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Library for runtime MSIL functions compilation

How to use

  1. Create ILGen object ILGen<[Method delegate type]> gen = new ILGen<[Method delegate type]>([Mathod name], [enable private fields and classes access]);

  2. Write code with statements

    • gen.Line for statements
      • Use class Expr to use operators (Example: Expr.Mul(gen.args[0], gen.Const(3.5f)), Expr.Greater(gen.args[0], 0))
      • To set value use Set method (Example: gen.Line(i.Set(0));) !Set is the statement and must be in gen.Line
    • gen.Return to return value
    • gen.If / gen.ElseIf / gen.Else / gen.EndIf for if construction
    • gen.While / gen.EndWhile for while cycles
  3. Call gen.compile([enable debug info]); to compile your function

Simple shell get/set/call/construct functions

Maybe you need only to compile function-caller / constructor / setter / getter for unknown type? You can use ILTemplate for these tasks:

Memebr getters

  • ILTemplate.CommonMemberGetter - for static and instance class members get. Returns Func<object, object>, where the first argument - object instance (if instance member) and the return value - field value
  • ILTemplate.StaticMemberGetter - for stastic class members get. As CommonMember getter, but the return function doesn't receive the object instance argument
  • ILTemplate.InstanceMemberGetter - for instance class members get. The first argument of the return function - object instance, return value - field value

Member setters

  • CommonMemberSetter - for static and instance class members set. Returns Action<object, object> where first argument - object instance (for instance fields) and the second - set value
  • StaticMemberSetter - for static members set. Result Action< object > is without object instance arg
  • InstanceMemberSetter for instance members set. Returns Action<object, object> where first argument - object instance and second - set value

Class constructor

  • Use CommonObjectCreator to compile function Func<object[], object>, that calls constructor with args in array of object and returns a new object instance

Method call shell

  • CommonCallShell - call shell for static and instance class methods, with and without return type. Returns Func<object, object[], object> , where the first argument - class instance (if calls instance function), the second - call function args array. Returns null, if call method has no return type
  • CommonStaticCallShell - call shell for static class methods with and without return type. Returns Func<object[], object>, where the first argument - call function args array.
  • StaticActionCallShell - call shell for static class methods without return type. Returns Action<object[]>, where the first argument - call function args array.
  • StaticFunctionCallShell - call shell for static class methods without return type. Returns Func<object[], object>, where the first argument - call function args array.
  • CommonInstanceCallShell - call shell for instance class methods with and without return type. Returns Func<object, object[], object> where the first arg - object instance, the second - function call args array. Returns null, if the call method has no return type
  • InstanceActionCallShell - call shell for instance class methods without return type. Returns Action<object, object[]> where the first arg - object instance, the second - function call args array.
  • InstanceFunctionCallShell - call shell for instance class methods with return type. Returns Func<object, object[], object> where the first arg - object instance, the second - function call args array.

Example 1

Function returns (first arg) * 3.5

ILGen<Func<int, float>> gen = new ILGen<Func<int, float>>("Example1_func", true);

gen.Return( Expr.Mul(gen.args[0], gen.Const(3.5f)) ) ;

var func = gen.compile(true); //Our function

Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}", func(15));

Example 2

If/elseif/else constructions

var gen = new ILGen<Action<int>>("TestFunc5_1", true);

gen.If(Expr.Greater(gen.args[0], 0));
//If arg0 > 0
gen.Line(Expr.CallStatic(typeof(Console), "WriteLine", "{0} is positive", Expr.CreateArray(typeof(object), gen.args[0])));
gen.ElseIf(Expr.Less(gen.args[0], 0));
//Else if arg0 < 0
gen.Line(Expr.CallStatic(typeof(Console), "WriteLine", "{0} is negative", Expr.CreateArray(typeof(object), gen.args[0])));
//else (arg0 == 0)
gen.Line(Expr.CallStatic(typeof(Console), "WriteLine", "Zero"));

var func = gen.compile(true);

Example 3

Fibonacci numbers array gen

var gen = new ILGen<Func<int, long[]>>("TestFunc6", true);

ILVar resultArray = gen.DeclareVar(typeof(long[]));
ILVar arrayIndex = gen.DeclareVar(typeof(int));
gen.Line(resultArray.Set(Expr.InitArray(typeof(long), gen.args[0])));
gen.While(Expr.NotEquals(arrayIndex, resultArray.ArrayLength));
	gen.Line(resultArray.Index(arrayIndex).Set(resultArray.Index(arrayIndex - 1) + resultArray.Index(arrayIndex - 2)));
	gen.Line(arrayIndex.Set(arrayIndex + 1));

var func = gen.compile(true);

Example 4

Double fields of unknown type sum function

var gen = new ILGen<Func<T, double>>(typeof(T).Name + "_fields_sum", true);

ILVar counter = gen.DeclareVar<double>();
foreach(FieldInfo fieldInfo in typeof(T).GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic).Where(info => info.FieldType == typeof(double)))
	gen.Line(counter.Set(counter + gen.args[0].Field(fieldInfo)));

var func = gen.compile(true);

Example 5

Create a matrix and output it to console

var gen = new ILGen<Action>("TestFunc14", true);

ILVar matrix = gen.DeclareVar(typeof(int[,]));
gen.Line(matrix.Set(Expr.CreateArray(typeof(int), new Expr[] { 
		1, 2, 3,
		4, 5, 6,
		7, 8, 9
	}, new int[] { 3, 3})));

ILVar index1 = gen.DeclareVar(typeof(int));
gen.Line( index1.Set(0) );
ILVar index2 = gen.DeclareVar(typeof(int));
gen.Line( index2.Set(0) );
ILVar lineString = gen.DeclareVar(typeof(string));

gen.While( Expr.Less(index1, matrix.GetArrayDimensionLength(0)) );
	gen.Line( lineString.Set("") );
	gen.Line( index2.Set(0) );
	gen.While( Expr.Less(index2, matrix.GetArrayDimensionLength(1)) );
		gen.Line( lineString.Set(Expr.Add(Expr.Add(lineString, matrix.Index(index1, index2).CompatiblePass(typeof(string))), "; ")) );
		gen.Line( index2.Set(Expr.Add(index2, 1)) );
	gen.Line(Expr.CallStatic(typeof(Console), "WriteLine", lineString));

	gen.Line( index1.Set(Expr.Add(index1, 1)) );

var func =  gen.compile(true);

Example 6

Create delegate instance and call it

delegate int TestDelegate(int a, int b);

public static int testAddition(int a, int b) {
	Console.WriteLine($"Call testAddition with args a = {a}, b = {b}");
	return a + b;

public static void testFunc17() { 
	var gen = new ILGen<Func<int, int, int>>("TestFunc17", true);
	ILVar delegateVar = gen.DeclareVar(typeof(TestDelegate));

	gen.Line(delegateVar.Set(Expr.CreateDelegate(typeof(TestDelegate), Expr.NULL, typeof(Program).GetMethod("testAddition", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static))));
	gen.Return(delegateVar.Invoke(gen.args[0], gen.args[1]));

	var func = gen.compile(true);
	int result = func(5, 6);
	Console.WriteLine($"Result: {result}");

More examples

IL compile
IL create by templates


To see MSIL code, I used ILSpy. Codes to view MSIL are in ShowCode