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File metadata and controls

105 lines (85 loc) · 3.62 KB


When contributing to this repository & community with a script or Dynamo file, please follow the requirements below. We ask for these things so we can ensure a consistently high quality of materials, making it easier for everyone to learn & use Python inside Dynamo.


All contributions need to make sure :

  • code can be copy and pasted into Python script nodes inside of Dynamo
  • the python scripts will work without needing modification, assuming correct information is passed into the input ports
  • any external dependencies or libraries that are required are clearly identified in the script notes and further instructions provided
  • most of all, the contribution provides educational value and is as accessible to all


All scripts and Dynamo files should be heavily Annotated as the main intention of this resource is to educate.

A few things to keep in mind when writing annotations :

  • annotations should explain WHY something is done that way or is required, for example :
# we need to import the common language runtime to be able to interact with Dynamo & Revit
import clr

and another :

# python includes a definition of PI in its math library, so we import it
import math
# we only need PI accurate to the first 2 decimal places
# so we round it down and store it in a variable called pi
pi = round(math.pi,2)
  • only explain WHAT the code is doing when it's not evident from the code itself.

for example, don't do this :

# initialise a
a = 3.14

but instead do this

# we store a rounded down value of PI in a variable called a
a = 3.14

Code style

We generally recommed following the in-depth PEP 8 Style Guide when writing Python code.

All code lines to be limited to a maximum of 79 characters as per the PEP 8 Style Guide

For flowing long blocks of text with fewer structural restrictions (docstrings or comments), the line length should be limited to 72 characters.

If you wish to run an online check to conform with PEP 8, then you can use this Link to check your Python online. Please note that the following Syntax section is somewhat different to PEP-8.


If you wish to contribute, please follow the general script template below:

a dynamoPython script, visit the website for more details
__author__ = 'author - email'
__twitter__ = '@twitter handle'
__github__ = '@github handle'
__version__ = 'version of script'

Script Notes/Information

Script Body

An example of such is as follows:

a dynamoPython script, visit the website for more details
__author__ = 'Sol Amour - [email protected]'
__twitter__ = '@solamour'
__github__ = '@Amoursol'
__version__ = '1.0.0'

SYNTAX: List.insert(index, item)
List = The list to which you want to insert an item
.insert = The insert function which requires two input variables
index = The index where you wish to insert your new item
item = The item which you wish to insert into your list

insertItem = ["X", 3]  # A list of elements to insert
baseList = [["A", 11], ["B", 7], ["C", 9]]  # A data list of lists
# (Paired alphabetic and numeric characters)

baseList.insert(0, insertItem)  # We want to insert our 'insertItem'
# into our 'baseList', so we call the function '.insert' on our
# 'baseList' and choose an index of '0' (Add Item to Front)

OUT = baseList