diff --git a/tests/testflows/tests/automated/sql_editor.py b/tests/testflows/tests/automated/sql_editor.py index 3b7925fc8..a54cf5c7b 100644 --- a/tests/testflows/tests/automated/sql_editor.py +++ b/tests/testflows/tests/automated/sql_editor.py @@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ $rateColumnsAggregated(key, subkey, aggFunction1, value1, ... aggFunctionN, valueN) - if you need calculate `$rate` for higher cardinality dimension and then aggregate by lower cardinality dimension. Example usage: $rateColumnsAggregated(datacenter, concat(datacenter,interface) AS dc_interface, sum, tx_bytes * 1014 AS tx_kbytes, sum, max(rx_bytes) AS rx_bytes) FROM traffic $perSecond(cols...) - converts query results as "change rate per interval" for Counter-like(growing only) metrics $perSecondColumns(key, value) - is a combination of $columns and $perSecond for Counter-like metrics -$perSecondColumnsAggregated(key, subkey, aggFunction1, value1, ... aggFunctionN, valueN) - if you need to calculate \`perSecond\` for higher cardinality dimension and then aggregate by lower cardinality dimension +$perSecondColumnsAggregated(key, subkey, aggFunction1, value1, ... aggFunctionN, valueN) - if you need to calculate `perSecond` for higher cardinality dimension and then aggregate by lower cardinality dimension $delta(cols...) - converts query results as "delta value inside interval" for Counter-like(growing only) metrics, will negative if counter reset $deltaColumns(key, value) - is a combination of $columns and $delta for Counter-like metrics -$deltaColumnsAggregated(key, subkey, aggFunction1, value1, ... aggFunctionN, valueN) - if you need to calculate \`delta\` for higher cardinality dimension and then aggregate by lower cardinality dimension +$deltaColumnsAggregated(key, subkey, aggFunction1, value1, ... aggFunctionN, valueN) - if you need to calculate `delta` for higher cardinality dimension and then aggregate by lower cardinality dimension $increase(cols...) - converts query results as "non-negative delta value inside interval" for Counter-like(growing only) metrics, will zero if counter reset and delta less zero $increaseColumns(key, value) - is a combination of $columns and $increase for Counter-like metrics -$increaseColumnsAggregated(key, subkey, aggFunction1, value1, ... aggFunctionN, valueN) - if you need to calculate \`increase\` for higher cardinality dimension and then aggregate by lower cardinality dimension""" +$increaseColumnsAggregated(key, subkey, aggFunction1, value1, ... aggFunctionN, valueN) - if you need to calculate `increase` for higher cardinality dimension and then aggregate by lower cardinality dimension""" @TestScenario