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Jeana edited this page May 8, 2024 · 26 revisions
MT_CKD Version Release Date Notes
4.3 February 2024
  • New foreign continuum coefficients in window regions for wavenumbers greater than 4000 cm-1 were derived (Mlawer and Mascio) using a modification to the MT_CKD line shape formalism that was constrained by results from the following studies from the U. Grenoble group led by A. Campargue:
    • Mondelain et al. (2015), doi:10.1039/c5cp01238d
    • Vasilchenko et al. (2019), .doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt. 2019.02.01
    • Mondelain et al. (2020), doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.106923
    • Fleurbaey et al. (2022),
    • Koroleva et al. (2023),
4.2 December 2023
  • Changes to self, foreign, and self T-dependence in IR window (590-1400 cm-1) derived from AERI (Mlawer/Mascio/Turner).
**Re-released with minor changes to netCDF and make_cnntm file in February 2024.
4.1.1 January 2023
  • Minor changes to 4.1.
**Re-released with minor changes to netCDF in February 2024.
4.1 January 2023
  • Revised foreign H2O continuum in Far-IR to adjust for MT_CKD_3.5 changes to self.
**Re-released with minor changes to netCDF in February 2024.
4.0.1 November 2022
  • Added changes to handle negative frequencies for water vapor.
4.0 October 2022
  • The water vapor continuum code has been restructured for its inclusion in HITRAN and put in separate module. The absorption coefficients are now in an external (netCDF) file and the code contains only simple scaling and interpolation operations. The full continuum code (contnm.f90) has been modified to call the new water vapor continuum code (K.E. Cady-Pereira, E. Mlawer).
v3.6 June 2022
  • The water vapor self continuum temperature dependence is now computed as a power law, where the exponent is determined from existing behavior between 270-305K (E. Mlawer, J. Mascio).
v3.5 October 2020
  • The water vapor continuum in the microwave through far-infrared was modified (E. Mlawer, V. Payne, J. Mascio, D. Turner). The modifications will be detailed in Payne et al. (2021).
    • Revised self and foreign continuum coefficients in the microwave were derived based on DOE ARM MWR measurements using an approach similar to that in Payne et al. (2010). The temperature dependence of the self continuum in the microwave was modified based on Katkov et al. (1995), Tretyakov et al. (2016) and the ARM MWR analysis.
    • The self continuum in the far-infrared was revised based on Odintsova et al. (2020), and the temperature dependence of the self continuum is based on Odintsova et al. (2020) and Burch and Grynvak (1979). Beyond the far-IR (up to 800 cm-1), the self temperature dependence was revised based on Burch and Alt (1984) and Burch and Grynvak (1979).
  • A bugfix in the oxygen A-band continuum module was implemented (E. Mlawer, J. Mascio, E. Magee).
v3.4 July 2020
  • Collision-induced absorption in the oxygen A-band was modified to be consistent with OCO-2 ABSCO 5.1 (E.J. Mlawer, J. Mascio, V.H. Payne, B. Drouin, F. Oyafuso)
v3.3 November 2019
  • Added O2 Schumann-Runge continuum from 55000-87000 cm-1 based on Lu et al. (2010), with adjustments made to account for optical depths due to Schumann-Runge lines (E. Mlawer)
  • Extended Rayleigh down to 820 cm-1 (K. Cady-Pereira, J. Delamere)
v3.2 August 2017
  • New self continnum coefficients in window regions for wavenumbers greater than 2000 cm-1 were added and self continuum temperature dependence from 1800-3500 cm-1 was updated (E.J. Mlawer, M.J. Alvarado, K.E. Cady-Pereira). The following analyses were used in this revision:
    • Campargue et al., 2016, doi:10.1002/2016JD025531
    • Mondelain et al., 2014, doi:10.1002/2013JD021319
    • Ventrillard et al., 2015, doi:10.1063/1.4931811
    • Richard et al., 2017, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2017.06.037
    • New examination of IASI cases used in Alvarado et al. (2013) and Mlawer et al. (2012) and AERI and AIRS cases in Mlawer et al. (2012)
v3.1 July 2017 (not publicly released)
  • Collision-induced absorption in the oxygen A-band was added (E.J. Mlawer, D. Gombos, V.H. Payne, B. Drouin, K.E. Cady-Pereira).
v3.0 December 2016
  • Recent changes have been evaluated with RHUBC-I and RHUBC-II data.
  • Includes modifications to H2O foreign continuum coefficients in the far-infrared based on the analysis of REFIR-PAD (Bianchini and Palchetti, 2008) measurements taken at Cerro Toco, Chile, as part of the ARM RHUBC-II campaign and a re-analysis of the AERI-ER measurements from the ARM NSA site (first analyzed in Delamere et al., (2010)).
  • The foreign continuum was also changed in the sub-millimeter and microwave regions as a result of the analysis of SAO FTS (Paine and Turner, 2013) measurements taken during the RHUBC-II campaign, which led to modification of the H2O self continuum in this region to maintain good agreement with the microwave measurements analyzed in Payne et al. (2008 and 2011). (E.J. Mlawer, D.D. Turner, S.N. Paine, V.H. Payne)
v2.8 July 2016
  • A number of changes were made to water vapor continuum absorption in the window past the fundamental H2O band (E.J. Mlawer, M.J. Alvarado):
    • Self continuum coefficients were modified from 1880-2390 cm-1 to fix issues in the CO fundamental region that were pointed out by Alvarado et al. (2013).
    • Foreign continuum coefficients from 1800-3000 cm-1 were modified to improve agreement with Baranov and Lafferty (2012); in the 1900-2150 cm-1 region, attention was also paid to IASI measurements (Alvarado et al., 2013).
    • Coefficients for N2-H2O relative efficiency from 2000-2900 cm-1 were determined from Baranov and Lafferty simultaneously with the H2O foreign and self continuum coefficients in this region (as described above).
  • Foreign continuum coefficients at wavenumbers greater than 4000 cm-1 were modified based on Baranov and Lafferty (2012) and Mondelain et al. (2014) measurements (E.J. Mlawer and M.J. Alvarado).
v2.7 February 2016
  • Added N2 collision-induced first overtone (E.J. Mlawer, D. Gombos).
  • Fixed bug in calculation of temperature analytic Jacobians (E.J. Mlawer, K.E. Cady-Pereira).
v2.5.2 January 2011
  • Added if tests needed for speed improvements in monoRTM (K. E. Cady-Pereira, E.J. Mlawer)
  • Other software updates include:
    • In N2 pure rotation band, fixed incorrect indexing related to contribution from N2-O2 (E.J. Mlawer, A.E. Lipton, V.H. Payne)
    • Increased number of output points in all continuum modules to prevent possible truncation at high wavenumber end (E.J. Mlawer, S.A. Clough, C.H. Kohler)
    • Near-IR O2 continuum to allow for calculations over domains greater than 2000 cm-1; needed by standalone continuum code (E.J. Mlawer, P. Hedelt)
    • O2 fundamental to correct 5 cm-1 shift (E.J. Mlawer, S.A. Clough, C.H. Kohler)
    • Rayleigh is now computed for IAERSL=5 (E.J. Mlawer, K.E. Cady-Pereira)
  • Corrected coding issue related to pure water vapor atmospheres in stand-alone continuum model (E.J. Mlawer).
  • Updated historical information (E.J. Mlawer, V.H. Payne)
  • Modified directory structure for source codes, makefiles, and documentation.
  • Added makefile system to compile the stand-alone continuum model. Includes new platforms such as Windows and capability to easily add new platforms.
v2.5 January 2010
  • MT_CKD_2.5 continuum modifications included in this release are based on analyses of IASI, AIRS, and AERI measurements in the region past the bandhead of the CO2 v3 band (~2385 cm-1):
    • Introduction of temperature dependence of CO2 continuum absorption from 2386-2434 cm-1 based on line shape calculations; validated with IASI measurements (E.J. Mlawer and V.H. Payne)
    • Modification of CO2 continuum coefficients from 2000-3000 cm-1 from IASI and AERI (from ARM) measurements (E.J. Mlawer, V.H. Payne, and M.W. Shephard)
    • Modification of water vapor self continuum coefficients from 2000-3200 cm-1 from IASI and AIRS measurements; fit based on near-IR studies of Bicknell et al. (2006) and Fulghum and Tilleman (1991) (E.J. Mlawer and V.H. Payne)
v2.4 June 2009
  • Modifications to the water vapor continuum arise from new analyses of ARM measurements in the microwave and far-IR regions (S.A. Clough, J. Delamere, V.H. Payne, E.J. Mlawer)
  • Analyses of measurements in the microwave are based primarily on the two-channel MWR (23.8 and 31.4 GHz) at SGP, with supporting evidence from 150 GHz MWRHF measurements during the COPS campaign and from 170 GHz GVRP measurements at SGP (Payne et al., 2009).
  • Measurements in the far-IR were from the AERI_ext at the NSA site, in the time surrounding and including the RHUBC-I campaign (Delamere et al., 2009).
  • Solved the issue of N2 Jacobians being included in the Jacobians generated for other molecules (MT_CKD_2.2)(S.A. Clough and M.W. Shephard)
  • Fixed an issue with the water vapor Jacobians in which the analytic Jacobians were dependent on the starting wavenumber (MT_CKD_2.3)(K.E. Cady-Pereira and S. Tjemkes)
v2.1 November 2007
  • CO2: Fundamental change in the lblrtm fourth function with consequent changes in continuum.
  • Bug fix impacting the nitrogen continuum in the 0-350 cm-1 region.
v2.0 September 2007
  • CO2: Based on Hartmann P-Q-R line mixing. Modification to v3 band based on AIRS data (July 2007).
  • H2O foreign modified in 250-550 cm-1 region based on analyses of NSA AER_XR data. (September 2007)
v1.3 May 2006
  • v2 CO2: with P-R line mixing included; factor of 7 increase has been reduceed to 4.5
v1.2 September 2004
  • MT_CKD_1.2 includes a modification to the collision induced absorption by N2 in the 0-350 cm-1 regime, Boissoles et al. (2003).
  • The structure of cntnm_progr.f has been altered somewhat to ensure closer correlation betweem this continuum program and the continuum used in lblrtm. The actual continuum module, contnm.f, is introduced into the present program with an include statement. The contnm.f module is that archived with lblrtm.
v1.00 May 2004
  • cntnm_progr_v1.1
  • Made a correction for to the input units for the path length (S.A. Clough)
  • Allows for the input of water VMR (with respect to total air, not dry air) (S.A. Clough)
  • Made the code cosistent with the continuum in LBLRTM_v_8.4 (S.A. Clough)
v1.00 February 2003
  • cntnm_progr_v1.0
  • This is the initial release of the MT_CKD water vapor continuum and represents the first recomputation of the entire self and foreign broadened continuum since the original model was developed in the 1980s. This version of the continuum is implemented in the line-by-line model LBLRTM v7.0 and will be utilized in all related AER Radiative Transfer models.
  • The MT_CKD continuum is based on a new formulation: The self and foreign continuum models are each based on the contributions from two components: a collision induced component and a line shape component. This change in perspective has resulted from the difficulty in developing a line shape model based on sound physics that explains the magnitude of the increased absorption in the intermediate wing over that provided by the impact approximation.
  • These two components are applied consistently to all water vapor lines from the microwave to the visible, and the results summed to obtain self and foreign continuum coefficients from 0-20,000 cm-1. Eight and seven parameters are needed to specify the two components for the self and foreign continua, respectively, which are sufficient to generate the entire continuum spectrum over this spectral domain. The ratio of the self continuum at 296 K to that at 260 K has been kept the same as in the CKD model. The only temperature dependence for the foreign continuum arises from the radiation term as with CKD. The MT_CKD model as with CKD, should be regarded as a semi empirical model with strong constraints provided by the known physics.
  • The data that have been used to develop the new continuum model has come predominantly from spectral atmospheric measurements. Only cases for which the characterization of the atmospheric state has been highly scrutinized have been used. This new model has been developed by E.J. Mlawer, D.C. Tobin and S.A. Clough building on the original CKD formulation; hence the name MT_CKD.
  • In this release only the stand alone program, cntnm_progr_mt_ckd_1.00.f, is being provided. The driver for this program has been changed slightly so that pressure, temperature and path length may be entered as input. A negative value for the pressure provides a default result from 0-5000 cm-1 with P = 1013 mb, T = 296 k and X (path) = 1 cm.
  • In addition to the original version of ckd_0, there are three updated versions of ckd available with the release dates indicated:
    • ckd_2.4.2 (2002_08)
    • ckd_2.4.1 (2000_05)
    • ckd_2.2.2 (1996_12; rev 1999_06)
    • ckd_0 (1989)
    • ckd_2.2.2 (1996_12; rev 1999_06)
    These models with associated readme files are contained in the directories associated with the continuum. Information on the nature of the modifications is contained in the respective readme files. The continuum module and associated continuum program (program) are very similar except that the latter includes a driver and a small modification has been made in SUBROUTINE CONTNM to provide the appropriate interface. The main substance of the code are data statements which are not only identical between continuum module and program, but up to this point are similar between the three evolutionary versions of the CKD continnum models.
  • Remarks on implementing the stand alone program are contained in comments in the main progam: drcntnm (driver for continuum). The program provides the following output files:
    • WATER.COEF - the mt_ckd_# self and foreign broadened water continuum coefficients.
    • CNTNM.OPTDPT - continuum optical depths for the defined path.
  • It should be noted that the MT_CKD water vapor continuum model spans the spectral domain from 0-20,000 cm-1 (inf - 500 nm).
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