- Download the PDF for the Introduction to R and Tidyverse cheatsheet
- Download the PDF for the Introduction to Single-Cell RNA sequencing cheatsheet
- Download the PDF for the
object comparison cheatsheet
Please note that these tables are not intended to tell you all the information you need to know about each command.
The hyperlinks found in each piece of code will take you to the documentation for further information on the usage of each command. Please be aware that the documentation will generally provide information about the given function's most current version (or a recent version, depending on how often the documentation site is updated). This will usually (but not always!) match what you have installed on your machine. If you have a different version of R or other R packages, the documentation may differ from what you have installed.
Table of Contents
and pseudo-bulking functionstidyverse
functions- Pathway analysis
Read the scater
package documentation, and a vignette on its usage.
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
scater |
plotReducedDim() |
Plot reduced dimensions | Plot a given reduced dimension slot from a SingleCellExperiment object by its name |
scater |
plotUMAP() |
Plot UMAP | Plot the "UMAP"-named reduced dimension slot from a SingleCellExperiment object |
scater |
plotExpression() |
Plot expression | Plot expression values for all cells in a SingleCellExperiment object, using the logcounts assay by default |
Read the miQC
package documentation, and a vignette on its usage.
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
miQC |
mixtureModel() |
Mixture model | Fit a miQC mixture model to a SingleCellExperiment object for use in filtering |
miQC |
filterCells() |
Filter cells | Filter cells from a SingleCellExperiment object based on a miQC model, returning a filtered SingleCellExperiment object |
miQC |
plotMetrics() |
Plot metrics | Plot percent of mitochondrial reads against the number of unique genes found for each cell |
miQC |
plotModel() |
Plot model | miQC::plotMetics() with the miQC fitted model overlaid |
miQC |
plotFiltering() |
Plot filtering | Plot percent of mitochondrial reads against the number of unique genes found, coloring points based on whether they will be filtered out or not |
Read the batchelor
package documentation, and a vignette on its usage.
Read the harmony
package documentation, and a vignette on its usage.
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
batchelor |
MultiBatchPCA() |
Multi-batch PCA | Perform PCA across multiple gene expression matrices, weighted by batch size |
batchelor |
fastMNN() |
Fast mutual nearest neighbors correction | Perform integration on an SCE object with mutual nearest neighbors using the fastMNN algorithm, returning an SCE object with batch-corrected principal components |
harmony |
RunHarmony() |
Run the harmony algorithm |
Perform integration with the harmony algorithm on a matrix of single-cell genomics cell embeddings, returning a matrix of batch-corrected principal components |
Read the SingleR
package documentation, and an e-book on its usage.
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
SingleR |
trainSingleR() |
Train the SingleR classifier | Build a SingleR classifier model object from an annotated reference dataset |
SingleR |
classifySingleR() |
Classify cells with SingleR | Use a SingleR model object to assign cell types to the cells in an SCE object |
SingleR |
SingleR() |
Annotate scRNA-seq data | Combines trainSingleR() and classifySingleR() to assign cell types to an SCE object from an annotated reference dataset |
Read the pheatmap
package documentation.
Read the EnhancedVolcano
package documentation, and vignette on its usage.
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
pheatmap |
pheatmap() |
Pretty heatmap | Plot a (pretty!) clustered heatmap |
EnhancedVolcano |
EnhancedVolcano() |
Enhanced volcano | Plot a volcano plot to visualize differential expression analysis results |
Read the DESeq2
package documentation, and a vignette on its usage.
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
scuttle |
aggregateAcrossCells() |
Aggregate data across groups of cells | Sum counts for each combination of features across groups of cells, commonly used to pseudo-bulk SCE counts |
DESeq2 |
DESeqDataSet() |
DESeq Dataset | Establish a DESeq object from a pseudo-bulked SingleCellExperiment object or a bulk SummarizedExperiment object |
DESeq2 |
estimateSizeFactors() |
Estimate size factors | Estimate size factors which are used to normalize counts for differential expression analysis |
DESeq2 |
rlog() |
Apply a regularized log transformation | Log2-transform counts in a DESeq object for differential expression analysis |
DESeq2 |
plotPCA() |
Sample PCA plot for transformed data | Plot sample PCA from a log-transformed DESeq object to check for batch effects |
DESeq2 |
DESeq() |
Perform differential expression analysis | Perform differential expression: Estimate size factors, transform data, estimate dispersions, and perform testing. |
DESeq2 |
plotDispEsts() |
Plot dispersion estimates | Plot dispersion estimates from a fitted DESeq object to evaluate model fit |
DESeq2 |
results() |
Extract results from a DESeq analysis |
Extract results from a fitted DESeq object into a data frame |
DESeq2 |
resultsNames() |
Extract results names | Return coefficient names from a fitted DESeq object |
DESeq2 |
lfcShrink() |
Shrink log2 fold changes | Add shrunken log2-fold changes to a results table produced by DESeq2::results() |
Read the purrr
package documentation and a vignette on its usage, and download the purr
package cheatsheet.
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
purrr |
map() |
map | Apply a function across each element of list; return a list |
purrr |
imap() |
imap | Apply a function across each element of list and its index/names; return a list |
purrr |
map2() |
map2 | Apply a function across each element of two lists at a time; return a list |
purrr |
reduce() |
Reduce | Reduce a list to a single value by applying a given function |
Note that purrr::map()
functions can take advantage of R's new (as of version 4.1.0) anonymous function syntax:
# One-line syntax:
\(x) # function code goes here #
# Multi-line syntax:
\(x) {
# function code goes #
# inside the curly braces #
# Example: Use an anonymous function with `purrr::map()`
# to get the colData's rownames for each SCE in `list_of_sce_objects`
\(x) rownames(colData(x))
Read the ggplot2
package documentation and an overall reference for ggplot2
functions, and download the ggplot2
package cheatsheet.
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
ggplot2 |
geom_bar() |
Barplot | Creates a barplot of counts for a given categorical variable when added as a layer to a ggplot() object |
ggplot2 |
scale_fill_brewer() |
Add brewer fill scale | Apply a Brewer "fill" color palette to a categorical variable in a ggplot() object |
ggplot2 |
guides() |
Guides | Function to customize legend ("guide") appearance |
ggplot2 |
facet_grid() |
Facet grid | Plot individual panels using specified variables to subset the data across rows and/or columns of a grid |
ggplot2 |
vars() |
Vars | Helper function to specify variables to facet_grid() or facet_wrap() |
ggplot2 |
theme_bw() |
Black and white theme | Display ggplot with gridlines but a white background |
ggplot2 |
theme() |
Theme | Customize elements of a ggplot plot theme |
ggplot2 |
element_text() |
Element text | Customize textual elements of a ggplot theme |
Read the full documentation and download cheatsheets (where available) for these tidyverse
packages at the following links:
documentation anddplyr
documentation andtidyr
documentation andstringr
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
dplyr |
pull() |
Pull | Extract a single column from a data frame into a stand-alone vector |
dplyr |
count() |
Count | Count the number of observations in each group of a data frame |
dplyr |
left_join() |
Left join | Joins two data frames together, retaining only rows present in the first ("left") argument to the function |
dplyr |
relocate() |
Relocate | Change column order in a data frame by relocating one or more columns |
dplyr |
case_when() |
Case when | Return a value based on a set of TRUE /FALSE comparisons; a vectorized if-else |
tidyr |
pivot_longer() |
Pivot longer | Convert a "wide" format data frame to a "long" format data frame |
tibble |
as_tibble() |
As tibble | Convert an object to a tibble |
stringr |
str_detect() |
String detect | Returns TRUE /FALSE if a string contains a given substring |
stringr |
str_starts() |
String starts | Returns TRUE /FALSE if a string starts with a given substring |
Read the msigdbr
package documentation and its vignette.
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
msigdbr |
msigdbr_species() |
List msigdbr -supported species |
Lists the species msigdbr supports |
msigdbr |
msigdbr() |
Retrieve gene set | Retrieves gene sets and member genes in long data frame format |
Read the clusterProfiler
package documentation (PDF).
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
clusterProfiler |
GSEA() |
Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) | Performs a universal gene set enrichment analysis on given preranked (sorted) named vector of statistics, where the names in the vector are gene identifiers of gene sets |
enrichplot |
gseaplot() |
GSEA plot | Produces a plot displaying the distribution of gene set and enrichment score |
Read the AUCell
package documentation and its vignette.
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
GSEABase |
GeneSet() |
Gene set | Constructs a gene set as a GeneSet object for use with AUCell |
GSEABase |
GeneSetCollection() |
Gene set collection | Constructs a collection of gene sets as a GeneSetCollection object for use with AUCell |
AUCell |
AUCell_buildRankings() |
Build cell rankings | Builds a ranking of genes for each cell that is used to calculate the recovery curve |
AUCell |
AUCell_calcAUC() |
Calculate AUC | Calculates the area under the recovery curve (AUC) for each gene set in each cell |
AUCell |
AUCell_exploreThresholds() |
Explore thresholds | Calculates thresholds in AUC values that can be used to assign cells; optionally makes assignments and produces histograms |
Read the bluster
package documentation and vignettes on its usage:
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
bluster |
clusterRows() |
Cluster rows of a matrix | Perform clustering using a variety of algorithms on a matrix-like object |
bluster |
KmeansParam() |
K-means clustering parameters | Set up parameters to run clustering using kmeans() within bluster::clusterRows() |
bluster |
NNGraphParam() |
Graph-based clustering parameters | Set up parameters for nearest-neighbor (NN) graph-based clustering algorithms within bluster::clusterRows() |
bluster |
approxSilhouette() |
Approximate silhouette width | Calculate an approximate silhouette width for each cell given a set of clusters |
bluster |
neighborPurity() |
Compute neighborhood purity | Calculate neighborhood purity for each cell given a set of clusters |
bluster |
bootstrapStability() |
Assess cluster stability by bootstrapping | Generate cluster bootstrap replicates to estimate cluster robustness to sampling noise |