The Twitter Clone project is a web application that mimics the functionality and design of the Twitter website. It includes features such as dark mode, loading posts, showing trends, and a responsive design.
Loading Posts: Users show loader spinner spinning when wait posts is loading.
Dark Mode: Users can switch between dark mode and lite mode .
showing Trends: Users can show Top of Trends in right screen .
View Nav Bar: Users can view Nav Bar in left Screen and in small screen traspher to icons.
- TypeScript i used TypeScript for type safety
function Btn({children,style}:{ children:React.ReactNode,style?:string})
- Reusable Button created reusable Button component like Btn.
function Btn({children,style}) {
return (
<button className={style?"btn w-fit": `btn bg-transparent hover:text-white duration-300 hover:bg-[rgb(96,165,250)] text-[rgb(96,165,250)] border-[2px] border-[rgb(96,165,250)]`}>
export default Btn
- Reusable Components created reusable components like Post.
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome";
import {
} from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons";
function Post() {
return (
<div className="section">
<div className="flex items-center">
className="w-10 h-10 rounded-full mr-2 inline-block cursor-pointer"
<div className="space-x-1 flex items-center flex-wrap">
<h1 className="md:w-full font-bold">Abd El-Rahman Waheed</h1>
<a className="text-dark-gray " href="#">
<span className="text-dark-gray">.</span>
<p className=" text-dark-gray capitalize">nov 2</p>
{/* start caption and photo and reacts */}
<div className="pl-5 pr-2">
<p className="text-xl leading-7 mt-3">
Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good
programmers write code that humans can understand.
<br />
<br />
Experience is the name everyone gives to their{" "}
<span className="text-[rgb(96,165,250)] cursor-pointer">
</span>{" "}
<br />
<br />
Simplicity is the soul of efficiency.
className="my-4 w-full border rounded-2xl border-[#4b5563]"
<ul className=" flex justify-between items-center">
<li className="react hover:text-blue-400 ">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faComment} className="mr-4 " />
12.3 k
<li className="react hover:text-green-400">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faRetweet} className="mr-4 " />
14 k
<li className="react hover:text-red-600">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faHeart} className="mr-4 " />
14 k
<li className="react hover:text-blue-400">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faShare} className="mr-4 " />
{/* End caption and photo and reacts */}
export default Post;
The Twitter Clone project utilizes the following technologies:
To set up the Twitter Clone project locally, follow the instructions below.
To set up the project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd twitter-clone
- Install the required dependencies:
npm install
- Run the development server:
npm run dev
- Open your browser and go to
to view the application.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.