diff --git "a/point/\354\244\221.yaml" "b/point/\354\244\221.yaml"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2807ca
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/point/\354\244\221.yaml"
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+name: 중
+ - slug: when-an-action-occurs
+ name: When an action occurs
+ english_alternatives: In the process/middle
+ meaning: Indicate that the subject is in the process of performing an action
+ examples:
+ - sentence: 나는 수업 중이에요. 나중에 전화할게요.
+ type: simple
+ translated: I am in class now. I will call you later.
+ audio_url: https://r2.kimchi-reader.app/grammar/나는_수업_중이에요_나중에_전화할게요__2024-05-26.mp3
+ - sentence: 그 건물은 공사 중입니다.
+ type: simple
+ translated: That building is under construction.
+ audio_url: https://r2.kimchi-reader.app/grammar/그_건물은_공사_중입니다__2024-05-26.mp3
+ type: composite
+details: |-
+ # Usage with verbs {#usage-with-verbs}
+ Can also be used with verbs in the form of 는 중
+ ::example[친구를 기다리는 중에 전화가 왔어요. | I got a phone call while I was waiting for a friend. | https://r2.kimchi-reader.app/grammar/친구를_기다리는_중에_전화가_왔어요__2024-05-26.mp3]
+ ::example[나 지금 밥 먹는 중이니까 나중에 전화할게요. | I am currently eating now, so I will call you later. | https://r2.kimchi-reader.app/grammar/나_지금_밥_먹는_중이니까_나중에_전화할게요__2024-05-26.mp3]
+ # Usage {#usage}
+ :grammar[중] and :grammar[고_있다] have similar usage. However, while :grammar[고_있다] can be used with any subjects, :grammar[중] cannot be used with subjects representing natural phenomena (rain, snow, wind, fire…).
+ :wrong[비가 오는 중이에요.]
+ :correct[비가 오고 있어요.]