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Setting up of dev env and building the ODIM services


ODIM builds and runs on a Ubuntu LTS 20.04 server OS on a x86_64 platform. Building or running on a different OS and or platform will require changes that will not be covered here.

The following software is required to build the services

  • golang v1.17.2

The following third party softwares are required to run the services

  • etcd 3.4.15
  • Kafka 2.5.0
  • Redis v6.2.5
  • ZooKeeper v3.5.8

These have been included as per ODIM design and implementation. Changes to these will need code updates as well.

setting up build pre-requisites

on the server install the build requirements

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get -y install git unzip build-essential autoconf libtool

install latest version of protobuf

This is required only if a new version protobuf is not installed on the system.

$ cd /tmp
$ git clone
$ cd protobuf 
$ ./ 
$ ./configure 
# good practise to run make && make test make install is mandatory
$ sudo make install 
$ sudo ldconfig 
$ make clean 
$ cd .. 
$ rm -r protobuf

Install protoc-gen-go-grpc

$ go install

We have encountered compile issues with some versions of the gen go compiler. It is recommended that you use the version specified.

$ go install[email protected]

Building services

navigate to the base directory:

$ cd <Path to HWMgmt-DeviceMgr-DeviceManager>

The following source directories have been added from ODIM sources to the device manager sources svc-account-session, svc-aggregation, svc-api, svc-events, svc-task, svc-systems. The following library directories have been added from ODIM sources to the device manager sources - these are needed to build any ODIM service namely lib-dmtf lib-messagebus lib-persistence-manager lib-utilities. lib-rest-client used to make redfish calls to plugins is also moved from ODIM is needed to build svc-systems, svc-aggregation.

first build the proto files(in the base directory itself)

protos=("account" "aggregator" "auth" "chassis" "events" "fabrics" "managers" "role" "session" "systems" "task" "telemetry" "update" "compositionservice")
for str in ${protos[@]}; do
  if [ $str == 'auth' ]
  protoc --go_opt=M$proto_file_name=./ --go_out=plugins=grpc:$proto_path --proto_path=$proto_path $proto_file_name

then build services

svcs=("svc-account-session" "svc-aggregation" "svc-api" "svc-events" "svc-task" "svc-systems")
for svc in ${svcs[@]}; do
  cd "$svc"
  go build
  cd ..

Further Information

ODIM library code and select services are moved here to be used with device manager project. As the issue opencomputeproject#2 was prescriptive on the service to be moved we have stuck to the agenda.So while this code is building, this will require modifications to integrate and run with device manager. This in turn will depend on the architecture decided by the device manager project.

The ODIM build directory contents may be used for reference The device manager project may use its own build/packaging mechanism. ODIM needs CA signed certificates to run. Scripts to generate such certificates are provided at Installations having their own CA certificates/infrastructure need not use these scripts. The ODIM configuration file is available at and description of the same is available at