Please note that these tables are not intended to tell you all the information you need to know about each command.
The hyperlinks found in each piece of code will take you to the documentation for further information on the usage of each command. Please be aware that the documentation will generally provide information about the given function's most current version (or a recent version, depending on how often the documentation site is updated). This will usually (but not always!) match what you have installed on your machine. If you have a different version of R or other R packages, the documentation may differ from what you have installed.
Table of Contents
Read the msigdbr
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
msigdbr |
msigdbr() |
Retrieve the MSigDB gene sets data frame | Retrieves the specified MSigDB dataset |
Read the AnnotationDbi
package vignette (PDF).
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
AnnotationDbi |
keytypes() |
Keytypes | Returns a character vector of column names/types of gene identifiers (e.g. ENSEMBL ) available in an AnnotationDbi package. |
AnnotationDbi |
mapIds() |
Mapped IDs | Extracts the mapped IDs for a set of gene identifiers. The types of gene identifiers (e.g. ENSEMBL or ENTREZ ) are supplied to arguments: keytype (type of gene identifiers we are providing in the keys argument) and column (type of gene identifiers we want returned). |
Read the Base R
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
Base R |
fisher.test() |
Fisher's Exact Test | Performs the Fisher's exact test for testing the null of independence of rows and columns for a given matrix or data.frame with count data |
Base R |
setdiff() |
Set difference | Returns the difference of two sets (e.g., vectors) |
Read the enrichplot
package documentation (PDF).
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
enrichplot |
dotplot() |
Dot plot | Produces a dot plot for given enrichment results |
enrichplot |
upsetplot() |
Upset plot | Produces an upset plot, which shows the overlapping genes between gene sets, for given enrichment results |
enrichplot |
gseaplot() |
GSEA plot | Produces a plot visualization displaying the distribution of gene set and enrichment score |
Read the clusterProfiler
package documentation (PDF).
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
clusterProfiler |
enricher() |
Enricher | Performs a universal over-representation analysis for a given list of genes and gene sets or pathways |
clusterProfiler |
GSEA() |
Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) | Performs a universal gene set enrichment analysis on given preranked (sorted) named vector of statistics, where the names in the vector are gene identifiers of gene sets |
Read the GSVA
package documentation.
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
gsva() |
Gene Set Variation Analysis (GSVA) | Estimates gene set variation analysis enrichment scores on given gene expression matrix |
gsvaParam() |
Gene Set Variation Analysis (GSVA) Parameters | Specify parameters to use with gsva() |
Read the qusage
package documentation.
Library/Package | Piece of Code | What it's called | What it does |
qusage |
read.gmt() |
Read in .gmt files |
Reads in gene set information from .gmt files |