This is root folder for Ideell's all services. Short description for subfolders
- api - Spring Boot REST API using JSON. Security with JWT provided by Auth0
- db - Local database folder for testing
- doc - Documentation including graphic profile
- www - 4 separate projects (Ideell start page and PWA apps for Vi, Konst, Kvitter)
Try the following short description of how to start your local environment
- Java 15
- Docker Compose
- Intellij or Eclipse (install Lombok and Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse)
- Maven
- Npm
- Clone repo at
- Import Maven project
- Create project for Ideell start page, Vi, Konst and Kvitter
- Install Angular CLI in Vi, Konst and Kvitter (npm install -g @angular/cli)
- Start MongoDB and MariaDB with Docker Compose (docker compose up). This will create folder db
- Run you selected app with Angular Cli (ng serve)
- Start Ideell API with either Maven (mvn spring:boot run) or your IDE
- Copy start page into api/src/main/resources/static
- Build Vi/Konst/Kvitter (ng --prod build)
- Copy Vi/Konst/Kvitter build into api/src/main/resources/{app}
- Make Backend build (mvn package)
- Login to ElastX
- Select correct environment
- Upload build JAR-file (found in api/target)
- If you touch code, try to clean up and make it look better than before you started
- If you create something new, use a well known name for main logic and package with same name for smaller objects
Use the following priority
- Merge your PRs that are accepted
- Check for PRs to review
- Continue your features
- Check for selected issues that are specified well enough for you to start work with
You can contact Aimmoth@github