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apps -ls


apps -hide [appName]

## Show

apps -show [appName]

Show details (activites, services, ...)

apps -l [appName]

Open the Play Store page

apps -ps [appName]

Open the Settings page

apps -st [appName]


apps -frc [appName]

(You can launch both visible and hidden apps with this option)

Open apps.xml

apps -file

Set default-apps

apps -default_app [index] [appName]

index: the index of the chosen default app (1 <= index <= 5)
appName: the name of the chosen app, or "most_used", or "null"

Reset launched_times

apps -reset [appName]

App Groups

App groups have been introduced in t-ui 6.3b (beta). They allow you to create sets of apps which belong to the same categories (games, settings, etc...).

Moreover, you can set a custom background and foreground color, in order to make your suggestions more explicative and clear.

Create a group

apps -mkgp [groupName]

This created an empty group with the given name (spaces are not allowed).

Delete a group

apps -rmgp [groupName]

Add an app

apps -addtogp [groupName] [appName]

Remove an app

apps -rmfromgp [groupName] [appName]


Since t-ui beta 6.5 you can sort your app groups changing the entry: app_groups_sorting.


  • 0 = time up->down
  • 1 = time down->up
  • 2 = alphabetical up->down
  • 3 = alphabetical down->up
  • 4 = most used up->down
  • 5 = most used down->up

$ config -set app_groups_sorting 3

Set the background color

apps -gp_bg_color [groupName] [#color]

(check here for more details) about colors

Set the foreground color

apps -gp_fore_color [groupName] [#color]

(check here for more details about colors)

List your groups

apps -lsgp

List the apps inside a group

apps -lsgp [groupName]