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Genotype Likelihoods

ChaochihL edited this page Sep 28, 2018 · 4 revisions

Estimate genotype likelihood using ANGSD. Please see ANGSD's tutorial page for full details on this method.

Basic Usage

To run this method, use the following command

angsd-wrapper Genotypes Genotype_Config

where Genotype_Config is the full path to the configuration file for the 2D site frequency spectrum and Fst estimations.

Input files

All inputs should be specified in Genotype_Config.

Common Variables

This method does make use of Common_Config, those that are used are listed below:

Variable Function
A list of samples to be used in calculations
A list of inbreeding coefficients, where each line here corresponds to a line in SAMPLE_LIST or GROUP_SAMPLES on dev
ANC_SEQ Path to ancestral sequence
REF_SEQ Path to reference sequence
PROJECT Name given to all outputs in ANGSD-wrapper
SCRATCH Place to store files, the full path is SCRATCH/PROJECT/GenotypeLikelihoods
REGIONS Limit the scope of ANGSD-wrapper to certain regions

Method-Specific Variables

This method has no method-specifc variables

Method Parameters

The parameters for this method can be tweaked as necessary, they have been set for optimal generalized function:

Parameter Function
DO_MAJORMINOR Estimate major/minor alleles
UNIQUE_ONLY Use uniquely mapped reads only
MIN_MAPQ Minimum base mapping quality
MIN_BASEQUAL Minimum base quality score
GT_LIKELIHOOD Estimate genotype likelihoods
DO_GENO Call genotypes and setup the output
DO_POST Estimate the posterior genotype probability
POST_CUTOFF Floor limit for the posterior probability
DO_MAF Calculate per-site frequencies
SNP_PVAL P-value cutoff for calling SNPs
MIN_IND Minimum number of individuals needed to use this site
N_CORES Number of cores to use, please do not set above the limits of your system

Output files

Naming Scheme Contents
PROJECT_SFSOut.beagle.gz Genotype likelihoods