March 15, 2021
- 30 minutes: create-react app, got rid of unnecessary bits. wrote inital readme.
- started work on javascript/db.json thing for automating calls to xeno-canto api to get recordings
- 30 minutes: saving to db.json. Working get request to xeno.canto api.
- 30 minutes: get request to xeno.canto api with axis
- 30 minutes: got some birds and saved in db.json Total: 2 hours
March 16, 2021
- 30 minutes: Made function to compare bird list with attained birds, got most of remaining
- 30 minutes: Got data for all birds, figuring out how to download mp3s with Node
- 30 minutes: Can download mp3 with node, rename file, set default mp3 player to Audacity
- 30 minutes: Downloading batches of mp3 files.
- 30 minutes: Finished downloading all, cleaning up blank files
- 30 minutes: Setting up test for helper quiz function
- 30 minutes: First helper functions and their tests Total: 3.5 hours
March 18, 2021
- 30 minutes: brainstorming goals, fixing dependency tree something something, added separate pages via react-router, looking at languages in Full Stack website
- 30 minutes: installed react-i18next, tried it out, looking at Suspense now
- 30 minutes: language setting buttons, navigation in jp/en, first quiz components
- 30 minutes: working on displaying random question/answers with text only
- 30 minutes: question and answers display ok, can hide question
- 30 minutes: points for guessing right, event listener for buttons work 1x only
- 30 minutes: starting backend
- 30 minutes: more backend serving static files (mp3) with express.static Total 4 hours
March 19, 2021
- 30 minutes: adding Japanese names to db.json
- 30 minutes: finished adding Japanese names, looking at recording citation
- 30 minutes: fixed audio not reloading problem
- 30 minutes: adding hot keys via react-hot-keys
- 30 minutes: hotkeys successfully work like the buttons do (check answer)
- 30 minutes: started settings page for hotkeys
- 30 minutes: can set hotkeys, working on preventing duplicates
- 30 minutes: made map for special keys, to do for next time Total 4 hours
March 22, 2021
- 30 minutes: puzzling over keys
- 30 minutes: alphabet, #s, special keys in hotkeys keymap OK
- 30 minutes: setting play button, next button
- 30 minutes: play button, next button, not broken
- 30 minutes: looking at avibase
- 30 minutes: adding styling to button being set, editing code
- 30 minutes: trying to simplify code
- 30 minutes: Put get answer & get question in back end. Success!!! Total 4 hours
March 23, 2021
- 30 minutes: simplified settings state, front end now asking back end for questions, answers
- 30 minutes: Connect to Mongo, mongoose, making user schema
- 30 minutes: Testing backend with supertest
- 30 minutes: Form for making new user/password, failing to post
- 30 minutes: New user form works, working on login
- 30 minutes: login not working, testing
- 30 minutes: login works, local storage with logged in user Total 3.5 hours
March 25, 2021
- 30 minutes: trying to fix audio source issue
- 30 minutes: looking up safari slowness issue
- 30 minutes: clear forms after submit, hide login page after login, working on preventing next question without answering
- 30 minutes: Finally won't go to next question without answer
- 30 minutes: setting up an array in user for saving correct/incorrect answer
- 30 minutes: test for array in user passed Total 3 hours
March 26, 2021 -30 minutes: working on restructuring User -30 minutes: answer model, testing -30 minutes: still thinking about collection, structure. -30 minutes: making new router for answers -30 minutes: test works for posting a new answer -30 minutes: can update an answer -30 minutes: can post a new answer from front end -30 minutes: can update right/wrong from front end Total 4 hours
March 30, 2021 -30 minutes: # of choices now reflected in request to back end -30 minutes: fixed another # of choices problem, restructuring quiz -30 minutes: Combined question, answers into one component -30 minutes: Getting answer history to display in question, thinking how to deal with local storage & answer history -30 minutes: More struggles with answer history -30 minutes: Trying to set answer history after answer -30 minutes: UseEffect to either get or reset user by checking token -30 minutes: Working on handling expired tokens by logging out, token needed for posting answer history Total 4 hours
March 31, 2021 -30 minutes: Token checking OK (actually receiving token), groundwork for moving update answer logic to backend and combining into one endpoint -30 minutes: backend answer logic written -30 minutes: more work on token, update answer -30 minutes: checking incrementing -30 minutes: working on checking token problems and getting answers from backend on reload -30 minutes: saving answers in user problems -30 minutes: saving answers ok even when answering quickly (mongo version problems), working on login check and returning answers -30 minutes: can display right/wrong history, logout function OK, changed mp3 files back to access from backend Total 4 hours
36 hours so, that's only like 2 credits and to get 10 credits it'd be....175 hours??
April 1, 2021 -30 minutes: Saving Japanese and English names in answer, changed thanks page to about page, redirecting to about page, started a user page -30 minutes: User page displays right and wrong history, clears history (locally) -30 minutes: Working on delete user option -30 minutes: Successfully checking user token with headers and not request.body. Successfully deleting user, which then spectacularly wrecks everything. -30 minutes: Can delete answer history now -30 minutes: looking at options for pictures, will try flickr api Total 3 hours
April 2, 2021 -30 minutes: Looking at Flickr api -30 minutes: Made temporary mystery bird image, front end asking for api for image -30 minutes: Successfully getting JSON image info from flikr api through the backend! Total 1.5 hours
April 4, 2021 -30 minutes: Showing an image from flickr! Total .5 hours
April 5, 2021 -30 minutes: No longer resets previously set keys by adding choices, working on local storage for settings -30 minutes: local storage works, looking at material UI -30 minutes: material UI stuff -30 minutes: user data to Table, fixed clear answers (wasn't actually deleting) -30 minutes: Looking at quiz styling, alert dialog (for erasing user etc) -30 minutes: Alert opens with generic message (but doesn't close, whoops) Total 3 hours
April 6, 2021 -30 minutes: Alert for delete answer history and user works -30 minutes: working on grid layout for quiz -30 minutes: more messing with grid -30 minutes: trying to resolve overlapping with grid and failing -30 minutes: Working on various console log warnings -30 minutes: i18n for Quiz Total 3 hours
April 8. 2021 -30 minutes: Watching Material UI tutorial -30 minutes; still trying to fix layout -30 minutes: gave up on Grid, switched to regular flexbox -30 minutes: fiddling with styles -30 minutes: more styles -30 minutes: translated settings, userforms Total 3 hours
April 9, 2021 -30 minutes: Removed h1s, fixed margins without h1s, looking at hover effect for menu Total 30 minutes
April 12, 2021 -30 minutes: Slightly more mobile responsive, fixed too-tall images, added Roboto font to html page -30 minutes: Added Flickr credits, moved credits and key map to bottom -30 minutes: Fiddling with menu icons -30 minutes: More menu icons, starting mystery bird pic -30 minutes: mystery bird pic Total 2 hours 30 minutes
April 14, 2021 -30 minutes JP-EN and links for About page -30 minutes JP-EN for User page and confirm dialog -30 minutes, made footer in Quiz, adjusted picture label, fixed photo credit to link to profile -30 minutes: Tweaked button styling, changed bullets to duck emojis, omitted tab and escape for keyboard navigation Total 2 hours
55 hours so far
April 15, 2021 -30 minutes: Using quiz and checking recordings Total 30 minutes
April 16, 2021 -30 minutes: more checking recordings -30 minutes: Missing bird image -30 minutes: Favicon stuff, starting fixing audio -30 minutes: downloadeding new audio Total 2 hours
April 19, 2021 -30 minutes: Downloading audio, starting JSON edits -30 minutes: JSON edits -30 minutes: more JSON edits -30 minutes: finished JSON, checking audio, last translation bit, looking at i18n debugging -30 minutes: looking at Heroku, changing back to getting audio from Xeno-canto -30 minutes: trying to make Heroku work -30 minutes: trying to figure out why api calls don't work -30 minutes: fixed api by added secrets to Heroku, changed name, shared online Total 4 hours
Going to take a long hiatus at 61.5 hours