This automation will react on changes of energy imported or exported from the grid. It will control the Photovoltaic power generation by setting the limit to a value avoiding exporting to the grid
Sensors measuring Grid import or export e.g. all 3 phases in W. All power meters will be summed up to define the total grid import or export.
Sensors measuring PV Generation in W If sevaral Sensors are selected, those will be summed up.
Entity to set the non persistant absolut limit in W. It should be the non persistant limit to avoid too many writes towards the flash memory.
Entity indicating if the inverter is available ('On' -> available)
Kudos for the simple algorithm and idea go to:
Version: 0.0.4 - Add interval trigger to prevent changes happening to often
Version: 0.0.3 - Add parameter to define, at which feed in power the controller will get active. Also add parameter to select the control mode
Version: 0.0.2 - Improve Error handling in case sensors are unavailable
Version: 0.0.1 - Initial commit