LightsOut is a game with a simple premise, survive the dark. In a world devoid of light monsters evolved to thrive in the dark and now they are hunting you! How long can you survive?
Navigate though this new world with your wits and trusty flash light, but be careful of what you might find.
To use simpleGUI in pycharm or other idle:
- Open the command prompt
- Enter and run the following:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pygame
pip install SimpleGUICS2Pygame
pip install PyAutoGUI
To use tkinter, which I think is need but not 100% certain, I now have a copy of it on a memory stick and can give it
to those who need it. It should come standard with python 3 onwards, to check it is there navigate to
C:\Users\Adam Plaskitt\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\Lib
for windows users, and check that a file called
tkinter exists. As stated above I have copied this file to a memory stick and can give it to anyone who needs it.
pygame is installed as a prerequisite for SimpleGUICS2Pygame, and for the use of pygame.mouse.get_pos(), to get the position of the mouse.
These install both PyAutoGUI (a mouse and keyboard handler) and SimpleGUICS2Pygame (a simplegui emulator package)
When using SimpleGUICS2Pygame (simplegui) you want to import it as:
import simplegui
except ImportError:
import SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame as simplegui
To install use cmd to run:
pip install gspread
pip install --upgrade oauth2client
gspread is used to access a google spreadsheet, in google drive. This spreadsheet is the data for the scoreboard. The google account is:
username: [email protected]
password: Pa$$w0rd12345
gspread is used to provide access to the online scoreboard, if this is inaccessible due to any reason (eg. gspread isn't install properly or there is a connection issue) a local scoreboard will be used instead.