Nightmare Crystal is a version of Crystal Legacy made by Aerogod223 with assistance and guidance from cRz Shadows. This is meant to be a hard version of the game (a.k.a kaizo version) that challenges the player to the extent of their abilities. While not the hardest gen 2 game out there I want it to be a challenging experience within the Crystal Legacy engine. Almost all of the changes made in Crystal Legacy are the same outside team members on enemy teams and some of the moves to make them better. You can expect every strategy this game has to offer throughout your playthrough and to always be kept on your toes. I have probably played Crystal Legacy more than anyone (outside perhaps Disq) and am using this knowledge to its fullest. Don't always expect full movesets of coverage with crazy teams. I tried to keep themes intact while also giving the trainers enouh options to provide challenge.
This will implement the Hardcore mode from Crystal Legacy that will enforce level caps, set mode, no items in battle, and perma-fainting on pokemon. In addition to make it even more challenging we have removed Stat-xp, Made enemy DV’s much better than OG, Reshaped the map, and vastly improved team compositions and strategies.
I would like to thank TheSmithPlays Rom Hacking team. They offer valuable feedback and encouragement and I really am grateful to them. In addition special thanks to cRz Shadows ZuperZach, Regi, and Karlos in particular as y’all are invaluable friends.
I would say enjoy but I sincerely hope this causes you pain and nightmares. Good Luck, I hope y'all enjoy this experience.
We would also like to credit & thank Katt, Chamber, Soloo993, Blue Emerald, Lake, Neslug, Tom Wang, Seasick, & Pikachu25 for the several amazing custom sprites used in the hack. Nayru62 for their help involving the Pokedex & Pokemon pages. Rangi42, Idain, DamienDoury, Sylvie, aaaaaa123456789, SonicRay100, Edtv-thevoid, coco-bandicoot, MajorAgnostic, KDLPro, Nick-PC, XaeroChill, & NobodySociety for their incredibly helpful tutorials for Pokecrystal. Finally, a massive shoutout to everyone involved in the Pokémon Crystal Disassembly as this project wouldn’t have even been able to get off the ground without them!
- To set up the repository, see
- Pokemon Crystal Legaccy:
- Pokemon Yellow Legacy:
- Pokemon Cursed Yellow:
- Pokemon Battle Simulator:
- Pokemon Crystal Elemental Exchange: (Version of CL with new Type Combinations and Fairy Typing)
- YouTube:
- Discord:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
- All Pret Projects:
- Documentation
- Wiki (includes tutorials)
- Discord: pret
- IRC: libera#pret
- Aerogod223- Lead Developer
- cRz Shadows - Advisor on all things code
- Karlos- Developer
- Regi- Developer
- TheSmithPlays- Developer of Crystal Legacy
- Dabrikishaw
- Karlos
- Awqwierd
- Mungi
- RevRush
- Kewaun
- Obelisk
- BriceMCK
- Klutch
- PotatoMan
- Pokemon overworld sprites
- Katt
- Karlos
- Pokemon party sprites
- Chamber
- Soloo993
- Blue Emerald
- Lake
- Neslug
- Pikachu25
- Tom Wang
- Seasick
- Rangi42:
- Add a new map and landmark
- Add a new trainer class
- Add a new item
- Add a new party menu icon
- Add a new overworld sprite
- Add a new Mart
- Add a fourth stats page
- Add a new spawn point
- Add a new scene script
- Expand tilesets from 192 to 255 tiles
- Allow more than 15 object_events per map
- Improve the outdoor sprite system
- Color party menu icons by species
- Colored trainer card badges
- Show the tops of leaders heads on the trainer card
- Show move names when you receive a TM or HM
- Automatically reuse Repel
- Running Shoes
- Show an icon for the current weather
- Use unique colors for each thrown Poké Ball
- Level cap
- Nayru62:
- Idain:
- aaaaaa123456789 - Remove the artificial save delay
- SonicRay100 - Simplify the Clock Reset Procedure
- Etdv-thevoid - Add a third trainer card page for Kanto badges
- coco-bandicoot - Restore the GS Ball Celebi Event
- MajorAgnostic - Force Set battle style or forbid item usage in battle
- KDLPro - Make new battle text to distinguish status move misses and fails
- Nick-PC - Splash a Pokédex Entry from an Overworld Event (Generation I)
- XaeroChill - Reviving Pokémon from Fossils (Gen I)
- NobodySociety - Customizable Pokédex Color
- Luther7718 - Text Suggestions/Fixes
- Mauve - Soft reset on wipeout (used in hardcore mode)