diff --git a/UI/WebServerResources/js/Common/sgCkeditor.component.js b/UI/WebServerResources/js/Common/sgCkeditor.component.js
index 4a67d8472f..a70d10caac 100644
--- a/UI/WebServerResources/js/Common/sgCkeditor.component.js
+++ b/UI/WebServerResources/js/Common/sgCkeditor.component.js
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
config.toolbar = {
"items": [
"bold", "italic", "underline", "|",
- "fontColor", "fontFamily", "fontSize", "|",
+ "fontColor", "fontFamily", "fontSize", "removeFormat", "|",
"numberedList", "bulletedList", "|",
"outdent", "indent", "|",
"blockQuote", "|",
diff --git a/UI/WebServerResources/js/vendor/ckeditor/build/ckeditor.d.ts b/UI/WebServerResources/js/vendor/ckeditor/build/ckeditor.d.ts
index ae9307c1a7..513b444af8 100644
--- a/UI/WebServerResources/js/vendor/ckeditor/build/ckeditor.d.ts
+++ b/UI/WebServerResources/js/vendor/ckeditor/build/ckeditor.d.ts
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@
import { ClassicEditor } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-editor-classic';
import { Alignment } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-alignment';
import { Autoformat } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-autoformat';
-import { Bold, Italic, Strikethrough, Subscript, Superscript, Underline } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-basic-styles';
+import { Bold, Code, Italic, Strikethrough, Subscript, Superscript, Underline } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-basic-styles';
import { BlockQuote } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-block-quote';
import { CloudServices } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-cloud-services';
+import { CodeBlock } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-code-block';
import type { EditorConfig } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-core';
import { Essentials } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-essentials';
import { FontBackgroundColor, FontColor, FontFamily, FontSize } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-font';
@@ -16,12 +17,13 @@ import { Highlight } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-highlight';
import { HtmlEmbed } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-embed';
import { GeneralHtmlSupport } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-support';
import { AutoImage, Image, ImageCaption, ImageInsert, ImageResize, ImageStyle, ImageToolbar, ImageUpload } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-image';
-import { Indent } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-indent';
+import { Indent, IndentBlock } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-indent';
import { AutoLink, Link } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-link';
import { List } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-list';
import { MediaEmbed } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-media-embed';
import { Paragraph } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-paragraph';
import { PasteFromOffice } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-paste-from-office';
+import { RemoveFormat } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-remove-format';
import { SelectAll } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-select-all';
import { SourceEditing } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-source-editing';
import { SpecialCharacters, SpecialCharactersEssentials, SpecialCharactersMathematical } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-special-characters';
@@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ import { TextTransformation } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-typing';
import { Undo } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-undo';
import { Base64UploadAdapter } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-upload';
declare class Editor extends ClassicEditor {
- static builtinPlugins: (typeof Alignment | typeof AutoImage | typeof AutoLink | typeof Autoformat | typeof Base64UploadAdapter | typeof BlockQuote | typeof Bold | typeof CloudServices | typeof Essentials | typeof FontBackgroundColor | typeof FontColor | typeof FontFamily | typeof FontSize | typeof GeneralHtmlSupport | typeof Heading | typeof Highlight | typeof HtmlEmbed | typeof Image | typeof ImageCaption | typeof ImageInsert | typeof ImageResize | typeof ImageStyle | typeof ImageToolbar | typeof ImageUpload | typeof Indent | typeof Italic | typeof Link | typeof List | typeof MediaEmbed | typeof Paragraph | typeof PasteFromOffice | typeof SelectAll | typeof SourceEditing | typeof SpecialCharacters | typeof SpecialCharactersEssentials | typeof SpecialCharactersMathematical | typeof Strikethrough | typeof Subscript | typeof Superscript | typeof Table | typeof TableProperties | typeof TableToolbar | typeof TextTransformation | typeof Underline | typeof Undo)[];
+ static builtinPlugins: (typeof Alignment | typeof AutoImage | typeof AutoLink | typeof Autoformat | typeof Base64UploadAdapter | typeof BlockQuote | typeof Bold | typeof CloudServices | typeof Code | typeof CodeBlock | typeof Essentials | typeof FontBackgroundColor | typeof FontColor | typeof FontFamily | typeof FontSize | typeof GeneralHtmlSupport | typeof Heading | typeof Highlight | typeof HtmlEmbed | typeof Image | typeof ImageCaption | typeof ImageInsert | typeof ImageResize | typeof ImageStyle | typeof ImageToolbar | typeof ImageUpload | typeof Indent | typeof IndentBlock | typeof Italic | typeof Link | typeof List | typeof MediaEmbed | typeof Paragraph | typeof PasteFromOffice | typeof RemoveFormat | typeof SelectAll | typeof SourceEditing | typeof SpecialCharacters | typeof SpecialCharactersEssentials | typeof SpecialCharactersMathematical | typeof Strikethrough | typeof Subscript | typeof Superscript | typeof Table | typeof TableProperties | typeof TableToolbar | typeof TextTransformation | typeof Underline | typeof Undo)[];
static defaultConfig: EditorConfig;
export default Editor;
diff --git a/UI/WebServerResources/js/vendor/ckeditor/build/ckeditor.js b/UI/WebServerResources/js/vendor/ckeditor/build/ckeditor.js
index 4149fc1e37..60faebad04 100644
--- a/UI/WebServerResources/js/vendor/ckeditor/build/ckeditor.js
+++ b/UI/WebServerResources/js/vendor/ckeditor/build/ckeditor.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-(function(t){const e=t["en"]=t["en"]||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{"%0 of %1":"%0 of %1",Accept:"Accept","Align cell text to the bottom":"Align cell text to the bottom","Align cell text to the center":"Align cell text to the center","Align cell text to the left":"Align cell text to the left","Align cell text to the middle":"Align cell text to the middle","Align cell text to the right":"Align cell text to the right","Align cell text to the top":"Align cell text to the top","Align center":"Align center","Align left":"Align left","Align right":"Align right","Align table to the left":"Align table to the left","Align table to the right":"Align table to the right",Alignment:"Alignment",All:"All","Almost equal to":"Almost equal to",Angle:"Angle","Approximately equal to":"Approximately equal to",Aquamarine:"Aquamarine",Arrows:"Arrows","Asterisk operator":"Asterisk operator","Austral sign":"Austral sign","back with leftwards arrow above":"back with leftwards arrow above",Background:"Background",Big:"Big","Bitcoin sign":"Bitcoin sign",Black:"Black","Block quote":"Block quote",Blue:"Blue","Blue marker":"Blue marker",Bold:"Bold",Border:"Border","Break text":"Break text","Bulleted List":"Bulleted List","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Bulleted list styles toolbar",Cancel:"Cancel","Caption for image: %0":"Caption for image: %0","Caption for the image":"Caption for the image","Cedi sign":"Cedi sign","Cell properties":"Cell properties","Cent sign":"Cent sign","Center table":"Center table","Centered image":"Centered image","Change image text alternative":"Change image text alternative","Character categories":"Character categories","Choose heading":"Choose heading",Circle:"Circle",Clear:"Clear","Click to edit block":"Click to edit block",Close:"Close",Code:"Code","Colon sign":"Colon sign",Color:"Color","Color picker":"Color picker",Column:"Column","Contains as member":"Contains as member","Copyright sign":"Copyright sign","Cruzeiro sign":"Cruzeiro sign",Currency:"Currency","Currency sign":"Currency sign",Dashed:"Dashed",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal with leading zero","Decrease indent":"Decrease indent",Default:"Default","Degree sign":"Degree sign","Delete column":"Delete column","Delete row":"Delete row","Dim grey":"Dim grey",Dimensions:"Dimensions",Disc:"Disc","Division sign":"Division sign","Document colors":"Document colors","Dollar sign":"Dollar sign","Dong sign":"Dong sign",Dotted:"Dotted",Double:"Double","Double dagger":"Double dagger","Double exclamation mark":"Double exclamation mark","Double low-9 quotation mark":"Double low-9 quotation mark","Double question mark":"Double question mark",Downloadable:"Downloadable","downwards arrow to bar":"downwards arrow to bar","downwards dashed arrow":"downwards dashed arrow","downwards double arrow":"downwards double arrow","downwards simple arrow":"downwards simple arrow","Drachma sign":"Drachma sign","Drag to move":"Drag to move","Dropdown toolbar":"Dropdown toolbar","Edit block":"Edit block","Edit link":"Edit link","Edit source":"Edit source","Editor block content toolbar":"Editor block content toolbar","Editor contextual toolbar":"Editor contextual toolbar","Editor dialog":"Editor dialog","Editor editing area: %0":"Editor editing area: %0","Editor toolbar":"Editor toolbar","Element of":"Element of","Em dash":"Em dash","Empty set":"Empty set","Empty snippet content":"Empty snippet content","En dash":"En dash","end with leftwards arrow above":"end with leftwards arrow above","Enter image caption":"Enter image caption","Enter table caption":"Enter table caption","Euro sign":"Euro sign","Euro-currency sign":"Euro-currency sign","Exclamation question mark":"Exclamation question mark","Font Background Color":"Font Background Color","Font Color":"Font Color","Font Family":"Font Family","Font Size":"Font Size","For all":"For all","Fraction slash":"Fraction slash","French franc sign":"French franc sign","Full size image":"Full size image","German penny sign":"German penny sign","Greater-than or equal to":"Greater-than or equal to","Greater-than sign":"Greater-than sign",Green:"Green","Green marker":"Green marker","Green pen":"Green pen",Grey:"Grey",Groove:"Groove","Guarani sign":"Guarani sign","Header column":"Header column","Header row":"Header row",Heading:"Heading","Heading 1":"Heading 1","Heading 2":"Heading 2","Heading 3":"Heading 3","Heading 4":"Heading 4","Heading 5":"Heading 5","Heading 6":"Heading 6",Height:"Height",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Highlight","Horizontal ellipsis":"Horizontal ellipsis","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Horizontal text alignment toolbar","Hryvnia sign":"Hryvnia sign","HTML object":"HTML object","HTML snippet":"HTML snippet",Huge:"Huge","Identical to":"Identical to","Image resize list":"Image resize list","Image toolbar":"Image toolbar","image widget":"image widget","In line":"In line","Increase indent":"Increase indent","Indian rupee sign":"Indian rupee sign",Infinity:"Infinity",Insert:"Insert","Insert column left":"Insert column left","Insert column right":"Insert column right","Insert HTML":"Insert HTML","Insert image":"Insert image","Insert image via URL":"Insert image via URL","Insert media":"Insert media","Insert paragraph after block":"Insert paragraph after block","Insert paragraph before block":"Insert paragraph before block","Insert row above":"Insert row above","Insert row below":"Insert row below","Insert table":"Insert table",Inset:"Inset",Integral:"Integral",Intersection:"Intersection","Inverted exclamation mark":"Inverted exclamation mark","Inverted question mark":"Inverted question mark",Italic:"Italic",Justify:"Justify","Justify cell text":"Justify cell text","Kip sign":"Kip sign",Latin:"Latin","Latin capital letter a with breve":"Latin capital letter a with breve","Latin capital letter a with macron":"Latin capital letter a with macron","Latin capital letter a with ogonek":"Latin capital letter a with ogonek","Latin capital letter c with acute":"Latin capital letter c with acute","Latin capital letter c with caron":"Latin capital letter c with caron","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"Latin capital letter c with circumflex","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"Latin capital letter c with dot above","Latin capital letter d with caron":"Latin capital letter d with caron","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"Latin capital letter d with stroke","Latin capital letter e with breve":"Latin capital letter e with breve","Latin capital letter e with caron":"Latin capital letter e with caron","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"Latin capital letter e with dot above","Latin capital letter e with macron":"Latin capital letter e with macron","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"Latin capital letter e with ogonek","Latin capital letter eng":"Latin capital letter eng","Latin capital letter g with breve":"Latin capital letter g with breve","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"Latin capital letter g with cedilla","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"Latin capital letter g with circumflex","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"Latin capital letter g with dot above","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"Latin capital letter h with circumflex","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"Latin capital letter h with stroke","Latin capital letter i with breve":"Latin capital letter i with breve","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"Latin capital letter i with dot above","Latin capital letter i with macron":"Latin capital letter i with macron","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"Latin capital letter i with ogonek","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"Latin capital letter i with tilde","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"Latin capital letter j with circumflex","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"Latin capital letter k with cedilla","Latin capital letter l with acute":"Latin capital letter l with acute","Latin capital letter l with caron":"Latin capital letter l with caron","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"Latin capital letter l with cedilla","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"Latin capital letter l with middle dot","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"Latin capital letter l with stroke","Latin capital letter n with acute":"Latin capital letter n with acute","Latin capital letter n with caron":"Latin capital letter n with caron","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"Latin capital letter n with cedilla","Latin capital letter o with breve":"Latin capital letter o with breve","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"Latin capital letter o with double acute","Latin capital letter o with macron":"Latin capital letter o with macron","Latin capital letter r with acute":"Latin capital letter r with acute","Latin capital letter r with caron":"Latin capital letter r with caron","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"Latin capital letter r with cedilla","Latin capital letter s with acute":"Latin capital letter s with acute","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Latin capital letter s with caron","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Latin capital letter s with cedilla","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Latin capital letter s with circumflex","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Latin capital letter t with caron","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Latin capital letter t with cedilla","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Latin capital letter t with stroke","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Latin capital letter u with breve","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Latin capital letter u with double acute","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Latin capital letter u with macron","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Latin capital letter u with ogonek","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Latin capital letter u with ring above","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Latin capital letter u with tilde","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Latin capital letter w with circumflex","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Latin capital letter y with circumflex","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Latin capital letter y with diaeresis","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Latin capital letter z with acute","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Latin capital letter z with caron","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Latin capital letter z with dot above","Latin capital ligature ij":"Latin capital ligature ij","Latin capital ligature oe":"Latin capital ligature oe","Latin small letter a with breve":"Latin small letter a with breve","Latin small letter a with macron":"Latin small letter a with macron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Latin small letter a with ogonek","Latin small letter c with acute":"Latin small letter c with acute","Latin small letter c with caron":"Latin small letter c with caron","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Latin small letter c with circumflex","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Latin small letter c with dot above","Latin small letter d with caron":"Latin small letter d with caron","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Latin small letter d with stroke","Latin small letter dotless i":"Latin small letter dotless i","Latin small letter e with breve":"Latin small letter e with breve","Latin small letter e with caron":"Latin small letter e with caron","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Latin small letter e with dot above","Latin small letter e with macron":"Latin small letter e with macron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Latin small letter e with ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Latin small letter eng","Latin small letter f with hook":"Latin small letter f with hook","Latin small letter g with breve":"Latin small letter g with breve","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Latin small letter g with cedilla","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Latin small letter g with circumflex","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Latin small letter g with dot above","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Latin small letter h with circumflex","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Latin small letter h with stroke","Latin small letter i with breve":"Latin small letter i with breve","Latin small letter i with macron":"Latin small letter i with macron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Latin small letter i with ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Latin small letter i with tilde","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Latin small letter j with circumflex","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Latin small letter k with cedilla","Latin small letter kra":"Latin small letter kra","Latin small letter l with acute":"Latin small letter l with acute","Latin small letter l with caron":"Latin small letter l with caron","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Latin small letter l with cedilla","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Latin small letter l with middle dot","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Latin small letter l with stroke","Latin small letter long s":"Latin small letter long s","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe","Latin small letter n with acute":"Latin small letter n with acute","Latin small letter n with caron":"Latin small letter n with caron","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Latin small letter n with cedilla","Latin small letter o with breve":"Latin small letter o with breve","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Latin small letter o with double acute","Latin small letter o with macron":"Latin small letter o with macron","Latin small letter r with acute":"Latin small letter r with acute","Latin small letter r with caron":"Latin small letter r with caron","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Latin small letter r with cedilla","Latin small letter s with acute":"Latin small letter s with acute","Latin small letter s with caron":"Latin small letter s with caron","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Latin small letter s with cedilla","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Latin small letter s with circumflex","Latin small letter t with caron":"Latin small letter t with caron","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Latin small letter t with cedilla","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Latin small letter t with stroke","Latin small letter u with breve":"Latin small letter u with breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Latin small letter u with double acute","Latin small letter u with macron":"Latin small letter u with macron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Latin small letter u with ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Latin small letter u with ring above","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Latin small letter u with tilde","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Latin small letter w with circumflex","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Latin small letter y with circumflex","Latin small letter z with acute":"Latin small letter z with acute","Latin small letter z with caron":"Latin small letter z with caron","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Latin small letter z with dot above","Latin small ligature ij":"Latin small ligature ij","Latin small ligature oe":"Latin small ligature oe","Left aligned image":"Left aligned image","Left double quotation mark":"Left double quotation mark","Left single quotation mark":"Left single quotation mark","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Left-pointing double angle quotation mark","leftwards arrow to bar":"leftwards arrow to bar","leftwards dashed arrow":"leftwards dashed arrow","leftwards double arrow":"leftwards double arrow","leftwards simple arrow":"leftwards simple arrow","Less-than or equal to":"Less-than or equal to","Less-than sign":"Less-than sign","Light blue":"Light blue","Light green":"Light green","Light grey":"Light grey",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link image","Link URL":"Link URL","Lira sign":"Lira sign","List properties":"List properties","Livre tournois sign":"Livre tournois sign","Logical and":"Logical and","Logical or":"Logical or","Lower-latin":"Lower-latin","Lower–roman":"Lower–roman",Macron:"Macron","Manat sign":"Manat sign",Mathematical:"Mathematical","Media toolbar":"Media toolbar","Media URL":"Media URL","media widget":"media widget","Merge cell down":"Merge cell down","Merge cell left":"Merge cell left","Merge cell right":"Merge cell right","Merge cell up":"Merge cell up","Merge cells":"Merge cells","Mill sign":"Mill sign","Minus sign":"Minus sign","Multiplication sign":"Multiplication sign","N-ary product":"N-ary product","N-ary summation":"N-ary summation",Nabla:"Nabla","Naira sign":"Naira sign","New sheqel sign":"New sheqel sign",Next:"Next","No preview available":"No preview available","No results found":"No results found","No searchable items":"No searchable items",None:"None","Nordic mark sign":"Nordic mark sign","Not an element of":"Not an element of","Not equal to":"Not equal to","Not sign":"Not sign","Numbered List":"Numbered List","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Numbered list styles toolbar","on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above":"on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above","Open in a new tab":"Open in a new tab","Open link in new tab":"Open link in new tab","Open media in new tab":"Open media in new tab",Orange:"Orange",Original:"Original",Outset:"Outset",Overline:"Overline",Padding:"Padding",Paragraph:"Paragraph","Paragraph sign":"Paragraph sign","Partial differential":"Partial differential","Paste raw HTML here...":"Paste raw HTML here...","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Paste the media URL in the input.","Per mille sign":"Per mille sign","Per ten thousand sign":"Per ten thousand sign","Peseta sign":"Peseta sign","Peso sign":"Peso sign","Pink marker":"Pink marker","Plus-minus sign":"Plus-minus sign","Pound sign":"Pound sign","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget",Previous:"Previous","Proportional to":"Proportional to",Purple:"Purple","Question exclamation mark":"Question exclamation mark",Red:"Red","Red pen":"Red pen",Redo:"Redo","Registered sign":"Registered sign","Remove color":"Remove color","Remove highlight":"Remove highlight","Replace from computer":"Replace from computer","Replace image":"Replace image","Replace image from computer":"Replace image from computer","Resize image":"Resize image","Resize image to %0":"Resize image to %0","Resize image to the original size":"Resize image to the original size","Restore default":"Restore default","Reversed order":"Reversed order","Reversed paragraph sign":"Reversed paragraph sign","Rich Text Editor":"Rich Text Editor",Ridge:"Ridge","Right aligned image":"Right aligned image","Right double quotation mark":"Right double quotation mark","Right single quotation mark":"Right single quotation mark","Right-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Right-pointing double angle quotation mark","rightwards arrow to bar":"rightwards arrow to bar","rightwards dashed arrow":"rightwards dashed arrow","rightwards double arrow":"rightwards double arrow","rightwards simple arrow":"rightwards simple arrow",Row:"Row","Ruble sign":"Ruble sign","Rupee sign":"Rupee sign",Save:"Save","Save changes":"Save changes","Section sign":"Section sign","Select all":"Select all","Select column":"Select column","Select row":"Select row","Show more items":"Show more items","Side image":"Side image","Single left-pointing angle quotation mark":"Single left-pointing angle quotation mark","Single low-9 quotation mark":"Single low-9 quotation mark","Single right-pointing angle quotation mark":"Single right-pointing angle quotation mark",Small:"Small",Solid:"Solid","soon with rightwards arrow above":"soon with rightwards arrow above",Source:"Source","Special characters":"Special characters","Spesmilo sign":"Spesmilo sign","Split cell horizontally":"Split cell horizontally","Split cell vertically":"Split cell vertically",Square:"Square","Square root":"Square root","Start at":"Start at","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Start index must be greater than 0.",Strikethrough:"Strikethrough",Style:"Style",Subscript:"Subscript",Superscript:"Superscript","Table alignment toolbar":"Table alignment toolbar","Table cell text alignment":"Table cell text alignment","Table properties":"Table properties","Table toolbar":"Table toolbar","Tenge sign":"Tenge sign",Text:"Text","Text alignment":"Text alignment","Text alignment toolbar":"Text alignment toolbar","Text alternative":"Text alternative","Text highlight toolbar":"Text highlight toolbar",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"The URL must not be empty.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".',"There exists":"There exists","This link has no URL":"This link has no URL","This media URL is not supported.":"This media URL is not supported.","Tilde operator":"Tilde operator",Tiny:"Tiny","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.","To-do List":"To-do List","Toggle caption off":"Toggle caption off","Toggle caption on":"Toggle caption on","Toggle the circle list style":"Toggle the circle list style","Toggle the decimal list style":"Toggle the decimal list style","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style","Toggle the disc list style":"Toggle the disc list style","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Toggle the lower–latin list style","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Toggle the lower–roman list style","Toggle the square list style":"Toggle the square list style","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Toggle the upper–latin list style","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Toggle the upper–roman list style","top with upwards arrow above":"top with upwards arrow above","Trade mark sign":"Trade mark sign","Tugrik sign":"Tugrik sign","Turkish lira sign":"Turkish lira sign",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Two dot leader":"Two dot leader","Type or paste your content here.":"Type or paste your content here.","Type your title":"Type your title",Underline:"Underline",Undo:"Undo",Union:"Union",Unlink:"Unlink","up down arrow with base":"up down arrow with base",Update:"Update","Update image URL":"Update image URL","Upload failed":"Upload failed","Upload from computer":"Upload from computer","Upload image from computer":"Upload image from computer","Upload in progress":"Upload in progress","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","upwards arrow to bar":"upwards arrow to bar","upwards dashed arrow":"upwards dashed arrow","upwards double arrow":"upwards double arrow","upwards simple arrow":"upwards simple arrow","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertical text alignment toolbar","Vulgar fraction one half":"Vulgar fraction one half","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Vulgar fraction one quarter","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Vulgar fraction three quarters",White:"White","Widget toolbar":"Widget toolbar",Width:"Width","Won sign":"Won sign","Wrap text":"Wrap text",Yellow:"Yellow","Yellow marker":"Yellow marker","Yen sign":"Yen sign"})})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
+(function(t){const e=t["en"]=t["en"]||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{"(may require Fn)":"(may require Fn)","%0 of %1":"%0 of %1",Accept:"Accept","Accessibility help":"Accessibility help","Align cell text to the bottom":"Align cell text to the bottom","Align cell text to the center":"Align cell text to the center","Align cell text to the left":"Align cell text to the left","Align cell text to the middle":"Align cell text to the middle","Align cell text to the right":"Align cell text to the right","Align cell text to the top":"Align cell text to the top","Align center":"Align center","Align left":"Align left","Align right":"Align right","Align table to the left":"Align table to the left","Align table to the right":"Align table to the right",Alignment:"Alignment",All:"All","Almost equal to":"Almost equal to",Angle:"Angle","Approximately equal to":"Approximately equal to",Aquamarine:"Aquamarine",Arrows:"Arrows","Asterisk operator":"Asterisk operator","Austral sign":"Austral sign","back with leftwards arrow above":"back with leftwards arrow above",Background:"Background","Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.":"Below, you can find a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the editor.",Big:"Big","Bitcoin sign":"Bitcoin sign",Black:"Black","Block quote":"Block quote",Blue:"Blue","Blue marker":"Blue marker",Bold:"Bold","Bold text":"Bold text",Border:"Border","Break text":"Break text","Bulleted List":"Bulleted List","Bulleted list styles toolbar":"Bulleted list styles toolbar",Cancel:"Cancel","Caption for image: %0":"Caption for image: %0","Caption for the image":"Caption for the image","Cedi sign":"Cedi sign","Cell properties":"Cell properties","Cent sign":"Cent sign","Center table":"Center table","Centered image":"Centered image","Change image text alternative":"Change image text alternative","Character categories":"Character categories","Choose heading":"Choose heading",Circle:"Circle",Clear:"Clear","Click to edit block":"Click to edit block",Close:"Close","Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs":"Close contextual balloons, dropdowns, and dialogs",Code:"Code","Colon sign":"Colon sign",Color:"Color","Color picker":"Color picker",Column:"Column","Contains as member":"Contains as member","Content editing keystrokes":"Content editing keystrokes","Copy selected content":"Copy selected content","Copyright sign":"Copyright sign","Create link":"Create link","Cruzeiro sign":"Cruzeiro sign",Currency:"Currency","Currency sign":"Currency sign",Dashed:"Dashed",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal with leading zero","Decrease indent":"Decrease indent","Decrease list item indent":"Decrease list item indent",Default:"Default","Degree sign":"Degree sign","Delete column":"Delete column","Delete row":"Delete row","Dim grey":"Dim grey",Dimensions:"Dimensions",Disc:"Disc","Division sign":"Division sign","Document colors":"Document colors","Dollar sign":"Dollar sign","Dong sign":"Dong sign",Dotted:"Dotted",Double:"Double","Double dagger":"Double dagger","Double exclamation mark":"Double exclamation mark","Double low-9 quotation mark":"Double low-9 quotation mark","Double question mark":"Double question mark",Downloadable:"Downloadable","downwards arrow to bar":"downwards arrow to bar","downwards dashed arrow":"downwards dashed arrow","downwards double arrow":"downwards double arrow","downwards simple arrow":"downwards simple arrow","Drachma sign":"Drachma sign","Drag to move":"Drag to move","Dropdown toolbar":"Dropdown toolbar","Edit block":"Edit block","Edit link":"Edit link","Edit source":"Edit source","Editor block content toolbar":"Editor block content toolbar","Editor contextual toolbar":"Editor contextual toolbar","Editor dialog":"Editor dialog","Editor editing area: %0":"Editor editing area: %0","Editor toolbar":"Editor toolbar","Element of":"Element of","Em dash":"Em dash","Empty set":"Empty set","Empty snippet content":"Empty snippet content","En dash":"En dash","end with leftwards arrow above":"end with leftwards arrow above","Enter image caption":"Enter image caption","Enter table caption":"Enter table caption","Euro sign":"Euro sign","Euro-currency sign":"Euro-currency sign","Exclamation question mark":"Exclamation question mark","Execute the currently focused button":"Execute the currently focused button","Font Background Color":"Font Background Color","Font Color":"Font Color","Font Family":"Font Family","Font Size":"Font Size","For all":"For all","Fraction slash":"Fraction slash","French franc sign":"French franc sign","Full size image":"Full size image","German penny sign":"German penny sign","Greater-than or equal to":"Greater-than or equal to","Greater-than sign":"Greater-than sign",Green:"Green","Green marker":"Green marker","Green pen":"Green pen",Grey:"Grey",Groove:"Groove","Guarani sign":"Guarani sign","Header column":"Header column","Header row":"Header row",Heading:"Heading","Heading 1":"Heading 1","Heading 2":"Heading 2","Heading 3":"Heading 3","Heading 4":"Heading 4","Heading 5":"Heading 5","Heading 6":"Heading 6",Height:"Height","Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.":"Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.",HEX:"HEX",Highlight:"Highlight","Horizontal ellipsis":"Horizontal ellipsis","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Horizontal text alignment toolbar","Hryvnia sign":"Hryvnia sign","HTML object":"HTML object","HTML snippet":"HTML snippet",Huge:"Huge","Identical to":"Identical to","Image resize list":"Image resize list","Image toolbar":"Image toolbar","image widget":"image widget","In line":"In line","Increase indent":"Increase indent","Increase list item indent":"Increase list item indent","Indian rupee sign":"Indian rupee sign",Infinity:"Infinity",Insert:"Insert","Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)":"Insert a hard break (a new paragraph)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget","Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)":"Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)","Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)":"Insert a soft break (a <br>
element)","Insert code block":"Insert code block","Insert column left":"Insert column left","Insert column right":"Insert column right","Insert HTML":"Insert HTML","Insert image":"Insert image","Insert image via URL":"Insert image via URL","Insert media":"Insert media","Insert paragraph after block":"Insert paragraph after block","Insert paragraph before block":"Insert paragraph before block","Insert row above":"Insert row above","Insert row below":"Insert row below","Insert table":"Insert table",Inset:"Inset",Integral:"Integral",Intersection:"Intersection","Invalid start index value.":"Invalid start index value.","Inverted exclamation mark":"Inverted exclamation mark","Inverted question mark":"Inverted question mark",Italic:"Italic","Italic text":"Italic text",Justify:"Justify","Justify cell text":"Justify cell text","Keystrokes that can be used in a list":"Keystrokes that can be used in a list","Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell":"Keystrokes that can be used in a table cell","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)","Kip sign":"Kip sign",Latin:"Latin","Latin capital letter a with breve":"Latin capital letter a with breve","Latin capital letter a with macron":"Latin capital letter a with macron","Latin capital letter a with ogonek":"Latin capital letter a with ogonek","Latin capital letter c with acute":"Latin capital letter c with acute","Latin capital letter c with caron":"Latin capital letter c with caron","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"Latin capital letter c with circumflex","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"Latin capital letter c with dot above","Latin capital letter d with caron":"Latin capital letter d with caron","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"Latin capital letter d with stroke","Latin capital letter e with breve":"Latin capital letter e with breve","Latin capital letter e with caron":"Latin capital letter e with caron","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"Latin capital letter e with dot above","Latin capital letter e with macron":"Latin capital letter e with macron","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"Latin capital letter e with ogonek","Latin capital letter eng":"Latin capital letter eng","Latin capital letter g with breve":"Latin capital letter g with breve","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"Latin capital letter g with cedilla","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"Latin capital letter g with circumflex","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"Latin capital letter g with dot above","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"Latin capital letter h with circumflex","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"Latin capital letter h with stroke","Latin capital letter i with breve":"Latin capital letter i with breve","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"Latin capital letter i with dot above","Latin capital letter i with macron":"Latin capital letter i with macron","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"Latin capital letter i with ogonek","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"Latin capital letter i with tilde","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"Latin capital letter j with circumflex","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"Latin capital letter k with cedilla","Latin capital letter l with acute":"Latin capital letter l with acute","Latin capital letter l with caron":"Latin capital letter l with caron","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"Latin capital letter l with cedilla","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"Latin capital letter l with middle dot","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"Latin capital letter l with stroke","Latin capital letter n with acute":"Latin capital letter n with acute","Latin capital letter n with caron":"Latin capital letter n with caron","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"Latin capital letter n with cedilla","Latin capital letter o with breve":"Latin capital letter o with breve","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"Latin capital letter o with double acute","Latin capital letter o with macron":"Latin capital letter o with macron","Latin capital letter r with acute":"Latin capital letter r with acute","Latin capital letter r with caron":"Latin capital letter r with caron","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"Latin capital letter r with cedilla","Latin capital letter s with acute":"Latin capital letter s with acute","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Latin capital letter s with caron","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Latin capital letter s with cedilla","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Latin capital letter s with circumflex","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Latin capital letter t with caron","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Latin capital letter t with cedilla","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Latin capital letter t with stroke","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Latin capital letter u with breve","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Latin capital letter u with double acute","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Latin capital letter u with macron","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Latin capital letter u with ogonek","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Latin capital letter u with ring above","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Latin capital letter u with tilde","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Latin capital letter w with circumflex","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Latin capital letter y with circumflex","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Latin capital letter y with diaeresis","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Latin capital letter z with acute","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Latin capital letter z with caron","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Latin capital letter z with dot above","Latin capital ligature ij":"Latin capital ligature ij","Latin capital ligature oe":"Latin capital ligature oe","Latin small letter a with breve":"Latin small letter a with breve","Latin small letter a with macron":"Latin small letter a with macron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Latin small letter a with ogonek","Latin small letter c with acute":"Latin small letter c with acute","Latin small letter c with caron":"Latin small letter c with caron","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Latin small letter c with circumflex","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Latin small letter c with dot above","Latin small letter d with caron":"Latin small letter d with caron","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Latin small letter d with stroke","Latin small letter dotless i":"Latin small letter dotless i","Latin small letter e with breve":"Latin small letter e with breve","Latin small letter e with caron":"Latin small letter e with caron","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Latin small letter e with dot above","Latin small letter e with macron":"Latin small letter e with macron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Latin small letter e with ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Latin small letter eng","Latin small letter f with hook":"Latin small letter f with hook","Latin small letter g with breve":"Latin small letter g with breve","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Latin small letter g with cedilla","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Latin small letter g with circumflex","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Latin small letter g with dot above","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Latin small letter h with circumflex","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Latin small letter h with stroke","Latin small letter i with breve":"Latin small letter i with breve","Latin small letter i with macron":"Latin small letter i with macron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Latin small letter i with ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Latin small letter i with tilde","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Latin small letter j with circumflex","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Latin small letter k with cedilla","Latin small letter kra":"Latin small letter kra","Latin small letter l with acute":"Latin small letter l with acute","Latin small letter l with caron":"Latin small letter l with caron","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Latin small letter l with cedilla","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Latin small letter l with middle dot","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Latin small letter l with stroke","Latin small letter long s":"Latin small letter long s","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe","Latin small letter n with acute":"Latin small letter n with acute","Latin small letter n with caron":"Latin small letter n with caron","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Latin small letter n with cedilla","Latin small letter o with breve":"Latin small letter o with breve","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Latin small letter o with double acute","Latin small letter o with macron":"Latin small letter o with macron","Latin small letter r with acute":"Latin small letter r with acute","Latin small letter r with caron":"Latin small letter r with caron","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Latin small letter r with cedilla","Latin small letter s with acute":"Latin small letter s with acute","Latin small letter s with caron":"Latin small letter s with caron","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Latin small letter s with cedilla","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Latin small letter s with circumflex","Latin small letter t with caron":"Latin small letter t with caron","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Latin small letter t with cedilla","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Latin small letter t with stroke","Latin small letter u with breve":"Latin small letter u with breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Latin small letter u with double acute","Latin small letter u with macron":"Latin small letter u with macron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Latin small letter u with ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Latin small letter u with ring above","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Latin small letter u with tilde","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Latin small letter w with circumflex","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Latin small letter y with circumflex","Latin small letter z with acute":"Latin small letter z with acute","Latin small letter z with caron":"Latin small letter z with caron","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Latin small letter z with dot above","Latin small ligature ij":"Latin small ligature ij","Latin small ligature oe":"Latin small ligature oe","Left aligned image":"Left aligned image","Left double quotation mark":"Left double quotation mark","Left single quotation mark":"Left single quotation mark","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Left-pointing double angle quotation mark","leftwards arrow to bar":"leftwards arrow to bar","leftwards dashed arrow":"leftwards dashed arrow","leftwards double arrow":"leftwards double arrow","leftwards simple arrow":"leftwards simple arrow","Less-than or equal to":"Less-than or equal to","Less-than sign":"Less-than sign","Light blue":"Light blue","Light green":"Light green","Light grey":"Light grey",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link image","Link URL":"Link URL","Lira sign":"Lira sign","List properties":"List properties","Livre tournois sign":"Livre tournois sign","Logical and":"Logical and","Logical or":"Logical or","Lower-latin":"Lower-latin","Lower–roman":"Lower–roman",Macron:"Macron","Manat sign":"Manat sign",Mathematical:"Mathematical","Media toolbar":"Media toolbar","Media URL":"Media URL","media widget":"media widget","Merge cell down":"Merge cell down","Merge cell left":"Merge cell left","Merge cell right":"Merge cell right","Merge cell up":"Merge cell up","Merge cells":"Merge cells","Mill sign":"Mill sign","Minus sign":"Minus sign","Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)":"Move focus between form fields (inputs, buttons, etc.)","Move focus in and out of an active dialog window":"Move focus in and out of an active dialog window","Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars":"Move focus to the toolbar, navigate between toolbars","Move out of a link":"Move out of a link","Move out of an inline code style":"Move out of an inline code style","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget","Move the selection to the next cell":"Move the selection to the next cell","Move the selection to the previous cell":"Move the selection to the previous cell","Multiplication sign":"Multiplication sign","N-ary product":"N-ary product","N-ary summation":"N-ary summation",Nabla:"Nabla","Naira sign":"Naira sign","Navigate through the table":"Navigate through the table","Navigate through the toolbar":"Navigate through the toolbar","New sheqel sign":"New sheqel sign",Next:"Next","No preview available":"No preview available","No results found":"No results found","No searchable items":"No searchable items",None:"None","Nordic mark sign":"Nordic mark sign","Not an element of":"Not an element of","Not equal to":"Not equal to","Not sign":"Not sign","Numbered List":"Numbered List","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Numbered list styles toolbar","on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above":"on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above","Open in a new tab":"Open in a new tab","Open link in new tab":"Open link in new tab","Open media in new tab":"Open media in new tab","Open the accessibility help dialog":"Open the accessibility help dialog",Orange:"Orange",Original:"Original",Outset:"Outset",Overline:"Overline",Padding:"Padding",Paragraph:"Paragraph","Paragraph sign":"Paragraph sign","Partial differential":"Partial differential","Paste content":"Paste content","Paste content as plain text":"Paste content as plain text","Paste raw HTML here...":"Paste raw HTML here...","Paste the media URL in the input.":"Paste the media URL in the input.","Per mille sign":"Per mille sign","Per ten thousand sign":"Per ten thousand sign","Peseta sign":"Peseta sign","Peso sign":"Peso sign","Pink marker":"Pink marker","Plain text":"Plain text","Plus-minus sign":"Plus-minus sign","Pound sign":"Pound sign","Press %0 for help.":"Press %0 for help.","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget",Previous:"Previous","Proportional to":"Proportional to",Purple:"Purple","Question exclamation mark":"Question exclamation mark",Red:"Red","Red pen":"Red pen",Redo:"Redo","Registered sign":"Registered sign","Remove color":"Remove color","Remove Format":"Remove Format","Remove highlight":"Remove highlight","Replace from computer":"Replace from computer","Replace image":"Replace image","Replace image from computer":"Replace image from computer","Resize image":"Resize image","Resize image to %0":"Resize image to %0","Resize image to the original size":"Resize image to the original size","Restore default":"Restore default","Reversed order":"Reversed order","Reversed paragraph sign":"Reversed paragraph sign","Revert autoformatting action":"Revert autoformatting action","Rich Text Editor":"Rich Text Editor",Ridge:"Ridge","Right aligned image":"Right aligned image","Right double quotation mark":"Right double quotation mark","Right single quotation mark":"Right single quotation mark","Right-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Right-pointing double angle quotation mark","rightwards arrow to bar":"rightwards arrow to bar","rightwards dashed arrow":"rightwards dashed arrow","rightwards double arrow":"rightwards double arrow","rightwards simple arrow":"rightwards simple arrow",Row:"Row","Ruble sign":"Ruble sign","Rupee sign":"Rupee sign",Save:"Save","Save changes":"Save changes","Section sign":"Section sign","Select all":"Select all","Select column":"Select column","Select row":"Select row","Show more items":"Show more items","Side image":"Side image","Single left-pointing angle quotation mark":"Single left-pointing angle quotation mark","Single low-9 quotation mark":"Single low-9 quotation mark","Single right-pointing angle quotation mark":"Single right-pointing angle quotation mark",Small:"Small",Solid:"Solid","soon with rightwards arrow above":"soon with rightwards arrow above",Source:"Source","Special characters":"Special characters","Spesmilo sign":"Spesmilo sign","Split cell horizontally":"Split cell horizontally","Split cell vertically":"Split cell vertically",Square:"Square","Square root":"Square root","Start at":"Start at","Start index must be greater than 0.":"Start index must be greater than 0.",Strikethrough:"Strikethrough","Strikethrough text":"Strikethrough text",Style:"Style",Subscript:"Subscript",Superscript:"Superscript","Table alignment toolbar":"Table alignment toolbar","Table cell text alignment":"Table cell text alignment","Table properties":"Table properties","Table toolbar":"Table toolbar","Tenge sign":"Tenge sign",Text:"Text","Text alignment":"Text alignment","Text alignment toolbar":"Text alignment toolbar","Text alternative":"Text alternative","Text highlight toolbar":"Text highlight toolbar",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"The URL must not be empty.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".',"There exists":"There exists","These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.":"These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features.","This link has no URL":"This link has no URL","This media URL is not supported.":"This media URL is not supported.","Tilde operator":"Tilde operator",Tiny:"Tiny","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.","To-do List":"To-do List","Toggle caption off":"Toggle caption off","Toggle caption on":"Toggle caption on","Toggle the circle list style":"Toggle the circle list style","Toggle the decimal list style":"Toggle the decimal list style","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style","Toggle the disc list style":"Toggle the disc list style","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Toggle the lower–latin list style","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Toggle the lower–roman list style","Toggle the square list style":"Toggle the square list style","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Toggle the upper–latin list style","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Toggle the upper–roman list style","top with upwards arrow above":"top with upwards arrow above","Trade mark sign":"Trade mark sign","Tugrik sign":"Tugrik sign","Turkish lira sign":"Turkish lira sign",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Two dot leader":"Two dot leader","Type or paste your content here.":"Type or paste your content here.","Type your title":"Type your title",Underline:"Underline","Underline text":"Underline text",Undo:"Undo",Union:"Union",Unlink:"Unlink","up down arrow with base":"up down arrow with base",Update:"Update","Update image URL":"Update image URL","Upload failed":"Upload failed","Upload from computer":"Upload from computer","Upload image from computer":"Upload image from computer","Upload in progress":"Upload in progress","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","upwards arrow to bar":"upwards arrow to bar","upwards dashed arrow":"upwards dashed arrow","upwards double arrow":"upwards double arrow","upwards simple arrow":"upwards simple arrow","Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.":"Use the following keystrokes for more efficient navigation in the CKEditor 5 user interface.","User interface and content navigation keystrokes":"User interface and content navigation keystrokes","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertical text alignment toolbar","Vulgar fraction one half":"Vulgar fraction one half","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Vulgar fraction one quarter","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Vulgar fraction three quarters",White:"White","Widget toolbar":"Widget toolbar",Width:"Width","Won sign":"Won sign","Wrap text":"Wrap text",Yellow:"Yellow","Yellow marker":"Yellow marker","Yen sign":"Yen sign"})})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md.
- */(function t(e,n){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module==="object")module.exports=n();else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd)define([],n);else if(typeof exports==="object")exports["ClassicEditor"]=n();else e["ClassicEditor"]=n()})(self,(()=>(()=>{var t={5480:(t,e,n)=>{const i=n(3168);const o={};for(const t of Object.keys(i)){o[i[t]]=t}const r={rgb:{channels:3,labels:"rgb"},hsl:{channels:3,labels:"hsl"},hsv:{channels:3,labels:"hsv"},hwb:{channels:3,labels:"hwb"},cmyk:{channels:4,labels:"cmyk"},xyz:{channels:3,labels:"xyz"},lab:{channels:3,labels:"lab"},lch:{channels:3,labels:"lch"},hex:{channels:1,labels:["hex"]},keyword:{channels:1,labels:["keyword"]},ansi16:{channels:1,labels:["ansi16"]},ansi256:{channels:1,labels:["ansi256"]},hcg:{channels:3,labels:["h","c","g"]},apple:{channels:3,labels:["r16","g16","b16"]},gray:{channels:1,labels:["gray"]}};t.exports=r;for(const t of Object.keys(r)){if(!("channels"in r[t])){throw new Error("missing channels property: "+t)}if(!("labels"in r[t])){throw new Error("missing channel labels property: "+t)}if(r[t].labels.length!==r[t].channels){throw new Error("channel and label counts mismatch: "+t)}const{channels:e,labels:n}=r[t];delete r[t].channels;delete r[t].labels;Object.defineProperty(r[t],"channels",{value:e});Object.defineProperty(r[t],"labels",{value:n})}r.rgb.hsl=function(t){const e=t[0]/255;const n=t[1]/255;const i=t[2]/255;const o=Math.min(e,n,i);const r=Math.max(e,n,i);const s=r-o;let a;let c;if(r===o){a=0}else if(e===r){a=(n-i)/s}else if(n===r){a=2+(i-e)/s}else if(i===r){a=4+(e-n)/s}a=Math.min(a*60,360);if(a<0){a+=360}const l=(o+r)/2;if(r===o){c=0}else if(l<=.5){c=s/(r+o)}else{c=s/(2-r-o)}return[a,c*100,l*100]};r.rgb.hsv=function(t){let e;let n;let i;let o;let r;const s=t[0]/255;const a=t[1]/255;const c=t[2]/255;const l=Math.max(s,a,c);const d=l-Math.min(s,a,c);const u=function(t){return(l-t)/6/d+1/2};if(d===0){o=0;r=0}else{r=d/l;e=u(s);n=u(a);i=u(c);if(s===l){o=i-n}else if(a===l){o=1/3+e-i}else if(c===l){o=2/3+n-e}if(o<0){o+=1}else if(o>1){o-=1}}return[o*360,r*100,l*100]};r.rgb.hwb=function(t){const e=t[0];const n=t[1];let i=t[2];const o=r.rgb.hsl(t)[0];const s=1/255*Math.min(e,Math.min(n,i));i=1-1/255*Math.max(e,Math.max(n,i));return[o,s*100,i*100]};r.rgb.cmyk=function(t){const e=t[0]/255;const n=t[1]/255;const i=t[2]/255;const o=Math.min(1-e,1-n,1-i);const r=(1-e-o)/(1-o)||0;const s=(1-n-o)/(1-o)||0;const a=(1-i-o)/(1-o)||0;return[r*100,s*100,a*100,o*100]};function s(t,e){return(t[0]-e[0])**2+(t[1]-e[1])**2+(t[2]-e[2])**2}r.rgb.keyword=function(t){const e=o[t];if(e){return e}let n=Infinity;let r;for(const e of Object.keys(i)){const o=i[e];const a=s(t,o);if(a
").replace(/\t/g," ").replace(/^\s/," ").replace(/\s$/," ").replace(/\s\s/g," ");if(t.includes("
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