Thank you for considering contributing to Django-EaseLaunch! We welcome contributions from everyone, whether it's a bug report, feature suggestion, code contribution, or documentation improvement.
- Fork the repository and clone it locally.
- Set up your development environment. Please refer to the README for instructions on how to set up the project.
- Create a new branch for your contribution using the branch naming convention specified in branch name template.
- Before starting your work, search for existing issues or feature requests on the issue tracker to avoid duplication.
- If you find an existing issue or feature request that interests you, leave a comment to let others know that you're working on it.
- If you're fixing a bug or adding a new feature, make sure to write tests to cover your changes.
- Once your changes are ready, submit a pull request following the guidelines outlined in the Pull Request Template.
- Your pull request will be reviewed by maintainers. Be open to feedback and be prepared to make changes if necessary.
- Once your pull request is approved, it will be merged into the master branch.
- Write clear, concise, and descriptive commit messages following the Commit Message Style Guide.
- Be respectful and considerate of others' ideas and contributions.
- Provide constructive feedback and support to fellow contributors.
- Follow the Code of Conduct to ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone.
We appreciate your contributions to Django-EaseLaunch! Together, we can make it even better.