For the full installation documentation, check the installation page
As a Github org admin, in GitHub:
- Register new GitHub App
- in your profile settings, go to
Developer settings
/GitHub Apps
- Click on
New GitHub App
- in your profile settings, go to
- Give basic information:
- GitHub App name can be
(it will be used in the rulesets later) - Homepage URL can be
- Disable the active Webhook
- GitHub App name can be
- Under Organization permissions
- Give Read/Write access to
- Give Read/Write access to
- Give Read/Write access to
- Under Repository permissions
- Give Read/Write access to
- Give Read/Write access to
- Give Read/Write access to
- Where can this GitHub App be installed:
Only on this account
- And Create
- then you must
- collect the AppID
- Generate (and collect) a private key (file)
- Go to the left tab "Install App"
- Click on "Install"
curl -o goliac -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` && chmod +x goliac
If you dont have yet one, you will need to create a team in Github, where you will add your IT/Github admins (in our example, the team is called goliac-admin
And now you can use the goliac application to assist you:
export GOLIAC_GITHUB_APP_ID=<appid>
export GOLIAC_GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=<private key filename>
export GOLIAC_GITHUB_APP_ORGANIZATION=<your github organization>
./goliac scaffold <directory> <goliac-admin team you want to create>
So something like
mkdir goliac-teams
export GOLIAC_GITHUB_APP_ID=355525
export GOLIAC_GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=goliac-project-app.2023-07-03.private-key.pem
./goliac scaffold goliac-teams goliac-admin
The application will connect to your GitHub organization and will try to guess
- your users
- your teams
- the repos associated with your teams
And it will create the corresponding structure into the "goliac-teams" directory.
If you want, you can remove (for now) part or all repositories:
find goliac-teams/teams -name "*.yaml" ! -name "team.yaml" -print0 | xargs -0 rm
You can run the
goliac verify <goliac-team directory>
In Github create a new repository called (for example) goliac-teams
And commit the new structure:
cd goliac-teams
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push
Run as much as you want, and check what Goliac will do
export GOLIAC_GITHUB_APP_ID=355525
export GOLIAC_GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=goliac-project-app.2023-07-03.private-key.pem
./goliac plan --repository --branch main
If you are happy with the new structure:
export GOLIAC_GITHUB_APP_ID=355525
export GOLIAC_GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=goliac-project-app.2023-07-03.private-key.pem
./goliac apply --repository --branch main
You can run it locally
export GOLIAC_GITHUB_APP_ID=355525
export GOLIAC_GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=goliac-project-app.2023-07-03.private-key.pem
#export GOLIAC_SERVER_GIT_BRANCH=main # by default it is main
./goliac serve
And you can access the dashboard UI at http://localhost:18000
Now everyone can enroll existing (or new) repositories.
Let's imagine you want to control the myrepository
repository for the existing team ateam
, one of the ateam
member (or you) can
- create a new branch into the
repository - add the repository definition
- push and create a PullRequest
- one of the team "owner" or one of the
member will be able to approve and merge
git checkout -b addingRepository
cd goliac-teams/teams/ateam
cat >> myrepository.yaml << EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Repository
name: myrepository
visibility: private
git add myrepository.yaml
git commit -m 'adding myrepository under Goliac'
git push origin addingRepository
and go to the URL given by Github to create your Pull Request