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323 lines (254 loc) · 9.23 KB


IMPORTANT! Version 2.0.0 has breaking changes.

  • loadFirstSetOnInit prop was removed. Look into manualLoadFirstSet instead.
  • startPage prop was removed. Look into batchSize prop instead which is mandatory.
  • resetDependencies props must now always be an array.

React component for fetching new data on vertical scroll

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


npm install --save react-infinite-scroll-loader-y



  • Using this component looks basically like this:
<InfiniteScroll dataLength={items.length}
                loadMore={page => loadMoreItems(page)}
  { => (
        { item }


Property Required Type Default Description
dataLength Yes number The length of items. Needed for loading next page.
batchSize Yes number The amount of items to load per each request.
hasMore Yes boolean Boolean to indicate whether there are more items to load. Setting it to false disables loadMore() function and won't load next page of items.
loadMore Yes (page, { offset, limit }) => void Function for loading next page of items.
threshold No number 250 Defines minimum space from bottom of your page when new items need to be loaded.
manualLoadFirstSet No boolean false Will not load first set of items automatically. Will proceed loading items automatically when first batch is loaded.
loader No React.ReactNode Loading component. Can be a simple text, animated icon or more sophisticated React component.
parentRef No RefObject<any> Pass ref of parent HTML element if you want scroll-loading to happen inside that HTML Element. Useful for applying scroll loader for example inside modals and specific DIVs.
resetDependencies No Array<any> Dependencies that will trigger reset of everything
disabled No boolean false Disables current component
beforeEachLoad No (reset: fn) => boolean/void Function that runs before each render. If it returns true then the next render will not be triggered.


  • Complete example:
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import InfiniteScroll from 'react-infinite-scroll-loader-y'

// Mock GET request
function request ({ offset, limit }: { offset: number, limit: number }): Promise<{ data: string[], total: number }> {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => {
        data: Array(500).fill(null).map((_, i) => `item-${i + 1}`).slice(offset, offset + limit),
        total: 500,
    }, 500)

const App = () => {
  const [items, setItems] = useState<string[]>([]);
  const [hasMoreItems, setHasMoreItems] = useState(true);

  const ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 20;

  // Load next page of items
  const loadMoreItems = async (page: number) => {
    const { data: nextItems, total } = await request({
      offset: ITEMS_PER_PAGE * page,
      limit: ITEMS_PER_PAGE,

    // Combine items
    const combinedItems = items.concat(nextItems || []);

    // Check for more
    setHasMoreItems(!!nextItems?.length && total > combinedItems.length);

    // Save items to state

  return (
    <InfiniteScroll dataLength={items.length}
                    loadMore={page => loadMoreItems(page)}
      { => (
            { item }

export default App

Advanced usage

Following example shows complete possible use case of InfiniteScroll together with caching items in react context.
It can keep data when browser back button is clicked and query params match for the page. Otherwise cache is invalidated.

 * globalContext.tsx
 * Global context for keeping data that is used in multiple pages/components.
 * Use should wrap your code on root level with <GlobalContextProvider>, for example in next.js in _app.tsx file.

import React, { ReactNode, useRef, useState } from 'react';

type Props = {
  children: ReactNode | ReactNode[];

type GlobalContextKey = string | number;
type GlobalContextValue = unknown;

type GlobalContextInnerState = {
  set: (key: GlobalContextState) => void;
  get: (key: GlobalContextKey) => GlobalContextValue;

// Add keys here for typescript and better suggestion.
type GlobalContextState = Record<GlobalContextKey, GlobalContextValue> & {
  items?: unknown[];
  hasMoreItems?: boolean;

export const GlobalContext = React.createContext({} as GlobalContextInnerState & GlobalContextState);

const GlobalContextProvider = ({ children }: Props) => {
  const [state, setState] = useState<GlobalContextState>({
    items: [],
    hasMoreItems: true,
  const lastState = useRef<GlobalContextState>(state);

  const set = (addState: GlobalContextState) => {
    lastState.current = {
      ...(addState || {}),


    return lastState.current;

  const get = (key: string | number) => state[key];

  return <GlobalContext.Provider value={{ set, get, ...state }}>{children}</GlobalContext.Provider>;

export default GlobalContextProvider;
 * _app.tsx
 * Make sure to wrap your code with <GlobalContextProvider> on root level of the app.
import GlobalContextProvider from './globalContext';

const MyApp = () => {
  return (
        ...your rest code

export default MyApp;
 * useGlobalContext.tsx
 * Hook for using global context.
 * Usage:
 * const globalContext = useGlobalContext();
 * globalContext.set({'key': 'value', 'key2': 'value2', ...});
import { GlobalContext } from './globalContext';
import { useContext } from 'react';

const useGlobalContext = () => {
  const context = useContext(GlobalContext);

  if (!context) {
    throw new Error('useGlobalContext must be used within a GlobalContextProvider');

  return context;

export default useGlobalContext;
// Page component that uses InfiniteScroll.

export const Page = () => {
  const setCacheKey = (cacheKey) => set({ cacheKey });
  const cacheKey = get('cacheKey') as string;
  const isCacheApplied = getNewCacheKey() === cacheKey;

  const items = isCacheApplied ? get('items') as unknown[] : [];
  const setItems = (items) => set({ items });

  const hasMoreItems = isCacheApplied ? get('hasMoreItems') as boolean : true;
  const setHasMoreItems = (hasMoreItems) => set({ hasMoreItems });

  const [wasCachedOnInit, setWasCachedOnInit] = useState(isCacheApplied);

  const { query } = useRouter(); // Getting query params in Next.js

  function getNewCacheKey (): string {
    return 'some-generated-cache-key' + JSON.stringify(query);

  const loadMoreItems = async (page: number, initialItems: unknown[] = items) => {
    const { data: nextItems, total } = await request({
      offset: ITEMS_PER_PAGE * page,
      limit: ITEMS_PER_PAGE,

    // Combine items
    const combinedItems = initialItems.concat(nextItems || []);

    // Check for more
    setHasMoreItems(!!nextItems?.length && total > combinedItems.length);

    // Save items to state

  // Set cache on load.
  const infiniteScrollBeforeEachLoad = ({ reset }) => {
    const newItemCacheKey = getNewCacheKey();

    // If url changed (cache key), make new request.
    if (newItemCacheKey !== cacheKey) {
      reset(); // This will reset everything internally in InfiniteScroll component.
      loadMoreItems(0, []);
      window.scrollTo(0, 0);

      // Stop loading next page this time.
      return true;

  return (
      loadMore={(page) => loadMoreItems(page)}
      { => (
            { item }


  • v1.0.6 - Add height check to container to stop loading more data if containers height is 0.
  • v2.0.0 - Re-implemented. Breaking changes. Removes excess renders and duplicate request on some rare cases.
