C++ Linked List Implementation
Problem Statement: For this assignment, you will implement a linked list class using pointers and object-oriented programming. Although the C++ STL (Standard Template Library) offers a linked list implementation, you must implement this program "from scratch" and cannot simply utilize the existing STL offerings ( or <forward_list>).
class Linked_List_Node {
int val; // the value that this node stores
Linked_List_Node *next; // a pointer to the next node in the list
// you can add constructors or other functionality if you find it useful or necessary
Note: Linked_List_Node is being used akin to a struct (with public member variables). This is intentional so that you can easily modify the member variables from within the Linked_List class.
class Linked_List {
unsigned int length; // the number of nodes contained in the list
Linked_List_Node *first; // a pointer to the first node in the list
// anything else you need...
int get_length();
// note: there is no set_length(unsigned int) (the reasoning should be intuitive)
void print(); // output a list of all integers contained within the list
void clear(); // delete the entire list (remove all nodes and reset length to 0)
unsigned int push_front(int); // insert a new value at the front of the list (returns the new length of the list)
unsigned int push_back(int); // insert a new value at the back of the list (returns the new length of the list)
unsigned int insert(int val, unsigned int index); // insert a new value in the list at the specified index (returns the new length of the list)
void sort_ascending(); // sort the nodes in ascending order. You must implement the recursive Merge Sort algorithm
// Note: it's okay if sort_ascending() calls a recursive private function to perform the sorting.
void sort_descending(); // sort the nodes in descending order
// you can add extra member variables or functions as desired
Please enter a number: 146
Do you want another num (y or n): y
Enter a number: 30
Do you want another num (y or n): y
Enter a number: 73
Do you want another num (y or n): y
Enter a number: 10
Do you want another num (y or n): y
Enter a number: -31
Do you want another num (y or n): n
Sort ascending or descending (a or d)? a
Your linked list is: -31 10 30 73 146
You have 1 prime number(s) in your list.
Do you want to do this again (y or n)? n