added changed JSON
Japanese Wood Pigeon www.xeno-canto.org/190496 to https://www.xeno-canto.org/285879 downloaded to 190495 to deleted added...need to remove & find another, this is no derivs...190495 switched and changed JSON
Japanese Reed Bunting www.xeno-canto.org/492006 to https://www.xeno-canto.org/467361 downloaded deleted added changed JSON
Northern Shoveler www.xeno-canto.org/541310 to https://www.xeno-canto.org/635744 downloaded deleted added changed JSON
Grey Heron (too much silence) www.xeno-canto.org/625963 to https://www.xeno-canto.org/638666 deleted added changed JSON
Grey-Capped Greenfinch www.xeno-canto.org/627141 to can't use 285949, no derivs to https://www.xeno-canto.org/192392 instead downloaded deleted added changed JSON
Little Grebe (can hear honking instead) www.xeno-canto.org/553775 to https://www.xeno-canto.org/215128 downloaded deleted added changed JSON
-Water rail www.xeno-canto.org/575203 to https://www.xeno-canto.org/638533 downloaded deleted added changed JSON
-Common redshank www.xeno-canto.org/560874 to https://www.xeno-canto.org/618146 downloaded deleted added changed JSON
-Grey-tailed Tattler www.xeno-canto.org/596212 to https://www.xeno-canto.org/192309 deleted added changed JSON
-Common Redpoll www.xeno-canto.org/626750 to https://www.xeno-canto.org/486718 deleted added changed JSON