From b8bbae63a00a1ea91817fdd4dc21b5416d228760 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "" <> Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2025 13:47:03 +1100 Subject: [PATCH] Cherry-pick 0.4.0 release related changes into 0.25deg ryf configuration (#169) * License file * Update incorrect note in MOM_override See Co-authored-by: minghangli-uni * Add non-default from MOM_parameter_doc.layout in the middle reorder MOM_input to follow MOM_parameter_doc.short Put non-default values from MOM_parameter_doc.debugging at the top Co-authored-by: Dougie Squire <> * Add WIND_STAGGER to MOM_INPUT for clarity This only affects the logging, the actual value is hardcoded through a #ifdef CESMCOUPLED * Change atm and ice mesh from 1deg -> 025deg Change ice_ntasks to be 96 Remove unused components Removed some checks in Payu which required unused components to be present in the nuopc.runconfig file. Co-authored-by: Dougie Squire <> * Update to ACCESS-NRI/ACCESS-OM3 deployment 25.01.0 * Update field dictionary with latest from CMEPS * add_gusts parameter needed for 0.4.0 build * Update nuopc.runconfig to turn-off dates in restart_pointers * Turn on netcdf4 per The new build uses openmpi4.1.7, which fixes some bugs preventing parallel reads over symlinks. This allows use of parallelio netcdf4 option, even though at this resolution for most components we will still only use one PE for IO. * Use .d and .m in CICE history output filenames Per * Turn off extra cice restarts and remove non functioning write_restart_at_endofrun per * Set Earth radius the same as the UM * Update MOM6 parameters and docs See --------- Co-authored-by: anton-seaice Co-authored-by: Dougie Squire <> Co-authored-by: Anton Steketee <> Co-authored-by: dougiesquire --- LICENSE | 396 ++++++++++++++ MOM_input | 139 +++-- MOM_override | 7 +- config.yaml | 4 +- docs/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 388 ++++++------- docs/MOM_parameter_doc.debugging | 3 + docs/MOM_parameter_doc.layout | 12 +- docs/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 92 +++- fd.yaml | 899 +++++++++++++++++-------------- ice_in | 9 +- manifests/exe.yaml | 6 +- nuopc.runconfig | 89 +-- 12 files changed, 1287 insertions(+), 757 deletions(-) create mode 100644 LICENSE diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da6ab6c --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,396 @@ +Attribution 4.0 International + +======================================================================= + +Creative Commons Corporation ("Creative Commons") is not a law firm and +does not provide legal services or legal advice. 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The absolute path to a file into which the accelerations leading to zonal + ! velocity truncations are written. Undefine this for efficiency if this + ! diagnostic is not needed. +V_TRUNC_FILE = "V_velocity_truncations" ! default = "" + ! The absolute path to a file into which the accelerations leading to meridional + ! velocity truncations are written. Undefine this for efficiency if this + ! diagnostic is not needed. + +! === module MOM_file_parser === +FATAL_UNUSED_PARAMS = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, kill the run if there are any unused parameters. + +! This section contains non default layout parameters which are set. +! ------------------------ +! === module MOM_domains === +AUTO_MASKTABLE = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! Turn on automatic mask table generation to eliminate land blocks. + +! This section is formatted the same as the MOM_parameter_short.doc output file. +! ------------------------ ! This file was written by the model and records the non-default parameters used at run-time. ! === module MOM === @@ -13,17 +37,12 @@ DT = 1350.0 ! [s] ! The (baroclinic) dynamics time step. The time-step that is actually used will ! be an integer fraction of the forcing time-step (DT_FORCING in ocean-only mode ! or the coupling timestep in coupled mode.) -DT_THERM = 1350.0 ! [s] default = 1800.0 - ! The thermodynamic and tracer advection time step. Ideally DT_THERM should be - ! an integer multiple of DT and less than the forcing or coupling time-step, - ! unless THERMO_SPANS_COUPLING is true, in which case DT_THERM can be an integer - ! multiple of the coupling timestep. By default DT_THERM is set to DT. HFREEZE = 10.0 ! [m] default = -1.0 ! If HFREEZE > 0, melt potential will be computed. The actual depth over which ! melt potential is computed will be min(HFREEZE, OBLD), where OBLD is the ! boundary layer depth. If HFREEZE <= 0 (default), melt potential will not be ! computed. -DTBT_RESET_PERIOD = 0.0 ! [s] default = 3600.0 +DTBT_RESET_PERIOD = 0.0 ! [s] default = 1350.0 ! The period between recalculations of DTBT (if DTBT <= 0). If DTBT_RESET_PERIOD ! is negative, DTBT is set based only on information available at ! initialization. If 0, DTBT will be set every dynamics time step. The default @@ -82,6 +101,8 @@ GRID_CONFIG = "mosaic" ! ! mercator - use a Mercator spherical grid. GRID_FILE = "" ! ! Name of the file from which to read horizontal grid data. +RAD_EARTH = 6.371229E+06 ! [m] default = 6.378E+06 + ! The radius of the Earth. TOPO_CONFIG = "file" ! ! This specifies how bathymetry is specified: ! file - read bathymetric information from the file @@ -111,17 +132,6 @@ TOPO_CONFIG = "file" ! ! USER - call a user modified routine. MAXIMUM_DEPTH = 6000.0 ! [m] ! The maximum depth of the ocean. -CHANNEL_CONFIG = none ! default = "none" - ! A parameter that determines which set of channels are - ! restricted to specific widths. Options are: - ! none - All channels have the grid width. - ! global_1deg - Sets 16 specific channels appropriate - ! for a 1-degree model, as used in CM2G. - ! list - Read the channel locations and widths from a - ! text file, like MOM_channel_list in the MOM_SIS - ! test case. - ! file - Read open face widths everywhere from a - ! NetCDF file on the model grid. ! === module MOM_verticalGrid === ! Parameters providing information about the vertical grid. @@ -129,16 +139,15 @@ NK = 50 ! [nondim] ! The number of model layers. ! === module MOM_EOS === -DTFREEZE_DP = -7.75E-08 ! [deg C Pa-1] default = 0.0 +EQN_OF_STATE = "WRIGHT_REDUCED" ! default = "WRIGHT" + ! EQN_OF_STATE determines which ocean equation of state should be used. + ! Currently, the valid choices are "LINEAR", "UNESCO", "JACKETT_MCD", "WRIGHT", + ! "WRIGHT_REDUCED", "WRIGHT_FULL", "NEMO", "ROQUET_RHO", "ROQUET_SPV" and + ! "TEOS10". This is only used if USE_EOS is true. +DTFREEZE_DP = -7.75E-08 ! [degC Pa-1] default = 0.0 ! When TFREEZE_FORM=LINEAR, this is the derivative of the freezing potential ! temperature with pressure. -EPS_OMESH = 1e-13 - ! "default = 0.0001 - ! An float which sets the allowable error (in degrees) between - ! grid angle defined in the ESMF mesh file used by CMEPS - ! and the ocean_hgrid file used by mom - ! === module MOM_tracer_flow_control === USE_IDEAL_AGE_TRACER = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the ideal_age_example tracer package. @@ -155,7 +164,6 @@ REGRIDDING_COORDINATE_MODE = "ZSTAR" ! default = "LAYER" ! RHO - continuous isopycnal ! HYCOM1 - HyCOM-like hybrid coordinate ! HYBGEN - Hybrid coordinate from the Hycom hybgen code - ! SLIGHT - stretched coordinates above continuous isopycnal ! ADAPTIVE - optimize for smooth neutral density surfaces ALE_COORDINATE_CONFIG = ",interfaces=zeta" ! default = "UNIFORM" ! Determines how to specify the coordinate resolution. Valid options are: @@ -166,6 +174,8 @@ ALE_COORDINATE_CONFIG = ",interfaces=zeta" ! default = "UNIFO ! by a comma or space, e.g.,dz ! or,interfaces=zw ! WOA09[:N] - the WOA09 vertical grid (approximately) + ! WOA09INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA09 depths + ! WOA23INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA23 depths ! FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision ! HYBRID:string - read from a file. The string specifies ! the filename and two variable names, separated @@ -174,8 +184,8 @@ ALE_COORDINATE_CONFIG = ",interfaces=zeta" ! default = "UNIFO !ALE_RESOLUTION = 2.303499698638916, 2.6903486251831055, 3.1421399116516113, 3.6697616577148438, 4.285917282104492, 5.005424499511719, 5.845563888549805, 6.826459884643555, 7.971549987792969, 9.308074951171875, 10.867660522460938, 12.686931610107422, 14.808158874511719, 17.279945373535156, 20.157821655273438, 23.504684448242188, 27.390975952148438, 31.894271850585938, 37.097900390625, 43.088226318359375, 49.94970703125, 57.757049560546875, 66.56375122070312, 76.386962890625, 87.18865966796875, 98.85760498046875, 111.1953125, 123.914794921875, 136.6578369140625, 149.03271484375, 160.6646728515625, 171.2481689453125, 180.5816650390625, 188.5797119140625, 195.2608642578125, 200.720703125, 205.10205078125, 208.565185546875, 211.2705078125, 213.363525390625, 214.97119140625, 216.198974609375, 217.13232421875, 217.83984375, 218.37451171875, 218.7783203125, 219.08203125, 219.310546875, 219.482421875, 219.6123046875 ! [m] REMAPPING_SCHEME = "PPM_H4" ! default = "PLM" ! This sets the reconstruction scheme used for vertical remapping for all - ! variables. It can be one of the following schemes: PCM (1st-order - ! accurate) + ! variables. It can be one of the following schemes: + ! PCM (1st-order accurate) ! PLM (2nd-order accurate) ! PLM_HYBGEN (2nd-order accurate) ! PPM_H4 (3rd-order accurate) @@ -184,6 +194,11 @@ REMAPPING_SCHEME = "PPM_H4" ! default = "PLM" ! WENO_HYBGEN (3rd-order accurate) ! PQM_IH4IH3 (4th-order accurate) ! PQM_IH6IH5 (5th-order accurate) +REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! This selects the remapping algorithm used in OM4 that does not use the full + ! reconstruction for the top- and lower-most sub-layers, but instead assumes + ! they are always vanished (untrue) and so just uses their edge values. We + ! recommend setting this option to false. ! === module MOM_state_initialization === INIT_LAYERS_FROM_Z_FILE = True ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -206,8 +221,16 @@ TEMP_SALT_INIT_VERTICAL_REMAP_ONLY = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, initial conditions are on the model horizontal grid. Extrapolation ! over missing ocean values is done using an ICE-9 procedure with vertical ALE ! remapping . +Z_INIT_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for initialization. See + ! REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for more details. We recommend setting this option + ! to false. ! === module MOM_diag_mediator === +DIAG_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for diagnostics. See + ! REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting this option to + ! false. DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z = ",interfaces=zeta" ! default = "WOA09" ! Determines how to specify the coordinate resolution. Valid options are: ! PARAM - use the vector-parameter DIAG_COORD_RES_Z @@ -217,6 +240,8 @@ DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z = ",interfaces=zeta" ! default = "WOA09" ! by a comma or space, e.g.,dz ! or,interfaces=zw ! WOA09[:N] - the WOA09 vertical grid (approximately) + ! WOA09INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA09 depths + ! WOA23INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA23 depths ! FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision ! HYBRID:string - read from a file. The string specifies ! the filename and two variable names, separated @@ -302,6 +327,10 @@ USE_STORED_SLOPES = True ! [Boolean] default = False KH_RES_SCALE_COEF = 0.4 ! [nondim] default = 1.0 ! A coefficient that determines how KhTh is scaled away if RESOLN_SCALED_... is ! true, as F = 1 / (1 + (KH_RES_SCALE_COEF*Rd/dx)^KH_RES_FN_POWER). +EBT_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for calculating EBT + ! structure. See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting + ! this option to false. ! === module MOM_set_visc === CHANNEL_DRAG = True ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -335,11 +364,12 @@ FGNV_C_MIN = 0.01 ! [m s-1] default = 0.0 USE_KH_IN_MEKE = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, uses the thickness diffusivity calculated here to diffuse MEKE. -! === module MOM_porous_barriers === - ! === module MOM_dynamics_split_RK2 === - -! === module MOM_continuity === +VISC_REM_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, visc_rem_[uv] in split mode is incorrectly calculated or accounted + ! for in two places. This parameter controls the defaults of two individual + ! flags, VISC_REM_TIMESTEP_BUG in MOM_dynamics_split_RK2(b) and + ! VISC_REM_BT_WEIGHT_BUG in MOM_barotropic. ! === module MOM_continuity_PPM === ETA_TOLERANCE = 1.0E-06 ! [m] default = 2.5E-09 @@ -359,8 +389,6 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! option would have no effect on the SADOURNY Coriolis scheme if it were ! possible to use centered difference thickness fluxes. -! === module MOM_tidal_forcing === - ! === module MOM_PressureForce === ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === @@ -368,6 +396,8 @@ MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use mass weighting when interpolating T/S for integrals near the ! bathymetry in FV pressure gradient calculations. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. @@ -375,9 +405,20 @@ AH = 1.0E+12 ! [m4 s-1] default = 0.0 ! The background biharmonic horizontal viscosity. LEITH_AH = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a biharmonic Leith nonlinear eddy viscosity. +BACKSCATTER_UNDERBOUND = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, the bounds on the biharmonic viscosity are allowed to increase where + ! the Laplacian viscosity is negative (due to backscatter parameterizations) + ! beyond the largest timestep-dependent stable values of biharmonic viscosity + ! when no Laplacian viscosity is applied. The default is true for historical + ! reasons, but this option probably should not be used because it can contribute + ! to numerical instabilities. LEITH_BI_CONST = 128.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! The nondimensional biharmonic Leith constant, typical values are thus far ! undetermined. +FRICTWORK_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, retain an answer-changing bug in calculating the FrictWork, which + ! cancels the h in thickness flux and the h at velocity point. This isnot + ! recommended. ! === module MOM_vert_friction === HMIX_FIXED = 0.5 ! [m] @@ -388,14 +429,6 @@ MAXVEL = 6.0 ! [m s-1] default = 3.0E+08 CFL_TRUNCATE_RAMP_TIME = 7200.0 ! [s] default = 0.0 ! The time over which the CFL truncation value is ramped up at the beginning of ! the run. -U_TRUNC_FILE = "U_velocity_truncations" ! default = "" - ! The absolute path to a file into which the accelerations leading to zonal - ! velocity truncations are written. Undefine this for efficiency if this - ! diagnostic is not needed. -V_TRUNC_FILE = "V_velocity_truncations" ! default = "" - ! The absolute path to a file into which the accelerations leading to meridional - ! velocity truncations are written. Undefine this for efficiency if this - ! diagnostic is not needed. ! === module MOM_barotropic === BOUND_BT_CORRECTION = True ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -425,13 +458,15 @@ MIXEDLAYER_RESTRAT = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, a density-gradient dependent re-stratifying flow is imposed in the ! mixed layer. Can be used in ALE mode without restriction but in layer mode can ! only be used if BULKMIXEDLAYER is true. +MLE% +%MLE FOX_KEMPER_ML_RESTRAT_COEF = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! A nondimensional coefficient that is proportional to the ratio of the ! deformation radius to the dominant lengthscale of the submesoscale mixed layer ! instabilities, times the minimum of the ratio of the mesoscale eddy kinetic ! energy to the large-scale geostrophic kinetic energy or 1 plus the square of ! the grid spacing over the deformation radius, as detailed by Fox-Kemper et al. - ! (2010) + ! (2011) MLE_FRONT_LENGTH = 1000.0 ! [m] default = 0.0 ! If non-zero, is the frontal-length scale used to calculate the upscaling of ! buoyancy gradients that is otherwise represented by the parameter @@ -444,6 +479,10 @@ MLE_MLD_DECAY_TIME = 3.456E+05 ! [s] default = 0.0 ! MLD. ! === module MOM_diagnostics === +INTWAVE_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for calculating EBT + ! structure. See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting + ! this option to false. ! === module MOM_diabatic_driver === ! The following parameters are used for diabatic processes. @@ -574,6 +613,10 @@ USE_HORIZONTAL_BOUNDARY_DIFFUSION = True ! [Boolean] default = False HBD_LINEAR_TRANSITION = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If True, apply a linear transition at the base/top of the boundary. ! The flux will be fully applied at k=k_min and zero at k=k_max. +HBD_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for horizontal boundary + ! diffusion. See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting + ! this option to false. ! === module MOM_sum_output === @@ -584,6 +627,9 @@ OCEAN_SURFACE_STAGGER = "A" ! default = "C" ! A case-insensitive character string to indicate the staggering of the surface ! velocity field that is returned to the coupler. Valid values include 'A', ! 'B', or 'C'. +EPS_OMESH = 1.0E-13 ! [degrees] default = 1.0E-04 + ! Maximum allowable difference between ESMF mesh and MOM6 domain coordinates in + ! nuopc cap. RESTORE_SALINITY = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, the coupled driver will add a globally-balanced fresh-water flux that ! drives sea-surface salinity toward specified values. @@ -596,6 +642,9 @@ LATENT_HEAT_VAPORIZATION = 2.501E+06 ! [J/kg] default = 2.5E+06 ADJUST_NET_FRESH_WATER_TO_ZERO = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, adjusts the net fresh-water forcing seen by the ocean (including ! restoring) to zero. +WIND_STAGGER = "A" ! default = "C" + ! A case-insensitive character string to indicate the staggering of the input + ! wind stress field. Valid values are 'A', 'B', or 'C'. ENTHALPY_FROM_COUPLER = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If True, the heat (enthalpy) associated with mass entering/leaving the ocean ! is provided via coupler. @@ -609,9 +658,3 @@ SRESTORE_AS_SFLUX = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! freshwater flux. GUST_CONST = 0.02 ! [Pa] default = 0.0 ! The background gustiness in the winds. - -! === module MOM_file_parser === -FATAL_UNUSED_PARAMS = True ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, kill the run if there are any unused parameters. -AUTO_MASKTABLE = True ! [Boolean] default = False - ! Turn on automatic mask table generation to eliminate land blocks. diff --git a/MOM_override b/MOM_override index 4017693..cfdc414 100644 --- a/MOM_override +++ b/MOM_override @@ -1,5 +1,2 @@ -! WARNING: DO NOT EDIT this file! Any user change made in this file will be -! overriden. This file is automatically generated. MOM6 parameter -! changes may be made via SourceMods or user_nl_mom. -!------------------------------------------------------------------------- - +! NOTE: User made changes to this file override the settings in MOM_input +! This provides a clear record of how your configuration differs from the standard diff --git a/config.yaml b/config.yaml index 212eae9..d9d61ff 100644 --- a/config.yaml +++ b/config.yaml @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ modules: use: - /g/data/vk83/modules load: - - access-om3/2024.09.0 + - access-om3/2025.01.0 - nco/5.0.5 -payu_minimum_version: 1.1.4 +payu_minimum_version: 1.1.6 diff --git a/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 7143e17..76d3623 100644 --- a/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ ! === module MOM === SPLIT = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! Use the split time stepping if true. +SPLIT_RK2B = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use a version of the split explicit time stepping scheme that + ! exchanges velocities with step_MOM that have the average barotropic phase over + ! a baroclinic timestep rather than the instantaneous barotropic phase. CALC_RHO_FOR_SEA_LEVEL = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, the in-situ density is used to calculate the effective sea level that ! is returned to the coupler. If false, the Boussinesq parameter RHO_0 is used. @@ -35,6 +39,10 @@ OFFLINE_TRACER_MODE = False ! [Boolean] default = False USE_REGRIDDING = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If True, use the ALE algorithm (regridding/remapping). If False, use the ! layered isopycnal algorithm. +REMAP_UV_USING_OLD_ALG = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, uses the old remapping-via-a-delta-z method for remapping u and v. If + ! false, uses the new method that remaps between grids described by an old and + ! new thickness. REMAP_AUXILIARY_VARS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, apply ALE remapping to all of the auxiliary 3-dimensional variables ! that are needed to reproduce across restarts, similarly to what is already @@ -53,7 +61,7 @@ APPLY_INTERFACE_FILTER = False ! [Boolean] default = False THICKNESSDIFFUSE_FIRST = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, do thickness diffusion or interface height smoothing before dynamics. ! This is only used if THICKNESSDIFFUSE or APPLY_INTERFACE_FILTER is true. -USE_POROUS_BARRIER = True ! [Boolean] default = True +USE_POROUS_BARRIER = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use porous barrier to constrain the widths and face areas at the ! edges of the grid cells. BATHYMETRY_AT_VEL = False ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -150,18 +158,10 @@ BAD_VAL_COLUMN_THICKNESS = 0.0 ! [m] default = 0.0 ! CHECK_BAD_SURFACE_VALS is true. DEFAULT_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! This sets the default value for the various _ANSWER_DATE parameters. -DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters. -SURFACE_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use expressions for the surface properties that recover the answers - ! from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use more appropriate expressions that differ - ! at roundoff for non-Boussinesq cases. SURFACE_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! The vintage of the expressions for the surface properties. Values below ! 20190101 recover the answers from the end of 2018, while higher values use - ! updated and more robust forms of the same expressions. If both - ! SURFACE_2018_ANSWERS and SURFACE_ANSWER_DATE are specified, the latter takes - ! precedence. + ! updated and more robust forms of the same expressions. USE_DIABATIC_TIME_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, uses the wrong calendar time for diabatic processes, as was done in ! MOM6 versions prior to February 2018. This is not recommended. @@ -178,6 +178,8 @@ USE_DBCLIENT = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! analysis and machine-learning inference. USE_PARTICLES = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the particles package. +USE_UH_PARTICLES = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use the uh velocity in the particles package. ENSEMBLE_OCEAN = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If False, The model is being run in serial mode as a single realization. If ! True, The current model realization is part of a larger ensemble and at the @@ -216,7 +218,7 @@ REFERENCE_HEIGHT = 0.0 ! [m] default = 0.0 ! A reference value for geometric height fields, such as bathyT. ! === module MOM_fixed_initialization === -INPUTDIR = "./input/" ! default = "." +INPUTDIR = "./INPUT/" ! default = "." ! The directory in which input files are found. ! === module MOM_grid_init === @@ -233,7 +235,7 @@ GRID_FILE = "" ! USE_TRIPOLAR_GEOLONB_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use older code that incorrectly sets the longitude in some points ! along the tripolar fold to be off by 360 degrees. -RAD_EARTH = 6.378E+06 ! [m] default = 6.378E+06 +RAD_EARTH = 6.371229E+06 ! [m] default = 6.378E+06 ! The radius of the Earth. TOPO_CONFIG = "file" ! ! This specifies how bathymetry is specified: @@ -332,15 +334,11 @@ NK = 50 ! [nondim] ! === module MOM_tracer_registry === ! === module MOM_EOS === -EQN_OF_STATE = "WRIGHT" ! default = "WRIGHT" +EQN_OF_STATE = "WRIGHT_REDUCED" ! default = "WRIGHT" ! EQN_OF_STATE determines which ocean equation of state should be used. ! Currently, the valid choices are "LINEAR", "UNESCO", "JACKETT_MCD", "WRIGHT", ! "WRIGHT_REDUCED", "WRIGHT_FULL", "NEMO", "ROQUET_RHO", "ROQUET_SPV" and ! "TEOS10". This is only used if USE_EOS is true. -USE_WRIGHT_2ND_DERIV_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use a bug in the calculation of the second derivatives of density - ! with temperature and with temperature and pressure that causes some terms to - ! be only 2/3 of what they should be. EOS_QUADRATURE = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, always use the generic (quadrature) code code for the integrals of ! density. @@ -348,13 +346,13 @@ TFREEZE_FORM = "LINEAR" ! default = "LINEAR" ! TFREEZE_FORM determines which expression should be used for the freezing ! point. Currently, the valid choices are "LINEAR", "MILLERO_78", "TEOS_POLY", ! "TEOS10" -TFREEZE_S0_P0 = 0.0 ! [deg C] default = 0.0 +TFREEZE_S0_P0 = 0.0 ! [degC] default = 0.0 ! When TFREEZE_FORM=LINEAR, this is the freezing potential temperature at S=0, ! P=0. -DTFREEZE_DS = -0.054 ! [deg C PSU-1] default = -0.054 +DTFREEZE_DS = -0.054 ! [degC ppt-1] default = -0.054 ! When TFREEZE_FORM=LINEAR, this is the derivative of the freezing potential ! temperature with salinity. -DTFREEZE_DP = -7.75E-08 ! [deg C Pa-1] default = 0.0 +DTFREEZE_DP = -7.75E-08 ! [degC Pa-1] default = 0.0 ! When TFREEZE_FORM=LINEAR, this is the derivative of the freezing potential ! temperature with pressure. @@ -372,6 +370,12 @@ RESTART_CHECKSUMS_REQUIRED = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! may want to avoid this comparison if for example the restarts are made from a ! run with a different mask_table than the current run, in which case the ! checksums will not match and cause crash. +STREAMING_FILTER_M2 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turn on streaming band-pass filter for detecting instantaneous tidal + ! signals. +STREAMING_FILTER_K1 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turn on streaming band-pass filter for detecting instantaneous tidal + ! signals. ! === module MOM_tracer_flow_control === USE_USER_TRACER_EXAMPLE = False ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -455,10 +459,8 @@ COORD_CONFIG = "none" ! default = "none" ! USER - call a user modified routine. GFS = 9.8 ! [m s-2] default = 9.8 ! The reduced gravity at the free surface. -REMAP_UV_USING_OLD_ALG = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, uses the old remapping-via-a-delta-z method for remapping u and v. If - ! false, uses the new method that remaps between grids described by an old and - ! new thickness. +LIGHTEST_DENSITY = 1035.0 ! [kg m-3] default = 1035.0 + ! The reference potential density used for layer 1. REGRIDDING_COORDINATE_MODE = "ZSTAR" ! default = "LAYER" ! Coordinate mode for vertical regridding. Choose among the following ! possibilities: LAYER - Isopycnal or stacked shallow water layers @@ -480,6 +482,8 @@ ALE_COORDINATE_CONFIG = ",interfaces=zeta" ! default = "UNIFO ! by a comma or space, e.g.,dz ! or,interfaces=zw ! WOA09[:N] - the WOA09 vertical grid (approximately) + ! WOA09INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA09 depths + ! WOA23INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA23 depths ! FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision ! HYBRID:string - read from a file. The string specifies ! the filename and two variable names, separated @@ -525,17 +529,19 @@ REMAP_BOUND_INTERMEDIATE_VALUES = False ! [Boolean] default = False REMAP_BOUNDARY_EXTRAP = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, values at the interfaces of boundary cells are extrapolated instead ! of piecewise constant -REMAPPING_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers - ! from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the - ! same expressions. +INIT_BOUNDARY_EXTRAP = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, values at the interfaces of boundary cells are extrapolated instead + ! of piecewise constant during initialization.Defaults to REMAP_BOUNDARY_EXTRAP. +REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! This selects the remapping algorithm used in OM4 that does not use the full + ! reconstruction for the top- and lower-most sub-layers, but instead assumes + ! they are always vanished (untrue) and so just uses their edge values. We + ! recommend setting this option to false. REMAPPING_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! The vintage of the expressions and order of arithmetic to use for remapping. ! Values below 20190101 result in the use of older, less accurate expressions ! that were in use at the end of 2018. Higher values result in the use of more - ! robust and accurate forms of mathematically equivalent expressions. If both - ! REMAPPING_2018_ANSWERS and REMAPPING_ANSWER_DATE are specified, the latter - ! takes precedence. + ! robust and accurate forms of mathematically equivalent expressions. PARTIAL_CELL_VELOCITY_REMAP = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use partial cell thicknesses at velocity points that are masked out ! where they extend below the shallower of the neighboring bathymetry for @@ -589,10 +595,10 @@ Z_INIT_ALE_REMAPPING = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If True, then remap straight to model coordinate from file. Z_INIT_REMAPPING_SCHEME = "PPM_IH4" ! default = "PPM_IH4" ! The remapping scheme to use if using Z_INIT_ALE_REMAPPING is True. -Z_INIT_REMAP_GENERAL = False ! [Boolean] default = False +Z_INIT_REMAP_GENERAL = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If false, only initializes to z* coordinates. If true, allows initialization ! directly to general coordinates. -Z_INIT_REMAP_FULL_COLUMN = False ! [Boolean] default = False +Z_INIT_REMAP_FULL_COLUMN = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If false, only reconstructs profiles for valid data points. If true, inserts ! vanished layers below the valid data. Z_INIT_REMAP_OLD_ALG = False ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -602,25 +608,24 @@ TEMP_SALT_INIT_VERTICAL_REMAP_ONLY = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, initial conditions are on the model horizontal grid. Extrapolation ! over missing ocean values is done using an ICE-9 procedure with vertical ALE ! remapping . -HOR_REGRID_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use the order of arithmetic for horizontal regridding that recovers - ! the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use rotationally symmetric forms - ! of the same expressions. +Z_INIT_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for initialization. See + ! REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for more details. We recommend setting this option + ! to false. HOR_REGRID_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! The vintage of the order of arithmetic for horizontal regridding. Dates ! before 20190101 give the same answers as the code did in late 2018, while ! later versions add parentheses for rotational symmetry. Dates after 20230101 - ! use reproducing sums for global averages. If both HOR_REGRID_2018_ANSWERS and - ! HOR_REGRID_ANSWER_DATE are specified, the latter takes precedence. + ! use reproducing sums for global averages. LAND_FILL_TEMP = 0.0 ! [degC] default = 0.0 ! A value to use to fill in ocean temperatures on land points. -LAND_FILL_SALIN = 35.0 ! [1e-3] default = 35.0 +LAND_FILL_SALIN = 35.0 ! [ppt] default = 35.0 ! A value to use to fill in ocean salinities on land points. HORIZ_INTERP_TOL_TEMP = 0.001 ! [degC] default = 0.001 ! The tolerance in temperature changes between iterations when interpolating ! from an input dataset using horiz_interp_and_extrap_tracer. This routine ! converges slowly, so an overly small tolerance can get expensive. -HORIZ_INTERP_TOL_SALIN = 0.001 ! [1e-3] default = 0.001 +HORIZ_INTERP_TOL_SALIN = 0.001 ! [ppt] default = 0.001 ! The tolerance in salinity changes between iterations when interpolating from ! an input dataset using horiz_interp_and_extrap_tracer. This routine converges ! slowly, so an overly small tolerance can get expensive. @@ -656,7 +661,11 @@ SPONGE = False ! [Boolean] default = False NUM_DIAG_COORDS = 1 ! default = 1 ! The number of diagnostic vertical coordinates to use. For each coordinate, an ! entry in DIAG_COORDS must be provided. -USE_GRID_SPACE_DIAGNOSTIC_AXES = False ! [Boolean] default = False +DIAG_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for diagnostics. See + ! REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting this option to + ! false. +USE_INDEX_DIAGNOSTIC_AXES = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a grid index coordinate convention for diagnostic axes. DIAG_COORDS = "z Z ZSTAR" ! default = "z Z ZSTAR" ! A list of string tuples associating diag_table modules to a coordinate @@ -679,6 +688,8 @@ DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z = ",interfaces=zeta" ! default = "WOA09" ! by a comma or space, e.g.,dz ! or,interfaces=zw ! WOA09[:N] - the WOA09 vertical grid (approximately) + ! WOA09INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA09 depths + ! WOA23INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA23 depths ! FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision ! HYBRID:string - read from a file. The string specifies ! the filename and two variable names, separated @@ -732,6 +743,10 @@ MEKE_RESTORING_TIMESCALE = 1.0E+07 ! [s] default = 1.0E+06 MEKE_FRCOEFF = -1.0 ! [nondim] default = -1.0 ! The efficiency of the conversion of mean energy into MEKE. If MEKE_FRCOEFF is ! negative, this conversion is not used or calculated. +MEKE_BHFRCOEFF = -1.0 ! [nondim] default = -1.0 + ! The efficiency of the conversion of mean energy into MEKE by the biharmonic + ! dissipation. If MEKE_bhFRCOEFF is negative, this conversion is not used or + ! calculated. MEKE_GMECOEFF = -1.0 ! [nondim] default = -1.0 ! The efficiency of the conversion of MEKE into mean energy by GME. If ! MEKE_GMECOEFF is negative, this conversion is not used or calculated. @@ -830,6 +845,8 @@ MEKE_TOPOGRAPHIC_BETA = 0.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! A scale factor to determine how much topographic beta is weighed in computing ! beta in the expression of Rhines scale. Use 1 if full topographic beta effect ! is considered; use 0 if it's completely ignored. +SQG_USE_MEKE = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, the eddy scale of MEKE is used for the SQG vertical structure CDRAG = 0.003 ! [nondim] default = 0.003 ! CDRAG is the drag coefficient relating the magnitude of the velocity field to ! the bottom stress. @@ -863,12 +880,33 @@ RESOLN_SCALED_KHTR = False ! [Boolean] default = False RESOLN_USE_EBT = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, uses the equivalent barotropic wave speed instead of first baroclinic ! wave for calculating the resolution fn. +BACKSCAT_EBT_POWER = 0.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 + ! Power to raise EBT vertical structure to when backscatter has vertical + ! structure. +BS_USE_SQG_STRUCT = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, the SQG vertical structure is used for backscatter on the condition + ! that BS_EBT_power=0 +SQG_EXPO = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = 1.0 + ! Nondimensional exponent coeffecient of the SQG mode that is used for the + ! vertical struture of diffusivities. KHTH_USE_EBT_STRUCT = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, uses the equivalent barotropic structure as the vertical structure of ! thickness diffusivity. +KHTH_USE_SQG_STRUCT = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, uses the surface quasigeostrophic structure as the vertical structure + ! of thickness diffusivity. +KHTR_USE_EBT_STRUCT = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, uses the equivalent barotropic structure as the vertical structure of + ! tracer diffusivity. +KHTR_USE_SQG_STRUCT = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, uses the surface quasigeostrophic structure as the vertical structure + ! of tracer diffusivity. KD_GL90_USE_EBT_STRUCT = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, uses the equivalent barotropic structure as the vertical structure of ! diffusivity in the GL90 scheme. +KD_GL90_USE_SQG_STRUCT = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, uses the equivalent barotropic structure as the vertical structure of + ! diffusivity in the GL90 scheme. KHTH_SLOPE_CFF = 0.01 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! The nondimensional coefficient in the Visbeck formula for the interface depth ! diffusivity @@ -885,9 +923,10 @@ VERY_SMALL_FREQUENCY = 1.0E-17 ! [s-1] default = 1.0E-17 USE_STANLEY_ISO = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in isopycnal slope ! code. -RESOLN_N2_FILTER_DEPTH = 2000.0 ! [m] default = 2000.0 +RESOLN_N2_FILTER_DEPTH = -1.0 ! [m] default = -1.0 ! The depth below which N2 is monotonized to avoid stratification artifacts from - ! altering the equivalent barotropic mode structure. + ! altering the equivalent barotropic mode structure. This monotonzization is + ! disabled if this parameter is negative. VISBECK_MAX_SLOPE = 0.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! If non-zero, is an upper bound on slopes used in the Visbeck formula for ! diffusivity. This does not affect the isopycnal slope calculation used within @@ -936,20 +975,18 @@ INTERNAL_WAVE_SPEED_MIN = 0.0 ! [m s-1] default = 0.0 INTERNAL_WAVE_SPEED_BETTER_EST = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a more robust estimate of the first mode wave speed as the ! starting point for iterations. +EBT_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for calculating EBT + ! structure. See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting + ! this option to false. USE_QG_LEITH_GM = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the QG Leith viscosity as the GM coefficient. ! === module MOM_set_visc === -SET_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers - ! from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the - ! same expressions. SET_VISC_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! The vintage of the order of arithmetic and expressions in the set viscosity ! calculations. Values below 20190101 recover the answers from the end of 2018, ! while higher values use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions. - ! If both SET_VISC_2018_ANSWERS and SET_VISC_ANSWER_DATE are specified, the - ! latter takes precedence. BOTTOMDRAGLAW = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, the bottom stress is calculated with a drag law of the form ! c_drag*|u|*u. The velocity magnitude may be an assumed value or it may be @@ -1014,6 +1051,9 @@ SMAG_CONST_CHANNEL = 0.15 ! [nondim] default = 0.15 ! channel drag if it is enabled. The default is to use the same value as ! SMAG_LAP_CONST if it is defined, or 0.15 if it is not. The value used is also ! 0.15 if the specified value is negative. +TRIG_CHANNEL_DRAG_WIDTHS = True ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use trigonometric expressions to determine the fractional open + ! interface lengths for concave topography. CHANNEL_DRAG_MAX_BBL_THICK = -1.0 ! [m] default = -1.0 ! The maximum bottom boundary layer thickness over which the channel drag is ! exerted, or a negative value for no fixed limit, instead basing the BBL @@ -1068,16 +1108,10 @@ USE_STANLEY_GM = False ! [Boolean] default = False MEKE_GEOMETRIC_EPSILON = 1.0E-07 ! [s-1] default = 1.0E-07 ! Minimum Eady growth rate used in the calculation of GEOMETRIC thickness ! diffusivity. -MEKE_GEOMETRIC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use expressions in the MEKE_GEOMETRIC calculation that recover the - ! answers from the original implementation. Otherwise, use expressions that - ! satisfy rotational symmetry. MEKE_GEOMETRIC_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! The vintage of the expressions in the MEKE_GEOMETRIC calculation. Values ! below 20190101 recover the answers from the original implementation, while - ! higher values use expressions that satisfy rotational symmetry. If both - ! MEKE_GEOMETRIC_2018_ANSWERS and MEKE_GEOMETRIC_ANSWER_DATE are specified, the - ! latter takes precedence. + ! higher values use expressions that satisfy rotational symmetry. USE_KH_IN_MEKE = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, uses the thickness diffusivity calculated here to diffuse MEKE. MEKE_MIN_DEPTH_DIFF = 1.0 ! [m] default = 1.0 @@ -1094,26 +1128,11 @@ STOCH_EOS = False ! [Boolean] default = False STANLEY_COEFF = -1.0 ! [nondim] default = -1.0 ! Coefficient correlating the temperature gradient and SGS T variance. -! === module MOM_porous_barriers === -PORBAR_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 - ! The vintage of the porous barrier weight function calculations. Values below - ! 20220806 recover the old answers in which the layer averaged weights are not - ! strictly limited by an upper-bound of 1.0 . -PORBAR_MASKING_DEPTH = 0.0 ! [m] default = 0.0 - ! If the effective average depth at the velocity cell is shallower than this - ! number, then porous barrier is not applied at that location. - ! PORBAR_MASKING_DEPTH is assumed to be positive below the sea surface. -PORBAR_ETA_INTERP = "MAX" ! default = "MAX" - ! A string describing the method that decides how the interface heights at the - ! velocity points are calculated. Valid values are: - ! MAX (the default) - maximum of the adjacent cells - ! MIN - minimum of the adjacent cells - ! ARITHMETIC - arithmetic mean of the adjacent cells - ! HARMONIC - harmonic mean of the adjacent cells - ! === module MOM_dynamics_split_RK2 === TIDES = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing. +CALCULATE_SAL = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, calculate self-attraction and loading. BE = 0.6 ! [nondim] default = 0.6 ! If SPLIT is true, BE determines the relative weighting of a 2nd-order ! Runga-Kutta baroclinic time stepping scheme (0.5) and a backward Euler scheme @@ -1136,13 +1155,15 @@ STORE_CORIOLIS_ACCEL = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! use in the predictor step of the next split RK2 timestep. FPMIX = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, apply profiles of momentum flux magnitude and direction - -! === module MOM_continuity === -CONTINUITY_SCHEME = "PPM" ! default = "PPM" - ! CONTINUITY_SCHEME selects the discretization for the continuity solver. The - ! only valid value currently is: - ! PPM - use a positive-definite (or monotonic) - ! piecewise parabolic reconstruction solver. +VISC_REM_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, visc_rem_[uv] in split mode is incorrectly calculated or accounted + ! for in two places. This parameter controls the defaults of two individual + ! flags, VISC_REM_TIMESTEP_BUG in MOM_dynamics_split_RK2(b) and + ! VISC_REM_BT_WEIGHT_BUG in MOM_barotropic. +VISC_REM_TIMESTEP_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, recover a bug that uses dt_pred rather than dt in vertvisc_remnant() + ! at the end of predictor stage for the following continuity() and btstep() + ! calls in the corrector step. Default of this flag is set by VISC_REM_BUG ! === module MOM_continuity_PPM === MONOTONIC_CONTINUITY = False ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -1218,69 +1239,6 @@ PV_ADV_SCHEME = "PV_ADV_CENTERED" ! default = "PV_ADV_CENTERED" ! PV_ADV_CENTERED - centered (aka Sadourny, 75) ! PV_ADV_UPWIND1 - upwind, first order -! === module MOM_tidal_forcing === -TIDE_M2 = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the M2 frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_S2 = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the S2 frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_N2 = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the N2 frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_K2 = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the K2 frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_K1 = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the K1 frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_O1 = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the O1 frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_P1 = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the P1 frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_Q1 = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the Q1 frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_MF = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the MF frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_MM = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the MM frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDAL_SAL_FROM_FILE = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, read the tidal self-attraction and loading from input files, - ! specified by TIDAL_INPUT_FILE. This is only used if TIDES is true. -USE_PREVIOUS_TIDES = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use the SAL from the previous iteration of the tides to facilitate - ! convergent iteration. This is only used if TIDES is true. -TIDE_USE_SAL_SCALAR = True ! [Boolean] default = True - ! If true and TIDES is true, use the scalar approximation when calculating - ! self-attraction and loading. -TIDE_SAL_SCALAR_VALUE = 0.094 ! [m m-1] - ! The constant of proportionality between sea surface height (really it should - ! be bottom pressure) anomalies and bottom geopotential anomalies. This is only - ! used if TIDES and TIDE_USE_SAL_SCALAR are true. -TIDAL_SAL_SHT = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use the online spherical harmonics method to calculate - ! self-attraction and loading term in tides. -TIDE_REF_DATE = 0, 0, 0 ! default = 0 - ! Year,month,day to use as reference date for tidal forcing. If not specified, - ! defaults to 0. -TIDE_USE_EQ_PHASE = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! Correct phases by calculating equilibrium phase arguments for TIDE_REF_DATE. -TIDE_M2_FREQ = 1.405189E-04 ! [s-1] default = 1.405189E-04 - ! Frequency of the M2 tidal constituent. This is only used if TIDES and TIDE_M2 - ! are true, or if OBC_TIDE_N_CONSTITUENTS > 0 and M2 is in - ! OBC_TIDE_CONSTITUENTS. -TIDE_M2_AMP = 0.242334 ! [m] default = 0.242334 - ! Amplitude of the M2 tidal constituent. This is only used if TIDES and TIDE_M2 - ! are true. -TIDE_M2_PHASE_T0 = 0.0 ! [radians] default = 0.0 - ! Phase of the M2 tidal constituent at time 0. This is only used if TIDES and - ! TIDE_M2 are true. - ! === module MOM_PressureForce === ANALYTIC_FV_PGF = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true the pressure gradient forces are calculated with a finite volume form @@ -1289,9 +1247,27 @@ ANALYTIC_FV_PGF = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! al., O. Mod. (2008). ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +RHO_PGF_REF = 1035.0 ! [kg m-3] default = 1035.0 + ! The reference density that is subtracted off when calculating pressure + ! gradient forces. Its inverse is subtracted off of specific volumes when in + ! non-Boussinesq mode. The default is RHO_0. +SSH_IN_EOS_PRESSURE_FOR_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, include contributions from the sea surface height in the height-based + ! pressure used in the equation of state calculations for the Boussinesq + ! pressure gradient forces, including adjustments for atmospheric or sea-ice + ! pressure. MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use mass weighting when interpolating T/S for integrals near the ! bathymetry in FV pressure gradient calculations. +MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT_TOP = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true and MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT is true, use mass weighting when + ! interpolating T/S for integrals near the top of the water column in FV + ! pressure gradient calculations. +CORRECTION_INTXPA = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use a correction for surface pressure curvature in intx_pa. +RESET_INTXPA_INTEGRAL = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, reset INTXPA to match pressures at first nonvanished cell. Includes + ! pressure correction. USE_INACCURATE_PGF_RHO_ANOM = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a form of the PGF that uses the reference density in an ! inaccurate way. This is not recommended. @@ -1318,16 +1294,9 @@ USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! mesoscale eddies. ! === module MOM_hor_visc === -HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers - ! from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the - ! same expressions. -HOR_VISC_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 - ! The vintage of the order of arithmetic and expressions in the horizontal - ! viscosity calculations. Values below 20190101 recover the answers from the - ! end of 2018, while higher values use updated and more robust forms of the same - ! expressions. If both HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS and HOR_VISC_ANSWER_DATE are - ! specified, the latter takes precedence. +USE_CONT_THICKNESS = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use thickness at velocity points from continuity solver. This option + ! currently only works with split mode. LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. KH = 0.0 ! [m2 s-1] default = 0.0 @@ -1353,6 +1322,9 @@ BOUND_KH = True ! [Boolean] default = True BETTER_BOUND_KH = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, the Laplacian coefficient is locally limited to be stable with a ! better bounding than just BOUND_KH. +EY24_EBT_BS = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use the the backscatter scheme (EBT mode with kill switch)developed + ! by Yankovsky et al. (2024). ANISOTROPIC_VISCOSITY = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, allow anistropic viscosity in the Laplacian horizontal viscosity. ADD_LES_VISCOSITY = False ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -1386,6 +1358,13 @@ BETTER_BOUND_AH = True ! [Boolean] default = True RE_AH = 0.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! If nonzero, the biharmonic coefficient is scaled so that the biharmonic ! Reynolds number is equal to this. +BACKSCATTER_UNDERBOUND = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, the bounds on the biharmonic viscosity are allowed to increase where + ! the Laplacian viscosity is negative (due to backscatter parameterizations) + ! beyond the largest timestep-dependent stable values of biharmonic viscosity + ! when no Laplacian viscosity is applied. The default is true for historical + ! reasons, but this option probably should not be used because it can contribute + ! to numerical instabilities. USE_BETA_IN_LEITH = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, include the beta term in the Leith nonlinear eddy viscosity. MODIFIED_LEITH = False ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -1406,21 +1385,19 @@ HORVISC_BOUND_COEF = 0.8 ! [nondim] default = 0.8 USE_KH_BG_2D = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, read a file containing 2-d background harmonic viscosities. The final ! viscosity is the maximum of the other terms and this background value. +FRICTWORK_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, retain an answer-changing bug in calculating the FrictWork, which + ! cancels the h in thickness flux and the h at velocity point. This isnot + ! recommended. ! === module MOM_vert_friction === -VERT_FRICTION_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers - ! from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use expressions that do not use an arbitrary - ! hard-coded maximum viscous coupling coefficient between layers. VERT_FRICTION_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! The vintage of the order of arithmetic and expressions in the viscous ! calculations. Values below 20190101 recover the answers from the end of 2018, ! while higher values use expressions that do not use an arbitrary hard-coded ! maximum viscous coupling coefficient between layers. Values below 20230601 ! recover a form of the viscosity within the mixed layer that breaks up the - ! magnitude of the wind stress in some non-Boussinesq cases. If both - ! VERT_FRICTION_2018_ANSWERS and VERT_FRICTION_ANSWER_DATE are specified, the - ! latter takes precedence. + ! magnitude of the wind stress in some non-Boussinesq cases. DIRECT_STRESS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, the wind stress is distributed over the topmost HMIX_STRESS of fluid ! (like in HYCOM), and an added mixed layer viscosity or a physically based @@ -1524,18 +1501,20 @@ DYNAMIC_SURFACE_PRESSURE = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, add a dynamic pressure due to a viscous ice shelf, for instance. BT_CORIOLIS_SCALE = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = 1.0 ! A factor by which the barotropic Coriolis anomaly terms are scaled. -BAROTROPIC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use expressions for the barotropic solver that recover the answers - ! from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use more efficient or general expressions. BAROTROPIC_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! The vintage of the expressions in the barotropic solver. Values below 20190101 - ! recover the answers from the end of 2018, while higher values uuse more - ! efficient or general expressions. If both BAROTROPIC_2018_ANSWERS and - ! BAROTROPIC_ANSWER_DATE are specified, the latter takes precedence. -BAROTROPIC_TIDAL_SAL_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, the tidal self-attraction and loading anomaly in the barotropic - ! solver has the wrong sign, replicating a long-standing bug with a scalar - ! self-attraction and loading term or the SAL term from a previous simulation. + ! recover the answers from the end of 2018, while higher values use more + ! efficient or general expressions. +VISC_REM_BT_WEIGHT_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, recover a bug in barotropic solver that uses an unnormalized weight + ! function for vertical averages of baroclinic velocity and forcing. Default of + ! this flag is set by VISC_REM_BUG. +TIDAL_SAL_FLATHER = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, then apply adjustments to the external gravity wave speed used with + ! the Flather OBC routine consistent with the barotropic solver. This applies to + ! cases with tidal forcing using the scalar self-attraction approximation. The + ! default is currently False in order to retain previous answers but should be + ! set to True for new experiments SADOURNY = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, the Coriolis terms are discretized with the Sadourny (1975) energy ! conserving scheme, otherwise the Arakawa & Hsu scheme is used. If the @@ -1612,7 +1591,7 @@ FOX_KEMPER_ML_RESTRAT_COEF = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! instabilities, times the minimum of the ratio of the mesoscale eddy kinetic ! energy to the large-scale geostrophic kinetic energy or 1 plus the square of ! the grid spacing over the deformation radius, as detailed by Fox-Kemper et al. - ! (2010) + ! (2011) USE_STANLEY_ML = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in ML restrat code. FOX_KEMPER_ML_RESTRAT_COEF2 = 0.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 @@ -1639,7 +1618,7 @@ MLE_MLD_DECAY_TIME2 = 0.0 ! [s] default = 0.0 ! to the current MLD. MLE_DENSITY_DIFF = 0.03 ! [kg/m3] default = 0.03 ! Density difference used to detect the mixed-layer depth used for the - ! mixed-layer eddy parameterization by Fox-Kemper et al. (2010) + ! mixed-layer eddy parameterization by Fox-Kemper et al. (2011) MLE_TAIL_DH = 0.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! Fraction by which to extend the mixed-layer restratification depth used for a ! smoother stream function at the base of the mixed-layer. @@ -1662,6 +1641,10 @@ DIAG_EBT_MONO_N2_COLUMN_FRACTION = 0.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 DIAG_EBT_MONO_N2_DEPTH = -1.0 ! [m] default = -1.0 ! The depth below which N2 is limited as monotonic for the purposes of ! calculating the equivalent barotropic wave speed. +INTWAVE_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for calculating EBT + ! structure. See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting + ! this option to false. ! === module MOM_diabatic_driver === ! The following parameters are used for diabatic processes. @@ -1714,6 +1697,9 @@ EVAP_CFL_LIMIT = 0.8 ! [nondim] default = 0.8 MLD_EN_VALS = 3*0.0 ! [J/m2] default = 0.0 ! The energy values used to compute MLDs. If not set (or all set to 0.), the ! default will overwrite to 25., 2500., 250000. +HREF_FOR_MLD = 0.0 ! [m] default = 0.0 + ! Reference depth used to calculate the potential density used to find the mixed + ! layer depth based on a delta rho = 0.03 kg/m3. DIAG_MLD_DENSITY_DIFF = 0.1 ! [kg/m3] default = 0.1 ! The density difference used to determine a diagnostic mixed layer depth, ! MLD_user, following the definition of Levitus 1982. The MLD is the depth at @@ -1814,6 +1800,10 @@ STOKES_MIXING = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! Flag for Langmuir turbulence enhancement of turbulentmixing coefficient. USE_KPP_LT_VT2 = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! Flag for Langmuir turbulence enhancement of Vt2in Bulk Richardson Number. +ANSWER_DATE = 20240101 ! default = 20240101 + ! The vintage of the order of arithmetic in the CVMix KPP calculations. Values + ! below 20240501 recover the answers from early in 2024, while higher values use + ! expressions that have been refactored for rotational symmetry. %KPP ! === module MOM_CVMix_conv === @@ -1839,16 +1829,10 @@ FLUX_RI_MAX = 0.2 ! [nondim] default = 0.2 ! The flux Richardson number where the stratification is large enough that N2 > ! omega2. The full expression for the Flux Richardson number is usually ! FLUX_RI_MAX*N2/(N2+OMEGA2). -SET_DIFF_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers - ! from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the - ! same expressions. SET_DIFF_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! The vintage of the order of arithmetic and expressions in the set diffusivity ! calculations. Values below 20190101 recover the answers from the end of 2018, ! while higher values use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions. - ! If both SET_DIFF_2018_ANSWERS and SET_DIFF_ANSWER_DATE are specified, the - ! latter takes precedence. ! === module MOM_tidal_mixing === ! Vertical Tidal Mixing Parameterization @@ -1880,6 +1864,14 @@ LOTW_BBL_USE_OMEGA = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! Otherwise, N is N. VON_KARMAN_BBL = 0.41 ! [nondim] default = 0.41 ! The value the von Karman constant as used in calculating the BBL diffusivity. +LOTW_BBL_ANSWER_DATE = 20190101 ! default = 20190101 + ! The vintage of the order of arithmetic and expressions in the LOTW_BBL + ! calculations. Values below 20240630 recover the original answers, while + ! higher values use more accurate expressions. This only applies when + ! USE_LOTW_BBL_DIFFUSIVITY is true. +DZ_BBL_AVG_MIN = 0.0 ! [m] default = 0.0 + ! A minimal distance over which to average to determine the average bottom + ! boundary layer density. ! === module MOM_bkgnd_mixing === ! Adding static vertical background mixing coefficients @@ -1945,6 +1937,10 @@ KD_SEED_KAPPA_SHEAR = 1.0 ! [m2 s-1] default = 1.0 ! A moderately large seed value of diapycnal diffusivity that is used as a ! starting turbulent diffusivity in the iterations to find an energetically ! constrained solution for the shear-driven diffusivity. +LZ_RESCALE = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = 1.0 + ! A coefficient to rescale the distance to the nearest solid boundary. This + ! adjustment is to account for regions where 3 dimensional turbulence prevents + ! the growth of shear instabilies [nondim]. TKE_BACKGROUND = 0.0 ! [m2 s-2] default = 0.0 ! A background level of TKE used in the first iteration of the kappa equation. ! TKE_BACKGROUND could be 0. @@ -2017,6 +2013,8 @@ USE_RIVER_HEAT_CONTENT = False ! [Boolean] default = False USE_CALVING_HEAT_CONTENT = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the fluxes%calving_Hflx field to set the heat carried by runoff, ! instead of using SST*CP*froz_runoff. +DO_BRINE_PLUME = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use a brine plume parameterization from Nguyen et al., 2009. VAR_PEN_SW = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use one of the CHL_A schemes specified by OPACITY_SCHEME to determine ! the e-folding depth of incoming short wave radiation. @@ -2039,16 +2037,10 @@ PEN_SW_FRAC = 0.42 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! The fraction of the shortwave radiation that penetrates below the surface. PEN_SW_NBANDS = 1 ! default = 1 ! The number of bands of penetrating shortwave radiation. -OPTICS_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers - ! from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated expressions for handling the - ! absorption of small remaining shortwave fluxes. OPTICS_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! The vintage of the order of arithmetic and expressions in the optics ! calculations. Values below 20190101 recover the answers from the end of 2018, ! while higher values use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions. - ! If both OPTICS_2018_ANSWERS and OPTICS_ANSWER_DATE are specified, the latter - ! takes precedence. PEN_SW_FLUX_ABSORB = 2.5E-11 ! [degC m s-1] default = 2.5E-11 ! A minimum remaining shortwave heating rate that will be simply absorbed in the ! next sufficiently thick layers for computational efficiency, instead of @@ -2067,13 +2059,14 @@ TRACER_ADVECTION_SCHEME = "PPM:H3" ! default = "PLM" ! PLM - Piecewise Linear Method ! PPM:H3 - Piecewise Parabolic Method (Huyhn 3rd order) ! PPM - Piecewise Parabolic Method (Colella-Woodward) +USE_HUYNH_STENCIL_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use a stencil width of 2 in PPM:H3 tracer advection. This is + ! incorrect and will produce regressions in certain configurations, but may be + ! required to reproduce results in legacy simulations. ! === module MOM_tracer_hor_diff === KHTR = 0.0 ! [m2 s-1] default = 0.0 ! The background along-isopycnal tracer diffusivity. -KHTR_USE_EBT_STRUCT = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, uses the equivalent barotropic structure as the vertical structure of - ! the tracer diffusivity. KHTR_MIN = 50.0 ! [m2 s-1] default = 0.0 ! The minimum along-isopycnal tracer diffusivity. KHTR_MAX = 0.0 ! [m2 s-1] default = 0.0 @@ -2124,6 +2117,11 @@ NDIFF_USE_UNMASKED_TRANSPORT_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use an older form for the accumulation of neutral-diffusion ! transports that were unmasked, as used prior to Jan 2018. This is not ! recommended. +NDIFF_ANSWER_DATE = 20240101 ! default = 20240101 + ! The vintage of the order of arithmetic to use for the neutral diffusion. + ! Values of 20240330 or below recover the answers from the original form of the + ! neutral diffusion code, while higher values use mathematically equivalent + ! expressions that recover rotational symmetry. ! === module MOM_hor_bnd_diffusion === ! This module implements horizontal diffusion of tracers near boundaries @@ -2150,6 +2148,10 @@ HBD_REMAPPING_SCHEME = "PLM" ! default = "PLM" ! WENO_HYBGEN (3rd-order accurate) ! PQM_IH4IH3 (4th-order accurate) ! PQM_IH6IH5 (5th-order accurate) +HBD_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for horizontal boundary + ! diffusion. See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting + ! this option to false. HBD_DEBUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, write out verbose debugging data in the HBD module. OBSOLETE_DIAGNOSTIC_IS_FATAL = True ! [Boolean] default = True @@ -2215,7 +2217,7 @@ OCEAN_SURFACE_STAGGER = "A" ! default = "C" ! A case-insensitive character string to indicate the staggering of the surface ! velocity field that is returned to the coupler. Valid values include 'A', ! 'B', or 'C'. -EPS_OMESH = 1.0E-04 ! [degrees] default = 1.0E-04 +EPS_OMESH = 1.0E-13 ! [degrees] default = 1.0E-04 ! Maximum allowable difference between ESMF mesh and MOM6 domain coordinates in ! nuopc cap. RESTORE_SALINITY = True ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -2263,7 +2265,7 @@ USE_LIMITED_PATM_SSH = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, return the sea surface height with the correction for the atmospheric ! (and sea-ice) pressure limited by max_p_surf instead of the full atmospheric ! pressure. -WIND_STAGGER = "C" ! default = "C" +WIND_STAGGER = "A" ! default = "C" ! A case-insensitive character string to indicate the staggering of the input ! wind stress field. Valid values are 'A', 'B', or 'C'. WIND_STRESS_MULTIPLIER = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = 1.0 @@ -2283,7 +2285,7 @@ SALT_RESTORE_VARIABLE = "salt" ! default = "salt" SRESTORE_AS_SFLUX = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, the restoring of salinity is applied as a salt flux instead of as a ! freshwater flux. -MAX_DELTA_SRESTORE = 0.5 ! [PSU or g kg-1] default = 999.0 +MAX_DELTA_SRESTORE = 999.0 ! [PSU or g kg-1] default = 999.0 ! The maximum salinity difference used in restoring terms. MASK_SRESTORE_UNDER_ICE = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, disables SSS restoring under sea-ice based on a frazil criteria @@ -2306,8 +2308,8 @@ READ_GUST_2D = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a 2-dimensional gustiness supplied from an input file GUST_CONST = 0.02 ! [Pa] default = 0.0 ! The background gustiness in the winds. -FIX_USTAR_GUSTLESS_BUG = True ! [Boolean] default = True - ! If true correct a bug in the time-averaging of the gustless wind friction +USTAR_GUSTLESS_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true include a bug in the time-averaging of the gustless wind friction ! velocity USE_RIGID_SEA_ICE = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, sea-ice is rigid enough to exert a nonhydrostatic pressure that diff --git a/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.debugging b/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.debugging index 9ae7c7f..6c393b2 100644 --- a/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.debugging +++ b/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.debugging @@ -77,6 +77,9 @@ DEBUG_BT = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! The following parameters are used for diabatic processes. DEBUG_CONSERVATION = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, monitor conservation and extrema. +WRITE_TRACER_MIN_MAX = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, write the maximum and minimum values of temperature, salinity and + ! some tracer concentrations to stdout when the energy files are written. ! === module MOM_file_parser === REPORT_UNUSED_PARAMS = True ! [Boolean] default = True diff --git a/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.layout b/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.layout index 2b2a0a0..040447f 100644 --- a/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.layout +++ b/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.layout @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GLOBAL_INDEXING = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! static memory. ! === module MOM_domains === -!SYMMETRIC_MEMORY_ = False ! [Boolean] +!SYMMETRIC_MEMORY_ = True ! [Boolean] ! If defined, the velocity point data domain includes every face of the ! thickness points. In other words, some arrays are larger than others, ! depending on where they are on the staggered grid. Also, the starting index @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ THIN_HALO_UPDATES = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! the PE count to be changed at run time. This can only be set at compile time. AUTO_MASKTABLE = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! Turn on automatic mask table generation to eliminate land blocks. -MASKTABLE = "MOM_auto_mask_table" ! default = "MOM_mask_table" +MASKTABLE = "MOM_auto_mask_table" ! default = "MOM_mask_table" ! A text file to specify n_mask, layout and mask_list. This feature masks out ! processors that contain only land points. The first line of mask_table is the ! number of regions to be masked out. The second line is the layout of the model @@ -38,19 +38,19 @@ MASKTABLE = "MOM_auto_mask_table" ! default = "MOM_mask_table" ! 4,6 ! 1,2 ! 3,6 -NIPROC = 36 ! +NIPROC = 31 ! ! The number of processors in the x-direction. With STATIC_MEMORY_ this is set ! in MOM_memory.h at compile time. -NJPROC = 30 ! +NJPROC = 56 ! ! The number of processors in the y-direction. With STATIC_MEMORY_ this is set ! in MOM_memory.h at compile time. -LAYOUT = 36, 30 ! +LAYOUT = 31, 56 ! ! The processor layout that was actually used. AUTO_IO_LAYOUT_FAC = 0 ! default = 0 ! When AUTO_MASKTABLE is enabled, io layout is calculated by performing integer ! division of the runtime-determined domain layout with this factor. If the ! factor is set to 0 (default), the io layout is set to 1,1. -IO_LAYOUT = 1, 1 ! default = 1 +IO_LAYOUT = 1, 1 ! ! The processor layout to be used, or 0,0 to automatically set the io_layout to ! be the same as the layout. diff --git a/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.short index fea9a83..610ba8f 100644 --- a/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -1,9 +1,6 @@ ! This file was written by the model and records the non-default parameters used at run-time. ! === module MOM === -DIABATIC_FIRST = True ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply diabatic and thermodynamic processes, including buoyancy - ! forcing and mass gain or loss, before stepping the dynamics forward. USE_REGRIDDING = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If True, use the ALE algorithm (regridding/remapping). If False, use the ! layered isopycnal algorithm. @@ -66,7 +63,7 @@ NJGLOBAL = 1080 ! ! domain. With STATIC_MEMORY_ this is set in MOM_memory.h at compile time. ! === module MOM_fixed_initialization === -INPUTDIR = "./input/" ! default = "." +INPUTDIR = "./INPUT/" ! default = "." ! The directory in which input files are found. ! === module MOM_grid_init === @@ -80,6 +77,8 @@ GRID_CONFIG = "mosaic" ! ! mercator - use a Mercator spherical grid. GRID_FILE = "" ! ! Name of the file from which to read horizontal grid data. +RAD_EARTH = 6.371229E+06 ! [m] default = 6.378E+06 + ! The radius of the Earth. TOPO_CONFIG = "file" ! ! This specifies how bathymetry is specified: ! file - read bathymetric information from the file @@ -107,11 +106,6 @@ TOPO_CONFIG = "file" ! ! Phillips - ACC-like idealized topography used in the Phillips config. ! dense - Denmark Strait-like dense water formation and overflow. ! USER - call a user modified routine. -MINIMUM_DEPTH = 0.5 ! [m] default = 0.0 - ! If MASKING_DEPTH is unspecified, then anything shallower than MINIMUM_DEPTH is - ! assumed to be land and all fluxes are masked out. If MASKING_DEPTH is - ! specified, then all depths shallower than MINIMUM_DEPTH but deeper than - ! MASKING_DEPTH are rounded to MINIMUM_DEPTH. MAXIMUM_DEPTH = 6000.0 ! [m] ! The maximum depth of the ocean. @@ -121,7 +115,12 @@ NK = 50 ! [nondim] ! The number of model layers. ! === module MOM_EOS === -DTFREEZE_DP = -7.75E-08 ! [deg C Pa-1] default = 0.0 +EQN_OF_STATE = "WRIGHT_REDUCED" ! default = "WRIGHT" + ! EQN_OF_STATE determines which ocean equation of state should be used. + ! Currently, the valid choices are "LINEAR", "UNESCO", "JACKETT_MCD", "WRIGHT", + ! "WRIGHT_REDUCED", "WRIGHT_FULL", "NEMO", "ROQUET_RHO", "ROQUET_SPV" and + ! "TEOS10". This is only used if USE_EOS is true. +DTFREEZE_DP = -7.75E-08 ! [degC Pa-1] default = 0.0 ! When TFREEZE_FORM=LINEAR, this is the derivative of the freezing potential ! temperature with pressure. @@ -151,6 +150,8 @@ ALE_COORDINATE_CONFIG = ",interfaces=zeta" ! default = "UNIFO ! by a comma or space, e.g.,dz ! or,interfaces=zw ! WOA09[:N] - the WOA09 vertical grid (approximately) + ! WOA09INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA09 depths + ! WOA23INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA23 depths ! FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision ! HYBRID:string - read from a file. The string specifies ! the filename and two variable names, separated @@ -169,6 +170,11 @@ REMAPPING_SCHEME = "PPM_H4" ! default = "PLM" ! WENO_HYBGEN (3rd-order accurate) ! PQM_IH4IH3 (4th-order accurate) ! PQM_IH6IH5 (5th-order accurate) +REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! This selects the remapping algorithm used in OM4 that does not use the full + ! reconstruction for the top- and lower-most sub-layers, but instead assumes + ! they are always vanished (untrue) and so just uses their edge values. We + ! recommend setting this option to false. ! === module MOM_state_initialization === INIT_LAYERS_FROM_Z_FILE = True ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -184,12 +190,23 @@ Z_INIT_FILE_PTEMP_VAR = "temp" ! default = "ptemp" ! The name of the potential temperature variable in TEMP_Z_INIT_FILE. Z_INIT_ALE_REMAPPING = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If True, then remap straight to model coordinate from file. +Z_INIT_REMAP_GENERAL = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If false, only initializes to z* coordinates. If true, allows initialization + ! directly to general coordinates. TEMP_SALT_INIT_VERTICAL_REMAP_ONLY = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, initial conditions are on the model horizontal grid. Extrapolation ! over missing ocean values is done using an ICE-9 procedure with vertical ALE ! remapping . +Z_INIT_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for initialization. See + ! REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for more details. We recommend setting this option + ! to false. ! === module MOM_diag_mediator === +DIAG_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for diagnostics. See + ! REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting this option to + ! false. DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z = ",interfaces=zeta" ! default = "WOA09" ! Determines how to specify the coordinate resolution. Valid options are: ! PARAM - use the vector-parameter DIAG_COORD_RES_Z @@ -199,6 +216,8 @@ DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z = ",interfaces=zeta" ! default = "WOA09" ! by a comma or space, e.g.,dz ! or,interfaces=zw ! WOA09[:N] - the WOA09 vertical grid (approximately) + ! WOA09INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA09 depths + ! WOA23INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA23 depths ! FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision ! HYBRID:string - read from a file. The string specifies ! the filename and two variable names, separated @@ -284,6 +303,10 @@ USE_STORED_SLOPES = True ! [Boolean] default = False KH_RES_SCALE_COEF = 0.4 ! [nondim] default = 1.0 ! A coefficient that determines how KhTh is scaled away if RESOLN_SCALED_... is ! true, as F = 1 / (1 + (KH_RES_SCALE_COEF*Rd/dx)^KH_RES_FN_POWER). +EBT_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for calculating EBT + ! structure. See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting + ! this option to false. ! === module MOM_set_visc === CHANNEL_DRAG = True ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -317,13 +340,12 @@ FGNV_C_MIN = 0.01 ! [m s-1] default = 0.0 USE_KH_IN_MEKE = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, uses the thickness diffusivity calculated here to diffuse MEKE. -! === module MOM_porous_barriers === - ! === module MOM_dynamics_split_RK2 === -TIDES = True ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing. - -! === module MOM_continuity === +VISC_REM_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, visc_rem_[uv] in split mode is incorrectly calculated or accounted + ! for in two places. This parameter controls the defaults of two individual + ! flags, VISC_REM_TIMESTEP_BUG in MOM_dynamics_split_RK2(b) and + ! VISC_REM_BT_WEIGHT_BUG in MOM_barotropic. ! === module MOM_continuity_PPM === ETA_TOLERANCE = 1.0E-06 ! [m] default = 2.5E-09 @@ -343,15 +365,6 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! option would have no effect on the SADOURNY Coriolis scheme if it were ! possible to use centered difference thickness fluxes. -! === module MOM_tidal_forcing === -TIDE_M2 = True ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the M2 frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_SAL_SCALAR_VALUE = 0.094 ! [m m-1] - ! The constant of proportionality between sea surface height (really it should - ! be bottom pressure) anomalies and bottom geopotential anomalies. This is only - ! used if TIDES and TIDE_USE_SAL_SCALAR are true. - ! === module MOM_PressureForce === ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === @@ -368,9 +381,20 @@ AH = 1.0E+12 ! [m4 s-1] default = 0.0 ! The background biharmonic horizontal viscosity. LEITH_AH = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a biharmonic Leith nonlinear eddy viscosity. +BACKSCATTER_UNDERBOUND = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, the bounds on the biharmonic viscosity are allowed to increase where + ! the Laplacian viscosity is negative (due to backscatter parameterizations) + ! beyond the largest timestep-dependent stable values of biharmonic viscosity + ! when no Laplacian viscosity is applied. The default is true for historical + ! reasons, but this option probably should not be used because it can contribute + ! to numerical instabilities. LEITH_BI_CONST = 128.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! The nondimensional biharmonic Leith constant, typical values are thus far ! undetermined. +FRICTWORK_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, retain an answer-changing bug in calculating the FrictWork, which + ! cancels the h in thickness flux and the h at velocity point. This isnot + ! recommended. ! === module MOM_vert_friction === HMIX_FIXED = 0.5 ! [m] @@ -418,7 +442,7 @@ FOX_KEMPER_ML_RESTRAT_COEF = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! instabilities, times the minimum of the ratio of the mesoscale eddy kinetic ! energy to the large-scale geostrophic kinetic energy or 1 plus the square of ! the grid spacing over the deformation radius, as detailed by Fox-Kemper et al. - ! (2010) + ! (2011) MLE_FRONT_LENGTH = 1000.0 ! [m] default = 0.0 ! If non-zero, is the frontal-length scale used to calculate the upscaling of ! buoyancy gradients that is otherwise represented by the parameter @@ -431,6 +455,10 @@ MLE_MLD_DECAY_TIME = 3.456E+05 ! [s] default = 0.0 ! MLD. ! === module MOM_diagnostics === +INTWAVE_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for calculating EBT + ! structure. See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting + ! this option to false. ! === module MOM_diabatic_driver === ! The following parameters are used for diabatic processes. @@ -561,6 +589,10 @@ USE_HORIZONTAL_BOUNDARY_DIFFUSION = True ! [Boolean] default = False HBD_LINEAR_TRANSITION = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If True, apply a linear transition at the base/top of the boundary. ! The flux will be fully applied at k=k_min and zero at k=k_max. +HBD_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for horizontal boundary + ! diffusion. See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting + ! this option to false. ! === module MOM_sum_output === @@ -571,6 +603,9 @@ OCEAN_SURFACE_STAGGER = "A" ! default = "C" ! A case-insensitive character string to indicate the staggering of the surface ! velocity field that is returned to the coupler. Valid values include 'A', ! 'B', or 'C'. +EPS_OMESH = 1.0E-13 ! [degrees] default = 1.0E-04 + ! Maximum allowable difference between ESMF mesh and MOM6 domain coordinates in + ! nuopc cap. RESTORE_SALINITY = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, the coupled driver will add a globally-balanced fresh-water flux that ! drives sea-surface salinity toward specified values. @@ -583,6 +618,9 @@ LATENT_HEAT_VAPORIZATION = 2.501E+06 ! [J/kg] default = 2.5E+06 ADJUST_NET_FRESH_WATER_TO_ZERO = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, adjusts the net fresh-water forcing seen by the ocean (including ! restoring) to zero. +WIND_STAGGER = "A" ! default = "C" + ! A case-insensitive character string to indicate the staggering of the input + ! wind stress field. Valid values are 'A', 'B', or 'C'. ENTHALPY_FROM_COUPLER = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If True, the heat (enthalpy) associated with mass entering/leaving the ocean ! is provided via coupler. @@ -594,7 +632,5 @@ SALT_RESTORE_FILE = "" ! default = "" SRESTORE_AS_SFLUX = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, the restoring of salinity is applied as a salt flux instead of as a ! freshwater flux. -MAX_DELTA_SRESTORE = 0.5 ! [PSU or g kg-1] default = 999.0 - ! The maximum salinity difference used in restoring terms. GUST_CONST = 0.02 ! [Pa] default = 0.0 ! The background gustiness in the winds. diff --git a/fd.yaml b/fd.yaml index f5a6abc..e41c61d 100644 --- a/fd.yaml +++ b/fd.yaml @@ -3,852 +3,950 @@ institution: National ESPC, CSC & MCL Working Groups description: Community-based dictionary for shared coupling fields entries: - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: mediator export for atm/ocn flux calculation - #----------------------------------- - # + # + #----------------------------------- + # Current the following sections are below + # section: fields computed in med + # section: lnd import to med + # section: lnd export from med (computed in med) + # section: atm import to med + # section: atm export from med (computed in med) + # section: glc import to med + # section: glc export from med (computed in med) + # section: ice import to med + # section: ocn import to med + # section: ocn export from med (computed in med) + # section: river import to med + # section: river export from med (computed in med) + # section: wav import to med + #----------------------------------- + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: fields computed in med + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: cpl_scalars + canonical_units: unitless + # + - standard_name: frac + canonical_units: 1 + # + - standard_name: mask + canonical_units: 1 + # + - standard_name: area + canonical_units: radians**2 + description: med area for component + # - standard_name: Faox_evap alias: mean_evap_rate_atm_into_ocn canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: mediator export - atm/ocn evaporation water flux + description: med export - atm/ocn evaporation water flux computed in medidator # - standard_name: Faox_evap_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: mediator export - atm/ocn evaporation water flux 16O, 18O, HDO + description: med export - atm/ocn evaporation water flux 16O, 18O, HDO computed in medidator # - standard_name: Faox_lat alias: mean_laten_heat_flx_atm_into_ocn canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator export - atm/ocn surface latent heat flux + description: med export - atm/ocn surface latent heat flux computed in medidator # - standard_name: Faox_sen alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx_atm_into_ocn canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator export - atm/ocn surface sensible heat flux + description: med export - atm/ocn surface sensible heat flux computed in medidator # - standard_name: Faox_lwup alias: mean_up_lw_flx_ocn canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator export - long wave radiation flux over the ocean + description: med export - ocn long wave radiation flux over the ocean computed in medidator # - standard_name: Faox_taux alias: stress_on_air_ocn_zonal canonical_units: N m-2 - description: mediator export + description: med export - atm/ocn zonal surface stress computed in medidator # - standard_name: Faox_tauy alias: stress_on_air_ocn_merid canonical_units: N m-2 - description: mediator export + description: med export - atm/ocn meridional surface stress computed in medidator # - - standard_name: area - canonical_units: radians**2 - description: mediator area for component + - standard_name: Fwxx_taux + alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: wave import to med - zonal surface stress + # + - standard_name: Fwxx_tauy + alias: mean_merid_moment_flx + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: wave import to med - meridional surface stress # #----------------------------------- - # section: land export + # section: lnd import to med #----------------------------------- # - standard_name: Fall_evap canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Fall_evap_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Fall_fco2_lnd canonical_units: moles m-2 s-1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Fall_fire canonical_units: kg/m2/sec - description: land export - wild fire emission fluxes (1->10) + description: lnd import to med - wild fire emission fluxes (1->10) # - standard_name: Fall_flxdst canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export - dust fluxes from land (sizes 1->4) + description: lnd import to med - dust fluxes from lnd (sizes 1->4) # - standard_name: Fall_lat canonical_units: W m-2 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Fall_lwup canonical_units: W m-2 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Fall_sen canonical_units: W m-2 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Fall_swnet canonical_units: W m-2 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Fall_taux canonical_units: N m-2 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Fall_tauy canonical_units: N m-2 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Fall_voc canonical_units: molecules/m2/sec - description: land export - MEGAN voc emission fluxes from land (1->20) + description: lnd import to med - MEGAN voc emission fluxes from lnd (1->20) # - standard_name: Sl_anidf canonical_units: 1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_anidr canonical_units: 1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_avsdf canonical_units: 1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_avsdr canonical_units: 1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_ddvel canonical_units: cm/sec - description: land export - dry deposition velocities from (1->80) + description: lnd import to med - dry deposition velocities from (1->80) # - standard_name: Sl_fv canonical_units: m s-1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_fztop canonical_units: m - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_lfrac canonical_units: 1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_lfrin canonical_units: 1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_qref canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_qref_wiso canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_ram1 canonical_units: s/m - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_snowh canonical_units: m - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_snowh_wiso canonical_units: m - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_soilw canonical_units: m3/m3 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_t canonical_units: K - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - - standard_name: Sl_topo_elev - canonical_units: m - description: land export to mediator in elevation classes (1->glc_nec) + - standard_name: Flrl_irrig + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: lnd export to river # - - standard_name: Sl_topo + - standard_name: Flrl_rofdto + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: lnd export to river + # + - standard_name: Flrl_rofgwl + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: lnd export to river + # + - standard_name: Flrl_rofi + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: lnd export to river + # + - standard_name: Flrl_rofsub + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: lnd export to river + # + - standard_name: Flrl_rofsur + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: lnd export to river + # + - standard_name: Sl_topo_elev canonical_units: m - description: mediator export to glc - no levation classes + description: lnd import to med with elevation classes (1->glc_nec) # - standard_name: Sl_tsrf_elev canonical_units: deg C - description: land export to mediator in elevation classes (1->glc_nec) + description: lnd import to med with elevation classes (1->glc_nec) + # + - standard_name: Flgl_qice_elev + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: lnd import to med in elevation classes (1->glc_nec) + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: lnd export from med (computed in med) + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Sl_topo + canonical_units: m + description: lnd export from med with no elevation classes (computed in med) # - standard_name: Sl_tsrf canonical_units: deg C - description: mediator export to gcl with no elevation classes + description: lnd export from med with no elevation classes (computed in med) # - standard_name: Sl_tref canonical_units: K - description: mediator export to glc - no levation classes + description: lnd export from med with no elevation classes (computed in med) # - standard_name: Sl_u10 canonical_units: m - description: land export + description: lnd import to med with no elevation classes (computed in med) + # + - standard_name: Flgl_qice + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: lnd export to med no elevation classes (computed in med) # #----------------------------------- - # section: atmosphere export + # section: atm import to med #----------------------------------- # - standard_name: Faxa_nhx canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_noy canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_bcph canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_ocph canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_dstdry canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_dstwet canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_swdn alias: mean_down_sw_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med mean downward SW heat flux # - standard_name: Faxa_lwdn alias: mean_down_lw_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med mean downward SW heat flux # - standard_name: Faxa_ndep canonical_units: kg(N)/m2/sec - description: atmosphere export to land and ocean - currently nhx and noy + description: atm import to med - currently nhx and noy # - standard_name: Faxa_prec_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_rain alias: mean_prec_rate canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_rain_wiso alias: mean_prec_rate_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_rainc canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_rainc_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_rainl canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_rainl_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_snow alias: mean_fprec_rate canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_snow_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_snowc canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_snowc_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_snowl canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_snowl_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_swnet canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_lwnet canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_swndf alias: mean_down_sw_ir_dif_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward nir diffuse flux + description: atm import to med - mean surface downward nir diffuse flux # - standard_name: Faxa_swndr alias: mean_down_sw_ir_dir_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward nir direct flux + description: atm import to med - mean surface downward nir direct flux # - standard_name: Faxa_swvdf alias: mean_down_sw_vis_dif_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward uv+vis diffuse flux + description: atm import to med - mean surface downward uv+vis diffuse flux # - standard_name: Faxa_swvdr alias: mean_down_sw_vis_dir_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward uv+visvdirect flux + description: atm import to med - mean surface downward uv+visvdirect flux # - standard_name: Sa_co2diag canonical_units: 1e-6 mol/mol - description: atmosphere export - diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level + description: atm import to med - diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level # - standard_name: Sa_co2prog canonical_units: 1e-6 mol/mol - description: atmosphere export - prognostic CO2 at the lowest model level + description: atm import to med - prognostic CO2 at the lowest model level # - standard_name: Sa_o3 canonical_units: mol/mol - description: atmosphere export - O3 in the lowest model layer (prognosed or prescribed) + description: atm import to med - O3 in the lowest model layer (prognosed or prescribed) # - standard_name: Sa_lightning canonical_units: /min - description: atmosphere export - lightning flash freqency + description: atm import to med - lightning flash freqency # - standard_name: Sa_topo alias: inst_surface_height canonical_units: m - description: atmosphere export - topographic height + description: atm import to med - topographic height # - standard_name: Sa_dens alias: air_density_height_lowest canonical_units: kg m-3 - description: atmosphere export - density at the lowest model layer + description: atm import to med - density at the lowest model layer # - standard_name: Sa_pbot alias: inst_pres_height_lowest canonical_units: Pa - description: atmosphere export - pressure at lowest model layer + description: atm import to med - pressure at lowest model layer # - standard_name: Sa_pslv alias: inst_pres_height_surface canonical_units: Pa - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Sa_ptem canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer potential temperature + description: atm import to med - bottom layer potential temperature # - standard_name: Sa_shum alias: inst_spec_humid_height_lowest canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer specific humidity + description: atm import to med - bottom layer specific humidiaty # - standard_name: Sa_shum_wiso alias: inst_spec_humid_height_lowest_wiso canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer specific humidity 16O, 18O, HDO + description: atm import to med - bottom layer specific humidity 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Sa_tbot alias: inst_temp_height_lowest canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer temperature + description: atm import to med - bottom layer temperature # - standard_name: Sa_tskn alias: inst_temp_skin_temperature canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere export - sea surface skin temperature + description: atm import to med - sea surface skin temperature # - standard_name: Sa_u alias: inst_zonal_wind_height_lowest canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer zonal wind + description: atm import to med - bottom layer zonal wind # - standard_name: Sa_v alias: inst_merid_wind_height_lowest canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer meridional wind + description: atm import to med - bottom layer meridional wind + # + - standard_name: Sa_u10m + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: atm import to med - 10m zonal wind + # + - standard_name: Sa_v10m + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: atm import to med- 10m meridional wind # - standard_name: Sa_wspd alias: inst_wind_speed_height_lowest canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer wind speed + description: atm import to med - bottom layer wind speed # - standard_name: Sa_z alias: inst_height_lowest canonical_units: m - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer height + description: atm import to med - bottom layer height # - standard_name: Faxa_taux alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx_atm canonical_units: N m-2 - description: atmosphere export - zonal component of momentum flux + description: atm import to med - zonal component of momentum flux # - standard_name: Faxa_tauy alias: mean_merid_moment_flx_atm canonical_units: N m-2 - description: atmosphere export - meridional component of momentum flux + description: atm import to med - meridional component of momentum flux # - standard_name: Faxa_lat alias: mean_laten_heat_flx_atm canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_sen alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx_atm canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # #----------------------------------- - # section: atmosphere import + # section: atm export from med (computed in med) #----------------------------------- # - standard_name: Faxx_evap canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: to atm merged water evaporation flux + description: atm export from meditor - merged water evaporation flux # - standard_name: Faxx_evap_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: to atm merged water evaporation flux for 16O, 18O and HDO + description: atm export from med - merged water evaporation flux for 16O, 18O and HDO # - standard_name: Faxx_lat alias: mean_laten_heat_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to to atm merged latent heat flux + description: atm export from med - merged latent heat flux # - standard_name: Faxx_lwup canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to atm merged outgoing longwave radiation + description: atm export from med - merged outgoing longwave radiation # - standard_name: Faxx_sen alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to atm merged sensible heat flux + description: atm export from med - merged sensible heat flux # - standard_name: Faxx_taux alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx canonical_units: N m-2 - description: to atm merged zonal surface stress + description: atm export from med - merged zonal surface stress # - standard_name: Faxx_tauy alias: mean_merid_moment_flx canonical_units: N m-2 - description: to atm merged meridional surface stress + description: atm export from med - merged meridional surface stress # - standard_name: Sx_anidf canonical_units: 1 - description: atmosphere import - description: to atm merged surface diffuse albedo (near-infrared radiation) + description: atm export from med - merged surface diffuse albedo (near-infrared radiation) # - standard_name: Sx_anidr canonical_units: 1 - description: to atm merged direct surface albedo (near-infrared radiation) + description: atm export from med - merged direct surface albedo (near-infrared radiation) # - standard_name: Sx_avsdf canonical_units: 1 - description: to atm merged surface diffuse albedo (visible radation) + description: atm export from med - merged surface diffuse albedo (visible radation) # - standard_name: Sx_avsdr canonical_units: 1 - description: to atm merged direct surface albedo (visible radiation) + description: atm export from med - merged direct surface albedo (visible radiation) # - standard_name: Sx_qref canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: atmosphere import + description: atm export from med # - standard_name: Sx_qref_wiso canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: atmosphere import + description: atm export from med # - standard_name: Sx_t alias: surface_temperature canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere import + description: atm export from med # - standard_name: Sx_tref canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere import + description: atm export from med # - standard_name: Sx_u10 canonical_units: m - description: atmosphere import + description: atm export from med # - standard_name: So_ugustOut canonical_units: m/s - description: atmosphere import + description: atm export from med # - standard_name: So_u10withGust canonical_units: m/s - description: atmosphere import + description: atm export from med # - standard_name: So_u10res canonical_units: m/s - description: atmosphere import + description: atm export from med # #----------------------------------- - # section: land-ice export + # section: glc import to med + #----------------------------------- + # # Note that the fields sent from glc->med do NOT have elevation classes, # but the fields from med->lnd are broken into multiple elevation classes - #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Fgrg_rofi + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: glc import tomed - glacier frozen_runoff_flux_to_ocean + # + - standard_name: Fgrg_rofi_wiso + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: glc import to med - glacier_frozen_runoff_flux_to_ocean for 16O, 18O, HDO + # + - standard_name: Fgrg_rofl + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: glc import to med - glacier liquid runoff flux to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fgrg_rofl_wiso + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: glc import to med - glacier_frozen_runoff_flux_to_ocean for 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Figg_rofi canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land-ice export - glc frozen runoff_iceberg flux to ice + description: glc import to med - glc frozen runoff_iceberg flux to ice # - standard_name: Figg_rofi_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land-ice export - glc frozen runoff_iceberg flux to ice for 16O, 18O, HDO + description: glc import to med - glc frozen runoff_iceberg flux to ice for 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Flgg_hflx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: land-ice export to mediator (no elevation classes) - Downward heat flux from glacier interior, from mediator, elev class 0 - # - - standard_name: Flgg_hflx_elev - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator land-ice export to lnd (elevation classes 1->glc_nec) - Downward heat flux from glacier interior, from mediator, elev class 1->glc_nec + description: glc import to med to med (no elevation classes) + Downward heat flux from glacier interior, from med, elev class 0 # - standard_name: Sg_area canonical_units: area internal to the CISM grid in radians**2 - description: land-ice export to mediator (no elevation classes) + description: glc import to med to med (no elevation classes) # - standard_name: Sg_ice_covered canonical_units: 1 - description: land-ice export to mediator (no elevation classes) - # - - standard_name: Sg_ice_covered_elev - canonical_units: 1 - description: mediator land-ice export to lnd (elevation classes 1->glc_nec) + description: glc import to med (no elevation classes) # - standard_name: Sg_icemask canonical_units: 1 - description: land-ice export + description: glc import to med # - standard_name: Sg_icemask_coupled_fluxes canonical_units: 1 - description: land-ice export + description: glc import to med # - standard_name: Sg_topo canonical_units: m - description: land-ice export to mediator (no elevation classes) + description: glc import to med (no elevation classes) # - - standard_name: Sg_topo_elev - canonical_units: m - description: mediator land-ice export to lnd (elevation classes 1->glc_nec) - # - - standard_name: Fogg_rofi - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land-ice export - glacier_frozen_runoff_flux_to_ocean + #----------------------------------- + # section: glc export from med (computed in med) + #----------------------------------- # - - standard_name: Fogg_rofi_wiso - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land-ice export - glacier_frozen_runoff_flux_to_ocean for 16O, 18O, HDO + - standard_name: Flgg_hflx_elev + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: glc export from med (elevation classes 1->glc_nec) + Downward heat flux from glacier interior, from med, elev class 1->glc_nec # - - standard_name: Fogg_rofl - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land-ice export - glacier liquid runoff flux to ocean + - standard_name: Sg_ice_covered_elev + canonical_units: 1 + description: glc export from med (elevation classes 1->glc_nec) # - - standard_name: Fogg_rofl_wiso - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land-ice export - glacier_frozen_runoff_flux_to_ocean for 16O, 18O, HDO + - standard_name: Sg_topo_elev + canonical_units: m + description: glc export from med (elevation classes 1->glc_nec) # #----------------------------------- - # section: sea-ice export + # section: ice import to med #----------------------------------- # - standard_name: Faii_evap alias: mean_evap_rate_atm_into_ice canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Faii_evap_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export for 16O, 18O, HDO + description: ice import to med for 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Faii_lat alias: mean_laten_heat_flx_atm_into_ice canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to atm - atm/ice latent heat flux + description: ice import to med - atm/ice latent heat flux # - standard_name: Faii_sen alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx_atm_into_ice canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to atm - atm/ice sensible heat flux + description: ice import to med - atm/ice sensible heat flux # - standard_name: Faii_lwup alias: mean_up_lw_flx_ice canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export -outgoing logwave radiation + description: ice import to med -outgoing logwave radiation # - standard_name: Faii_swnet canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to atm + description: ice import to med to atm # - standard_name: Faii_taux alias: stress_on_air_ice_zonal canonical_units: N m-2 - description: sea-ice export to atm - air ice zonal stress + description: ice import to med - air ice zonal stress # - standard_name: Faii_tauy alias: stress_on_air_ice_merid canonical_units: N m-2 - description: sea-ice export - air ice meridional stress + description: ice import to med - air ice meridional stress # - standard_name: Fioi_bcphi canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - hydrophilic black carbon flux to ocean + description: ice import to med to ocean - hydrophilic black carbon flux to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_bcpho canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - hydrophobic black carbon flux to ocean + description: ice import to med to ocean - hydrophobic black carbon flux to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_flxdst canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - dust aerosol flux to ocean + description: ice import to med to ocean - dust aerosol flux to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_melth alias: net_heat_flx_to_ocn canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - net heat flux to ocean + description: ice import to med to ocean - net heat flux to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_melth_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - isotope head flux to ocean for 16O, 18O, HDO + description: ice import to med to ocean - isotope head flux to ocean for 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Fioi_melth_HDO canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - isotope head flux to ocean + description: ice import to med to ocean - isotope head flux to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_meltw alias: mean_fresh_water_to_ocean_rate canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - fresh water to ocean (h2o flux from melting) + description: ice import to med to ocean - fresh water to ocean (h2o flux from melting) # - standard_name: Fioi_meltw_wiso alias: mean_fresh_water_to_ocean_rate_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - fresh water to ocean (h2o flux from melting) for 16O, 18O, HDO + description: ice import to med to ocean - fresh water to ocean (h2o flux from melting) for 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Fioi_salt alias: mean_salt_rate canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - salt to ocean (salt flux from melting) + description: ice import to med - salt to ocean (salt flux from melting) # - standard_name: Fioi_swpen alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of shortwave through ice to ocean + description: ice import to med - flux of shortwave through ice to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_vdr alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_vis_dir_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of vis dir shortwave through ice to ocean + description: ice import to med - flux of vis dir shortwave through ice to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_vdf alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_vis_dif_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of vif dir shortwave through ice to ocean + description: ice import to med - flux of vif dir shortwave through ice to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_idr alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_ir_dir_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of ir dir shortwave through ice to ocean + description: ice import to med - flux of ir dir shortwave through ice to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_idf alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_ir_dif_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of ir dif shortwave through ice to ocean + description: ice import to med - flux of ir dif shortwave through ice to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_taux alias: stress_on_ocn_ice_zonal canonical_units: N m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - ice ocean zonal stress + description: ice import to med - ice ocean zonal stress # - standard_name: Fioi_tauy alias: stress_on_ocn_ice_merid canonical_units: N m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - ice ocean meridional stress + description: ice import to med - ice ocean meridional stress # - standard_name: Si_anidf alias: inst_ice_ir_dif_albedo canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Si_anidr alias: inst_ice_ir_dir_albedo canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Si_avsdf alias: inst_ice_vis_dif_albedo canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Si_avsdr alias: inst_ice_vis_dir_albedo canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Si_ifrac alias: ice_fraction canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm - ice fraction (varies with time) + description: ice import to med - ice fraction (varies with time) # - standard_name: Si_ifrac_n alias: ice_fraction_n canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export - ice fraction per category (varies with time) + description: ice import to med - ice fraction per category (varies with time) # - standard_name: Si_imask alias: ice_mask canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export - ice mask + description: ice import to med - ice mask # - standard_name: Si_qref canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: sea-ice export to atm + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Si_qref_wiso canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: sea-ice export to atm + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Si_t alias: sea_ice_surface_temperature canonical_units: K - description: sea-ice export + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Si_tref canonical_units: K - description: sea-ice export + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Si_u10 canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Si_vice alias: mean_ice_volume canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - volume of ice per unit area + description: ice import to med - volume of ice per unit area # - standard_name: Si_snowh canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - surface_snow_water_equivalent + description: ice import to med - surface_snow_water_equivalent # - standard_name: Si_vsno alias: mean_snow_volume canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - volume of snow per unit area + description: ice import to med - volume of snow per unit area # - standard_name: Si_thick canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - ice thickness + description: ice import to med - ice thickness # - standard_name: Si_floediam canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - ice floe diameter + description: ice import to med - ice floe diameter # #----------------------------------- - # section: ocean export to mediator + # section: ocn import to med #----------------------------------- # - standard_name: Fioo_q alias: freezing_melting_potential canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: Faoo_fco2_ocn canonical_units: moles m-2 s-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med - surface flux of CO2 (downward positive) + # + - standard_name: Faoo_fdms_ocn + canonical_units: moles m-2 s-1 + description: ocn import to med - surface flux of DMS (downward positive) + # + - standard_name: Faoo_fbrf_ocn + canonical_units: moles m-2 s-1 + description: ocn import to med - surface flux of Bromoform (downward positive) + # + - standard_name: Faoo_fn2o_ocn + canonical_units: moles m-2 s-1 + description: ocn import to med - surface flux of N2O (downward positive) + # + - standard_name: Faoo_fnh3_ocn + canonical_units: moles m-2 s-1 + description: ocn import to med - surface flux of NH3 (downward positive) # - standard_name: So_anidf canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_anidr canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_avsdf canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_avsdr canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_bldepth alias: mixed_layer_depth canonical_units: m - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_dhdx alias: sea_surface_slope_zonal canonical_units: m m-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_dhdy alias: sea_surface_slope_merid canonical_units: m m-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_duu10n canonical_units: m2 s-2 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_fswpen canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_ofrac canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_omask alias: ocean_mask canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_qref canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_qref_wiso canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_re canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_qref_wiso canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_roce_wiso canonical_units: unitless - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_s alias: s_surf canonical_units: g kg-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_s_depth alias: s_surf_depths @@ -857,12 +955,12 @@ # - standard_name: So_ssq canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_t alias: sea_surface_temperature canonical_units: K - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_t_depth alias: sea_surface_temperature_depths @@ -871,292 +969,254 @@ # - standard_name: So_tref canonical_units: K - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_u alias: ocn_current_zonal canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_u10 canonical_units: m - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_ustar canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_v alias: ocn_current_merid canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ocean export - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: river export - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Firr_rofi - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: river export - water flux into sea ice due to runoff (frozen) - # - - standard_name: Firr_rofi_wiso - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: river export - water flux into sea ice due to runoff (frozen) for 16O, 18O, HDO - # - - standard_name: Fixx_rofi - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: frozen runoff to ice from river and land-ice - # - - standard_name: Fixx_rofi_wiso - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: frozen runoff to ice from river and land-ice for 16O, 18O, HDO - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: lnd export to glc - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Flgl_qice - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: mediator export to glc no elevation classes - # - - standard_name: Flgl_qice_elev - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export to mediator in elevation classes (1->glc_nec) + description: ocn import to med # #----------------------------------- - # section: lnd export to river - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Flrl_irrig - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export to river - # - - standard_name: Flrl_rofdto - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export to river - # - - standard_name: Flrl_rofgwl - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export to river - # - - standard_name: Flrl_rofi - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export to river - # - - standard_name: Flrl_rofsub - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export to river - # - - standard_name: Flrl_rofsur - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export to river - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: river export - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Flrr_flood - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: river export to land - water flux due to flooding - # - - standard_name: Flrr_flood_wiso - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: river export to land - water flux due to flooding for 16O, 18O, HDO - # - - standard_name: Flrr_volr - canonical_units: m - description: river export to land - river channel total water volume - # - - standard_name: Flrr_volr_wiso - canonical_units: m - description: river export to land - river channel total water volume from 16O, 18O, HDO - # - - standard_name: Flrr_volrmch - canonical_units: m - description: river export to land - river channel main channel water volume - # - - standard_name: Flrr_volrmch_wiso - canonical_units: m - description: river export to land - river channel main channel water volume from 16O, 18O, HDO - # - - standard_name: Sr_tdepth - canonical_units: m - description: river export to land - tributary channel water depth - # - - standard_name: Sr_tdepth_max - canonical_units: m - description: river export to land - tributary channel bankfull depth - # - - standard_name: Forr_rofi - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: river export to ocean - water flux due to runoff (frozen) - # - - standard_name: Forr_rofi_wiso - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: river export to ocean - water flux due to runoff (frozen) for 16O, 18O, HDO - # - - standard_name: Forr_rofl - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: river export to ocean - water flux due to runoff (liquid) - # - - standard_name: Forr_rofl_wiso - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: river export to ocean - water flux due to runoff (frozen) for 16O, 18O, HDO - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: ocean import + # section: ocn export from med (computed in med) #----------------------------------- # - standard_name: Foxx_hrain alias: heat_content_lprec canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to ocn heat content of rain + description: med export to ocn heat content of rain # - standard_name: Foxx_hsnow alias: heat_content_fprec canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to ocn heat content of snow + description: med export to ocn heat content of snow # - standard_name: Foxx_hevap alias: heat_content_evap canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to ocn heat content of evaporation + description: med export to ocn heat content of evaporation # - standard_name: Foxx_hcond alias: heat_content_cond canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to ocn heat content of condensation + description: med export to ocn heat content of condensation # - standard_name: Foxx_hrofl alias: heat_content_rofl canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to ocn heat content of liquid runoff + description: med export to ocn heat content of liquid runoff # - standard_name: Foxx_hrofi alias: heat_content_rofi canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to ocn heat content of ice runoff + description: med export to ocn heat content of ice runoff + # + - standard_name: Foxx_hrofl_glc + alias: heat_content_rofl_glc + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: med export to ocn heat content of liquid glc runoff + # + - standard_name: Foxx_hrofi_glc + alias: heat_content_rofi_glc + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: med export to ocn heat content of ice glc runoff # - standard_name: Foxx_evap alias: mean_evap_rate canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - specific humidity flux + description: med export to ocn - specific humidity flux # - standard_name: Foxx_evap_wiso alias: mean_evap_rate_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - specific humidity flux 16O, 18O, HDO + description: med export to ocn - specific humidity flux 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Foxx_lat canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - latent heat flux into ocean + description: med export to ocn - latent heat flux into ocean # - standard_name: Foxx_lat_wiso canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - latent heat flux into ocean for 16O, 18O, HDO + description: med export to ocn - latent heat flux into ocean for 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Foxx_lat canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - latent heat flux into ocean for HDO + description: med export to ocn - latent heat flux into ocean for HDO # - standard_name: Foxx_sen alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - sensible heat flux into ocean + description: med export to ocn - sensible heat flux into ocean # - standard_name: Foxx_lwup canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - surface upward longwave heat flux + description: med export to ocn - surface upward longwave heat flux # - standard_name: Foxx_lwnet alias: mean_net_lw_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - mean NET long wave radiation flux to ocean + description: med export to ocn - mean NET long wave radiation flux to ocean # - standard_name: mean_runoff_rate canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - total runoff to ocean + description: med export to ocn - total runoff to ocean # - standard_name: mean_runoff_heat_flux canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - heat content of runoff + description: med export to ocn - heat content of runoff # - standard_name: mean_calving_rate canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - total calving to ocean + description: med export to ocn - total calving to ocean # - standard_name: mean_calving_heat_flux canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - heat content of calving + description: med export to ocn - heat content of calving # - standard_name: Foxx_rofi canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - water flux due to runoff (frozen) + description: med export to ocn - water flux due to runoff (frozen) # - standard_name: Foxx_rofi_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - water flux due to runoff (frozen) for 16O, 18O, HDO + description: med export to ocn - water flux due to runoff (frozen) for 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Foxx_rofl alias: mean_runoff_rate canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - water flux due to runoff (liquid) + description: med export to ocn - water flux due to runoff (liquid) # - standard_name: Foxx_rofl_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - water flux due to runoff (liquid) for 16O, 18O, HDO + description: med export to ocn - water flux due to runoff (liquid) for 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Foxx_swnet alias: mean_net_sw_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave radiation to ocean + description: med export to ocn - net shortwave radiation to ocean # - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_vdr alias: mean_net_sw_vis_dir_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave visible direct radiation to ocean + description: med export to ocn - net shortwave visible direct radiation to ocean # - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_vdf alias: mean_net_sw_vis_dif_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave visible diffuse radiation to ocean + description: med export to ocn - net shortwave visible diffuse radiation to ocean # - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_idr alias: mean_net_sw_ir_dir_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave ir direct radiation to ocean + description: med export to ocn - net shortwave ir direct radiation to ocean # - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_idf alias: mean_net_sw_ir_dif_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave ir diffuse radiation to ocean + description: med export to ocn - net shortwave ir diffuse radiation to ocean # - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_afracr canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave radiation times atmosphere fraction + description: med export to ocn - net shortwave radiation times atmosphere fraction # - standard_name: Foxx_taux alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx canonical_units: N m-2 - description: ocean import - zonal surface stress + description: med export to ocn - zonal surface stress # - standard_name: Foxx_tauy alias: mean_merid_moment_flx canonical_units: N m-2 - description: ocean import - meridional surface stress + description: med export to ocn - meridional surface stress # - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_ifrac_n alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_ifrac_n canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave radiation penetrating into ice and ocean times ice fraction for thickness category 1 + description: med export to ocn - net shortwave radiation penetrating into ice and ocean times ice fraction for thickness category 1 # - standard_name: Sf_afrac canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean import - fractional atmosphere coverage wrt ocean + description: med export to ocn - fractional atmosphere coverage wrt ocean # - standard_name: Sf_afracr canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean import - fractional atmosphere coverage used in radiation computations wrt ocean + description: med export to ocn - fractional atmosphere coverage used in radiation computations wrt ocean + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: river import to med + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Flrr_flood + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: river import to med - water flux due to flooding + # + - standard_name: Flrr_flood_wiso + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: river import to med - water flux due to flooding for 16O, 18O, HDO + # + - standard_name: Flrr_volr + canonical_units: m + description: river import to med - river channel total water volume + # + - standard_name: Flrr_volr_wiso + canonical_units: m + description: river import to med - river channel total water volume from 16O, 18O, HDO + # + - standard_name: Flrr_volrmch + canonical_units: m + description: river import to med - river channel main channel water volume + # + - standard_name: Flrr_volrmch_wiso + canonical_units: m + description: river import to med - river channel main channel water volume from 16O, 18O, HDO + # + - standard_name: Sr_tdepth + canonical_units: m + description: river import to med - tributary channel water depth + # + - standard_name: Sr_tdepth_max + canonical_units: m + description: river import to med - tributary channel bankfull depth + # + - standard_name: Forr_rofi + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: river export to ocean - water flux due to runoff (frozen) + # + - standard_name: Forr_rofi_glc + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: river export to ocean - water flux due to runoff originating from glc (frozen) + # + - standard_name: Forr_rofi_wiso + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: river import to med - water flux due to runoff (frozen) for 16O, 18O, HDO + # + - standard_name: Forr_rofl + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: river import to med - water flux due to runoff (liquid) + # + - standard_name: Forr_rofl_glc + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: river import to med - water flux due to runoff originating from glc (liquid) + # + - standard_name: Forr_rofl_wiso + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: river import to med - water flux due to runoff (frozen) for 16O, 18O, HDO + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: wav import to med + #----------------------------------- # - standard_name: Sw_hstokes canonical_units: m @@ -1181,37 +1241,76 @@ - standard_name: Sw_pstokes_y canonical_units: m/s description: Northward partitioned stokes drift components - # - standard_name: Sw_elevation_spectrum alias: wave_elevation_spectrum canonical_units: m2/s description: wave elevation spectrum - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: wave import - #----------------------------------- + - standard_name: Sw_ustokes_avg + canonical_units: m/s + description: Daily averaged stokes drift u component (only needed for med history output) # - - standard_name: Fwxx_taux - alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: wave import - zonal surface stress + - standard_name: Sw_vstokes_avg + canonical_units: m/s + description: Daily averaged stokes drift v component (only needed for med history output) # - - standard_name: Fwxx_tauy - alias: mean_merid_moment_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: wave import - meridional surface stress - - #----------------------------------- - # mediator fields - #----------------------------------- + - standard_name: Sw_hs_avg + canonical_units: m + description: Daily averaged significant wave hight (only needed for med history output) # - - standard_name: cpl_scalars - canonical_units: unitless + - standard_name: Sw_phs0_avg + canonical_units: m + description: Daily averaged averaged wind sea swh (only needed for med history output) # - - standard_name: frac - canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: Sw_phs1_avg + canonical_units: m + description: Daily averaged swell swh (only needed for med history output) # - - standard_name: mask - canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: Sw_pdir0_avg + canonical_units: degrees + description: Daily averaged wind sea swh (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_pdir1_avg + canonical_units: degrees + description: Daily averaged swell swh (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_pTm10_avg + canonical_units: s + description: Daily averaged wind sea mean wave Tm1 period (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_pTm11_avg + canonical_units: s + description: Daily average swell mean wave Tm1 period (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_Tm1_avg + canonical_units: s + description: Daily averaged mean wave period of the first moment (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_thm_avg + canonical_units: degrees + description: Daily averaged mean wave direction (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_thp0_avg + canonical_units: degrees + description: Daily averaged peak wave direction (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_fp0_avg + canonical_units: 1/s + description: Daily averaged peak wave frequency (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_u_avg + canonical_units: m/s + description: Daily averaged surface wind zonal (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_v_avg + canonical_units: m/s + description: Daily averaged surface wind meridional (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_tusx_avg + canonical_units: m2/s + description: Daily averaged stokes zonal transport vector (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_tusy_avg + canonical_units: m2/s + description: Daily averaged stokes meridional transport vector (only needed for med history output) diff --git a/ice_in b/ice_in index e1d1035..1045547 100644 --- a/ice_in +++ b/ice_in @@ -2,10 +2,9 @@ bfbflag = "off" conserv_check = .false. diagfreq = 960 - dumpfreq = "y" - dump_last = .true. + dumpfreq = "x" histfreq = "d", "m", "x", "x", "x" - hist_suffix = "", "m", "x", "x", "x" !limited to one character due to + hist_suffix = ".d", ".m", "x", "x", "x" hist_time_axis = "middle" history_deflate = 1 history_chunksize = 720, 540 @@ -14,8 +13,8 @@ ice_ic = 'default' lcdf64 = .false. npt = 35040 - pointer_file = './' - print_global = .false. + pointer_file = './' + print_global = .false. / &grid_nml bathymetry_file = "./INPUT/" diff --git a/manifests/exe.yaml b/manifests/exe.yaml index 342f461..256eb9a 100644 --- a/manifests/exe.yaml +++ b/manifests/exe.yaml @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ format: yamanifest version: 1.0 --- work/access-om3-MOM6-CICE6: - fullpath: /g/data/vk83/apps/spack/0.22/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-2021.10.0/access-om3-nuopc-git.0.3.1_0.3.1-boks2tay6p2uqrv2y3wstcdqkotfs3d2/bin/access-om3-MOM6-CICE6 + fullpath: /g/data/vk83/apps/spack/0.22/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-2021.10.0/access-om3-nuopc-git.0.4.0_0.4.0-bmecwy5vdmpxapbgqwbqsoi2y7rglaie/bin/access-om3-MOM6-CICE6 hashes: - binhash: 324135533e9cd632f4a1be902022fbcc - md5: 553de82e4053fbb30bc1b25a053c8912 + binhash: 2edb3ca163da9ef9ef082a1fbdb98493 + md5: 815f23c0339742798d5db37deb7b798e diff --git a/nuopc.runconfig b/nuopc.runconfig index 529a3dc..6dba7ec 100644 --- a/nuopc.runconfig +++ b/nuopc.runconfig @@ -36,22 +36,10 @@ PELAYOUT_attributes:: cpl_pestride = 1 cpl_rootpe = 0 esmf_logging = ESMF_LOGKIND_NONE - esp_ntasks = 1 - esp_nthreads = 1 - esp_pestride = 1 - esp_rootpe = 0 - glc_ntasks = 1 - glc_nthreads = 1 - glc_pestride = 1 - glc_rootpe = 0 - ice_ntasks = 96 #Note-Parallel I/O + ice_ntasks = 96 ice_nthreads = 1 ice_pestride = 1 ice_rootpe = 0 - lnd_ntasks = 1 - lnd_nthreads = 1 - lnd_pestride = 1 - lnd_rootpe = 0 ninst = 1 ocn_ntasks = 1344 ocn_nthreads = 1 @@ -64,10 +52,6 @@ PELAYOUT_attributes:: rof_nthreads = 1 rof_pestride = 1 rof_rootpe = 0 - wav_ntasks = 1 - wav_nthreads = 1 - wav_pestride = 1 - wav_rootpe = 0 :: component_list: MED ATM ICE OCN ROF @@ -78,15 +62,15 @@ ALLCOMP_attributes:: LND_model = slnd MED_model = cesm OCN_model = mom - Profiling = 0 ROF_model = drof + WAV_model = swav + Profiling = 0 ScalarFieldCount = 4 ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 ScalarFieldIdxNextSwCday = 3 ScalarFieldIdxPrecipFactor = 0 ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars - WAV_model = swav brnch_retain_casename = .false. case_desc = UNSET case_name = access-om3 @@ -94,12 +78,9 @@ ALLCOMP_attributes:: coldair_outbreak_mod = .false. data_assimilation_atm = .false. data_assimilation_cpl = .false. - data_assimilation_glc = .false. data_assimilation_ice = .false. - data_assimilation_lnd = .false. data_assimilation_ocn = .false. data_assimilation_rof = .false. - data_assimilation_wav = .false. flds_bgc_oi = .false. flds_co2a = .false. flds_co2b = .false. @@ -107,6 +88,7 @@ ALLCOMP_attributes:: flds_i2o_per_cat = .false. flds_r2l_stream_channel_depths = .false. flds_wiso = .false. + add_gusts = .false. flux_convergence = 0.01 flux_max_iteration = 5 glc_nec = 10 @@ -117,7 +99,6 @@ ALLCOMP_attributes:: ice_ncat = 5 mediator_present = true mesh_atm = ./INPUT/ - mesh_glc = UNSET mesh_ice = ./INPUT/ mesh_lnd = UNSET mesh_mask = ./INPUT/ @@ -137,7 +118,7 @@ ALLCOMP_attributes:: start_type = startup tfreeze_option = linear_salt wav_coupling_to_cice = .false. - write_restart_at_endofrun = .false. + restart_pointer_append_date = .false. :: MED_attributes:: @@ -315,14 +296,6 @@ ICE_attributes:: Verbosity = off :: -GLC_attributes:: - Verbosity = off -:: - -LND_attributes:: - Verbosity = off -:: - OCN_attributes:: Verbosity = off :: @@ -332,33 +305,28 @@ ROF_attributes:: mesh_rof = ./INPUT/ :: -WAV_attributes:: - Verbosity = off - mesh_wav = UNSET -:: - MED_modelio:: diro = ./log logfile = med.log pio_async_interface = .false. - pio_netcdf_format = 64bit_offset - pio_numiotasks = -99 + pio_netcdf_format = nothing + pio_numiotasks = 4 pio_rearranger = 2 pio_root = 1 - pio_stride = 48 - pio_typename = netcdf + pio_stride = 1 + pio_typename = netcdf4p :: ATM_modelio:: diro = ./log logfile = atm.log pio_async_interface = .false. - pio_netcdf_format = 64bit_offset - pio_numiotasks = -99 + pio_netcdf_format = nothing + pio_numiotasks = 1 pio_rearranger = 1 pio_root = 1 - pio_stride = 48 - pio_typename = netcdf + pio_stride = 1 + pio_typename = netcdf4p :: ICE_modelio:: @@ -368,8 +336,8 @@ ICE_modelio:: pio_netcdf_format = nothing pio_numiotasks = 1 pio_rearranger = 1 - pio_root = 0 - pio_stride = 48 + pio_root = 1 + pio_stride = 1 pio_typename = netcdf4p :: @@ -388,29 +356,16 @@ OCN_modelio:: ROF_modelio:: diro = ./log logfile = rof.log - pio_async_interface = .false. #not used - pio_netcdf_format = 64bit_offset #not used - pio_numiotasks = -99 #not used - pio_rearranger = 2 #not used - pio_root = 1 #not used - pio_stride = 48 #not used - pio_typename = netcdf #not used -:: - -WAV_modelio:: - diro = ./log - logfile = wav.log - pio_async_interface = .false. - pio_netcdf_format = 64bit_offset - pio_numiotasks = -99 - pio_rearranger = 2 - pio_root = 1 - pio_stride = 48 - pio_typename = netcdf + pio_async_interface = .false. + pio_netcdf_format = nothing + pio_numiotasks = 1 + pio_rearranger = 2 + pio_root = 1 + pio_stride = 1 + pio_typename = netcdf4p :: DRV_modelio:: diro = ./log logfile = drv.log :: -