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asmver and asmver_files

haf edited this page Jan 2, 2015 · 7 revisions


Generate a single file with assembly attributes. Code comments in example below mention output in F#.

asmver :asmver do |a|
  a.file_path  = 'src/Version.fs' # required, no default
  a.namespace  = 'Hello.World'    # required for F#, defaults to empty string '' for C#
  # optional
  a.attributes assembly_title: 'Hello.World', # generates: [<AssemblyTitle("Hello.World")>]
    assembly_version: '0.1.2',                # generates: [<AssemblyVersion("0.1.2")>]
    my_product_attr: 'Hello world',           # generates: [<MyProductAttr("Hello World")>]
  a.out        =     # optional, don't use it this way: takes an IO/Stream


desc 'create assembly infos'
asmver_files :assembly_info do |a|
  a.files = FileList['**/*proj'] # optional, will find all projects recursively by default

  # attributes are required:
  a.attributes assembly_description: "My wonderful lib",
               assembly_configuration: 'RELEASE',
               assembly_company: 'Wonders Inc.',
               assembly_copyright: "(c) #{} by John Doe",
               assembly_version: ENV['LONG_VERSION'],
               assembly_file_version: ENV['LONG_VERSION'],
               assembly_informational_version: ENV['BUILD_VERSION']

  # optional, given an Albacore::Project and the configuration hash of the AsmVer task type
  # example:
  a.handle_config do |proj, conf|
    conf.namespace = conf.namespace + ".Extra"

    conf.change_attributes do |attrs|
      attrs[:assembly_description] = {
        'MyCorp.Subassembly' => 'This is a an assembly to handle TLS authentication',
        'MyCorp.Core' => 'This is a an assembly to handle the core stuff'

    # you MUST return the new Config instance to use

The CLSCompliantAttribute

You can feed the system a non-snake-case symbol in this case:

# ...
  a.attributes assembly_description: "My wonderful lib",
               assembly_configuration: 'RELEASE',
               CLSCompliant: true
# ...
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