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This section contains non default debugging parameters which are set. +! ------------------------ +! === module MOM_vert_friction === +U_TRUNC_FILE = "U_velocity_truncations" ! default = "" + ! The absolute path to a file into which the accelerations leading to zonal + ! velocity truncations are written. Undefine this for efficiency if this + ! diagnostic is not needed. +V_TRUNC_FILE = "V_velocity_truncations" ! default = "" + ! The absolute path to a file into which the accelerations leading to meridional + ! velocity truncations are written. Undefine this for efficiency if this + ! diagnostic is not needed. + +! === module MOM_file_parser === +FATAL_UNUSED_PARAMS = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, kill the run if there are any unused parameters. + +! This section contains non default layout parameters which are set. +! ------------------------ +! === module MOM_domains === +AUTO_MASKTABLE = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! Turn on automatic mask table generation to eliminate land blocks. + +! This section is formatted the same as the MOM_parameter_short.doc output file. +! ------------------------ ! This file was written by the model and records the non-default parameters used at run-time. ! === module MOM === @@ -13,17 +37,12 @@ DT = 1350.0 ! [s] ! The (baroclinic) dynamics time step. The time-step that is actually used will ! be an integer fraction of the forcing time-step (DT_FORCING in ocean-only mode ! or the coupling timestep in coupled mode.) -DT_THERM = 1350.0 ! [s] default = 1800.0 - ! The thermodynamic and tracer advection time step. Ideally DT_THERM should be - ! an integer multiple of DT and less than the forcing or coupling time-step, - ! unless THERMO_SPANS_COUPLING is true, in which case DT_THERM can be an integer - ! multiple of the coupling timestep. By default DT_THERM is set to DT. HFREEZE = 10.0 ! [m] default = -1.0 ! If HFREEZE > 0, melt potential will be computed. The actual depth over which ! melt potential is computed will be min(HFREEZE, OBLD), where OBLD is the ! boundary layer depth. If HFREEZE <= 0 (default), melt potential will not be ! computed. -DTBT_RESET_PERIOD = 0.0 ! [s] default = 3600.0 +DTBT_RESET_PERIOD = 0.0 ! [s] default = 1350.0 ! The period between recalculations of DTBT (if DTBT <= 0). If DTBT_RESET_PERIOD ! is negative, DTBT is set based only on information available at ! initialization. If 0, DTBT will be set every dynamics time step. The default @@ -82,6 +101,8 @@ GRID_CONFIG = "mosaic" ! ! mercator - use a Mercator spherical grid. GRID_FILE = "ocean_hgrid.nc" ! ! Name of the file from which to read horizontal grid data. +RAD_EARTH = 6.371229E+06 ! [m] default = 6.378E+06 + ! The radius of the Earth. TOPO_CONFIG = "file" ! ! This specifies how bathymetry is specified: ! file - read bathymetric information from the file @@ -111,17 +132,6 @@ TOPO_CONFIG = "file" ! ! USER - call a user modified routine. MAXIMUM_DEPTH = 6000.0 ! [m] ! The maximum depth of the ocean. -CHANNEL_CONFIG = none ! default = "none" - ! A parameter that determines which set of channels are - ! restricted to specific widths. Options are: - ! none - All channels have the grid width. - ! global_1deg - Sets 16 specific channels appropriate - ! for a 1-degree model, as used in CM2G. - ! list - Read the channel locations and widths from a - ! text file, like MOM_channel_list in the MOM_SIS - ! test case. - ! file - Read open face widths everywhere from a - ! NetCDF file on the model grid. ! === module MOM_verticalGrid === ! Parameters providing information about the vertical grid. @@ -129,16 +139,15 @@ NK = 50 ! [nondim] ! The number of model layers. ! === module MOM_EOS === -DTFREEZE_DP = -7.75E-08 ! [deg C Pa-1] default = 0.0 +EQN_OF_STATE = "WRIGHT_REDUCED" ! default = "WRIGHT" + ! EQN_OF_STATE determines which ocean equation of state should be used. + ! Currently, the valid choices are "LINEAR", "UNESCO", "JACKETT_MCD", "WRIGHT", + ! "WRIGHT_REDUCED", "WRIGHT_FULL", "NEMO", "ROQUET_RHO", "ROQUET_SPV" and + ! "TEOS10". This is only used if USE_EOS is true. +DTFREEZE_DP = -7.75E-08 ! [degC Pa-1] default = 0.0 ! When TFREEZE_FORM=LINEAR, this is the derivative of the freezing potential ! temperature with pressure. -EPS_OMESH = 1e-13 - ! "default = 0.0001 - ! An float which sets the allowable error (in degrees) between - ! grid angle defined in the ESMF mesh file used by CMEPS - ! and the ocean_hgrid file used by mom - ! === module MOM_tracer_flow_control === USE_IDEAL_AGE_TRACER = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the ideal_age_example tracer package. @@ -155,7 +164,6 @@ REGRIDDING_COORDINATE_MODE = "ZSTAR" ! default = "LAYER" ! RHO - continuous isopycnal ! HYCOM1 - HyCOM-like hybrid coordinate ! HYBGEN - Hybrid coordinate from the Hycom hybgen code - ! SLIGHT - stretched coordinates above continuous isopycnal ! ADAPTIVE - optimize for smooth neutral density surfaces ALE_COORDINATE_CONFIG = "FILE:ocean_vgrid.nc,interfaces=zeta" ! default = "UNIFORM" ! Determines how to specify the coordinate resolution. Valid options are: @@ -166,6 +174,8 @@ ALE_COORDINATE_CONFIG = "FILE:ocean_vgrid.nc,interfaces=zeta" ! default = "UNIFO ! by a comma or space, e.g. FILE:lev.nc,dz ! or FILE:lev.nc,interfaces=zw ! WOA09[:N] - the WOA09 vertical grid (approximately) + ! WOA09INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA09 depths + ! WOA23INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA23 depths ! FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision ! HYBRID:string - read from a file. The string specifies ! the filename and two variable names, separated @@ -174,8 +184,8 @@ ALE_COORDINATE_CONFIG = "FILE:ocean_vgrid.nc,interfaces=zeta" ! default = "UNIFO !ALE_RESOLUTION = 2.303499698638916, 2.6903486251831055, 3.1421399116516113, 3.6697616577148438, 4.285917282104492, 5.005424499511719, 5.845563888549805, 6.826459884643555, 7.971549987792969, 9.308074951171875, 10.867660522460938, 12.686931610107422, 14.808158874511719, 17.279945373535156, 20.157821655273438, 23.504684448242188, 27.390975952148438, 31.894271850585938, 37.097900390625, 43.088226318359375, 49.94970703125, 57.757049560546875, 66.56375122070312, 76.386962890625, 87.18865966796875, 98.85760498046875, 111.1953125, 123.914794921875, 136.6578369140625, 149.03271484375, 160.6646728515625, 171.2481689453125, 180.5816650390625, 188.5797119140625, 195.2608642578125, 200.720703125, 205.10205078125, 208.565185546875, 211.2705078125, 213.363525390625, 214.97119140625, 216.198974609375, 217.13232421875, 217.83984375, 218.37451171875, 218.7783203125, 219.08203125, 219.310546875, 219.482421875, 219.6123046875 ! [m] REMAPPING_SCHEME = "PPM_H4" ! default = "PLM" ! This sets the reconstruction scheme used for vertical remapping for all - ! variables. It can be one of the following schemes: PCM (1st-order - ! accurate) + ! variables. It can be one of the following schemes: + ! PCM (1st-order accurate) ! PLM (2nd-order accurate) ! PLM_HYBGEN (2nd-order accurate) ! PPM_H4 (3rd-order accurate) @@ -184,6 +194,11 @@ REMAPPING_SCHEME = "PPM_H4" ! default = "PLM" ! WENO_HYBGEN (3rd-order accurate) ! PQM_IH4IH3 (4th-order accurate) ! PQM_IH6IH5 (5th-order accurate) +REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! This selects the remapping algorithm used in OM4 that does not use the full + ! reconstruction for the top- and lower-most sub-layers, but instead assumes + ! they are always vanished (untrue) and so just uses their edge values. We + ! recommend setting this option to false. ! === module MOM_state_initialization === INIT_LAYERS_FROM_Z_FILE = True ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -206,8 +221,16 @@ TEMP_SALT_INIT_VERTICAL_REMAP_ONLY = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, initial conditions are on the model horizontal grid. Extrapolation ! over missing ocean values is done using an ICE-9 procedure with vertical ALE ! remapping . +Z_INIT_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for initialization. See + ! REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for more details. We recommend setting this option + ! to false. ! === module MOM_diag_mediator === +DIAG_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for diagnostics. See + ! REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting this option to + ! false. DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z = "FILE:ocean_vgrid.nc,interfaces=zeta" ! default = "WOA09" ! Determines how to specify the coordinate resolution. Valid options are: ! PARAM - use the vector-parameter DIAG_COORD_RES_Z @@ -217,6 +240,8 @@ DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z = "FILE:ocean_vgrid.nc,interfaces=zeta" ! default = "WOA09" ! by a comma or space, e.g. FILE:lev.nc,dz ! or FILE:lev.nc,interfaces=zw ! WOA09[:N] - the WOA09 vertical grid (approximately) + ! WOA09INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA09 depths + ! WOA23INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA23 depths ! FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision ! HYBRID:string - read from a file. The string specifies ! the filename and two variable names, separated @@ -302,6 +327,10 @@ USE_STORED_SLOPES = True ! [Boolean] default = False KH_RES_SCALE_COEF = 0.4 ! [nondim] default = 1.0 ! A coefficient that determines how KhTh is scaled away if RESOLN_SCALED_... is ! true, as F = 1 / (1 + (KH_RES_SCALE_COEF*Rd/dx)^KH_RES_FN_POWER). +EBT_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for calculating EBT + ! structure. See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting + ! this option to false. ! === module MOM_set_visc === CHANNEL_DRAG = True ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -335,11 +364,12 @@ FGNV_C_MIN = 0.01 ! [m s-1] default = 0.0 USE_KH_IN_MEKE = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, uses the thickness diffusivity calculated here to diffuse MEKE. -! === module MOM_porous_barriers === - ! === module MOM_dynamics_split_RK2 === - -! === module MOM_continuity === +VISC_REM_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, visc_rem_[uv] in split mode is incorrectly calculated or accounted + ! for in two places. This parameter controls the defaults of two individual + ! flags, VISC_REM_TIMESTEP_BUG in MOM_dynamics_split_RK2(b) and + ! VISC_REM_BT_WEIGHT_BUG in MOM_barotropic. ! === module MOM_continuity_PPM === ETA_TOLERANCE = 1.0E-06 ! [m] default = 2.5E-09 @@ -359,8 +389,6 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! option would have no effect on the SADOURNY Coriolis scheme if it were ! possible to use centered difference thickness fluxes. -! === module MOM_tidal_forcing === - ! === module MOM_PressureForce === ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === @@ -368,6 +396,8 @@ MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use mass weighting when interpolating T/S for integrals near the ! bathymetry in FV pressure gradient calculations. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. @@ -375,9 +405,20 @@ AH = 1.0E+12 ! [m4 s-1] default = 0.0 ! The background biharmonic horizontal viscosity. LEITH_AH = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a biharmonic Leith nonlinear eddy viscosity. +BACKSCATTER_UNDERBOUND = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, the bounds on the biharmonic viscosity are allowed to increase where + ! the Laplacian viscosity is negative (due to backscatter parameterizations) + ! beyond the largest timestep-dependent stable values of biharmonic viscosity + ! when no Laplacian viscosity is applied. The default is true for historical + ! reasons, but this option probably should not be used because it can contribute + ! to numerical instabilities. LEITH_BI_CONST = 128.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! The nondimensional biharmonic Leith constant, typical values are thus far ! undetermined. +FRICTWORK_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, retain an answer-changing bug in calculating the FrictWork, which + ! cancels the h in thickness flux and the h at velocity point. This isnot + ! recommended. ! === module MOM_vert_friction === HMIX_FIXED = 0.5 ! [m] @@ -388,14 +429,6 @@ MAXVEL = 6.0 ! [m s-1] default = 3.0E+08 CFL_TRUNCATE_RAMP_TIME = 7200.0 ! [s] default = 0.0 ! The time over which the CFL truncation value is ramped up at the beginning of ! the run. -U_TRUNC_FILE = "U_velocity_truncations" ! default = "" - ! The absolute path to a file into which the accelerations leading to zonal - ! velocity truncations are written. Undefine this for efficiency if this - ! diagnostic is not needed. -V_TRUNC_FILE = "V_velocity_truncations" ! default = "" - ! The absolute path to a file into which the accelerations leading to meridional - ! velocity truncations are written. Undefine this for efficiency if this - ! diagnostic is not needed. ! === module MOM_barotropic === BOUND_BT_CORRECTION = True ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -425,13 +458,15 @@ MIXEDLAYER_RESTRAT = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, a density-gradient dependent re-stratifying flow is imposed in the ! mixed layer. Can be used in ALE mode without restriction but in layer mode can ! only be used if BULKMIXEDLAYER is true. +MLE% +%MLE FOX_KEMPER_ML_RESTRAT_COEF = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! A nondimensional coefficient that is proportional to the ratio of the ! deformation radius to the dominant lengthscale of the submesoscale mixed layer ! instabilities, times the minimum of the ratio of the mesoscale eddy kinetic ! energy to the large-scale geostrophic kinetic energy or 1 plus the square of ! the grid spacing over the deformation radius, as detailed by Fox-Kemper et al. - ! (2010) + ! (2011) MLE_FRONT_LENGTH = 1000.0 ! [m] default = 0.0 ! If non-zero, is the frontal-length scale used to calculate the upscaling of ! buoyancy gradients that is otherwise represented by the parameter @@ -444,6 +479,10 @@ MLE_MLD_DECAY_TIME = 3.456E+05 ! [s] default = 0.0 ! MLD. ! === module MOM_diagnostics === +INTWAVE_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for calculating EBT + ! structure. See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting + ! this option to false. ! === module MOM_diabatic_driver === ! The following parameters are used for diabatic processes. @@ -574,6 +613,10 @@ USE_HORIZONTAL_BOUNDARY_DIFFUSION = True ! [Boolean] default = False HBD_LINEAR_TRANSITION = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If True, apply a linear transition at the base/top of the boundary. ! The flux will be fully applied at k=k_min and zero at k=k_max. +HBD_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for horizontal boundary + ! diffusion. See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting + ! this option to false. ! === module MOM_sum_output === @@ -584,6 +627,9 @@ OCEAN_SURFACE_STAGGER = "A" ! default = "C" ! A case-insensitive character string to indicate the staggering of the surface ! velocity field that is returned to the coupler. Valid values include 'A', ! 'B', or 'C'. +EPS_OMESH = 1.0E-13 ! [degrees] default = 1.0E-04 + ! Maximum allowable difference between ESMF mesh and MOM6 domain coordinates in + ! nuopc cap. RESTORE_SALINITY = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, the coupled driver will add a globally-balanced fresh-water flux that ! drives sea-surface salinity toward specified values. @@ -596,6 +642,9 @@ LATENT_HEAT_VAPORIZATION = 2.501E+06 ! [J/kg] default = 2.5E+06 ADJUST_NET_FRESH_WATER_TO_ZERO = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, adjusts the net fresh-water forcing seen by the ocean (including ! restoring) to zero. +WIND_STAGGER = "A" ! default = "C" + ! A case-insensitive character string to indicate the staggering of the input + ! wind stress field. Valid values are 'A', 'B', or 'C'. ENTHALPY_FROM_COUPLER = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If True, the heat (enthalpy) associated with mass entering/leaving the ocean ! is provided via coupler. @@ -609,9 +658,3 @@ SRESTORE_AS_SFLUX = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! freshwater flux. GUST_CONST = 0.02 ! [Pa] default = 0.0 ! The background gustiness in the winds. - -! === module MOM_file_parser === -FATAL_UNUSED_PARAMS = True ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, kill the run if there are any unused parameters. -AUTO_MASKTABLE = True ! [Boolean] default = False - ! Turn on automatic mask table generation to eliminate land blocks. diff --git a/MOM_override b/MOM_override index 4017693..cfdc414 100644 --- a/MOM_override +++ b/MOM_override @@ -1,5 +1,2 @@ -! WARNING: DO NOT EDIT this file! Any user change made in this file will be -! overriden. This file is automatically generated. MOM6 parameter -! changes may be made via SourceMods or user_nl_mom. -!------------------------------------------------------------------------- - +! NOTE: User made changes to this file override the settings in MOM_input +! This provides a clear record of how your configuration differs from the standard diff --git a/config.yaml b/config.yaml index 212eae9..d9d61ff 100644 --- a/config.yaml +++ b/config.yaml @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ modules: use: - /g/data/vk83/modules load: - - access-om3/2024.09.0 + - access-om3/2025.01.0 - nco/5.0.5 -payu_minimum_version: 1.1.4 +payu_minimum_version: 1.1.6 diff --git a/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 7143e17..76d3623 100644 --- a/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ ! === module MOM === SPLIT = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! Use the split time stepping if true. +SPLIT_RK2B = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use a version of the split explicit time stepping scheme that + ! exchanges velocities with step_MOM that have the average barotropic phase over + ! a baroclinic timestep rather than the instantaneous barotropic phase. CALC_RHO_FOR_SEA_LEVEL = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, the in-situ density is used to calculate the effective sea level that ! is returned to the coupler. If false, the Boussinesq parameter RHO_0 is used. @@ -35,6 +39,10 @@ OFFLINE_TRACER_MODE = False ! [Boolean] default = False USE_REGRIDDING = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If True, use the ALE algorithm (regridding/remapping). If False, use the ! layered isopycnal algorithm. +REMAP_UV_USING_OLD_ALG = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, uses the old remapping-via-a-delta-z method for remapping u and v. If + ! false, uses the new method that remaps between grids described by an old and + ! new thickness. REMAP_AUXILIARY_VARS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, apply ALE remapping to all of the auxiliary 3-dimensional variables ! that are needed to reproduce across restarts, similarly to what is already @@ -53,7 +61,7 @@ APPLY_INTERFACE_FILTER = False ! [Boolean] default = False THICKNESSDIFFUSE_FIRST = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, do thickness diffusion or interface height smoothing before dynamics. ! This is only used if THICKNESSDIFFUSE or APPLY_INTERFACE_FILTER is true. -USE_POROUS_BARRIER = True ! [Boolean] default = True +USE_POROUS_BARRIER = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use porous barrier to constrain the widths and face areas at the ! edges of the grid cells. BATHYMETRY_AT_VEL = False ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -150,18 +158,10 @@ BAD_VAL_COLUMN_THICKNESS = 0.0 ! [m] default = 0.0 ! CHECK_BAD_SURFACE_VALS is true. DEFAULT_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! This sets the default value for the various _ANSWER_DATE parameters. -DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters. -SURFACE_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use expressions for the surface properties that recover the answers - ! from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use more appropriate expressions that differ - ! at roundoff for non-Boussinesq cases. SURFACE_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! The vintage of the expressions for the surface properties. Values below ! 20190101 recover the answers from the end of 2018, while higher values use - ! updated and more robust forms of the same expressions. If both - ! SURFACE_2018_ANSWERS and SURFACE_ANSWER_DATE are specified, the latter takes - ! precedence. + ! updated and more robust forms of the same expressions. USE_DIABATIC_TIME_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, uses the wrong calendar time for diabatic processes, as was done in ! MOM6 versions prior to February 2018. This is not recommended. @@ -178,6 +178,8 @@ USE_DBCLIENT = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! analysis and machine-learning inference. USE_PARTICLES = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the particles package. +USE_UH_PARTICLES = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use the uh velocity in the particles package. ENSEMBLE_OCEAN = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If False, The model is being run in serial mode as a single realization. If ! True, The current model realization is part of a larger ensemble and at the @@ -216,7 +218,7 @@ REFERENCE_HEIGHT = 0.0 ! [m] default = 0.0 ! A reference value for geometric height fields, such as bathyT. ! === module MOM_fixed_initialization === -INPUTDIR = "./input/" ! default = "." +INPUTDIR = "./INPUT/" ! default = "." ! The directory in which input files are found. ! === module MOM_grid_init === @@ -233,7 +235,7 @@ GRID_FILE = "ocean_hgrid.nc" ! USE_TRIPOLAR_GEOLONB_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use older code that incorrectly sets the longitude in some points ! along the tripolar fold to be off by 360 degrees. -RAD_EARTH = 6.378E+06 ! [m] default = 6.378E+06 +RAD_EARTH = 6.371229E+06 ! [m] default = 6.378E+06 ! The radius of the Earth. TOPO_CONFIG = "file" ! ! This specifies how bathymetry is specified: @@ -332,15 +334,11 @@ NK = 50 ! [nondim] ! === module MOM_tracer_registry === ! === module MOM_EOS === -EQN_OF_STATE = "WRIGHT" ! default = "WRIGHT" +EQN_OF_STATE = "WRIGHT_REDUCED" ! default = "WRIGHT" ! EQN_OF_STATE determines which ocean equation of state should be used. ! Currently, the valid choices are "LINEAR", "UNESCO", "JACKETT_MCD", "WRIGHT", ! "WRIGHT_REDUCED", "WRIGHT_FULL", "NEMO", "ROQUET_RHO", "ROQUET_SPV" and ! "TEOS10". This is only used if USE_EOS is true. -USE_WRIGHT_2ND_DERIV_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use a bug in the calculation of the second derivatives of density - ! with temperature and with temperature and pressure that causes some terms to - ! be only 2/3 of what they should be. EOS_QUADRATURE = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, always use the generic (quadrature) code code for the integrals of ! density. @@ -348,13 +346,13 @@ TFREEZE_FORM = "LINEAR" ! default = "LINEAR" ! TFREEZE_FORM determines which expression should be used for the freezing ! point. Currently, the valid choices are "LINEAR", "MILLERO_78", "TEOS_POLY", ! "TEOS10" -TFREEZE_S0_P0 = 0.0 ! [deg C] default = 0.0 +TFREEZE_S0_P0 = 0.0 ! [degC] default = 0.0 ! When TFREEZE_FORM=LINEAR, this is the freezing potential temperature at S=0, ! P=0. -DTFREEZE_DS = -0.054 ! [deg C PSU-1] default = -0.054 +DTFREEZE_DS = -0.054 ! [degC ppt-1] default = -0.054 ! When TFREEZE_FORM=LINEAR, this is the derivative of the freezing potential ! temperature with salinity. -DTFREEZE_DP = -7.75E-08 ! [deg C Pa-1] default = 0.0 +DTFREEZE_DP = -7.75E-08 ! [degC Pa-1] default = 0.0 ! When TFREEZE_FORM=LINEAR, this is the derivative of the freezing potential ! temperature with pressure. @@ -372,6 +370,12 @@ RESTART_CHECKSUMS_REQUIRED = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! may want to avoid this comparison if for example the restarts are made from a ! run with a different mask_table than the current run, in which case the ! checksums will not match and cause crash. +STREAMING_FILTER_M2 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turn on streaming band-pass filter for detecting instantaneous tidal + ! signals. +STREAMING_FILTER_K1 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turn on streaming band-pass filter for detecting instantaneous tidal + ! signals. ! === module MOM_tracer_flow_control === USE_USER_TRACER_EXAMPLE = False ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -455,10 +459,8 @@ COORD_CONFIG = "none" ! default = "none" ! USER - call a user modified routine. GFS = 9.8 ! [m s-2] default = 9.8 ! The reduced gravity at the free surface. -REMAP_UV_USING_OLD_ALG = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, uses the old remapping-via-a-delta-z method for remapping u and v. If - ! false, uses the new method that remaps between grids described by an old and - ! new thickness. +LIGHTEST_DENSITY = 1035.0 ! [kg m-3] default = 1035.0 + ! The reference potential density used for layer 1. REGRIDDING_COORDINATE_MODE = "ZSTAR" ! default = "LAYER" ! Coordinate mode for vertical regridding. Choose among the following ! possibilities: LAYER - Isopycnal or stacked shallow water layers @@ -480,6 +482,8 @@ ALE_COORDINATE_CONFIG = "FILE:ocean_vgrid.nc,interfaces=zeta" ! default = "UNIFO ! by a comma or space, e.g. FILE:lev.nc,dz ! or FILE:lev.nc,interfaces=zw ! WOA09[:N] - the WOA09 vertical grid (approximately) + ! WOA09INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA09 depths + ! WOA23INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA23 depths ! FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision ! HYBRID:string - read from a file. The string specifies ! the filename and two variable names, separated @@ -525,17 +529,19 @@ REMAP_BOUND_INTERMEDIATE_VALUES = False ! [Boolean] default = False REMAP_BOUNDARY_EXTRAP = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, values at the interfaces of boundary cells are extrapolated instead ! of piecewise constant -REMAPPING_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers - ! from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the - ! same expressions. +INIT_BOUNDARY_EXTRAP = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, values at the interfaces of boundary cells are extrapolated instead + ! of piecewise constant during initialization.Defaults to REMAP_BOUNDARY_EXTRAP. +REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! This selects the remapping algorithm used in OM4 that does not use the full + ! reconstruction for the top- and lower-most sub-layers, but instead assumes + ! they are always vanished (untrue) and so just uses their edge values. We + ! recommend setting this option to false. REMAPPING_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! The vintage of the expressions and order of arithmetic to use for remapping. ! Values below 20190101 result in the use of older, less accurate expressions ! that were in use at the end of 2018. Higher values result in the use of more - ! robust and accurate forms of mathematically equivalent expressions. If both - ! REMAPPING_2018_ANSWERS and REMAPPING_ANSWER_DATE are specified, the latter - ! takes precedence. + ! robust and accurate forms of mathematically equivalent expressions. PARTIAL_CELL_VELOCITY_REMAP = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use partial cell thicknesses at velocity points that are masked out ! where they extend below the shallower of the neighboring bathymetry for @@ -589,10 +595,10 @@ Z_INIT_ALE_REMAPPING = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If True, then remap straight to model coordinate from file. Z_INIT_REMAPPING_SCHEME = "PPM_IH4" ! default = "PPM_IH4" ! The remapping scheme to use if using Z_INIT_ALE_REMAPPING is True. -Z_INIT_REMAP_GENERAL = False ! [Boolean] default = False +Z_INIT_REMAP_GENERAL = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If false, only initializes to z* coordinates. If true, allows initialization ! directly to general coordinates. -Z_INIT_REMAP_FULL_COLUMN = False ! [Boolean] default = False +Z_INIT_REMAP_FULL_COLUMN = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If false, only reconstructs profiles for valid data points. If true, inserts ! vanished layers below the valid data. Z_INIT_REMAP_OLD_ALG = False ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -602,25 +608,24 @@ TEMP_SALT_INIT_VERTICAL_REMAP_ONLY = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, initial conditions are on the model horizontal grid. Extrapolation ! over missing ocean values is done using an ICE-9 procedure with vertical ALE ! remapping . -HOR_REGRID_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use the order of arithmetic for horizontal regridding that recovers - ! the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use rotationally symmetric forms - ! of the same expressions. +Z_INIT_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for initialization. See + ! REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for more details. We recommend setting this option + ! to false. HOR_REGRID_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! The vintage of the order of arithmetic for horizontal regridding. Dates ! before 20190101 give the same answers as the code did in late 2018, while ! later versions add parentheses for rotational symmetry. Dates after 20230101 - ! use reproducing sums for global averages. If both HOR_REGRID_2018_ANSWERS and - ! HOR_REGRID_ANSWER_DATE are specified, the latter takes precedence. + ! use reproducing sums for global averages. LAND_FILL_TEMP = 0.0 ! [degC] default = 0.0 ! A value to use to fill in ocean temperatures on land points. -LAND_FILL_SALIN = 35.0 ! [1e-3] default = 35.0 +LAND_FILL_SALIN = 35.0 ! [ppt] default = 35.0 ! A value to use to fill in ocean salinities on land points. HORIZ_INTERP_TOL_TEMP = 0.001 ! [degC] default = 0.001 ! The tolerance in temperature changes between iterations when interpolating ! from an input dataset using horiz_interp_and_extrap_tracer. This routine ! converges slowly, so an overly small tolerance can get expensive. -HORIZ_INTERP_TOL_SALIN = 0.001 ! [1e-3] default = 0.001 +HORIZ_INTERP_TOL_SALIN = 0.001 ! [ppt] default = 0.001 ! The tolerance in salinity changes between iterations when interpolating from ! an input dataset using horiz_interp_and_extrap_tracer. This routine converges ! slowly, so an overly small tolerance can get expensive. @@ -656,7 +661,11 @@ SPONGE = False ! [Boolean] default = False NUM_DIAG_COORDS = 1 ! default = 1 ! The number of diagnostic vertical coordinates to use. For each coordinate, an ! entry in DIAG_COORDS must be provided. -USE_GRID_SPACE_DIAGNOSTIC_AXES = False ! [Boolean] default = False +DIAG_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for diagnostics. See + ! REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting this option to + ! false. +USE_INDEX_DIAGNOSTIC_AXES = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a grid index coordinate convention for diagnostic axes. DIAG_COORDS = "z Z ZSTAR" ! default = "z Z ZSTAR" ! A list of string tuples associating diag_table modules to a coordinate @@ -679,6 +688,8 @@ DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z = "FILE:ocean_vgrid.nc,interfaces=zeta" ! default = "WOA09" ! by a comma or space, e.g. FILE:lev.nc,dz ! or FILE:lev.nc,interfaces=zw ! WOA09[:N] - the WOA09 vertical grid (approximately) + ! WOA09INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA09 depths + ! WOA23INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA23 depths ! FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision ! HYBRID:string - read from a file. The string specifies ! the filename and two variable names, separated @@ -732,6 +743,10 @@ MEKE_RESTORING_TIMESCALE = 1.0E+07 ! [s] default = 1.0E+06 MEKE_FRCOEFF = -1.0 ! [nondim] default = -1.0 ! The efficiency of the conversion of mean energy into MEKE. If MEKE_FRCOEFF is ! negative, this conversion is not used or calculated. +MEKE_BHFRCOEFF = -1.0 ! [nondim] default = -1.0 + ! The efficiency of the conversion of mean energy into MEKE by the biharmonic + ! dissipation. If MEKE_bhFRCOEFF is negative, this conversion is not used or + ! calculated. MEKE_GMECOEFF = -1.0 ! [nondim] default = -1.0 ! The efficiency of the conversion of MEKE into mean energy by GME. If ! MEKE_GMECOEFF is negative, this conversion is not used or calculated. @@ -830,6 +845,8 @@ MEKE_TOPOGRAPHIC_BETA = 0.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! A scale factor to determine how much topographic beta is weighed in computing ! beta in the expression of Rhines scale. Use 1 if full topographic beta effect ! is considered; use 0 if it's completely ignored. +SQG_USE_MEKE = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, the eddy scale of MEKE is used for the SQG vertical structure CDRAG = 0.003 ! [nondim] default = 0.003 ! CDRAG is the drag coefficient relating the magnitude of the velocity field to ! the bottom stress. @@ -863,12 +880,33 @@ RESOLN_SCALED_KHTR = False ! [Boolean] default = False RESOLN_USE_EBT = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, uses the equivalent barotropic wave speed instead of first baroclinic ! wave for calculating the resolution fn. +BACKSCAT_EBT_POWER = 0.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 + ! Power to raise EBT vertical structure to when backscatter has vertical + ! structure. +BS_USE_SQG_STRUCT = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, the SQG vertical structure is used for backscatter on the condition + ! that BS_EBT_power=0 +SQG_EXPO = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = 1.0 + ! Nondimensional exponent coeffecient of the SQG mode that is used for the + ! vertical struture of diffusivities. KHTH_USE_EBT_STRUCT = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, uses the equivalent barotropic structure as the vertical structure of ! thickness diffusivity. +KHTH_USE_SQG_STRUCT = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, uses the surface quasigeostrophic structure as the vertical structure + ! of thickness diffusivity. +KHTR_USE_EBT_STRUCT = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, uses the equivalent barotropic structure as the vertical structure of + ! tracer diffusivity. +KHTR_USE_SQG_STRUCT = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, uses the surface quasigeostrophic structure as the vertical structure + ! of tracer diffusivity. KD_GL90_USE_EBT_STRUCT = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, uses the equivalent barotropic structure as the vertical structure of ! diffusivity in the GL90 scheme. +KD_GL90_USE_SQG_STRUCT = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, uses the equivalent barotropic structure as the vertical structure of + ! diffusivity in the GL90 scheme. KHTH_SLOPE_CFF = 0.01 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! The nondimensional coefficient in the Visbeck formula for the interface depth ! diffusivity @@ -885,9 +923,10 @@ VERY_SMALL_FREQUENCY = 1.0E-17 ! [s-1] default = 1.0E-17 USE_STANLEY_ISO = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in isopycnal slope ! code. -RESOLN_N2_FILTER_DEPTH = 2000.0 ! [m] default = 2000.0 +RESOLN_N2_FILTER_DEPTH = -1.0 ! [m] default = -1.0 ! The depth below which N2 is monotonized to avoid stratification artifacts from - ! altering the equivalent barotropic mode structure. + ! altering the equivalent barotropic mode structure. This monotonzization is + ! disabled if this parameter is negative. VISBECK_MAX_SLOPE = 0.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! If non-zero, is an upper bound on slopes used in the Visbeck formula for ! diffusivity. This does not affect the isopycnal slope calculation used within @@ -936,20 +975,18 @@ INTERNAL_WAVE_SPEED_MIN = 0.0 ! [m s-1] default = 0.0 INTERNAL_WAVE_SPEED_BETTER_EST = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a more robust estimate of the first mode wave speed as the ! starting point for iterations. +EBT_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for calculating EBT + ! structure. See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting + ! this option to false. USE_QG_LEITH_GM = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the QG Leith viscosity as the GM coefficient. ! === module MOM_set_visc === -SET_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers - ! from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the - ! same expressions. SET_VISC_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! The vintage of the order of arithmetic and expressions in the set viscosity ! calculations. Values below 20190101 recover the answers from the end of 2018, ! while higher values use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions. - ! If both SET_VISC_2018_ANSWERS and SET_VISC_ANSWER_DATE are specified, the - ! latter takes precedence. BOTTOMDRAGLAW = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, the bottom stress is calculated with a drag law of the form ! c_drag*|u|*u. The velocity magnitude may be an assumed value or it may be @@ -1014,6 +1051,9 @@ SMAG_CONST_CHANNEL = 0.15 ! [nondim] default = 0.15 ! channel drag if it is enabled. The default is to use the same value as ! SMAG_LAP_CONST if it is defined, or 0.15 if it is not. The value used is also ! 0.15 if the specified value is negative. +TRIG_CHANNEL_DRAG_WIDTHS = True ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use trigonometric expressions to determine the fractional open + ! interface lengths for concave topography. CHANNEL_DRAG_MAX_BBL_THICK = -1.0 ! [m] default = -1.0 ! The maximum bottom boundary layer thickness over which the channel drag is ! exerted, or a negative value for no fixed limit, instead basing the BBL @@ -1068,16 +1108,10 @@ USE_STANLEY_GM = False ! [Boolean] default = False MEKE_GEOMETRIC_EPSILON = 1.0E-07 ! [s-1] default = 1.0E-07 ! Minimum Eady growth rate used in the calculation of GEOMETRIC thickness ! diffusivity. -MEKE_GEOMETRIC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use expressions in the MEKE_GEOMETRIC calculation that recover the - ! answers from the original implementation. Otherwise, use expressions that - ! satisfy rotational symmetry. MEKE_GEOMETRIC_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! The vintage of the expressions in the MEKE_GEOMETRIC calculation. Values ! below 20190101 recover the answers from the original implementation, while - ! higher values use expressions that satisfy rotational symmetry. If both - ! MEKE_GEOMETRIC_2018_ANSWERS and MEKE_GEOMETRIC_ANSWER_DATE are specified, the - ! latter takes precedence. + ! higher values use expressions that satisfy rotational symmetry. USE_KH_IN_MEKE = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, uses the thickness diffusivity calculated here to diffuse MEKE. MEKE_MIN_DEPTH_DIFF = 1.0 ! [m] default = 1.0 @@ -1094,26 +1128,11 @@ STOCH_EOS = False ! [Boolean] default = False STANLEY_COEFF = -1.0 ! [nondim] default = -1.0 ! Coefficient correlating the temperature gradient and SGS T variance. -! === module MOM_porous_barriers === -PORBAR_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 - ! The vintage of the porous barrier weight function calculations. Values below - ! 20220806 recover the old answers in which the layer averaged weights are not - ! strictly limited by an upper-bound of 1.0 . -PORBAR_MASKING_DEPTH = 0.0 ! [m] default = 0.0 - ! If the effective average depth at the velocity cell is shallower than this - ! number, then porous barrier is not applied at that location. - ! PORBAR_MASKING_DEPTH is assumed to be positive below the sea surface. -PORBAR_ETA_INTERP = "MAX" ! default = "MAX" - ! A string describing the method that decides how the interface heights at the - ! velocity points are calculated. Valid values are: - ! MAX (the default) - maximum of the adjacent cells - ! MIN - minimum of the adjacent cells - ! ARITHMETIC - arithmetic mean of the adjacent cells - ! HARMONIC - harmonic mean of the adjacent cells - ! === module MOM_dynamics_split_RK2 === TIDES = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing. +CALCULATE_SAL = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, calculate self-attraction and loading. BE = 0.6 ! [nondim] default = 0.6 ! If SPLIT is true, BE determines the relative weighting of a 2nd-order ! Runga-Kutta baroclinic time stepping scheme (0.5) and a backward Euler scheme @@ -1136,13 +1155,15 @@ STORE_CORIOLIS_ACCEL = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! use in the predictor step of the next split RK2 timestep. FPMIX = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, apply profiles of momentum flux magnitude and direction - -! === module MOM_continuity === -CONTINUITY_SCHEME = "PPM" ! default = "PPM" - ! CONTINUITY_SCHEME selects the discretization for the continuity solver. The - ! only valid value currently is: - ! PPM - use a positive-definite (or monotonic) - ! piecewise parabolic reconstruction solver. +VISC_REM_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, visc_rem_[uv] in split mode is incorrectly calculated or accounted + ! for in two places. This parameter controls the defaults of two individual + ! flags, VISC_REM_TIMESTEP_BUG in MOM_dynamics_split_RK2(b) and + ! VISC_REM_BT_WEIGHT_BUG in MOM_barotropic. +VISC_REM_TIMESTEP_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, recover a bug that uses dt_pred rather than dt in vertvisc_remnant() + ! at the end of predictor stage for the following continuity() and btstep() + ! calls in the corrector step. Default of this flag is set by VISC_REM_BUG ! === module MOM_continuity_PPM === MONOTONIC_CONTINUITY = False ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -1218,69 +1239,6 @@ PV_ADV_SCHEME = "PV_ADV_CENTERED" ! default = "PV_ADV_CENTERED" ! PV_ADV_CENTERED - centered (aka Sadourny, 75) ! PV_ADV_UPWIND1 - upwind, first order -! === module MOM_tidal_forcing === -TIDE_M2 = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the M2 frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_S2 = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the S2 frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_N2 = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the N2 frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_K2 = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the K2 frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_K1 = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the K1 frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_O1 = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the O1 frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_P1 = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the P1 frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_Q1 = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the Q1 frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_MF = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the MF frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_MM = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the MM frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDAL_SAL_FROM_FILE = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, read the tidal self-attraction and loading from input files, - ! specified by TIDAL_INPUT_FILE. This is only used if TIDES is true. -USE_PREVIOUS_TIDES = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use the SAL from the previous iteration of the tides to facilitate - ! convergent iteration. This is only used if TIDES is true. -TIDE_USE_SAL_SCALAR = True ! [Boolean] default = True - ! If true and TIDES is true, use the scalar approximation when calculating - ! self-attraction and loading. -TIDE_SAL_SCALAR_VALUE = 0.094 ! [m m-1] - ! The constant of proportionality between sea surface height (really it should - ! be bottom pressure) anomalies and bottom geopotential anomalies. This is only - ! used if TIDES and TIDE_USE_SAL_SCALAR are true. -TIDAL_SAL_SHT = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use the online spherical harmonics method to calculate - ! self-attraction and loading term in tides. -TIDE_REF_DATE = 0, 0, 0 ! default = 0 - ! Year,month,day to use as reference date for tidal forcing. If not specified, - ! defaults to 0. -TIDE_USE_EQ_PHASE = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! Correct phases by calculating equilibrium phase arguments for TIDE_REF_DATE. -TIDE_M2_FREQ = 1.405189E-04 ! [s-1] default = 1.405189E-04 - ! Frequency of the M2 tidal constituent. This is only used if TIDES and TIDE_M2 - ! are true, or if OBC_TIDE_N_CONSTITUENTS > 0 and M2 is in - ! OBC_TIDE_CONSTITUENTS. -TIDE_M2_AMP = 0.242334 ! [m] default = 0.242334 - ! Amplitude of the M2 tidal constituent. This is only used if TIDES and TIDE_M2 - ! are true. -TIDE_M2_PHASE_T0 = 0.0 ! [radians] default = 0.0 - ! Phase of the M2 tidal constituent at time 0. This is only used if TIDES and - ! TIDE_M2 are true. - ! === module MOM_PressureForce === ANALYTIC_FV_PGF = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true the pressure gradient forces are calculated with a finite volume form @@ -1289,9 +1247,27 @@ ANALYTIC_FV_PGF = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! al., O. Mod. (2008). ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +RHO_PGF_REF = 1035.0 ! [kg m-3] default = 1035.0 + ! The reference density that is subtracted off when calculating pressure + ! gradient forces. Its inverse is subtracted off of specific volumes when in + ! non-Boussinesq mode. The default is RHO_0. +SSH_IN_EOS_PRESSURE_FOR_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, include contributions from the sea surface height in the height-based + ! pressure used in the equation of state calculations for the Boussinesq + ! pressure gradient forces, including adjustments for atmospheric or sea-ice + ! pressure. MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use mass weighting when interpolating T/S for integrals near the ! bathymetry in FV pressure gradient calculations. +MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT_TOP = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true and MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT is true, use mass weighting when + ! interpolating T/S for integrals near the top of the water column in FV + ! pressure gradient calculations. +CORRECTION_INTXPA = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use a correction for surface pressure curvature in intx_pa. +RESET_INTXPA_INTEGRAL = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, reset INTXPA to match pressures at first nonvanished cell. Includes + ! pressure correction. USE_INACCURATE_PGF_RHO_ANOM = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a form of the PGF that uses the reference density in an ! inaccurate way. This is not recommended. @@ -1318,16 +1294,9 @@ USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! mesoscale eddies. ! === module MOM_hor_visc === -HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers - ! from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the - ! same expressions. -HOR_VISC_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 - ! The vintage of the order of arithmetic and expressions in the horizontal - ! viscosity calculations. Values below 20190101 recover the answers from the - ! end of 2018, while higher values use updated and more robust forms of the same - ! expressions. If both HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS and HOR_VISC_ANSWER_DATE are - ! specified, the latter takes precedence. +USE_CONT_THICKNESS = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use thickness at velocity points from continuity solver. This option + ! currently only works with split mode. LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. KH = 0.0 ! [m2 s-1] default = 0.0 @@ -1353,6 +1322,9 @@ BOUND_KH = True ! [Boolean] default = True BETTER_BOUND_KH = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, the Laplacian coefficient is locally limited to be stable with a ! better bounding than just BOUND_KH. +EY24_EBT_BS = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use the the backscatter scheme (EBT mode with kill switch)developed + ! by Yankovsky et al. (2024). ANISOTROPIC_VISCOSITY = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, allow anistropic viscosity in the Laplacian horizontal viscosity. ADD_LES_VISCOSITY = False ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -1386,6 +1358,13 @@ BETTER_BOUND_AH = True ! [Boolean] default = True RE_AH = 0.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! If nonzero, the biharmonic coefficient is scaled so that the biharmonic ! Reynolds number is equal to this. +BACKSCATTER_UNDERBOUND = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, the bounds on the biharmonic viscosity are allowed to increase where + ! the Laplacian viscosity is negative (due to backscatter parameterizations) + ! beyond the largest timestep-dependent stable values of biharmonic viscosity + ! when no Laplacian viscosity is applied. The default is true for historical + ! reasons, but this option probably should not be used because it can contribute + ! to numerical instabilities. USE_BETA_IN_LEITH = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, include the beta term in the Leith nonlinear eddy viscosity. MODIFIED_LEITH = False ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -1406,21 +1385,19 @@ HORVISC_BOUND_COEF = 0.8 ! [nondim] default = 0.8 USE_KH_BG_2D = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, read a file containing 2-d background harmonic viscosities. The final ! viscosity is the maximum of the other terms and this background value. +FRICTWORK_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, retain an answer-changing bug in calculating the FrictWork, which + ! cancels the h in thickness flux and the h at velocity point. This isnot + ! recommended. ! === module MOM_vert_friction === -VERT_FRICTION_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers - ! from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use expressions that do not use an arbitrary - ! hard-coded maximum viscous coupling coefficient between layers. VERT_FRICTION_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! The vintage of the order of arithmetic and expressions in the viscous ! calculations. Values below 20190101 recover the answers from the end of 2018, ! while higher values use expressions that do not use an arbitrary hard-coded ! maximum viscous coupling coefficient between layers. Values below 20230601 ! recover a form of the viscosity within the mixed layer that breaks up the - ! magnitude of the wind stress in some non-Boussinesq cases. If both - ! VERT_FRICTION_2018_ANSWERS and VERT_FRICTION_ANSWER_DATE are specified, the - ! latter takes precedence. + ! magnitude of the wind stress in some non-Boussinesq cases. DIRECT_STRESS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, the wind stress is distributed over the topmost HMIX_STRESS of fluid ! (like in HYCOM), and an added mixed layer viscosity or a physically based @@ -1524,18 +1501,20 @@ DYNAMIC_SURFACE_PRESSURE = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, add a dynamic pressure due to a viscous ice shelf, for instance. BT_CORIOLIS_SCALE = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = 1.0 ! A factor by which the barotropic Coriolis anomaly terms are scaled. -BAROTROPIC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use expressions for the barotropic solver that recover the answers - ! from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use more efficient or general expressions. BAROTROPIC_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! The vintage of the expressions in the barotropic solver. Values below 20190101 - ! recover the answers from the end of 2018, while higher values uuse more - ! efficient or general expressions. If both BAROTROPIC_2018_ANSWERS and - ! BAROTROPIC_ANSWER_DATE are specified, the latter takes precedence. -BAROTROPIC_TIDAL_SAL_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, the tidal self-attraction and loading anomaly in the barotropic - ! solver has the wrong sign, replicating a long-standing bug with a scalar - ! self-attraction and loading term or the SAL term from a previous simulation. + ! recover the answers from the end of 2018, while higher values use more + ! efficient or general expressions. +VISC_REM_BT_WEIGHT_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, recover a bug in barotropic solver that uses an unnormalized weight + ! function for vertical averages of baroclinic velocity and forcing. Default of + ! this flag is set by VISC_REM_BUG. +TIDAL_SAL_FLATHER = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, then apply adjustments to the external gravity wave speed used with + ! the Flather OBC routine consistent with the barotropic solver. This applies to + ! cases with tidal forcing using the scalar self-attraction approximation. The + ! default is currently False in order to retain previous answers but should be + ! set to True for new experiments SADOURNY = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, the Coriolis terms are discretized with the Sadourny (1975) energy ! conserving scheme, otherwise the Arakawa & Hsu scheme is used. If the @@ -1612,7 +1591,7 @@ FOX_KEMPER_ML_RESTRAT_COEF = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! instabilities, times the minimum of the ratio of the mesoscale eddy kinetic ! energy to the large-scale geostrophic kinetic energy or 1 plus the square of ! the grid spacing over the deformation radius, as detailed by Fox-Kemper et al. - ! (2010) + ! (2011) USE_STANLEY_ML = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in ML restrat code. FOX_KEMPER_ML_RESTRAT_COEF2 = 0.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 @@ -1639,7 +1618,7 @@ MLE_MLD_DECAY_TIME2 = 0.0 ! [s] default = 0.0 ! to the current MLD. MLE_DENSITY_DIFF = 0.03 ! [kg/m3] default = 0.03 ! Density difference used to detect the mixed-layer depth used for the - ! mixed-layer eddy parameterization by Fox-Kemper et al. (2010) + ! mixed-layer eddy parameterization by Fox-Kemper et al. (2011) MLE_TAIL_DH = 0.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! Fraction by which to extend the mixed-layer restratification depth used for a ! smoother stream function at the base of the mixed-layer. @@ -1662,6 +1641,10 @@ DIAG_EBT_MONO_N2_COLUMN_FRACTION = 0.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 DIAG_EBT_MONO_N2_DEPTH = -1.0 ! [m] default = -1.0 ! The depth below which N2 is limited as monotonic for the purposes of ! calculating the equivalent barotropic wave speed. +INTWAVE_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for calculating EBT + ! structure. See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting + ! this option to false. ! === module MOM_diabatic_driver === ! The following parameters are used for diabatic processes. @@ -1714,6 +1697,9 @@ EVAP_CFL_LIMIT = 0.8 ! [nondim] default = 0.8 MLD_EN_VALS = 3*0.0 ! [J/m2] default = 0.0 ! The energy values used to compute MLDs. If not set (or all set to 0.), the ! default will overwrite to 25., 2500., 250000. +HREF_FOR_MLD = 0.0 ! [m] default = 0.0 + ! Reference depth used to calculate the potential density used to find the mixed + ! layer depth based on a delta rho = 0.03 kg/m3. DIAG_MLD_DENSITY_DIFF = 0.1 ! [kg/m3] default = 0.1 ! The density difference used to determine a diagnostic mixed layer depth, ! MLD_user, following the definition of Levitus 1982. The MLD is the depth at @@ -1814,6 +1800,10 @@ STOKES_MIXING = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! Flag for Langmuir turbulence enhancement of turbulentmixing coefficient. USE_KPP_LT_VT2 = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! Flag for Langmuir turbulence enhancement of Vt2in Bulk Richardson Number. +ANSWER_DATE = 20240101 ! default = 20240101 + ! The vintage of the order of arithmetic in the CVMix KPP calculations. Values + ! below 20240501 recover the answers from early in 2024, while higher values use + ! expressions that have been refactored for rotational symmetry. %KPP ! === module MOM_CVMix_conv === @@ -1839,16 +1829,10 @@ FLUX_RI_MAX = 0.2 ! [nondim] default = 0.2 ! The flux Richardson number where the stratification is large enough that N2 > ! omega2. The full expression for the Flux Richardson number is usually ! FLUX_RI_MAX*N2/(N2+OMEGA2). -SET_DIFF_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers - ! from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the - ! same expressions. SET_DIFF_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! The vintage of the order of arithmetic and expressions in the set diffusivity ! calculations. Values below 20190101 recover the answers from the end of 2018, ! while higher values use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions. - ! If both SET_DIFF_2018_ANSWERS and SET_DIFF_ANSWER_DATE are specified, the - ! latter takes precedence. ! === module MOM_tidal_mixing === ! Vertical Tidal Mixing Parameterization @@ -1880,6 +1864,14 @@ LOTW_BBL_USE_OMEGA = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! Otherwise, N is N. VON_KARMAN_BBL = 0.41 ! [nondim] default = 0.41 ! The value the von Karman constant as used in calculating the BBL diffusivity. +LOTW_BBL_ANSWER_DATE = 20190101 ! default = 20190101 + ! The vintage of the order of arithmetic and expressions in the LOTW_BBL + ! calculations. Values below 20240630 recover the original answers, while + ! higher values use more accurate expressions. This only applies when + ! USE_LOTW_BBL_DIFFUSIVITY is true. +DZ_BBL_AVG_MIN = 0.0 ! [m] default = 0.0 + ! A minimal distance over which to average to determine the average bottom + ! boundary layer density. ! === module MOM_bkgnd_mixing === ! Adding static vertical background mixing coefficients @@ -1945,6 +1937,10 @@ KD_SEED_KAPPA_SHEAR = 1.0 ! [m2 s-1] default = 1.0 ! A moderately large seed value of diapycnal diffusivity that is used as a ! starting turbulent diffusivity in the iterations to find an energetically ! constrained solution for the shear-driven diffusivity. +LZ_RESCALE = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = 1.0 + ! A coefficient to rescale the distance to the nearest solid boundary. This + ! adjustment is to account for regions where 3 dimensional turbulence prevents + ! the growth of shear instabilies [nondim]. TKE_BACKGROUND = 0.0 ! [m2 s-2] default = 0.0 ! A background level of TKE used in the first iteration of the kappa equation. ! TKE_BACKGROUND could be 0. @@ -2017,6 +2013,8 @@ USE_RIVER_HEAT_CONTENT = False ! [Boolean] default = False USE_CALVING_HEAT_CONTENT = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the fluxes%calving_Hflx field to set the heat carried by runoff, ! instead of using SST*CP*froz_runoff. +DO_BRINE_PLUME = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use a brine plume parameterization from Nguyen et al., 2009. VAR_PEN_SW = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use one of the CHL_A schemes specified by OPACITY_SCHEME to determine ! the e-folding depth of incoming short wave radiation. @@ -2039,16 +2037,10 @@ PEN_SW_FRAC = 0.42 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! The fraction of the shortwave radiation that penetrates below the surface. PEN_SW_NBANDS = 1 ! default = 1 ! The number of bands of penetrating shortwave radiation. -OPTICS_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers - ! from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated expressions for handling the - ! absorption of small remaining shortwave fluxes. OPTICS_ANSWER_DATE = 99991231 ! default = 99991231 ! The vintage of the order of arithmetic and expressions in the optics ! calculations. Values below 20190101 recover the answers from the end of 2018, ! while higher values use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions. - ! If both OPTICS_2018_ANSWERS and OPTICS_ANSWER_DATE are specified, the latter - ! takes precedence. PEN_SW_FLUX_ABSORB = 2.5E-11 ! [degC m s-1] default = 2.5E-11 ! A minimum remaining shortwave heating rate that will be simply absorbed in the ! next sufficiently thick layers for computational efficiency, instead of @@ -2067,13 +2059,14 @@ TRACER_ADVECTION_SCHEME = "PPM:H3" ! default = "PLM" ! PLM - Piecewise Linear Method ! PPM:H3 - Piecewise Parabolic Method (Huyhn 3rd order) ! PPM - Piecewise Parabolic Method (Colella-Woodward) +USE_HUYNH_STENCIL_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use a stencil width of 2 in PPM:H3 tracer advection. This is + ! incorrect and will produce regressions in certain configurations, but may be + ! required to reproduce results in legacy simulations. ! === module MOM_tracer_hor_diff === KHTR = 0.0 ! [m2 s-1] default = 0.0 ! The background along-isopycnal tracer diffusivity. -KHTR_USE_EBT_STRUCT = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, uses the equivalent barotropic structure as the vertical structure of - ! the tracer diffusivity. KHTR_MIN = 50.0 ! [m2 s-1] default = 0.0 ! The minimum along-isopycnal tracer diffusivity. KHTR_MAX = 0.0 ! [m2 s-1] default = 0.0 @@ -2124,6 +2117,11 @@ NDIFF_USE_UNMASKED_TRANSPORT_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use an older form for the accumulation of neutral-diffusion ! transports that were unmasked, as used prior to Jan 2018. This is not ! recommended. +NDIFF_ANSWER_DATE = 20240101 ! default = 20240101 + ! The vintage of the order of arithmetic to use for the neutral diffusion. + ! Values of 20240330 or below recover the answers from the original form of the + ! neutral diffusion code, while higher values use mathematically equivalent + ! expressions that recover rotational symmetry. ! === module MOM_hor_bnd_diffusion === ! This module implements horizontal diffusion of tracers near boundaries @@ -2150,6 +2148,10 @@ HBD_REMAPPING_SCHEME = "PLM" ! default = "PLM" ! WENO_HYBGEN (3rd-order accurate) ! PQM_IH4IH3 (4th-order accurate) ! PQM_IH6IH5 (5th-order accurate) +HBD_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for horizontal boundary + ! diffusion. See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting + ! this option to false. HBD_DEBUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, write out verbose debugging data in the HBD module. OBSOLETE_DIAGNOSTIC_IS_FATAL = True ! [Boolean] default = True @@ -2215,7 +2217,7 @@ OCEAN_SURFACE_STAGGER = "A" ! default = "C" ! A case-insensitive character string to indicate the staggering of the surface ! velocity field that is returned to the coupler. Valid values include 'A', ! 'B', or 'C'. -EPS_OMESH = 1.0E-04 ! [degrees] default = 1.0E-04 +EPS_OMESH = 1.0E-13 ! [degrees] default = 1.0E-04 ! Maximum allowable difference between ESMF mesh and MOM6 domain coordinates in ! nuopc cap. RESTORE_SALINITY = True ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -2263,7 +2265,7 @@ USE_LIMITED_PATM_SSH = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, return the sea surface height with the correction for the atmospheric ! (and sea-ice) pressure limited by max_p_surf instead of the full atmospheric ! pressure. -WIND_STAGGER = "C" ! default = "C" +WIND_STAGGER = "A" ! default = "C" ! A case-insensitive character string to indicate the staggering of the input ! wind stress field. Valid values are 'A', 'B', or 'C'. WIND_STRESS_MULTIPLIER = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = 1.0 @@ -2283,7 +2285,7 @@ SALT_RESTORE_VARIABLE = "salt" ! default = "salt" SRESTORE_AS_SFLUX = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, the restoring of salinity is applied as a salt flux instead of as a ! freshwater flux. -MAX_DELTA_SRESTORE = 0.5 ! [PSU or g kg-1] default = 999.0 +MAX_DELTA_SRESTORE = 999.0 ! [PSU or g kg-1] default = 999.0 ! The maximum salinity difference used in restoring terms. MASK_SRESTORE_UNDER_ICE = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, disables SSS restoring under sea-ice based on a frazil criteria @@ -2306,8 +2308,8 @@ READ_GUST_2D = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a 2-dimensional gustiness supplied from an input file GUST_CONST = 0.02 ! [Pa] default = 0.0 ! The background gustiness in the winds. -FIX_USTAR_GUSTLESS_BUG = True ! [Boolean] default = True - ! If true correct a bug in the time-averaging of the gustless wind friction +USTAR_GUSTLESS_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true include a bug in the time-averaging of the gustless wind friction ! velocity USE_RIGID_SEA_ICE = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, sea-ice is rigid enough to exert a nonhydrostatic pressure that diff --git a/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.debugging b/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.debugging index 9ae7c7f..6c393b2 100644 --- a/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.debugging +++ b/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.debugging @@ -77,6 +77,9 @@ DEBUG_BT = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! The following parameters are used for diabatic processes. DEBUG_CONSERVATION = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, monitor conservation and extrema. +WRITE_TRACER_MIN_MAX = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, write the maximum and minimum values of temperature, salinity and + ! some tracer concentrations to stdout when the energy files are written. ! === module MOM_file_parser === REPORT_UNUSED_PARAMS = True ! [Boolean] default = True diff --git a/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.layout b/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.layout index 2b2a0a0..040447f 100644 --- a/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.layout +++ b/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.layout @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GLOBAL_INDEXING = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! static memory. ! === module MOM_domains === -!SYMMETRIC_MEMORY_ = False ! [Boolean] +!SYMMETRIC_MEMORY_ = True ! [Boolean] ! If defined, the velocity point data domain includes every face of the ! thickness points. In other words, some arrays are larger than others, ! depending on where they are on the staggered grid. Also, the starting index @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ THIN_HALO_UPDATES = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! the PE count to be changed at run time. This can only be set at compile time. AUTO_MASKTABLE = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! Turn on automatic mask table generation to eliminate land blocks. -MASKTABLE = "MOM_auto_mask_table" ! default = "MOM_mask_table" +MASKTABLE = "MOM_auto_mask_table" ! default = "MOM_mask_table" ! A text file to specify n_mask, layout and mask_list. This feature masks out ! processors that contain only land points. The first line of mask_table is the ! number of regions to be masked out. The second line is the layout of the model @@ -38,19 +38,19 @@ MASKTABLE = "MOM_auto_mask_table" ! default = "MOM_mask_table" ! 4,6 ! 1,2 ! 3,6 -NIPROC = 36 ! +NIPROC = 31 ! ! The number of processors in the x-direction. With STATIC_MEMORY_ this is set ! in MOM_memory.h at compile time. -NJPROC = 30 ! +NJPROC = 56 ! ! The number of processors in the y-direction. With STATIC_MEMORY_ this is set ! in MOM_memory.h at compile time. -LAYOUT = 36, 30 ! +LAYOUT = 31, 56 ! ! The processor layout that was actually used. AUTO_IO_LAYOUT_FAC = 0 ! default = 0 ! When AUTO_MASKTABLE is enabled, io layout is calculated by performing integer ! division of the runtime-determined domain layout with this factor. If the ! factor is set to 0 (default), the io layout is set to 1,1. -IO_LAYOUT = 1, 1 ! default = 1 +IO_LAYOUT = 1, 1 ! ! The processor layout to be used, or 0,0 to automatically set the io_layout to ! be the same as the layout. diff --git a/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.short index fea9a83..610ba8f 100644 --- a/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/docs/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -1,9 +1,6 @@ ! This file was written by the model and records the non-default parameters used at run-time. ! === module MOM === -DIABATIC_FIRST = True ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply diabatic and thermodynamic processes, including buoyancy - ! forcing and mass gain or loss, before stepping the dynamics forward. USE_REGRIDDING = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If True, use the ALE algorithm (regridding/remapping). If False, use the ! layered isopycnal algorithm. @@ -66,7 +63,7 @@ NJGLOBAL = 1080 ! ! domain. With STATIC_MEMORY_ this is set in MOM_memory.h at compile time. ! === module MOM_fixed_initialization === -INPUTDIR = "./input/" ! default = "." +INPUTDIR = "./INPUT/" ! default = "." ! The directory in which input files are found. ! === module MOM_grid_init === @@ -80,6 +77,8 @@ GRID_CONFIG = "mosaic" ! ! mercator - use a Mercator spherical grid. GRID_FILE = "ocean_hgrid.nc" ! ! Name of the file from which to read horizontal grid data. +RAD_EARTH = 6.371229E+06 ! [m] default = 6.378E+06 + ! The radius of the Earth. TOPO_CONFIG = "file" ! ! This specifies how bathymetry is specified: ! file - read bathymetric information from the file @@ -107,11 +106,6 @@ TOPO_CONFIG = "file" ! ! Phillips - ACC-like idealized topography used in the Phillips config. ! dense - Denmark Strait-like dense water formation and overflow. ! USER - call a user modified routine. -MINIMUM_DEPTH = 0.5 ! [m] default = 0.0 - ! If MASKING_DEPTH is unspecified, then anything shallower than MINIMUM_DEPTH is - ! assumed to be land and all fluxes are masked out. If MASKING_DEPTH is - ! specified, then all depths shallower than MINIMUM_DEPTH but deeper than - ! MASKING_DEPTH are rounded to MINIMUM_DEPTH. MAXIMUM_DEPTH = 6000.0 ! [m] ! The maximum depth of the ocean. @@ -121,7 +115,12 @@ NK = 50 ! [nondim] ! The number of model layers. ! === module MOM_EOS === -DTFREEZE_DP = -7.75E-08 ! [deg C Pa-1] default = 0.0 +EQN_OF_STATE = "WRIGHT_REDUCED" ! default = "WRIGHT" + ! EQN_OF_STATE determines which ocean equation of state should be used. + ! Currently, the valid choices are "LINEAR", "UNESCO", "JACKETT_MCD", "WRIGHT", + ! "WRIGHT_REDUCED", "WRIGHT_FULL", "NEMO", "ROQUET_RHO", "ROQUET_SPV" and + ! "TEOS10". This is only used if USE_EOS is true. +DTFREEZE_DP = -7.75E-08 ! [degC Pa-1] default = 0.0 ! When TFREEZE_FORM=LINEAR, this is the derivative of the freezing potential ! temperature with pressure. @@ -151,6 +150,8 @@ ALE_COORDINATE_CONFIG = "FILE:ocean_vgrid.nc,interfaces=zeta" ! default = "UNIFO ! by a comma or space, e.g. FILE:lev.nc,dz ! or FILE:lev.nc,interfaces=zw ! WOA09[:N] - the WOA09 vertical grid (approximately) + ! WOA09INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA09 depths + ! WOA23INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA23 depths ! FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision ! HYBRID:string - read from a file. The string specifies ! the filename and two variable names, separated @@ -169,6 +170,11 @@ REMAPPING_SCHEME = "PPM_H4" ! default = "PLM" ! WENO_HYBGEN (3rd-order accurate) ! PQM_IH4IH3 (4th-order accurate) ! PQM_IH6IH5 (5th-order accurate) +REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! This selects the remapping algorithm used in OM4 that does not use the full + ! reconstruction for the top- and lower-most sub-layers, but instead assumes + ! they are always vanished (untrue) and so just uses their edge values. We + ! recommend setting this option to false. ! === module MOM_state_initialization === INIT_LAYERS_FROM_Z_FILE = True ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -184,12 +190,23 @@ Z_INIT_FILE_PTEMP_VAR = "temp" ! default = "ptemp" ! The name of the potential temperature variable in TEMP_Z_INIT_FILE. Z_INIT_ALE_REMAPPING = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If True, then remap straight to model coordinate from file. +Z_INIT_REMAP_GENERAL = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If false, only initializes to z* coordinates. If true, allows initialization + ! directly to general coordinates. TEMP_SALT_INIT_VERTICAL_REMAP_ONLY = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, initial conditions are on the model horizontal grid. Extrapolation ! over missing ocean values is done using an ICE-9 procedure with vertical ALE ! remapping . +Z_INIT_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for initialization. See + ! REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for more details. We recommend setting this option + ! to false. ! === module MOM_diag_mediator === +DIAG_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for diagnostics. See + ! REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting this option to + ! false. DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z = "FILE:ocean_vgrid.nc,interfaces=zeta" ! default = "WOA09" ! Determines how to specify the coordinate resolution. Valid options are: ! PARAM - use the vector-parameter DIAG_COORD_RES_Z @@ -199,6 +216,8 @@ DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z = "FILE:ocean_vgrid.nc,interfaces=zeta" ! default = "WOA09" ! by a comma or space, e.g. FILE:lev.nc,dz ! or FILE:lev.nc,interfaces=zw ! WOA09[:N] - the WOA09 vertical grid (approximately) + ! WOA09INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA09 depths + ! WOA23INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA23 depths ! FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision ! HYBRID:string - read from a file. The string specifies ! the filename and two variable names, separated @@ -284,6 +303,10 @@ USE_STORED_SLOPES = True ! [Boolean] default = False KH_RES_SCALE_COEF = 0.4 ! [nondim] default = 1.0 ! A coefficient that determines how KhTh is scaled away if RESOLN_SCALED_... is ! true, as F = 1 / (1 + (KH_RES_SCALE_COEF*Rd/dx)^KH_RES_FN_POWER). +EBT_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for calculating EBT + ! structure. See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting + ! this option to false. ! === module MOM_set_visc === CHANNEL_DRAG = True ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -317,13 +340,12 @@ FGNV_C_MIN = 0.01 ! [m s-1] default = 0.0 USE_KH_IN_MEKE = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, uses the thickness diffusivity calculated here to diffuse MEKE. -! === module MOM_porous_barriers === - ! === module MOM_dynamics_split_RK2 === -TIDES = True ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing. - -! === module MOM_continuity === +VISC_REM_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, visc_rem_[uv] in split mode is incorrectly calculated or accounted + ! for in two places. This parameter controls the defaults of two individual + ! flags, VISC_REM_TIMESTEP_BUG in MOM_dynamics_split_RK2(b) and + ! VISC_REM_BT_WEIGHT_BUG in MOM_barotropic. ! === module MOM_continuity_PPM === ETA_TOLERANCE = 1.0E-06 ! [m] default = 2.5E-09 @@ -343,15 +365,6 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! option would have no effect on the SADOURNY Coriolis scheme if it were ! possible to use centered difference thickness fluxes. -! === module MOM_tidal_forcing === -TIDE_M2 = True ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the M2 frequency. This is only used - ! if TIDES is true. -TIDE_SAL_SCALAR_VALUE = 0.094 ! [m m-1] - ! The constant of proportionality between sea surface height (really it should - ! be bottom pressure) anomalies and bottom geopotential anomalies. This is only - ! used if TIDES and TIDE_USE_SAL_SCALAR are true. - ! === module MOM_PressureForce === ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === @@ -368,9 +381,20 @@ AH = 1.0E+12 ! [m4 s-1] default = 0.0 ! The background biharmonic horizontal viscosity. LEITH_AH = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a biharmonic Leith nonlinear eddy viscosity. +BACKSCATTER_UNDERBOUND = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, the bounds on the biharmonic viscosity are allowed to increase where + ! the Laplacian viscosity is negative (due to backscatter parameterizations) + ! beyond the largest timestep-dependent stable values of biharmonic viscosity + ! when no Laplacian viscosity is applied. The default is true for historical + ! reasons, but this option probably should not be used because it can contribute + ! to numerical instabilities. LEITH_BI_CONST = 128.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! The nondimensional biharmonic Leith constant, typical values are thus far ! undetermined. +FRICTWORK_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, retain an answer-changing bug in calculating the FrictWork, which + ! cancels the h in thickness flux and the h at velocity point. This isnot + ! recommended. ! === module MOM_vert_friction === HMIX_FIXED = 0.5 ! [m] @@ -418,7 +442,7 @@ FOX_KEMPER_ML_RESTRAT_COEF = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 ! instabilities, times the minimum of the ratio of the mesoscale eddy kinetic ! energy to the large-scale geostrophic kinetic energy or 1 plus the square of ! the grid spacing over the deformation radius, as detailed by Fox-Kemper et al. - ! (2010) + ! (2011) MLE_FRONT_LENGTH = 1000.0 ! [m] default = 0.0 ! If non-zero, is the frontal-length scale used to calculate the upscaling of ! buoyancy gradients that is otherwise represented by the parameter @@ -431,6 +455,10 @@ MLE_MLD_DECAY_TIME = 3.456E+05 ! [s] default = 0.0 ! MLD. ! === module MOM_diagnostics === +INTWAVE_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for calculating EBT + ! structure. See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting + ! this option to false. ! === module MOM_diabatic_driver === ! The following parameters are used for diabatic processes. @@ -561,6 +589,10 @@ USE_HORIZONTAL_BOUNDARY_DIFFUSION = True ! [Boolean] default = False HBD_LINEAR_TRANSITION = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If True, apply a linear transition at the base/top of the boundary. ! The flux will be fully applied at k=k_min and zero at k=k_max. +HBD_REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the OM4 remapping-via-subcells algorithm for horizontal boundary + ! diffusion. See REMAPPING_USE_OM4_SUBCELLS for details. We recommend setting + ! this option to false. ! === module MOM_sum_output === @@ -571,6 +603,9 @@ OCEAN_SURFACE_STAGGER = "A" ! default = "C" ! A case-insensitive character string to indicate the staggering of the surface ! velocity field that is returned to the coupler. Valid values include 'A', ! 'B', or 'C'. +EPS_OMESH = 1.0E-13 ! [degrees] default = 1.0E-04 + ! Maximum allowable difference between ESMF mesh and MOM6 domain coordinates in + ! nuopc cap. RESTORE_SALINITY = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, the coupled driver will add a globally-balanced fresh-water flux that ! drives sea-surface salinity toward specified values. @@ -583,6 +618,9 @@ LATENT_HEAT_VAPORIZATION = 2.501E+06 ! [J/kg] default = 2.5E+06 ADJUST_NET_FRESH_WATER_TO_ZERO = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, adjusts the net fresh-water forcing seen by the ocean (including ! restoring) to zero. +WIND_STAGGER = "A" ! default = "C" + ! A case-insensitive character string to indicate the staggering of the input + ! wind stress field. Valid values are 'A', 'B', or 'C'. ENTHALPY_FROM_COUPLER = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If True, the heat (enthalpy) associated with mass entering/leaving the ocean ! is provided via coupler. @@ -594,7 +632,5 @@ SALT_RESTORE_FILE = "salt_sfc_restore.nc" ! default = "salt_restore.nc" SRESTORE_AS_SFLUX = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, the restoring of salinity is applied as a salt flux instead of as a ! freshwater flux. -MAX_DELTA_SRESTORE = 0.5 ! [PSU or g kg-1] default = 999.0 - ! The maximum salinity difference used in restoring terms. GUST_CONST = 0.02 ! [Pa] default = 0.0 ! The background gustiness in the winds. diff --git a/fd.yaml b/fd.yaml index f5a6abc..e41c61d 100644 --- a/fd.yaml +++ b/fd.yaml @@ -3,852 +3,950 @@ institution: National ESPC, CSC & MCL Working Groups description: Community-based dictionary for shared coupling fields entries: - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: mediator export for atm/ocn flux calculation - #----------------------------------- - # + # + #----------------------------------- + # Current the following sections are below + # section: fields computed in med + # section: lnd import to med + # section: lnd export from med (computed in med) + # section: atm import to med + # section: atm export from med (computed in med) + # section: glc import to med + # section: glc export from med (computed in med) + # section: ice import to med + # section: ocn import to med + # section: ocn export from med (computed in med) + # section: river import to med + # section: river export from med (computed in med) + # section: wav import to med + #----------------------------------- + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: fields computed in med + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: cpl_scalars + canonical_units: unitless + # + - standard_name: frac + canonical_units: 1 + # + - standard_name: mask + canonical_units: 1 + # + - standard_name: area + canonical_units: radians**2 + description: med area for component + # - standard_name: Faox_evap alias: mean_evap_rate_atm_into_ocn canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: mediator export - atm/ocn evaporation water flux + description: med export - atm/ocn evaporation water flux computed in medidator # - standard_name: Faox_evap_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: mediator export - atm/ocn evaporation water flux 16O, 18O, HDO + description: med export - atm/ocn evaporation water flux 16O, 18O, HDO computed in medidator # - standard_name: Faox_lat alias: mean_laten_heat_flx_atm_into_ocn canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator export - atm/ocn surface latent heat flux + description: med export - atm/ocn surface latent heat flux computed in medidator # - standard_name: Faox_sen alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx_atm_into_ocn canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator export - atm/ocn surface sensible heat flux + description: med export - atm/ocn surface sensible heat flux computed in medidator # - standard_name: Faox_lwup alias: mean_up_lw_flx_ocn canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator export - long wave radiation flux over the ocean + description: med export - ocn long wave radiation flux over the ocean computed in medidator # - standard_name: Faox_taux alias: stress_on_air_ocn_zonal canonical_units: N m-2 - description: mediator export + description: med export - atm/ocn zonal surface stress computed in medidator # - standard_name: Faox_tauy alias: stress_on_air_ocn_merid canonical_units: N m-2 - description: mediator export + description: med export - atm/ocn meridional surface stress computed in medidator # - - standard_name: area - canonical_units: radians**2 - description: mediator area for component + - standard_name: Fwxx_taux + alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: wave import to med - zonal surface stress + # + - standard_name: Fwxx_tauy + alias: mean_merid_moment_flx + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: wave import to med - meridional surface stress # #----------------------------------- - # section: land export + # section: lnd import to med #----------------------------------- # - standard_name: Fall_evap canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Fall_evap_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Fall_fco2_lnd canonical_units: moles m-2 s-1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Fall_fire canonical_units: kg/m2/sec - description: land export - wild fire emission fluxes (1->10) + description: lnd import to med - wild fire emission fluxes (1->10) # - standard_name: Fall_flxdst canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export - dust fluxes from land (sizes 1->4) + description: lnd import to med - dust fluxes from lnd (sizes 1->4) # - standard_name: Fall_lat canonical_units: W m-2 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Fall_lwup canonical_units: W m-2 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Fall_sen canonical_units: W m-2 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Fall_swnet canonical_units: W m-2 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Fall_taux canonical_units: N m-2 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Fall_tauy canonical_units: N m-2 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Fall_voc canonical_units: molecules/m2/sec - description: land export - MEGAN voc emission fluxes from land (1->20) + description: lnd import to med - MEGAN voc emission fluxes from lnd (1->20) # - standard_name: Sl_anidf canonical_units: 1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_anidr canonical_units: 1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_avsdf canonical_units: 1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_avsdr canonical_units: 1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_ddvel canonical_units: cm/sec - description: land export - dry deposition velocities from (1->80) + description: lnd import to med - dry deposition velocities from (1->80) # - standard_name: Sl_fv canonical_units: m s-1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_fztop canonical_units: m - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_lfrac canonical_units: 1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_lfrin canonical_units: 1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_qref canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_qref_wiso canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_ram1 canonical_units: s/m - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_snowh canonical_units: m - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_snowh_wiso canonical_units: m - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_soilw canonical_units: m3/m3 - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - standard_name: Sl_t canonical_units: K - description: land export + description: lnd import to med # - - standard_name: Sl_topo_elev - canonical_units: m - description: land export to mediator in elevation classes (1->glc_nec) + - standard_name: Flrl_irrig + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: lnd export to river # - - standard_name: Sl_topo + - standard_name: Flrl_rofdto + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: lnd export to river + # + - standard_name: Flrl_rofgwl + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: lnd export to river + # + - standard_name: Flrl_rofi + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: lnd export to river + # + - standard_name: Flrl_rofsub + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: lnd export to river + # + - standard_name: Flrl_rofsur + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: lnd export to river + # + - standard_name: Sl_topo_elev canonical_units: m - description: mediator export to glc - no levation classes + description: lnd import to med with elevation classes (1->glc_nec) # - standard_name: Sl_tsrf_elev canonical_units: deg C - description: land export to mediator in elevation classes (1->glc_nec) + description: lnd import to med with elevation classes (1->glc_nec) + # + - standard_name: Flgl_qice_elev + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: lnd import to med in elevation classes (1->glc_nec) + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: lnd export from med (computed in med) + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Sl_topo + canonical_units: m + description: lnd export from med with no elevation classes (computed in med) # - standard_name: Sl_tsrf canonical_units: deg C - description: mediator export to gcl with no elevation classes + description: lnd export from med with no elevation classes (computed in med) # - standard_name: Sl_tref canonical_units: K - description: mediator export to glc - no levation classes + description: lnd export from med with no elevation classes (computed in med) # - standard_name: Sl_u10 canonical_units: m - description: land export + description: lnd import to med with no elevation classes (computed in med) + # + - standard_name: Flgl_qice + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: lnd export to med no elevation classes (computed in med) # #----------------------------------- - # section: atmosphere export + # section: atm import to med #----------------------------------- # - standard_name: Faxa_nhx canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_noy canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_bcph canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_ocph canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_dstdry canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_dstwet canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_swdn alias: mean_down_sw_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med mean downward SW heat flux # - standard_name: Faxa_lwdn alias: mean_down_lw_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med mean downward SW heat flux # - standard_name: Faxa_ndep canonical_units: kg(N)/m2/sec - description: atmosphere export to land and ocean - currently nhx and noy + description: atm import to med - currently nhx and noy # - standard_name: Faxa_prec_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_rain alias: mean_prec_rate canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_rain_wiso alias: mean_prec_rate_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_rainc canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_rainc_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_rainl canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_rainl_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_snow alias: mean_fprec_rate canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_snow_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_snowc canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_snowc_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_snowl canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_snowl_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_swnet canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_lwnet canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_swndf alias: mean_down_sw_ir_dif_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward nir diffuse flux + description: atm import to med - mean surface downward nir diffuse flux # - standard_name: Faxa_swndr alias: mean_down_sw_ir_dir_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward nir direct flux + description: atm import to med - mean surface downward nir direct flux # - standard_name: Faxa_swvdf alias: mean_down_sw_vis_dif_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward uv+vis diffuse flux + description: atm import to med - mean surface downward uv+vis diffuse flux # - standard_name: Faxa_swvdr alias: mean_down_sw_vis_dir_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward uv+visvdirect flux + description: atm import to med - mean surface downward uv+visvdirect flux # - standard_name: Sa_co2diag canonical_units: 1e-6 mol/mol - description: atmosphere export - diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level + description: atm import to med - diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level # - standard_name: Sa_co2prog canonical_units: 1e-6 mol/mol - description: atmosphere export - prognostic CO2 at the lowest model level + description: atm import to med - prognostic CO2 at the lowest model level # - standard_name: Sa_o3 canonical_units: mol/mol - description: atmosphere export - O3 in the lowest model layer (prognosed or prescribed) + description: atm import to med - O3 in the lowest model layer (prognosed or prescribed) # - standard_name: Sa_lightning canonical_units: /min - description: atmosphere export - lightning flash freqency + description: atm import to med - lightning flash freqency # - standard_name: Sa_topo alias: inst_surface_height canonical_units: m - description: atmosphere export - topographic height + description: atm import to med - topographic height # - standard_name: Sa_dens alias: air_density_height_lowest canonical_units: kg m-3 - description: atmosphere export - density at the lowest model layer + description: atm import to med - density at the lowest model layer # - standard_name: Sa_pbot alias: inst_pres_height_lowest canonical_units: Pa - description: atmosphere export - pressure at lowest model layer + description: atm import to med - pressure at lowest model layer # - standard_name: Sa_pslv alias: inst_pres_height_surface canonical_units: Pa - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Sa_ptem canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer potential temperature + description: atm import to med - bottom layer potential temperature # - standard_name: Sa_shum alias: inst_spec_humid_height_lowest canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer specific humidity + description: atm import to med - bottom layer specific humidiaty # - standard_name: Sa_shum_wiso alias: inst_spec_humid_height_lowest_wiso canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer specific humidity 16O, 18O, HDO + description: atm import to med - bottom layer specific humidity 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Sa_tbot alias: inst_temp_height_lowest canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer temperature + description: atm import to med - bottom layer temperature # - standard_name: Sa_tskn alias: inst_temp_skin_temperature canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere export - sea surface skin temperature + description: atm import to med - sea surface skin temperature # - standard_name: Sa_u alias: inst_zonal_wind_height_lowest canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer zonal wind + description: atm import to med - bottom layer zonal wind # - standard_name: Sa_v alias: inst_merid_wind_height_lowest canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer meridional wind + description: atm import to med - bottom layer meridional wind + # + - standard_name: Sa_u10m + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: atm import to med - 10m zonal wind + # + - standard_name: Sa_v10m + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: atm import to med- 10m meridional wind # - standard_name: Sa_wspd alias: inst_wind_speed_height_lowest canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer wind speed + description: atm import to med - bottom layer wind speed # - standard_name: Sa_z alias: inst_height_lowest canonical_units: m - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer height + description: atm import to med - bottom layer height # - standard_name: Faxa_taux alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx_atm canonical_units: N m-2 - description: atmosphere export - zonal component of momentum flux + description: atm import to med - zonal component of momentum flux # - standard_name: Faxa_tauy alias: mean_merid_moment_flx_atm canonical_units: N m-2 - description: atmosphere export - meridional component of momentum flux + description: atm import to med - meridional component of momentum flux # - standard_name: Faxa_lat alias: mean_laten_heat_flx_atm canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # - standard_name: Faxa_sen alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx_atm canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export + description: atm import to med # #----------------------------------- - # section: atmosphere import + # section: atm export from med (computed in med) #----------------------------------- # - standard_name: Faxx_evap canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: to atm merged water evaporation flux + description: atm export from meditor - merged water evaporation flux # - standard_name: Faxx_evap_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: to atm merged water evaporation flux for 16O, 18O and HDO + description: atm export from med - merged water evaporation flux for 16O, 18O and HDO # - standard_name: Faxx_lat alias: mean_laten_heat_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to to atm merged latent heat flux + description: atm export from med - merged latent heat flux # - standard_name: Faxx_lwup canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to atm merged outgoing longwave radiation + description: atm export from med - merged outgoing longwave radiation # - standard_name: Faxx_sen alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to atm merged sensible heat flux + description: atm export from med - merged sensible heat flux # - standard_name: Faxx_taux alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx canonical_units: N m-2 - description: to atm merged zonal surface stress + description: atm export from med - merged zonal surface stress # - standard_name: Faxx_tauy alias: mean_merid_moment_flx canonical_units: N m-2 - description: to atm merged meridional surface stress + description: atm export from med - merged meridional surface stress # - standard_name: Sx_anidf canonical_units: 1 - description: atmosphere import - description: to atm merged surface diffuse albedo (near-infrared radiation) + description: atm export from med - merged surface diffuse albedo (near-infrared radiation) # - standard_name: Sx_anidr canonical_units: 1 - description: to atm merged direct surface albedo (near-infrared radiation) + description: atm export from med - merged direct surface albedo (near-infrared radiation) # - standard_name: Sx_avsdf canonical_units: 1 - description: to atm merged surface diffuse albedo (visible radation) + description: atm export from med - merged surface diffuse albedo (visible radation) # - standard_name: Sx_avsdr canonical_units: 1 - description: to atm merged direct surface albedo (visible radiation) + description: atm export from med - merged direct surface albedo (visible radiation) # - standard_name: Sx_qref canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: atmosphere import + description: atm export from med # - standard_name: Sx_qref_wiso canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: atmosphere import + description: atm export from med # - standard_name: Sx_t alias: surface_temperature canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere import + description: atm export from med # - standard_name: Sx_tref canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere import + description: atm export from med # - standard_name: Sx_u10 canonical_units: m - description: atmosphere import + description: atm export from med # - standard_name: So_ugustOut canonical_units: m/s - description: atmosphere import + description: atm export from med # - standard_name: So_u10withGust canonical_units: m/s - description: atmosphere import + description: atm export from med # - standard_name: So_u10res canonical_units: m/s - description: atmosphere import + description: atm export from med # #----------------------------------- - # section: land-ice export + # section: glc import to med + #----------------------------------- + # # Note that the fields sent from glc->med do NOT have elevation classes, # but the fields from med->lnd are broken into multiple elevation classes - #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Fgrg_rofi + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: glc import tomed - glacier frozen_runoff_flux_to_ocean + # + - standard_name: Fgrg_rofi_wiso + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: glc import to med - glacier_frozen_runoff_flux_to_ocean for 16O, 18O, HDO + # + - standard_name: Fgrg_rofl + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: glc import to med - glacier liquid runoff flux to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fgrg_rofl_wiso + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: glc import to med - glacier_frozen_runoff_flux_to_ocean for 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Figg_rofi canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land-ice export - glc frozen runoff_iceberg flux to ice + description: glc import to med - glc frozen runoff_iceberg flux to ice # - standard_name: Figg_rofi_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land-ice export - glc frozen runoff_iceberg flux to ice for 16O, 18O, HDO + description: glc import to med - glc frozen runoff_iceberg flux to ice for 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Flgg_hflx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: land-ice export to mediator (no elevation classes) - Downward heat flux from glacier interior, from mediator, elev class 0 - # - - standard_name: Flgg_hflx_elev - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator land-ice export to lnd (elevation classes 1->glc_nec) - Downward heat flux from glacier interior, from mediator, elev class 1->glc_nec + description: glc import to med to med (no elevation classes) + Downward heat flux from glacier interior, from med, elev class 0 # - standard_name: Sg_area canonical_units: area internal to the CISM grid in radians**2 - description: land-ice export to mediator (no elevation classes) + description: glc import to med to med (no elevation classes) # - standard_name: Sg_ice_covered canonical_units: 1 - description: land-ice export to mediator (no elevation classes) - # - - standard_name: Sg_ice_covered_elev - canonical_units: 1 - description: mediator land-ice export to lnd (elevation classes 1->glc_nec) + description: glc import to med (no elevation classes) # - standard_name: Sg_icemask canonical_units: 1 - description: land-ice export + description: glc import to med # - standard_name: Sg_icemask_coupled_fluxes canonical_units: 1 - description: land-ice export + description: glc import to med # - standard_name: Sg_topo canonical_units: m - description: land-ice export to mediator (no elevation classes) + description: glc import to med (no elevation classes) # - - standard_name: Sg_topo_elev - canonical_units: m - description: mediator land-ice export to lnd (elevation classes 1->glc_nec) - # - - standard_name: Fogg_rofi - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land-ice export - glacier_frozen_runoff_flux_to_ocean + #----------------------------------- + # section: glc export from med (computed in med) + #----------------------------------- # - - standard_name: Fogg_rofi_wiso - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land-ice export - glacier_frozen_runoff_flux_to_ocean for 16O, 18O, HDO + - standard_name: Flgg_hflx_elev + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: glc export from med (elevation classes 1->glc_nec) + Downward heat flux from glacier interior, from med, elev class 1->glc_nec # - - standard_name: Fogg_rofl - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land-ice export - glacier liquid runoff flux to ocean + - standard_name: Sg_ice_covered_elev + canonical_units: 1 + description: glc export from med (elevation classes 1->glc_nec) # - - standard_name: Fogg_rofl_wiso - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land-ice export - glacier_frozen_runoff_flux_to_ocean for 16O, 18O, HDO + - standard_name: Sg_topo_elev + canonical_units: m + description: glc export from med (elevation classes 1->glc_nec) # #----------------------------------- - # section: sea-ice export + # section: ice import to med #----------------------------------- # - standard_name: Faii_evap alias: mean_evap_rate_atm_into_ice canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Faii_evap_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export for 16O, 18O, HDO + description: ice import to med for 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Faii_lat alias: mean_laten_heat_flx_atm_into_ice canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to atm - atm/ice latent heat flux + description: ice import to med - atm/ice latent heat flux # - standard_name: Faii_sen alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx_atm_into_ice canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to atm - atm/ice sensible heat flux + description: ice import to med - atm/ice sensible heat flux # - standard_name: Faii_lwup alias: mean_up_lw_flx_ice canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export -outgoing logwave radiation + description: ice import to med -outgoing logwave radiation # - standard_name: Faii_swnet canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to atm + description: ice import to med to atm # - standard_name: Faii_taux alias: stress_on_air_ice_zonal canonical_units: N m-2 - description: sea-ice export to atm - air ice zonal stress + description: ice import to med - air ice zonal stress # - standard_name: Faii_tauy alias: stress_on_air_ice_merid canonical_units: N m-2 - description: sea-ice export - air ice meridional stress + description: ice import to med - air ice meridional stress # - standard_name: Fioi_bcphi canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - hydrophilic black carbon flux to ocean + description: ice import to med to ocean - hydrophilic black carbon flux to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_bcpho canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - hydrophobic black carbon flux to ocean + description: ice import to med to ocean - hydrophobic black carbon flux to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_flxdst canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - dust aerosol flux to ocean + description: ice import to med to ocean - dust aerosol flux to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_melth alias: net_heat_flx_to_ocn canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - net heat flux to ocean + description: ice import to med to ocean - net heat flux to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_melth_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - isotope head flux to ocean for 16O, 18O, HDO + description: ice import to med to ocean - isotope head flux to ocean for 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Fioi_melth_HDO canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - isotope head flux to ocean + description: ice import to med to ocean - isotope head flux to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_meltw alias: mean_fresh_water_to_ocean_rate canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - fresh water to ocean (h2o flux from melting) + description: ice import to med to ocean - fresh water to ocean (h2o flux from melting) # - standard_name: Fioi_meltw_wiso alias: mean_fresh_water_to_ocean_rate_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - fresh water to ocean (h2o flux from melting) for 16O, 18O, HDO + description: ice import to med to ocean - fresh water to ocean (h2o flux from melting) for 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Fioi_salt alias: mean_salt_rate canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - salt to ocean (salt flux from melting) + description: ice import to med - salt to ocean (salt flux from melting) # - standard_name: Fioi_swpen alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of shortwave through ice to ocean + description: ice import to med - flux of shortwave through ice to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_vdr alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_vis_dir_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of vis dir shortwave through ice to ocean + description: ice import to med - flux of vis dir shortwave through ice to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_vdf alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_vis_dif_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of vif dir shortwave through ice to ocean + description: ice import to med - flux of vif dir shortwave through ice to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_idr alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_ir_dir_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of ir dir shortwave through ice to ocean + description: ice import to med - flux of ir dir shortwave through ice to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_idf alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_ir_dif_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of ir dif shortwave through ice to ocean + description: ice import to med - flux of ir dif shortwave through ice to ocean # - standard_name: Fioi_taux alias: stress_on_ocn_ice_zonal canonical_units: N m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - ice ocean zonal stress + description: ice import to med - ice ocean zonal stress # - standard_name: Fioi_tauy alias: stress_on_ocn_ice_merid canonical_units: N m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - ice ocean meridional stress + description: ice import to med - ice ocean meridional stress # - standard_name: Si_anidf alias: inst_ice_ir_dif_albedo canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Si_anidr alias: inst_ice_ir_dir_albedo canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Si_avsdf alias: inst_ice_vis_dif_albedo canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Si_avsdr alias: inst_ice_vis_dir_albedo canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Si_ifrac alias: ice_fraction canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm - ice fraction (varies with time) + description: ice import to med - ice fraction (varies with time) # - standard_name: Si_ifrac_n alias: ice_fraction_n canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export - ice fraction per category (varies with time) + description: ice import to med - ice fraction per category (varies with time) # - standard_name: Si_imask alias: ice_mask canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export - ice mask + description: ice import to med - ice mask # - standard_name: Si_qref canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: sea-ice export to atm + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Si_qref_wiso canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: sea-ice export to atm + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Si_t alias: sea_ice_surface_temperature canonical_units: K - description: sea-ice export + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Si_tref canonical_units: K - description: sea-ice export + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Si_u10 canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export + description: ice import to med # - standard_name: Si_vice alias: mean_ice_volume canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - volume of ice per unit area + description: ice import to med - volume of ice per unit area # - standard_name: Si_snowh canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - surface_snow_water_equivalent + description: ice import to med - surface_snow_water_equivalent # - standard_name: Si_vsno alias: mean_snow_volume canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - volume of snow per unit area + description: ice import to med - volume of snow per unit area # - standard_name: Si_thick canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - ice thickness + description: ice import to med - ice thickness # - standard_name: Si_floediam canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - ice floe diameter + description: ice import to med - ice floe diameter # #----------------------------------- - # section: ocean export to mediator + # section: ocn import to med #----------------------------------- # - standard_name: Fioo_q alias: freezing_melting_potential canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: Faoo_fco2_ocn canonical_units: moles m-2 s-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med - surface flux of CO2 (downward positive) + # + - standard_name: Faoo_fdms_ocn + canonical_units: moles m-2 s-1 + description: ocn import to med - surface flux of DMS (downward positive) + # + - standard_name: Faoo_fbrf_ocn + canonical_units: moles m-2 s-1 + description: ocn import to med - surface flux of Bromoform (downward positive) + # + - standard_name: Faoo_fn2o_ocn + canonical_units: moles m-2 s-1 + description: ocn import to med - surface flux of N2O (downward positive) + # + - standard_name: Faoo_fnh3_ocn + canonical_units: moles m-2 s-1 + description: ocn import to med - surface flux of NH3 (downward positive) # - standard_name: So_anidf canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_anidr canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_avsdf canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_avsdr canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_bldepth alias: mixed_layer_depth canonical_units: m - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_dhdx alias: sea_surface_slope_zonal canonical_units: m m-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_dhdy alias: sea_surface_slope_merid canonical_units: m m-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_duu10n canonical_units: m2 s-2 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_fswpen canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_ofrac canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_omask alias: ocean_mask canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_qref canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_qref_wiso canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_re canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_qref_wiso canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_roce_wiso canonical_units: unitless - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_s alias: s_surf canonical_units: g kg-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_s_depth alias: s_surf_depths @@ -857,12 +955,12 @@ # - standard_name: So_ssq canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_t alias: sea_surface_temperature canonical_units: K - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_t_depth alias: sea_surface_temperature_depths @@ -871,292 +969,254 @@ # - standard_name: So_tref canonical_units: K - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_u alias: ocn_current_zonal canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_u10 canonical_units: m - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_ustar canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ocean export + description: ocn import to med # - standard_name: So_v alias: ocn_current_merid canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ocean export - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: river export - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Firr_rofi - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: river export - water flux into sea ice due to runoff (frozen) - # - - standard_name: Firr_rofi_wiso - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: river export - water flux into sea ice due to runoff (frozen) for 16O, 18O, HDO - # - - standard_name: Fixx_rofi - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: frozen runoff to ice from river and land-ice - # - - standard_name: Fixx_rofi_wiso - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: frozen runoff to ice from river and land-ice for 16O, 18O, HDO - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: lnd export to glc - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Flgl_qice - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: mediator export to glc no elevation classes - # - - standard_name: Flgl_qice_elev - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export to mediator in elevation classes (1->glc_nec) + description: ocn import to med # #----------------------------------- - # section: lnd export to river - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Flrl_irrig - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export to river - # - - standard_name: Flrl_rofdto - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export to river - # - - standard_name: Flrl_rofgwl - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export to river - # - - standard_name: Flrl_rofi - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export to river - # - - standard_name: Flrl_rofsub - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export to river - # - - standard_name: Flrl_rofsur - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export to river - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: river export - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Flrr_flood - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: river export to land - water flux due to flooding - # - - standard_name: Flrr_flood_wiso - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: river export to land - water flux due to flooding for 16O, 18O, HDO - # - - standard_name: Flrr_volr - canonical_units: m - description: river export to land - river channel total water volume - # - - standard_name: Flrr_volr_wiso - canonical_units: m - description: river export to land - river channel total water volume from 16O, 18O, HDO - # - - standard_name: Flrr_volrmch - canonical_units: m - description: river export to land - river channel main channel water volume - # - - standard_name: Flrr_volrmch_wiso - canonical_units: m - description: river export to land - river channel main channel water volume from 16O, 18O, HDO - # - - standard_name: Sr_tdepth - canonical_units: m - description: river export to land - tributary channel water depth - # - - standard_name: Sr_tdepth_max - canonical_units: m - description: river export to land - tributary channel bankfull depth - # - - standard_name: Forr_rofi - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: river export to ocean - water flux due to runoff (frozen) - # - - standard_name: Forr_rofi_wiso - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: river export to ocean - water flux due to runoff (frozen) for 16O, 18O, HDO - # - - standard_name: Forr_rofl - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: river export to ocean - water flux due to runoff (liquid) - # - - standard_name: Forr_rofl_wiso - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: river export to ocean - water flux due to runoff (frozen) for 16O, 18O, HDO - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: ocean import + # section: ocn export from med (computed in med) #----------------------------------- # - standard_name: Foxx_hrain alias: heat_content_lprec canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to ocn heat content of rain + description: med export to ocn heat content of rain # - standard_name: Foxx_hsnow alias: heat_content_fprec canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to ocn heat content of snow + description: med export to ocn heat content of snow # - standard_name: Foxx_hevap alias: heat_content_evap canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to ocn heat content of evaporation + description: med export to ocn heat content of evaporation # - standard_name: Foxx_hcond alias: heat_content_cond canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to ocn heat content of condensation + description: med export to ocn heat content of condensation # - standard_name: Foxx_hrofl alias: heat_content_rofl canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to ocn heat content of liquid runoff + description: med export to ocn heat content of liquid runoff # - standard_name: Foxx_hrofi alias: heat_content_rofi canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to ocn heat content of ice runoff + description: med export to ocn heat content of ice runoff + # + - standard_name: Foxx_hrofl_glc + alias: heat_content_rofl_glc + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: med export to ocn heat content of liquid glc runoff + # + - standard_name: Foxx_hrofi_glc + alias: heat_content_rofi_glc + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: med export to ocn heat content of ice glc runoff # - standard_name: Foxx_evap alias: mean_evap_rate canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - specific humidity flux + description: med export to ocn - specific humidity flux # - standard_name: Foxx_evap_wiso alias: mean_evap_rate_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - specific humidity flux 16O, 18O, HDO + description: med export to ocn - specific humidity flux 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Foxx_lat canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - latent heat flux into ocean + description: med export to ocn - latent heat flux into ocean # - standard_name: Foxx_lat_wiso canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - latent heat flux into ocean for 16O, 18O, HDO + description: med export to ocn - latent heat flux into ocean for 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Foxx_lat canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - latent heat flux into ocean for HDO + description: med export to ocn - latent heat flux into ocean for HDO # - standard_name: Foxx_sen alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - sensible heat flux into ocean + description: med export to ocn - sensible heat flux into ocean # - standard_name: Foxx_lwup canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - surface upward longwave heat flux + description: med export to ocn - surface upward longwave heat flux # - standard_name: Foxx_lwnet alias: mean_net_lw_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - mean NET long wave radiation flux to ocean + description: med export to ocn - mean NET long wave radiation flux to ocean # - standard_name: mean_runoff_rate canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - total runoff to ocean + description: med export to ocn - total runoff to ocean # - standard_name: mean_runoff_heat_flux canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - heat content of runoff + description: med export to ocn - heat content of runoff # - standard_name: mean_calving_rate canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - total calving to ocean + description: med export to ocn - total calving to ocean # - standard_name: mean_calving_heat_flux canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - heat content of calving + description: med export to ocn - heat content of calving # - standard_name: Foxx_rofi canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - water flux due to runoff (frozen) + description: med export to ocn - water flux due to runoff (frozen) # - standard_name: Foxx_rofi_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - water flux due to runoff (frozen) for 16O, 18O, HDO + description: med export to ocn - water flux due to runoff (frozen) for 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Foxx_rofl alias: mean_runoff_rate canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - water flux due to runoff (liquid) + description: med export to ocn - water flux due to runoff (liquid) # - standard_name: Foxx_rofl_wiso canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - water flux due to runoff (liquid) for 16O, 18O, HDO + description: med export to ocn - water flux due to runoff (liquid) for 16O, 18O, HDO # - standard_name: Foxx_swnet alias: mean_net_sw_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave radiation to ocean + description: med export to ocn - net shortwave radiation to ocean # - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_vdr alias: mean_net_sw_vis_dir_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave visible direct radiation to ocean + description: med export to ocn - net shortwave visible direct radiation to ocean # - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_vdf alias: mean_net_sw_vis_dif_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave visible diffuse radiation to ocean + description: med export to ocn - net shortwave visible diffuse radiation to ocean # - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_idr alias: mean_net_sw_ir_dir_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave ir direct radiation to ocean + description: med export to ocn - net shortwave ir direct radiation to ocean # - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_idf alias: mean_net_sw_ir_dif_flx canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave ir diffuse radiation to ocean + description: med export to ocn - net shortwave ir diffuse radiation to ocean # - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_afracr canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave radiation times atmosphere fraction + description: med export to ocn - net shortwave radiation times atmosphere fraction # - standard_name: Foxx_taux alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx canonical_units: N m-2 - description: ocean import - zonal surface stress + description: med export to ocn - zonal surface stress # - standard_name: Foxx_tauy alias: mean_merid_moment_flx canonical_units: N m-2 - description: ocean import - meridional surface stress + description: med export to ocn - meridional surface stress # - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_ifrac_n alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_ifrac_n canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave radiation penetrating into ice and ocean times ice fraction for thickness category 1 + description: med export to ocn - net shortwave radiation penetrating into ice and ocean times ice fraction for thickness category 1 # - standard_name: Sf_afrac canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean import - fractional atmosphere coverage wrt ocean + description: med export to ocn - fractional atmosphere coverage wrt ocean # - standard_name: Sf_afracr canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean import - fractional atmosphere coverage used in radiation computations wrt ocean + description: med export to ocn - fractional atmosphere coverage used in radiation computations wrt ocean + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: river import to med + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Flrr_flood + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: river import to med - water flux due to flooding + # + - standard_name: Flrr_flood_wiso + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: river import to med - water flux due to flooding for 16O, 18O, HDO + # + - standard_name: Flrr_volr + canonical_units: m + description: river import to med - river channel total water volume + # + - standard_name: Flrr_volr_wiso + canonical_units: m + description: river import to med - river channel total water volume from 16O, 18O, HDO + # + - standard_name: Flrr_volrmch + canonical_units: m + description: river import to med - river channel main channel water volume + # + - standard_name: Flrr_volrmch_wiso + canonical_units: m + description: river import to med - river channel main channel water volume from 16O, 18O, HDO + # + - standard_name: Sr_tdepth + canonical_units: m + description: river import to med - tributary channel water depth + # + - standard_name: Sr_tdepth_max + canonical_units: m + description: river import to med - tributary channel bankfull depth + # + - standard_name: Forr_rofi + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: river export to ocean - water flux due to runoff (frozen) + # + - standard_name: Forr_rofi_glc + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: river export to ocean - water flux due to runoff originating from glc (frozen) + # + - standard_name: Forr_rofi_wiso + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: river import to med - water flux due to runoff (frozen) for 16O, 18O, HDO + # + - standard_name: Forr_rofl + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: river import to med - water flux due to runoff (liquid) + # + - standard_name: Forr_rofl_glc + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: river import to med - water flux due to runoff originating from glc (liquid) + # + - standard_name: Forr_rofl_wiso + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: river import to med - water flux due to runoff (frozen) for 16O, 18O, HDO + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: wav import to med + #----------------------------------- # - standard_name: Sw_hstokes canonical_units: m @@ -1181,37 +1241,76 @@ - standard_name: Sw_pstokes_y canonical_units: m/s description: Northward partitioned stokes drift components - # - standard_name: Sw_elevation_spectrum alias: wave_elevation_spectrum canonical_units: m2/s description: wave elevation spectrum - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: wave import - #----------------------------------- + - standard_name: Sw_ustokes_avg + canonical_units: m/s + description: Daily averaged stokes drift u component (only needed for med history output) # - - standard_name: Fwxx_taux - alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: wave import - zonal surface stress + - standard_name: Sw_vstokes_avg + canonical_units: m/s + description: Daily averaged stokes drift v component (only needed for med history output) # - - standard_name: Fwxx_tauy - alias: mean_merid_moment_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: wave import - meridional surface stress - - #----------------------------------- - # mediator fields - #----------------------------------- + - standard_name: Sw_hs_avg + canonical_units: m + description: Daily averaged significant wave hight (only needed for med history output) # - - standard_name: cpl_scalars - canonical_units: unitless + - standard_name: Sw_phs0_avg + canonical_units: m + description: Daily averaged averaged wind sea swh (only needed for med history output) # - - standard_name: frac - canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: Sw_phs1_avg + canonical_units: m + description: Daily averaged swell swh (only needed for med history output) # - - standard_name: mask - canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: Sw_pdir0_avg + canonical_units: degrees + description: Daily averaged wind sea swh (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_pdir1_avg + canonical_units: degrees + description: Daily averaged swell swh (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_pTm10_avg + canonical_units: s + description: Daily averaged wind sea mean wave Tm1 period (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_pTm11_avg + canonical_units: s + description: Daily average swell mean wave Tm1 period (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_Tm1_avg + canonical_units: s + description: Daily averaged mean wave period of the first moment (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_thm_avg + canonical_units: degrees + description: Daily averaged mean wave direction (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_thp0_avg + canonical_units: degrees + description: Daily averaged peak wave direction (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_fp0_avg + canonical_units: 1/s + description: Daily averaged peak wave frequency (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_u_avg + canonical_units: m/s + description: Daily averaged surface wind zonal (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_v_avg + canonical_units: m/s + description: Daily averaged surface wind meridional (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_tusx_avg + canonical_units: m2/s + description: Daily averaged stokes zonal transport vector (only needed for med history output) + # + - standard_name: Sw_tusy_avg + canonical_units: m2/s + description: Daily averaged stokes meridional transport vector (only needed for med history output) diff --git a/ice_in b/ice_in index e1d1035..1045547 100644 --- a/ice_in +++ b/ice_in @@ -2,10 +2,9 @@ bfbflag = "off" conserv_check = .false. diagfreq = 960 - dumpfreq = "y" - dump_last = .true. + dumpfreq = "x" histfreq = "d", "m", "x", "x", "x" - hist_suffix = "", "m", "x", "x", "x" !limited to one character due to https://github.com/COSIMA/access-om3/issues/201 + hist_suffix = ".d", ".m", "x", "x", "x" hist_time_axis = "middle" history_deflate = 1 history_chunksize = 720, 540 @@ -14,8 +13,8 @@ ice_ic = 'default' lcdf64 = .false. npt = 35040 - pointer_file = './rpointer.ice' - print_global = .false. + pointer_file = './rpointer.ice' + print_global = .false. / &grid_nml bathymetry_file = "./INPUT/topog.nc" diff --git a/manifests/exe.yaml b/manifests/exe.yaml index 342f461..256eb9a 100644 --- a/manifests/exe.yaml +++ b/manifests/exe.yaml @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ format: yamanifest version: 1.0 --- work/access-om3-MOM6-CICE6: - fullpath: /g/data/vk83/apps/spack/0.22/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-2021.10.0/access-om3-nuopc-git.0.3.1_0.3.1-boks2tay6p2uqrv2y3wstcdqkotfs3d2/bin/access-om3-MOM6-CICE6 + fullpath: /g/data/vk83/apps/spack/0.22/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-2021.10.0/access-om3-nuopc-git.0.4.0_0.4.0-bmecwy5vdmpxapbgqwbqsoi2y7rglaie/bin/access-om3-MOM6-CICE6 hashes: - binhash: 324135533e9cd632f4a1be902022fbcc - md5: 553de82e4053fbb30bc1b25a053c8912 + binhash: 2edb3ca163da9ef9ef082a1fbdb98493 + md5: 815f23c0339742798d5db37deb7b798e diff --git a/nuopc.runconfig b/nuopc.runconfig index 529a3dc..6dba7ec 100644 --- a/nuopc.runconfig +++ b/nuopc.runconfig @@ -36,22 +36,10 @@ PELAYOUT_attributes:: cpl_pestride = 1 cpl_rootpe = 0 esmf_logging = ESMF_LOGKIND_NONE - esp_ntasks = 1 - esp_nthreads = 1 - esp_pestride = 1 - esp_rootpe = 0 - glc_ntasks = 1 - glc_nthreads = 1 - glc_pestride = 1 - glc_rootpe = 0 - ice_ntasks = 96 #Note-Parallel I/O github.com/COSIMA/access-om3/issues/214 + ice_ntasks = 96 ice_nthreads = 1 ice_pestride = 1 ice_rootpe = 0 - lnd_ntasks = 1 - lnd_nthreads = 1 - lnd_pestride = 1 - lnd_rootpe = 0 ninst = 1 ocn_ntasks = 1344 ocn_nthreads = 1 @@ -64,10 +52,6 @@ PELAYOUT_attributes:: rof_nthreads = 1 rof_pestride = 1 rof_rootpe = 0 - wav_ntasks = 1 - wav_nthreads = 1 - wav_pestride = 1 - wav_rootpe = 0 :: component_list: MED ATM ICE OCN ROF @@ -78,15 +62,15 @@ ALLCOMP_attributes:: LND_model = slnd MED_model = cesm OCN_model = mom - Profiling = 0 ROF_model = drof + WAV_model = swav + Profiling = 0 ScalarFieldCount = 4 ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 ScalarFieldIdxNextSwCday = 3 ScalarFieldIdxPrecipFactor = 0 ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars - WAV_model = swav brnch_retain_casename = .false. case_desc = UNSET case_name = access-om3 @@ -94,12 +78,9 @@ ALLCOMP_attributes:: coldair_outbreak_mod = .false. data_assimilation_atm = .false. data_assimilation_cpl = .false. - data_assimilation_glc = .false. data_assimilation_ice = .false. - data_assimilation_lnd = .false. data_assimilation_ocn = .false. data_assimilation_rof = .false. - data_assimilation_wav = .false. flds_bgc_oi = .false. flds_co2a = .false. flds_co2b = .false. @@ -107,6 +88,7 @@ ALLCOMP_attributes:: flds_i2o_per_cat = .false. flds_r2l_stream_channel_depths = .false. flds_wiso = .false. + add_gusts = .false. flux_convergence = 0.01 flux_max_iteration = 5 glc_nec = 10 @@ -117,7 +99,6 @@ ALLCOMP_attributes:: ice_ncat = 5 mediator_present = true mesh_atm = ./INPUT/access-om2-025deg-nomask-ESMFmesh.nc - mesh_glc = UNSET mesh_ice = ./INPUT/access-om2-025deg-ESMFmesh.nc mesh_lnd = UNSET mesh_mask = ./INPUT/access-om2-025deg-ESMFmesh.nc @@ -137,7 +118,7 @@ ALLCOMP_attributes:: start_type = startup tfreeze_option = linear_salt wav_coupling_to_cice = .false. - write_restart_at_endofrun = .false. + restart_pointer_append_date = .false. :: MED_attributes:: @@ -315,14 +296,6 @@ ICE_attributes:: Verbosity = off :: -GLC_attributes:: - Verbosity = off -:: - -LND_attributes:: - Verbosity = off -:: - OCN_attributes:: Verbosity = off :: @@ -332,33 +305,28 @@ ROF_attributes:: mesh_rof = ./INPUT/access-om2-025deg-nomask-ESMFmesh.nc :: -WAV_attributes:: - Verbosity = off - mesh_wav = UNSET -:: - MED_modelio:: diro = ./log logfile = med.log pio_async_interface = .false. - pio_netcdf_format = 64bit_offset - pio_numiotasks = -99 + pio_netcdf_format = nothing + pio_numiotasks = 4 pio_rearranger = 2 pio_root = 1 - pio_stride = 48 - pio_typename = netcdf + pio_stride = 1 + pio_typename = netcdf4p :: ATM_modelio:: diro = ./log logfile = atm.log pio_async_interface = .false. - pio_netcdf_format = 64bit_offset - pio_numiotasks = -99 + pio_netcdf_format = nothing + pio_numiotasks = 1 pio_rearranger = 1 pio_root = 1 - pio_stride = 48 - pio_typename = netcdf + pio_stride = 1 + pio_typename = netcdf4p :: ICE_modelio:: @@ -368,8 +336,8 @@ ICE_modelio:: pio_netcdf_format = nothing pio_numiotasks = 1 pio_rearranger = 1 - pio_root = 0 - pio_stride = 48 + pio_root = 1 + pio_stride = 1 pio_typename = netcdf4p :: @@ -388,29 +356,16 @@ OCN_modelio:: ROF_modelio:: diro = ./log logfile = rof.log - pio_async_interface = .false. #not used - pio_netcdf_format = 64bit_offset #not used - pio_numiotasks = -99 #not used - pio_rearranger = 2 #not used - pio_root = 1 #not used - pio_stride = 48 #not used - pio_typename = netcdf #not used -:: - -WAV_modelio:: - diro = ./log - logfile = wav.log - pio_async_interface = .false. - pio_netcdf_format = 64bit_offset - pio_numiotasks = -99 - pio_rearranger = 2 - pio_root = 1 - pio_stride = 48 - pio_typename = netcdf + pio_async_interface = .false. + pio_netcdf_format = nothing + pio_numiotasks = 1 + pio_rearranger = 2 + pio_root = 1 + pio_stride = 1 + pio_typename = netcdf4p :: DRV_modelio:: diro = ./log logfile = drv.log :: -