Live Project :
- Frontend: HTML,CSS,React Js, Java Script, Bootstrap, Chakra UI
- Version Control: Git and GitHub
- Hosting: Netlify
- Code Editor and tools: VS Code
✨ Welcome to BrainyBowl ✨
- Overview
- UI of Website
- Contribution Guideline
This web app is built using React JS. It allows the user to select the criteria for their quiz from a list of options. The user can then proceed to answer the questions in the quiz and their performance will be tracked and shown in the scoreboard. Moreover, the app can be designed to be responsive and user-friendly.
Navigate to the directory where the Dockerfile exists.
After navigating to the directory run the command given below - "docker build -t ." here -t means tag and its followed by image_name you can give the name of image whichever you want but give the name in smallcase.
After building the docker image run the docker image using the below command - "docker run -d -p 8000:80 " here -d = detached mode -p = port mapping localhost:containerPort
use the command "docker ps" to check whether the conatiner is running or not.
Navigate to localhost:8080 of your PC and thats it you will see your application is running on docker.