Releases: Alfresco/alfresco-js-api
Single Sign On enhancement
SSO ticket fix
In order to make the SSO work completely with the new ACS 6.1.0, a new exchange token for alf_ticket mechanism has been introduced via a new flow in the JS-API that performs this operation.
For more details about this issue please refer to the this JIRA ticket.
The withCredentials
property has been added as a configuration Boolean parameter in the JS-API and in ADF.
This indicates whether or not cross-site Access-Control requests should be made using credentials.
This configuration is usually needed when you are dealing with Kerberos.
For more details please see the links below:
- App config withCredentials configuration
- Login component withCredentials behaviour
- alfresco-js-api withCredentials PR
JS-API in Typescript
The Alfresco JS-API layer has been rewritten in TypeScript. Note that the output of the project is still JavaScript code so you can use in the usual way.
This rewrite has been necessary to make the JS-API lighter and faster with the following benefits:
- Tree-shakable.
- Strong typing enhances code quality and readability.
- In the JS-API project, it is now easier to generate new code thanks our code generator template.
- TypeScript already provides a number of features that are planned for future version of JavaScript.
- Intellisense in your IDE will now work much better with the JS-API
Note that the following old package names have been deprecated: alfresco-js-api, alfresco-js-api-node.
The Node and Browser version are now both in: @alfresco/js-api
Refer to the official Alfresco JS-API documenation to learn more about this.
[ADF-3648] add silent refresh in grant password
[ADF-3892] Add exchange alf_ticket for token
Add support for withCredentials calls
Alfresco JS API
Update Content in UplaodAPI
Error rise alfresco-js-api event
Add newly introduced isFavorite property to Nodes
Shared nodeId property
SSO implicit flow
Disable timeout
Missing typings for Search API
getVersionContent type definition missing parameters
gMetadata URL context root is wrong
Authentication Guard (ACS) does not redirect to Login on page reload
Alfresco JS API
2.3.0 (17-04-2018)
Update search api
Add groups api
Upate version api with missing endpoint
Wrong type definition for RequestPagination
Not able to log-in into BPM with production mode and CSRF token enable
Search api type definition is not defined
Incorrect definitions for Enums
Search API implementation is incomplete
2.1.0 (26-01-2018)
Governance api
- Classes end point
- Generating shared link content url
- improved typings schema for
2.0.0 (28-11-2017)
- Many validation errors for "index.d.ts" of alfresco-js-api
- APS ContentApi is not present on index.d.ts
- getFileContent response returns empty object when it's a PDF file (JPG files works fine)
- Fix the Github markdown for
- PeopleApi - getSiteMembership wrong returned type
- Update superagent to 3.7.0
- NodesApi.getNodeChildren has wrong return type
- diagrams.service.ts is not using the alfresco-js-api
- getContentThumbnailUrl returns file data instead or URL
- ContentApi is missing the preview rendition API