From 057d54a116ab8125331ea99b1cd114a85ce2a0ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dougie Squire <>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2024 22:04:15 +1000
Subject: [PATCH] Update `1deg_jra55_iaf_bgc` configuration (#65)
* update 1deg_jra55_iaf_bgc for ACCESS-NRI release
* don't use mppnccombine-fast because it ain't
.travis.yml | 22 -
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-language: python
- - '3.6'
- depth: 3
- quiet: true
- - pip install pytest pyyaml
- global:
- - git clone
- - (cd cleanconfig && pytest -s
- - pytest -s cleanconfig/
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da6ab6cc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
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diff --git a/ b/
index 82e94786..c50b9d3d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,20 +1,16 @@
# 1deg_jra55_iaf with BGC
-Standard configuration for 1 degree [ACCESS-OM2]( experiment (ACCESS-OM2) with JRA55-do interannual forcing (IAF) and coupled biogeochemistry in the ocean and sea ice.
+Standard configuration for 1 degree [ACCESS-OM2]( experiment (ACCESS-OM2) with JRA55-do interannual forcing (IAF) and coupled biogeochemistry in the ocean and sea ice.
-This is the BGC version, on the `master+bgc` branch. For the physics-only version (no BGC), use the `master` branch.
+This is the BGC version. This BGC setup includes both ocean and sea ice BGC. To turn off the sea ice BGC and have BGC only in the ocean, set `skl_bgc = .false.` in `ice/cice_input.nml`.
-This BGC setup includes both ocean and sea ice BGC. To turn off the sea ice BGC and have BGC only in the ocean, set `skl_bgc = .false.` in `ice/cice_input.nml`.
-For usage instructions, see the [ACCESS-OM2 wiki](
+For usage instructions, see the [ACCESS-Hive docs](
Run length and timestep are set in `accessom2.nml`. The default timestep for this configuration is 5400 seconds, and the model is stable with this timestep right from the start. However if you alter the configuration you may need a shorter timestep during the first year or two of model equilibration.
-**NOTE:** All ACCESS-OM2 model components and configurations are undergoing continual improvement. We strongly recommend that you "watch" this repo (see button at top of screen; ask to be notified of all conversations) and also watch [ACCESS-OM2](, all the [component models](, and [payu]( to be kept informed of updates, problems and bug fixes as they arise.
## Conditions of use
-We request that users of this or other ACCESS-OM2 model code:
+COSIMA requests that users of this or other ACCESS-OM2 model code:
1. consider citing Kiss et al. (2020) ([](
2. include an acknowledgement such as the following:
*The authors thank the Consortium for Ocean-Sea Ice Modelling in Australia (COSIMA; []( for making the ACCESS-OM2 suite of models available at [](*
-3. let us know of any publications which use these models or data so we can add them to [our list](
+3. let COSIMA know of any publications which use these models or data so they can add them to [their list](
diff --git a/config.yaml b/config.yaml
index 16bb8571..ac665f44 100644
--- a/config.yaml
+++ b/config.yaml
@@ -1,54 +1,87 @@
# PBS configuration
# If submitting to a different project to your default, uncomment line below
-# and change project code as appropriate; also set shortpath below
-# project: v45
+# and replace PROJECT_CODE with appropriate code. This may require setting shortpath
+# project: PROJECT_CODE
# Force payu to always find, and save, files in this scratch project directory
# (you may need to add the corresponding PBS -l storage flag in
-# shortpath: /scratch/v45
+# shortpath: /scratch/PROJECT_CODE
queue: normal
walltime: 5:00:00
jobname: 1deg_jra55_iaf
mem: 1000GB
+# Sync options for automatically copying data from ephemeral scratch space to
+# longer term storage
+ enable: False # set path below and change to true
+ path: null # Set to location on /g/data or a remote server and path (rsync syntax)
# Model configuration
name: common
model: access-om2
-input: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/common_1deg_jra55
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/remapping_weights/JRA55/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/remapping_weights/JRA55/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/remapping_weights/JRA55/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/remapping_weights/JRA55/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/remapping_weights/JRA55/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
- name: atmosphere
model: yatm
- exe: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/bin/yatm_d750b4b.exe
+ exe: /g/data/vk83/apps/spack/0.20/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
- - /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/yatm_1deg
- - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/atmos/3hr/rsds/gr/v20190429
- - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/atmos/3hr/rlds/gr/v20190429
- - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/atmos/3hr/prra/gr/v20190429
- - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/atmos/3hr/prsn/gr/v20190429
- - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/atmos/3hrPt/psl/gr/v20190429
- - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/land/day/friver/gr/v20190429
- - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/atmos/3hrPt/tas/gr/v20190429
- - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/atmos/3hrPt/huss/gr/v20190429
- - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/atmos/3hrPt/uas/gr/v20190429
- - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/atmos/3hrPt/vas/gr/v20190429
- - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/landIce/day/licalvf/gr/v20190429
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/remapping_weights/JRA55/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
+ - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/atmos/3hr/rsds/gr/v20190429
+ - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/atmos/3hr/rlds/gr/v20190429
+ - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/atmos/3hr/prra/gr/v20190429
+ - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/atmos/3hr/prsn/gr/v20190429
+ - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/atmos/3hrPt/psl/gr/v20190429
+ - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/land/day/friver/gr/v20190429
+ - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/atmos/3hrPt/tas/gr/v20190429
+ - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/atmos/3hrPt/huss/gr/v20190429
+ - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/atmos/3hrPt/uas/gr/v20190429
+ - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/atmos/3hrPt/vas/gr/v20190429
+ - /g/data/qv56/replicas/input4MIPs/CMIP6/OMIP/MRI/MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0/landIce/day/licalvf/gr/v20190429
ncpus: 1
- name: ocean
model: mom
- exe: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/bin/fms_ACCESS-OM-BGC_730f0bf_libaccessom2_d750b4b.x
+ exe: /g/data/vk83/apps/spack/0.20/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
- - /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_bgc_20220224/mom_1deg
- - /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/mom_1deg
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/biogeochemistry/global.1deg/2022.02.24/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/biogeochemistry/global.1deg/2022.02.24/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/biogeochemistry/global.1deg/2022.02.24/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/biogeochemistry/global.1deg/2022.02.24/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/biogeochemistry/global.1deg/2022.02.24/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/biogeochemistry/global.1deg/2022.02.24/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/grids/mosaic/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/grids/mosaic/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/grids/mosaic/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/grids/bathymetry/global.1deg/2020.10.22/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/grids/bathymetry/global.1deg/2020.10.22/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/grids/vertical/global.1deg/2020.10.22/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/processor_masks/global.1deg/216.16x15/2020.05.30/ocean_mask_table
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/chlorophyll/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/initial_conditions/global.1deg/2020.10.22/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/tides/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/tides/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/tides/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/surface_salt_restoring/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
ncpus: 216
- name: ice
model: cice5
- exe: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/bin/cice_auscom_360x300_24p_edcfa6f_libaccessom2_d750b4b.exe
+ exe: /g/data/vk83/apps/spack/0.20/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
- - /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_bgc_20220224/cice_1deg
- - /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/cice_1deg
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ice/initial_conditions_biogeochemistry/global.1deg/2022.02.24/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ice/initial_conditions_biogeochemistry/global.1deg/2022.02.24/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ice/grids/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ice/grids/global.1deg/2020.10.22/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ice/initial_conditions/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
+ - /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ice/initial_conditions/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
ncpus: 24
# Collation
@@ -58,23 +91,27 @@ collate:
mem: 30GB
ncpus: 4
queue: normal
- exe: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/bin/mppnccombine
+ exe: /g/data/vk83/apps/spack/0.20/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
+ reproduce:
+ exe: true
# Misc
runlog: true
stacksize: unlimited
-restart_freq: 1 # use instead
+restart_freq: 5YS
mpirun: --mca io ompio --mca io_ompio_num_aggregators 1
qsub_flags: -W umask=027
UCX_LOG_LEVEL: 'error'
# set number of cores per node (28 for normalbw, 48 for normal on gadi)
nodesize: 48
# sweep and resubmit on specific errors - see
- error:
+ error: tools/
run: rm -f resubmit.count
-# DANGER! Do not uncomment this without checking the script is syncing to the correct location!
-# postscript:
+ sync: /g/data/vk83/apps/om2-scripts/concatenate_ice/
diff --git a/manifests/exe.yaml b/manifests/exe.yaml
index f3ec9e43..fec7972a 100644
--- a/manifests/exe.yaml
+++ b/manifests/exe.yaml
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
format: yamanifest
version: 1.0
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/bin/yatm_d750b4b.exe
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/apps/spack/0.20/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
- binhash: 52a975e3d202c0047a9ec9be1346c23c
- md5: fcc373fb59917cada96c2776201b362d
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/bin/cice_auscom_360x300_24p_edcfa6f_libaccessom2_d750b4b.exe
+ binhash: 4e8b4ef76e971c4af3b26cfac632e160
+ md5: 5baa1d417fe6708fc30cbeaa57d82f96
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/apps/spack/0.20/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
- binhash: 7cca1a89ede5c5196f2c9c0bb1f4bfde
- md5: 3bb0804115c5b37c7a4c66f2317c0f97
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/bin/fms_ACCESS-OM-BGC_730f0bf_libaccessom2_d750b4b.x
+ binhash: 3a65f67d21152e77034da28c22a94c66
+ md5: 37866455b057c85c3ea50c0ef0ea840b
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/apps/spack/0.20/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
- binhash: cb0aac284ca7bf8128f80f4f394b1f5a
- md5: f9a8f286f3baef5f415fd5043b9d7419
+ binhash: 45352e33876da49ca042014a9f6686e5
+ md5: a909552e85690be692ad3ec94016181b
diff --git a/manifests/input.yaml b/manifests/input.yaml
index 7bf5f9a4..45971c33 100644
--- a/manifests/input.yaml
+++ b/manifests/input.yaml
@@ -2,27 +2,27 @@ format: yamanifest
version: 1.0
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/common_1deg_jra55/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/remapping_weights/JRA55/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
binhash: abe66e4b33cbb75d25c010ea5f96f053
md5: 00be8ec0f1126055b65dc68178ce4eb5
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/common_1deg_jra55/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/remapping_weights/JRA55/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
binhash: af316080d1711daa25abadbf0548718c
md5: 6c345282e51521828f62b842e58dd734
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/common_1deg_jra55/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/remapping_weights/JRA55/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
binhash: bee0b815a97dc6eaf8c2417b4579a31f
md5: 6404d936d4898e5ed31e62b585d630cf
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/common_1deg_jra55/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/remapping_weights/JRA55/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
binhash: 57da74118e8eb06d0c26255fd0b8e6db
md5: 79885c8149d65a55d093244935f62360
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/common_1deg_jra55/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/remapping_weights/JRA55/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
binhash: f317a81f25961ba37f27b873b364a8d6
md5: aa91ea2e3cdef04f58ed5db8f8d7de6d
@@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@ work/atmosphere/INPUT/rlds_input4MIPs_atmosphericState_OMIP_MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0_g
binhash: f1a3c4313a4f6ff631f0fe887a849153
md5: 3d08213bdacd00ba2cfde806cf6d6b6f
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/yatm_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/remapping_weights/JRA55/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
binhash: d7b11ae77fba63aecab0892891135a1f
md5: 10f0b5ea6b8102a03ad1140e5163a0f7
@@ -3443,137 +3443,132 @@ work/atmosphere/INPUT/vas_input4MIPs_atmosphericState_OMIP_MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0_gr
md5: b0e514bfac0d9dfbf538d36b8ecd17f9
copy: true
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/cice_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ice/grids/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
binhash: e7108317ae28b1f9ae77711728925cb6
md5: 1213e346055ee073fe33dc12578d99c6
copy: true
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_bgc_20220224/cice_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ice/initial_conditions_biogeochemistry/global.1deg/2022.02.24/
- binhash: 0ca751ffc14dfb68211be17e08ed27c0
+ binhash: bfd8a293b5da16ecc5e40f06d7e6db67
md5: cc4cc9b60706470beddce59b600fef9f
copy: true
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/cice_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ice/grids/global.1deg/2020.10.22/
binhash: 13a23d6d9331abc9d677c6fd466a4433
md5: 1f9806c646a620378e5257e480bc9df7
copy: true
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/cice_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ice/initial_conditions/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
binhash: 66f44d84fada351d4ebf05f196762d8c
md5: 323d4c605f83f4d7d3126da70153c2ed
copy: true
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_bgc_20220224/cice_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ice/initial_conditions_biogeochemistry/global.1deg/2022.02.24/
- binhash: bd6ff65bc40359e04f5fbd09d63a9131
+ binhash: 1dc25bbe08939c60777518fe2e653361
md5: 8ed9a78b70ebd040e8d83303c32454e8
copy: true
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/cice_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ice/initial_conditions/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
binhash: f93a19930c5c59e03751e70a123ab01f
md5: 68cf0ef92576f96ef085cd7f243d0c39
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_bgc_20220224/mom_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/biogeochemistry/global.1deg/2022.02.24/
- binhash: 8f8c3ab9ffcd56eed6cfb168956e691c
+ binhash: 1b19152ca86ad04a8e3f46639277fa05
md5: 850cd274cfe138ef4aa671b403bfe96e
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/mom_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/chlorophyll/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
binhash: 05b3313121bbb9825a20f0fb58901b21
md5: a7aa5bcf4a3b9fa8102edd3b6b67c3a2
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_bgc_20220224/mom_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/biogeochemistry/global.1deg/2022.02.24/
- binhash: 84bdbeefd4033897366b09b30ac5ebe0
+ binhash: 6879f54b49e62bc078a4e5bc6afa1890
md5: a1385f25d63375156fba70e75a53334a
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_bgc_20220224/mom_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/biogeochemistry/global.1deg/2022.02.24/
- binhash: 86690fd971fb55a4f4e4fd3ba2e29fcc
+ binhash: f7c019e60814d70a2456730e6cfed69c
md5: 7b3557fc31a44eeac14094db895e55f3
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_bgc_20220224/mom_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/biogeochemistry/global.1deg/2022.02.24/
- binhash: fa5fefd8abaf2ac744e9807f638ed405
+ binhash: 5ef42add77623325180cd40e51102aff
md5: 87f4a657f2d8e459d1ae38eec3723fd3
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_bgc_20220224/mom_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/biogeochemistry/global.1deg/2022.02.24/
- binhash: cad3de1c3aae00a18b7fb1782715cc3c
+ binhash: 5dcf7a15477f488cd7d2f85a1d39a176
md5: 12488f7cf8f9c2f714c0ff2dbbb33a9b
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_bgc_20220224/mom_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/biogeochemistry/global.1deg/2022.02.24/
- binhash: acb981655c0bcdf1ac5a78c197036d3a
+ binhash: 11a6c884f7098bbd4117b86cb3b66dc0
md5: b66d8d72cd49801a74da90b211e8dd21
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/mom_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/grids/mosaic/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
binhash: 587ca8eb0cbc978232fe55a7bff054c9
md5: 027d2f8fb1eda3ef1cf0a3f520a217f7
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/mom_1deg/mask_table.24.16x15
- hashes:
- binhash: 77b929b930cd4fca59f185b3222dde49
- md5: 2203b38758fb2b56a145ef16b7872af9
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/mom_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/grids/mosaic/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
binhash: 87d66edc0ef57c97b758a3049bfe8a14
md5: 51f58be0f4ea6da2cb438a893f95c689
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/mom_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/grids/bathymetry/global.1deg/2020.10.22/
binhash: ab10098b71d76ba5fcf0ea9e007a90e5
md5: 411567441c64bcfa814259736c5ed1a3
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/mom_1deg/ocean_mask_table
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/processor_masks/global.1deg/216.16x15/2020.05.30/ocean_mask_table
binhash: dc68931f1bb40bcd75a98d209b47d4c4
md5: 2203b38758fb2b56a145ef16b7872af9
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/mom_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/grids/mosaic/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
binhash: 6aadd388078defe3f80df6f3de77b4bd
md5: cb42e630ee31d3686156fcbdc2f9d07c
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/mom_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/initial_conditions/global.1deg/2020.10.22/
binhash: 1530c856cbbc9b5073bdf3e7beb72cd7
md5: c5f7e60b5427a4442f111adc65a2d067
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/mom_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/grids/vertical/global.1deg/2020.10.22/
binhash: cd9ef67b8cf6d4ea0c78554ac38e1bc3
md5: 339ff716e3019a86fc861498e674250a
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/mom_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/tides/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
binhash: 73a425be9e5cf7a3d349d75a8ebeadd1
md5: 185dadeb53da2de75b47c53fd7085f89
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/mom_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/tides/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
binhash: 4ec236c3874fbd4dc5c2fcdec271f557
md5: b50f0595f3ebc872cbcf5f3223115643
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/mom_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/surface_salt_restoring/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
binhash: 13101e8424f559b6c172ef86d85b9a8f
md5: b2bd35c44017597ba99b85fb61ed4d72
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/mom_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/tides/global.1deg/2020.05.30/
binhash: 0226a494f8a03f8fb9845060cb694389
md5: b2840af757d9b7b40207f33f1fc84c5c
- fullpath: /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/mom_1deg/
+ fullpath: /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/grids/bathymetry/global.1deg/2020.10.22/
binhash: 8ab65e521a588943b533b188a619d361
md5: 4e13d88001b646f3cf4f1c3b8db59f91
diff --git a/metadata.yaml b/metadata.yaml
index c026d900..859488a8 100644
--- a/metadata.yaml
+++ b/metadata.yaml
@@ -12,24 +12,27 @@ description: |-
converted to liquid runoff with no heat transfer.
Spin up starts 1 Jan 1958 and runs to 1 Jan 2019.
notes: |-
- Source code:
- License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (
- Conditions of use:
- We request that users of this or other ACCESS-OM2 model code or output data:
+ COSIMA requests that users of this or other ACCESS-OM2 model code or output data:
(a) consider citing Kiss et al. (2020) []
(b) include an acknowledgement such as the following:
"The authors thank the Consortium for Ocean-Sea Ice Modelling in Australia (COSIMA;
for making the ACCESS-OM2 suite of models available at
Model runs were undertaken with the assistance of resources from the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI),
which is supported by the Australian Government."
- (c) let us know of any publications which use these models or data so we can add them to our list:
+ (c) let COSIMA know of any publications which use these models or data so they can add them to their list:
license: CC-BY-4.0
- - one
- - cosima
- - access-om2-1
- - jra55-do-v1.4.0
- - iaf
- - bgc
+- JRA55
+- access-om2
+- interannual
+- global
+- ocean
+- seaIce
+- ocnBgchem
+nominal_resolution: 100 km
+model: ACCESS-OM2
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1b844658..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,745 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-General-purpose tools to semantically tabulate, diff and superset Fortran namelist files.
-Also includes a command-line interface.
-Latest version:
-Author: Andrew Kiss
-Apache 2.0 License
-# TODO: handle multiple groups with the same name. tidy should consolidate names, with definitions in later groups taking priority if the same name is defined in two groups of the same name. What happens if a name is repeated in one group? Ask Marshall.
-from __future__ import print_function
-# for testing my modified f90nml
-# import sys
-# sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/andy/Documents/COSIMA/github/aekiss/f90nml') # BUG: doesn't work with /Users/andy/anaconda/bin/python3 /Users/andy/bin/ --fmt latex new/control/025deg_jra55_ryf/ice/input_ice_gfdl.nml
-import f90nml # from
-import filecmp
-import textwrap
-import copy
-import warnings
-import collections
-import os
-import itertools
-# from IPython.display import display, Markdown
-def nmldict(nmlfnames):
- """
- Return OrderedDict of the groups and variables in Fortran namelist files.
- Parameters
- ----------
- nmlfnames : str, tuple or list
- string, or tuple or list of any number of namelist file path strings.
- Repeated files are silently ignored.
- If a file contains repeated groups, only the first instance is used.
- Returns
- -------
- OrderedDict
- OrderedDict with `key`:`value` pairs where
- `key` is filename path string (in supplied order)
- `value` is complete Namelist from filename as returned by
- """
- if isinstance(nmlfnames, str):
- nmlfnames = [nmlfnames]
- nmlall = collections.OrderedDict() # dict keys are nml paths, values are Namelist dicts
- for nml in nmlfnames:
- nmlall[nml] =
- if len(nmlall[nml]) == 0:
- warnings.warn('{} does not contain any namelist data'.format(nml))
- for nml in nmlall:
- for group in nmlall[nml]:
- if isinstance(nmlall[nml][group], list):
- # A list indicates group is defined more than once in nml file.
- # The list contains the groups in order of occurrence.
- # For the nth group's values to have any effect in f90,
- # the namelist needs to be read n times from the input file,
- # without closing the file in between.
- # If the same variable name occurs in multiple instances of
- # the same group, the last read instance is used.
- # Since we don't know how many times the group is read in f90,
- # ignoring all but the first seems the safest option.
- # TODO: provide an option to consolidate all groups in list?
- warnings.warn('&{} occurs {} times in {}. Using only the first instance of this group.'.format(group, str(len(nmlall[nml][group])), nml))
- nmlall[nml][group] = nmlall[nml][group][0]
- return nmlall
-def superset(nmlall):
- """
- Return dict of groups and variables present in any of the input Namelists.
- Parameters
- ----------
- nmlall : dict or OrderedDict
- dict (e.g. returned by nmldict) with `key`:`value` pairs where
- `key` is arbitrary (typically a filename string)
- `value` is Namelist (typically from filename via
- Returns
- -------
- dict
- dict with `key`:`value` pairs where
- `key` is group name (including all groups present in any input Namelist)
- `value` is Namelist for group (including every variable present in this
- group in any input Namelist)
- """
- # if len(nmlall) == 1: # just do a deep copy of the only value
- # nmlsuperset = copy.deepcopy(nmlall[list(nmlall.keys())[0]])
- # else:
- nmlsuperset = {}
- for nml in nmlall:
- nmlsuperset.update(nmlall[nml])
- # nmlsuperset now contains all groups that were in any nml
- for group in nmlsuperset:
- # to avoid the next bit changing the original groups
- nmlsuperset[group] = nmlsuperset[group].copy()
- # if isinstance(nmlallsuperset[group], list):
- # for gr in nmlall[nml][group]:
- # nmlsuperset[group].update(gr)
- for nml in nmlall:
- if group in nmlall[nml]:
- nmlsuperset[group].update(nmlall[nml][group])
- # nmlsuperset groups now contain all keys that were in any nml
- return nmlsuperset
-def nmldiff(nmlall, keep=''):
- """
- In-place remove every group/variable that's the same in all file Namelists.
- Parameters
- ----------
- nmlall : dict or OrderedDict
- dict (e.g. returned by nmldict) with `key`:`value` pairs where
- `key` is arbitrary (typically a filename path string)
- `value` is Namelist (typically from filename via
- keep : variable name
- variable name to always keep in diff, unless the group has no differences
- Returns
- -------
- dict or OrderedDict
- In-place modified input dict with `key`:`value` pairs where
- `key` is arbitrary (typically a filename path string)
- `value` is Namelist from nmlall, with any variable
- common to all other keys (i.e. files) in input removed.
- Groups whose contents are identical are also removed.
- """
-# Create diff by removing common groups/variables from nmlall.
-# This is complicated by the fact group names / variable names may differ
-# or be absent across different nml files.
-# First make a superset that has all group names and variables that
-# appear in any nml file
- nmlsuperset = superset(nmlall)
- # now go through nmlall and remove any groups / variables from nmlall that
- # are identical to superset in all nmls
- # first delete any variables that are common to all nmls, then delete
- # any empty groups common to all nmls
- for group in nmlsuperset:
- # init: whether group is present and identical in all namelist files
- deletegroup = True
- varkept = False # whether var is kept when it would otherwise be deleted
- onlyvarkept = False # whether var is kept and is the only var in this group across all nmls
- for nml in nmlall:
- deletegroup = deletegroup and (group in nmlall[nml])
- if deletegroup: # group present in all namelist files
- for var in nmlsuperset[group]:
- # init: whether variable is present and identical
- # in all namelist files
- deletevar = True
- for nml in nmlall:
- deletevar = deletevar and (var in nmlall[nml][group])
- if deletevar: # variable is present in all namelist files
- for nml in nmlall:
- # ... now check if values match in all namelist files
- # print("nml={}, group={}, var={}".format(nml, group, var))
- deletevar = deletevar and \
- (nmlall[nml][group][var] ==
- nmlsuperset[group][var])
- if deletevar:
- if var == keep:
- varkept = True
- else:
- for nml in nmlall:
- # delete var from this group in all nmls
- del nmlall[nml][group][var]
- if varkept:
- onlyvarkept = True
- for nml in nmlall:
- onlyvarkept = onlyvarkept and len(nmlall[nml][group]) < 2
- if onlyvarkept and len(nmlall[nml][group]) == 1:
- onlyvarkept = list(nmlall[nml][group].keys())[0] == keep
- if onlyvarkept:
- deletegroup = True
- else:
- deletegroup = max([len(nmlall[nml][group]) for nml in nmlall]) == 0
- if deletegroup:
- # group is common to all nmls and now empty (or only holding keep) so delete
- for nml in nmlall:
- del nmlall[nml][group]
- return nmlall
-def prunefilelist(fnames):
- """
- Remove names of files with identical content to the previous file in list.
- Parameters
- ----------
- fnames : List
- List of any number of file path strings.
- Returns
- -------
- List
- New list in same order as fnames but including only names of files with
- content that is not identical to that of the previous file in the list.
- Non-existent files are ignored and not included in output list.
- Examples
- --------
- >>> nmlprune(nmldict(prunefilelist(glob.glob(*.nml))))
- """
- fntmp = [fn for fn in fnames if os.path.isfile(fn)]
- if len(fntmp) <= 1:
- outfnames = fntmp
- else:
- outfnames = []
- outfnames.append(fntmp[0])
- for fn in fntmp[1:]:
- if not(filecmp.cmp(outfnames[-1], fn, shallow=False)):
- outfnames.append(fn)
- return outfnames
-def nmlprune(nmlall, ignore={}):
- """
- In-place remove all Namelists that are the same as the previous one in nmlall.
- Does nothing if nml is not an OrderedDict.
- Parameters
- ----------
- nmlall : OrderedDict
- OrderedDict (e.g. returned by nmldict) with `key`:`value` pairs where
- `key` is arbitrary (typically a filename path string)
- `value` is Namelist (typically from filename via
- For efficiency use prunefilelist on file list before passing to nmldict.
- ignore : dict, optional, default={}
- dict specifying namelist variables whose differences should be ignored.
- key is namelist group
- value is a list of variable names within that group
- Returns
- -------
- OrderedDict
- In-place modified input OrderedDict with `key`:`value` pairs where
- `key` is arbitrary (typically a filename path string)
- `value` is Namelist from nmlall, with any variable
- common to all other keys (i.e. files) in input removed.
- Groups whose contents are identical are also removed.
- Examples
- --------
- >>> nmlprune(nmldict(prunefilelist(glob.glob(*.nml))))
- """
- if len(nmlall) > 1:
- idx = 0
- while True:
- # need deepcopy to avoid in-place modification by nmldiff
- pair = copy.deepcopy(collections.OrderedDict(
- itertools.islice(nmlall.items(), idx, idx+2)))
- for group in ignore:
- for var in ignore[group]:
- for fn in pair:
- if group in pair[fn]:
- if var in pair[fn][group]:
- del pair[fn][group][var]
- nmldiff(pair)
- if max([len(x) for x in pair.values()]) == 0:
- del nmlall[list(pair.keys())[1]] # remove 2nd of pair
- else:
- idx += 1 # 2nd of pair is different from first, so retain it
- if idx > len(nmlall)-2:
- break
- return nmlall
-def tidy_overwrite(nmlall):
- """
- Overwrite namelist files with parsed namelist data from those files,
- sorted alphabetically by group then variable name.
- Files with no namelist data are left untouched.
- Parameters
- ----------
- nmlall : dict or OrderedDict
- dict (e.g. returned by nmldict) with `key`:`value` pairs where
- `key` is filename path string to be overwritten
- `value` is Namelist (typically from filename via
- Returns
- -------
- None
- """
- for nml in nmlall:
- if len(nmlall[nml]) > 0:
- nmlout = nml + '-tmp'
- try:
- f90nml.write(nmlall[nml], nmlout, sort=True)
- os.replace(nmlout, nml)
- except: # TODO: don't use bare except
- warnings.warn("Error {} tidying '{}'; file left untouched. \
-Delete part-converted file '{}' before trying again."
- .format(sys.exc_info()[0], nml, nmlout))
- return None
-def strnmldict(nmlall, fmt='', masterswitch='', hide={}, heading='', url=''):
- """
- Return string representation of dict of Namelists.
- Parameters
- ----------
- nmlall : dict or OrderedDict
- dict (e.g. returned by nmldict) with `key`:`value` pairs where
- `key` is arbitrary (typically a filename path string)
- `value` is Namelist (typically from filename via
- fmt : str, optional, case insensitive, default=''
- 'md' or 'markdown': markdown string output
- 'latex': latex string output (table only, suitable as an input file)
- 'latex-complete': latex string, suitable for a complete .tex file
- 'text': text output ([*] &group variable [value] file)
- 'text-tight': as for 'text', but without aligned columns
- anything else: standard string output (different from 'text')
- masterswitch : str, optional, case insensitive, default=''
- key with boolean value that disables other variables in group
- if present and false, e.g. 'use_this_module' in MOM.
- NB: this key might be absent in namelist differences.
- Only used for fmt='latex' or 'latex-complete'.
- hide : dict, optional, default={}
- dict specifying namelist variables that will not be shown in output.
- key is namelist group
- value is a list of variable names within that group
- Ignored for fmt='md' or 'markdown'.
- TODO: implement for all formats
- heading : string, optional, default=''
- string to be written above table if fmt='latex-complete'
- url : string, optional, default=''
- url prefix for hyperlinked variables and groups if fmt='latex-complete'
- url='' (the default) has no hyperlinks
- Returns
- -------
- string
- String representaion of nmlall.
- Default lists alphabetically by group, variable, then dict key,
- with undefined namelist variables shown as blank.
- """
- def latexstr(item):
- return item.replace('_', '\\_').replace('/', '\\slash ').replace('%', '\%')
- def latexrepr(item):
- if isinstance(item, str):
- return "'" + latexstr(item) + "'"
- elif isinstance(item, float):
- return '\\num*{' + repr(item).replace('e+0', 'e+').replace('e-0', 'e-') + '}{}'
- elif isinstance(item, list):
- s = ''
- for i in item:
- s += latexrepr(i) + ', '
- return s[:-2]
- else:
- return repr(item)
- # TODO: fail on unknown fmt
- # TODO: put data format in Fortran syntax eg for booleans and arrays - does nf90nml do this?
- # - see f90repr in
- fmt = fmt.lower()
- nmlss = superset(nmlall)
- nmldss = superset(nmldiff(copy.deepcopy(nmlall))) # avoid in-place modification
- fnames = list(nmlall.keys())
- colwidth = max((len(f) for f in fnames), default=0) # default keyword requires Python 3.4 or later
- # TODO: test if the following works in python pre- and post-3.4
- # colwidth = max([len(f) for f in fnames] or [0]) # defaults to 0 if fnames is empty list, since empty list evaluates to False
- # TODO: would be faster & more efficient to .append a list of strings
- # and then join them:
- #
- st = ''
- if fmt in ('md', 'markdown'):
- if len(nmlss) > 0:
- st += '| ' + 'File'.ljust(colwidth) + ' | '
- nvar = 0
- for group in sorted(nmlss):
- for var in sorted(nmlss[group]):
- st += '&' + group + '
' + var + ' | '
- nvar += 1
- st += '\n|-' + '-' * colwidth + ':|' + '--:|' * nvar
- for fn in fnames:
- st += '\n| ' + fn + ' | '
- for group in sorted(nmlss):
- for var in sorted(nmlss[group]):
- if group in nmlall[fn]:
- if var in nmlall[fn][group]:
- st += repr(nmlall[fn][group][var]) # TODO: use f90repr
- st += ' | '
- st += '\n'
- elif fmt.startswith('latex'):
- if len(nmlss) > 0:
- if fmt == 'latex':
- st += textwrap.dedent(r"""
- % Latex tabulation of Fortran namelist, auto-generated by
- %
- % Include this file in a latex document using \import{path/to/this/file}.
- % The importing document requires
- % \usepackage{ltablex, array, sistyle}
- % and possibly (depending on definitions below)
- % \usepackage{hyperref, color}
- % and also needs to define 'nmldiffer', 'nmllink' and 'ignored' commands, e.g.
- % \newcommand{\nmldiffer}[1]{#1} % no special display of differing variables
- % \newcommand{\nmldiffer}[1]{\textbf{#1}} % bold display of differing variables
- % \definecolor{hilite}{cmyk}{0, 0, 0.9, 0}\newcommand{\nmldiffer}[1]{\colorbox{hilite}{#1}}\setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt} % colour highlight of differing variables (requires color package)
- % \newcommand{\nmllink}[2]{#1} % don't link variables
- % \newcommand{\nmllink}[2]{\href{}{#1}} % link variables to documentation (requires hyperref package)
- % \newcommand{\ignored}[1]{#1} % no special display of ignored variables
- % \definecolor{ignore}{gray}{0.7}\newcommand{\ignored}[1]{\textcolor{ignore}{#1}} % gray display of ignored variables (but only in groups where masterswitch key is present and false, so may not work well for differences; requires color package)
- % and also define the length 'nmllen' that sets the column width, e.g.
- % \newlength{\nmllen}\setlength{\nmllen}{12ex}
- """)
- elif fmt == 'latex-complete':
- st = textwrap.dedent(r""" % generated by
- \documentclass[10pt]{article}
- \usepackage[a4paper, truedimen, top=2cm,bottom=2cm,left=2cm,right=2cm]{geometry}
- \usepackage{PTSansNarrow} % narrow sans serif font for urls
- \usepackage[scaled=.9]{inconsolata} % for texttt
- \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}
- \usepackage[table,dvipsnames]{xcolor} % loads also colortbl
- \definecolor{lightblue}{rgb}{0.93,0.95,1.0} % for table rows
- \rowcolors{1}{lightblue}{white}
- \definecolor{link}{rgb}{0,0,1}
- \usepackage[colorlinks, linkcolor={link},citecolor={link},urlcolor={link},
- breaklinks, bookmarks, bookmarksnumbered]{hyperref}
- \usepackage{url}
- \usepackage{breakurl}
- \urlstyle{sf}
- \usepackage{ltablex}\keepXColumns
- \usepackage{array, sistyle}
- \usepackage[strings]{underscore} % allows hyphenation at underscores
- \usepackage{datetime2}\DTMsetdatestyle{iso}
- \usepackage{makeidx}
- \makeindex
- \usepackage{fancyhdr}
- \pagestyle{fancy}
- \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}
- \lfoot{{\footnotesize \textsl{Fortran namelist table generated by \url{}}}}
- \rfoot{\textsl{\today\ \DTMcurrenttime\ \DTMcurrentzone}}
- \begin{document}
- \definecolor{ignore}{gray}{0.7}\newcommand{\ignored}[1]{\textcolor{ignore}{#1}} % gray display of ignored variables (but only in groups where masterswitch key is present and false, so may not work well for differences; requires color package)
- \newlength{\nmllen}\setlength{\nmllen}{12ex}
- """)
- st += heading
- if url == '':
- st += r'\newcommand{\nmllink}[2]{#1\index{#1}}'
- else:
- st += 'Variables are weblinks to source code searches.\n'
- st += r'\newcommand{\nmllink}[2]{\href{' + url + r'#2}{#1}\index{#1}}'
- st += '\n'
- # TODO: get this use case working:
- # % \definecolor{hilite}{cmyk}{0, 0, 0.9, 0}\newcommand{\nmldiffer}[1]{\rowcolor{hilite}#1} % colour highlight of rows with differing variables (requires xcolor package) BUG: DOESN'T WORK! Misplaced \noalign due to leading \hfill (and namelist group name if at start of group)
- st += '\\newcolumntype{R}{>{\\raggedleft\\arraybackslash}b{\\nmllen}}\n'
- st += '\\begin{tabularx}{\\linewidth}{X' + 'R' * len(fnames) + '}\n'
- st += '\\hline\n\\hiderowcolors\n'
- st += '\\textbf{Group\\quad\\hfill Variable}'
- # for fn in rmcommonprefix(rmcommonsuffix(fnames)):
- for fn in fnames:
- st += '\t & \t\\textbf{' + latexstr(fn) + '}'
- st += ' \\\\\n\\showrowcolors\n\\hline\\endfirsthead\n'
- st += '\\hline\n\\hiderowcolors\n'
- st += '\\textbf{Group (continued)\\quad\\hfill Variable}'
- # for fn in rmcommonprefix(rmcommonsuffix(fnames)):
- for fn in fnames:
- st += '\t & \t\\textbf{' + latexstr(fn) + '}'
- st += ' \\\\\n\\showrowcolors\n\\hline\\endhead\n'
- for group in sorted(nmlss):
- firstvar = True
- for var in sorted(nmlss[group]):
- if not ((group in hide) and (var in hide[group])):
- if firstvar: # only show group once
- gr = '\\&\\nmllink{{{}}}{{{}}}'.format(
- latexstr(group), group)
- firstvar = False
- else:
- gr = ''
- st1 = '{} \\hfill \\nmllink{{{}}}{{{}}}'.format(
- gr, latexstr(var), var) # replaced below if differences
- if group in nmldss:
- if var in nmldss[group]: # new st1 if differences
- st1 = '{} \\hfill \\nmldiffer{{\\nmllink{{{}}}{{{}}}}}'.format(
- gr, latexstr(var), var)
- st += st1
- for fn in fnames:
- st += '\t & \t'
- if group in nmlall[fn]:
- if var in nmlall[fn][group]:
- st1 = latexrepr(nmlall[fn][group][var]) # TODO: use f90repr
- if masterswitch in nmlall[fn][group]:
- if not nmlall[fn][group][masterswitch] \
- and var != masterswitch:
- st1 = '\\ignored{' + st1 + '}'
- st += st1
- st += ' \\\\\n'
- if not firstvar:
- st += '\\hline\n'
- st += '\\end{tabularx}\n'
- if fmt == 'latex-complete':
- st += textwrap.dedent(r"""
- \clearpage
- \phantomsection % fix hyperrefs to index
- \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{\indexname}
- \printindex
- \end{document}
- """)
- elif fmt.startswith('text'):
- if fmt == 'text':
- gwidth = max([len(g) for g in list(nmlss.keys())], default=0)
- vwidth = max([max([len(v) for v in list(g.keys())], default=0)
- for g in list(nmlss.values())], default=0)
- dwidth = max([
- max([max([len(repr(v)) for v in list(g.values())], default=0)
- for g in list(nmlall[fn].values())], default=0)
- for fn in nmlall.keys()], default=0)
- else: # assumes text-tight - TODO: be more stringent
- gwidth = 0
- vwidth = 0
- dwidth = 0
- for group in sorted(nmlss):
- for var in sorted(nmlss[group]):
- if not ((group in hide) and (var in hide[group])):
- st1 = ' '
- if group in nmldss:
- if var in nmldss[group]: # star if differences
- st1 = '* '
- for fn in fnames:
- st += st1 + '&' + group.ljust(gwidth) + ' ' + var.ljust(vwidth) + ' '
- dstr = ''
- if group in nmlall[fn]:
- if var in nmlall[fn][group]:
- dstr = repr(nmlall[fn][group][var]) # TODO: use f90repr
- st += dstr.ljust(dwidth) + ' ' + fn + '\n'
- else:
- for group in sorted(nmlss):
- for var in sorted(nmlss[group]):
- if not ((group in hide) and (var in hide[group])):
- st += ' ' * (colwidth + 2) + '&{}\n'.format(group)
- st += ' ' * (colwidth + 2) + ' {}\n'.format(var)
- for fn in fnames:
- st += '{} : '.format(fn.ljust(colwidth))
- if group in nmlall[fn]:
- if var in nmlall[fn][group]:
- st += repr(nmlall[fn][group][var]) # TODO: use f90repr
- st += '\n'
- return st
-def nml_md(nmlfnames, diff=False, prune=False,
- ignore={'setup_nml': ['istep0'],
- 'coupling': ['inidate', 'truntime0']}):
- """
- Display table in a Jupter notebook of groups and variables in Fortran
- namelist files.
- Parameters
- ----------
- nmlfnames : str, tuple or list
- string, or tuple or list of any number of namelist file path strings.
- Repeated files are silently ignored.
- diff : boolean, optional, default=False
- just display semantic differences
- prune : boolean, optional, default=False
- just display the first file in which each variable change occurs
- ignore : dict, optional,
- default={'setup_nml': ['istep0'], 'coupling': ['inidate', 'truntime0']}
- variable names to ignore differences in if prune=True
- Returns
- -------
- None
- """
- from IPython.display import display, Markdown # slow to load so do it here
- if prune:
- nmld = nmldict(prunefilelist(nmlfnames))
- else:
- nmld = nmldict(nmlfnames)
- if diff:
- nmldiff(nmld)
- if prune:
- nmlprune(nmld, ignore=ignore)
- display(Markdown(strnmldict(nmld, fmt='md')))
- return None
-# def nmldiff_md(nmlfnames):
-# """
-# Display table in a Jupter notebook of semantic differences in groups and
-# variables in Fortran namelist files.
-# Parameters
-# ----------
-# nmlfnames : str, tuple or list
-# string, or tuple or list of any number of namelist file path strings.
-# Repeated files are silently ignored.
-# Returns
-# -------
-# None
-# """
-# from IPython.display import display, Markdown # slow to load so do it here
-# display(Markdown(strnmldict(nmldiff(nmldict(nmlfnames)), fmt='md')))
-# return None
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- import argparse
- import sys
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=
- 'Semantically tabulate (and optionally diff) multiple Fortran namelist files.\
- Undefined namelist variables are shown as blank.\
- Repeated files are silently ignored.\
- Latest version:')
- parser.add_argument('-d', '--diff',
- action='store_true', default=False,
- help='only show semantic differences (default: show all); \
- exit code 0: no differences; 1: differences')
- parser.add_argument('-p', '--prune',
- action='store_true', default=False,
- help='ignore all but the first in any sequence of files \
- with semantically indentical content')
- parser.add_argument('-i', '--ignore_counters',
- action='store_true', default=False,
- help='when doing --prune, ignore differences in timestep\
- counters etc in CICE and MATM namelists, and also hide\
- them from output (ignored for markdown output)')
- parser.add_argument('-k', '--keep', type=str,
- metavar='str', default='',
- help="variable to always keep in diff, unless it's the\
- only one in a group, e.g. 'use_this_module'")
- parser.add_argument('-F', '--format', type=str,
- metavar='fmt', default='str',
- choices=['markdown', 'latex', 'latex-complete',
- 'text', 'text-tight'],
- help="optional alternative output format: \
- 'markdown' or 'latex' (table only, suitable as an \
- input file) or 'latex-complete' (a complete .tex file) \
- or 'text' (plain text; with each row row showing \
- [*] &group variable [value] file) \
- or 'text-tight' (like 'text', but without aligned columns)")
- parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', type=str,
- metavar='url', default='',
- help="link all variable and group names to this \
- URL followed by the variable/group name, e.g. \
- parser.add_argument('--tidy_overwrite',
- action='store_true', default=False,
- help='OVERWRITE files with only their parsed contents \
- (all comments and non-namelist content are removed), \
- with consistent formatting and sorted alphabetically \
- by group then variable name. \
- This makes standard diff much more useful. \
- Files with no namelist data are left untouched. \
- All other options are ignored. \
- parser.add_argument('file', metavar='file', type=str, nargs='+',
- help='Fortran namelist file')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- fmt = vars(args)['format']
- url = vars(args)['url']
- keep = vars(args)['keep']
- diff = vars(args)['diff']
- prune = vars(args)['prune']
- ignore = vars(args)['ignore_counters']
- tidy = vars(args)['tidy_overwrite']
- files = vars(args)['file']
- if prune and ignore:
- ignored = {'setup_nml': ['istep0'], #, 'npt', 'restart', 'runtype'],
- 'coupling': ['inidate', 'runtime', 'truntime0']}
- else:
- ignored = {}
- if prune and not tidy:
- nmld = nmldict(prunefilelist(files))
- else:
- nmld = nmldict(files)
- if tidy:
- tidy_overwrite(nmld)
- else:
- if diff:
- nmldiff(nmld, keep=keep)
- if prune:
- nmlprune(nmld, ignore=ignored)
- nmldss = superset(nmld)
- if len(nmldss) == 0:
- sys.exit(0)
- else:
- if fmt == 'latex-complete':
- if diff:
- heading = textwrap.dedent(r"""
- \newcommand{\nmldiffer}[1]{#1} % no special display of differing variables
- \noindent Only differences are shown.
- \ignored{Greyed values} are ignored.
- """)
- else:
- heading = textwrap.dedent(r"""
- \definecolor{hilite}{cmyk}{0, 0, 0.9, 0}\newcommand{\nmldiffer}[1]{\colorbox{hilite}{#1}}\setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt}
- \noindent Variables that differ between the namelists are \nmldiffer{\textcolor{link}{highlighted}}.
- \ignored{Greyed values} are ignored.
- """)
- print(strnmldict(nmld, fmt=fmt, masterswitch='use_this_module',
- hide=ignored, heading=heading, url=url),
- end='', flush=True)
- else:
- print(strnmldict(nmld, fmt=fmt, masterswitch='use_this_module',
- hide=ignored),
- end='', flush=True)
- if diff:
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 77a12800..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1074 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-Tools to summarise access-om2 runs.
-Latest version:
-Author: Andrew Kiss
-Apache 2.0 License
-# TODO: use PAYU_N_RUNS - does this tell you whether the run is part of a sequence? if so we can determine queue wait for runs in a sequence - but sometimes it is None
-from __future__ import print_function
-import sys
- assert sys.version_info >= (3, 3) # need python >= 3.3 for print flush keyword
-except AssertionError:
- print('\nFatal error: Python version too old.')
- print('On NCI, do the following and try again:')
- print(' module use /g/data/hh5/public/modules; module load conda/analysis3\n')
- raise
-import os
-import glob # BUG: fails if payu module loaded - some sort of module clash with re
-import subprocess
-import datetime
-import dateutil.parser
-from collections import OrderedDict
-import csv
-import copy
- import numpy as np
- import yaml
- import f90nml # from
-except ImportError: # BUG: don't get this exception if payu module loaded, even if on python 2.6.6
- print('\nFatal error: modules not available.')
- print('On NCI, do the following and try again:')
- print(' module use /g/data/hh5/public/modules; module load conda/analysis3\n')
- raise
-import nmltab # from
-import warnings
-warnings.simplefilter('ignore', np.RankWarning)
-def num(s):
- """
- Return input string as int or float if possible, otherwise return string.
- """
- try:
- return int(s)
- except ValueError:
- try:
- return float(s)
- except ValueError:
- return s
-def get_sync_path(fname):
- """
- Return GDATADIR or SYNCDIR path from or
- fname: file path to or etc
- output: directory string
- """
- dir = None # default return value
- searchstrings = ['GDATADIR=', 'SYNCDIR=']
- with open(fname, 'r') as infile:
- for line in infile:
- # NB: subsequent matches will replace earlier ones
- for s in searchstrings:
- splitline = line.split(s)
- if len(splitline) == 2 and splitline[0].strip() == '':
- dir_maybe = splitline[1].strip().rstrip('/')
- if not(dir_maybe.startswith('/ERROR')):
- dir = dir_maybe
- return dir
-def parse_pbs_log(fname):
- """
- Return dict of items from parsed PBS log file.
- fname: PBS log file path
- output: dict
- example of PBS log file content to parse:
- qsub -q normal -P g40 -l walltime=12600 -l ncpus=2064 -l mem=8256GB -N minimal_01deg_j -l wd -j n -v PAYU_MODULENAME=payu/dev,PYTHONPATH=/projects/access/apps/mnctools/0.1/lib:/projects/access/apps/mnctools/0.1/lib:/projects/access/apps/mnctools/0.1/lib:/projects/v45/apps/payu/dev/lib:/projects/access/apps/mnctools/0.1/lib:/projects/v45/python,PAYU_CURRENT_RUN=137,PAYU_MODULEPATH=/projects/v45/modules,PAYU_N_RUNS=10 -lother=hyperthread -W umask=027 /projects/v45/apps/payu/dev/bin/payu-run
- ...
- git commit -am "2018-10-08 22:32:26: Run 137"
- TODO: Check if commit is unchanged
- ======================================================================================
- Resource Usage on 2018-10-08 22:32:36:
- Job Id: 949753.r-man2
- Project: x77
- Exit Status: 0
- Service Units: 20440.40
- NCPUs Requested: 5968 NCPUs Used: 5968
- CPU Time Used: 20196:31:07
- Memory Requested: 11.66TB Memory Used: 2.61TB
- Walltime requested: 05:00:00 Walltime Used: 03:25:30
- JobFS requested: 36.43GB JobFS used: 1.0KB
- ======================================================================================
- """
- def getproject(l):
- return l[1]
- def getpayuversion(l):
- return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(l[-1]))
- # return os.path.dirname([s for s in l[0].split(',')[0].split(':')
- # if s.find('payu') > -1][0])
- def getpayu(l):
- return l[0].split(',')[0]
- def getpayuint(l):
- return int(l[0].split(',')[0])
- def getrun(l):
- return int(l[4].rstrip('"'))
- def getjob(l):
- return int(l[1].split('.')[0])
- def getint(l):
- return int(l[1])
- def getfloat(l):
- return float(l[1])
- def getsec(l): # convert hh:mm:ss to sec
- return sum(x * int(t) for x, t in zip([3600, 60, 1], l[1].split(':')))
- def getdatetime(l): # BUG: doesn't include time zone (can't tell if we're on daylight savings time)
- return l[0]+'T'+l[1].rstrip(':')
- def getbytes(l): # assumes PBS log info uses binary prefixes - TODO: check
- s = l[1]
- ns = s.strip('BKMGT') # numerical part
- units = {'B': 1,
- 'KB': 2**10,
- 'MB': 2**20,
- 'GB': 2**30,
- 'TB': 2**40}
- return int(round(float(ns)*units[s[len(ns):]]))
- search_items = { # keys are strings to search for; items are functions to apply to whitespace-delimited list of strings following key
- 'PAYU_CURRENT_RUN': getpayuversion, # gets path to payu; PAYU_CURRENT_RUN is redundant as this is obtained below from git commit message
- # 'PAYU_CURRENT_RUN=': getpayuint, # BUG: misses some runs
- 'PAYU_MODULENAME=': getpayu,
- 'PAYU_MODULEPATH=': getpayu,
- 'PAYU_PATH=': getpayu,
- 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=': getpayu,
- 'PAYU_N_RUNS=': getpayuint,
- 'PYTHONPATH=': getpayu,
-# BUG: git commit will be missing if runlog: False in config.yaml - so we won't get run number!
- 'git commit': getrun, # instead of using PAYU_CURRENT_RUN; NB: run with this number might have failed - check Exit Status
- 'Resource Usage on': getdatetime,
- 'Job Id': getjob,
- 'Project': getproject,
- 'Exit Status': getint,
- 'Service Units': getfloat,
- 'NCPUs Requested': getint,
- 'NCPUs Used': getint,
- 'CPU Time Used': getsec,
- 'Memory Requested': getbytes,
- 'Memory Used': getbytes,
- 'Walltime requested': getsec,
- 'Walltime Used': getsec,
- 'JobFS requested': getbytes,
- 'JobFS used': getbytes}
- parsed_items = search_items.fromkeys(search_items, None) # set defaults to None
- with open(fname, 'r') as infile:
- for line in infile:
- # NB: subsequent matches will replace earlier ones
- # NB: processes only the first match of each line
- for key, op in search_items.items():
- try:
- parsed_items[key] = op(line.split(key)[1].split())
- except IndexError: # key not present in this line
- continue
- # change to more self-explanatory keys
- rename_keys = {'PAYU_CURRENT_RUN': 'payu version',
- # 'PAYU_CURRENT_RUN=': 'Run number',
- 'git commit': 'Run number',
- 'Memory Requested': 'Memory Requested (bytes)',
- 'Memory Used': 'Memory Used (bytes)',
- 'Walltime requested': 'Walltime Requested (s)',
- 'Walltime Used': 'Walltime Used (s)',
- 'Resource Usage on': 'Run completion date'}
- for oldkey, newkey in rename_keys.items():
- parsed_items[newkey] = parsed_items.pop(oldkey)
- if parsed_items['Memory Requested (bytes)'] is None:
- parsed_items['Memory Requested (Gb)'] = None
- else:
- parsed_items['Memory Requested (Gb)'] = parsed_items['Memory Requested (bytes)']/2**30
- if parsed_items['Memory Used (bytes)'] is None:
- parsed_items['Memory Used (Gb)'] = None
- else:
- parsed_items['Memory Used (Gb)'] = parsed_items['Memory Used (bytes)']/2**30
- if parsed_items['Walltime Requested (s)'] is None:
- parsed_items['Walltime Requested (hr)'] = None
- else:
- parsed_items['Walltime Requested (hr)'] = parsed_items['Walltime Requested (s)']/3600
- if parsed_items['Walltime Used (s)'] is None:
- parsed_items['Walltime Used (hr)'] = None
- else:
- parsed_items['Walltime Used (hr)'] = parsed_items['Walltime Used (s)']/3600
- try:
- parsed_items['Timeout'] = parsed_items['Walltime Used (s)'] > parsed_items['Walltime Requested (s)']
- except:
- parsed_items['Timeout'] = None
- return parsed_items
-def parse_git_log(basepath, datestr):
- """
- Return dict of items from git log from most recent commit before a given date.
- basepath: base directory path string
- datestr: date string
- output: dict
- """
- # possible BUG: what time zone flag should be use? local is problematic if run from overseas....?
- # use Popen for backwards-compatiblity with Python <2.7
- # pretty format is tab-delimited (%x09)
- try:
- p = subprocess.Popen('cd ' + basepath
- + ' && git log -1 '
- + '--pretty="format:%H%x09%an%x09%ai%x09%B" '
- + '`git rev-list -1 --date=local --before="'
- + datestr + '" HEAD`', # TODO: add 1 sec to datestr so we don't rely on the delay between git commit and PBS log?
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
- log = p.communicate()[0].decode('ascii').split('\t')
- # log = p.communicate()[0].decode('ascii').encode('ascii').split('\t') # for python 2.6
- log[3] = log[3].strip() # strip whitespace from message
- except:
- log = [None]*4 # default values in case there's no .git, e.g. if runlog: False in config.yaml
- parsed_items = dict()
- parsed_items['Commit'] = log[0]
- parsed_items['Author'] = log[1]
- parsed_items['Date'] = log[2]
- parsed_items['Message'] = log[3]
- return parsed_items
-def parse_mom_time_stamp(paths):
- """
- Return dict of items from parsed MOM time_stamp.out.
- paths: list of base paths
- output: dict parsed from first matching time_stamp.out in paths
- example of MOM time_stamp.out content to parse:
- 2001 9 1 0 0 0 Sep
- 2001 11 1 0 0 0 Nov
- """
- parsed_items = dict()
- keys = ['Model start time', 'Model end time']
- for path in paths:
- fname = os.path.join(path, 'ocean/time_stamp.out')
- if os.path.isfile(fname):
- parsed_items['Time stamp file'] = fname
- with open(fname, 'r') as infile:
- for key in keys:
- line = infile.readline()
- parsed_items[key] = datetime.datetime(
- *list(map(int, line.split()[0:-1]))).isoformat()
- break
- try:
- d1 = dateutil.parser.parse(parsed_items[keys[0]])
- d2 = dateutil.parser.parse(parsed_items[keys[1]])
- duration = d2-d1 # BUG: presumably assumes Gregorian calendar with leap years and time in UTC
- parsed_items['Model run length (s)'] = duration.total_seconds()
- parsed_items['Model run length (days)'] = duration.total_seconds()/3600/24
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return parsed_items
-def parse_yaml(paths, filename):
- """
- Return dict of items from parsed yaml file.
- paths: list of base paths
- filename: yaml filename to attempt to read from base paths
- output: dict parsed from first matching filename in paths
- """
- parsed_items = dict()
- for path in paths:
- fpath = os.path.join(path, filename)
- if os.path.isfile(fpath):
- with open(fpath, 'r') as infile:
- # Need to use load_all to handle manifests. Only return final part.
- parsed_items = list(yaml.load_all(infile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader))[-1]
- break
- return parsed_items
-def parse_accessom2_out(paths):
- """
- Return dict of items from parsed access-om2.out.
- paths: list of base paths
- output: dict of timing names, with dict of statistics
- NB: output may also contain bad data from intermingled CICE output.
- """
- parsed_items = dict()
- for path in paths:
- fname = os.path.join(path, 'access-om2.out')
- if os.path.isfile(fname):
- with open(fname, 'r') as infile:
- for l in infile:
- if l.startswith('Tabulating mpp_clock statistics'):
- break
- for l in infile:
- if l.startswith(' tmin'):
- break
- keys = l.split()
- for l in infile:
- if l.startswith(' MPP_STACK high water mark='):
- break
- name = l[0:32].strip() # relies on name being cropped at 32 chars
- vals = [num(n) for n in l[32:].split()]
- parsed_items[name] = dict(zip(keys, vals))
- break
- return parsed_items
-def parse_ice_diag_d(paths):
- """
- Return dict of cice info from ice/ice_diag.d.
- paths: list of base paths
- output: dict
- """
- # this is pretty rough-and-ready, e.g. repeated entries end up containing the final value
- parsed_items = dict()
- for path in paths:
- fname = os.path.join(path, 'ice/ice_diag.d')
- if os.path.isfile(fname):
- with open(fname, 'r') as infile:
- for l in infile:
- if l.startswith('Timing information:'):
- break # handle timing data with parse_cice_timing
- try:
- key = l.split('=')[0].strip()
- val = num(l.split('=')[1].strip())
- parsed_items[key] = val
- except:
- try:
- key = l.split(':')[0].strip()
- val = num(l.split(':')[1].strip())
- parsed_items[key] = val
- except:
- pass
- break
- if 'Block size: nx_block' in parsed_items:
- parsed_items['nx_block'] = parsed_items['Block size: nx_block']
-# NB: in ice_blocks.F90
-# nx_block = block_size_x + 2*nghost, &! x,y dir including ghost
-# ny_block = block_size_y + 2*nghost ! cells
- if 'Number of ghost cells' in parsed_items:
- if 'nx_block' in parsed_items:
- parsed_items['block_size_x'] = parsed_items['nx_block'] - 2*parsed_items['Number of ghost cells']
- if 'ny_block' in parsed_items:
- parsed_items['block_size_y'] = parsed_items['ny_block'] - 2*parsed_items['Number of ghost cells']
- parsed_items['timing'] = parse_cice_timing(paths)
- return parsed_items
-def parse_cice_timing(paths):
- """
- Return dict of cice timing info from ice/ice_diag.d.
- paths: list of base paths
- output: dict of timing names, with dict of statistics
- """
-# sample to parse:
-# Timing information:
-# Timer 1: Total 10894.88 seconds
-# Timer stats (node): min = 10894.69 seconds
-# max = 10894.88 seconds
-# mean= 10894.70 seconds
-# Timer stats(block): min = 0.00 seconds
-# max = 0.00 seconds
-# mean= 0.00 seconds
-# Timer 2: TimeLoop 10802.50 seconds
-# Timer stats (node): min = 10802.33 seconds
-# max = 10802.50 seconds
-# mean= 10802.33 seconds
-# Timer stats(block): min = 0.00 seconds
-# max = 0.00 seconds
-# mean= 0.00 seconds
- parsed_items = dict()
- for path in paths:
- fname = os.path.join(path, 'ice/ice_diag.d')
- if os.path.isfile(fname):
- with open(fname, 'r') as infile:
- for l in infile:
- if l.startswith('Timing information:'):
- break
- for l in infile:
- if l.startswith('Timer'): # ignore time is it it node max
- timerkey = ' '.join(l[0:21].split()[2:])
- parsed_items[timerkey] = dict()
- else:
- if l.startswith(' Timer'):
- typekey = l.split('(')[-1].split(')')[0]
- parsed_items[timerkey][typekey] = dict()
- try:
- key = l.split('=')[0].split()[-1]
- val = num(l.split()[-2])
- parsed_items[timerkey][typekey][key] = val
- except:
- pass
- break
- return parsed_items
-def parse_nml(paths):
- """
- Return dict of items from parsed namelists.
- paths: list of base paths to parse for namelists
- output: dict
- """
- parsed_items = dict()
- parsed_items['accessom2.nml'] = None # default value for non-YATM run
- for path in paths:
- fnames = [os.path.join(path, 'accessom2.nml')]\
- + glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*/*.nml'))
- for fname in fnames:
- if os.path.isfile(fname): # no accessom2.nml for non-YATM run
- parsed_items[fname.split(path)[1].strip('/')] \
- =
- return parsed_items
-def git_diff(basepath, sha1, sha2):
- """
- Return dict of git-tracked differences between two commits.
- basepath: base directory path string
- sha1, sha2: strings; sha1 should be earlier than or same as sha2
- """
- try:
- p = subprocess.Popen('cd ' + basepath
- + ' && git diff --name-only ' + sha1 + ' ' + sha2,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
- c = ', '.join(
- p.communicate()[0].decode('ascii').split())
- p = subprocess.Popen('cd ' + basepath
- + ' && git log --ancestry-path --pretty="%B\%x09" '
- + sha1 + '..' + sha2,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
- m = [s.strip('\n\\')
- for s in p.communicate()[0].decode('ascii').split('\t')][0:-1]
- m.reverse() # put in chronological order
- if len(m) == 0:
- m = None
- except:
- c = None
- m = None
- parsed_items = dict()
- parsed_items['Changed files'] = c
- parsed_items['Messages'] = m # NB: will be None if there's no direct ancestry path from sha1 to sha2)
- return parsed_items
-def dictget(d, l):
- """
- Lookup item in nested dict using a list of keys, or None if non-existent
- d: nested dict
- l: list of keys, or None
- """
- try:
- dl0 = d[l[0]]
- except (KeyError, TypeError):
- return None
- if len(l) == 1:
- return dl0
- return dictget(dl0, l[1:])
-def keylists(d):
- """
- Return list of key lists to every leaf node in a nested dict.
- Each key list can be used as an argument to dictget.
- d: nested dict
- """
- l = []
- for k, v in d.items():
- if isinstance(v, dict):
- sublists = keylists(v)
- for sli in sublists:
- l.append([k]+sli)
- else:
- l.append([k])
- return l
-def keylistssuperset(d):
- """
- Apply keylists to every value at the top level of input dict d,
- and return a list containing one instance of every key list found.
- Each key list can be used as an argument to dictget.
- d: nested dict whose values are to be supplied to keylists
- """
- all = set()
- for v in d.values():
- all.update(['\b'.join(l) for l in keylists(v)])
- return [s.split('\b') for s in all]
-def tryfunc(func, arg):
- """
- Return func(arg) or None if there's an exception.
- """
- try:
- return func(arg)
- except:
- return None
-def run_summary(basepath=os.getcwd(), outfile=None, list_available=False,
- dump_all=False, show_fails=False, outfile_syncdir=False,
- no_header=False, no_stats=False):
- """
- Generate run summary
- """
- basepath = os.path.abspath(basepath)
- archive_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(basepath, 'archive'))
- print('Generating run summary of ' + basepath, end='')
- # get jobname from config.yaml -- NB: we assume this is the same for all jobs
- with open(os.path.join(basepath, 'config.yaml'), 'r') as infile:
- configyaml = yaml.load(infile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
- jobname = configyaml.get('jobname')
- sync_script = configyaml.get('postscript')
- if sync_script:
- sync_path = get_sync_path(os.path.join(basepath, sync_script))
- else:
- sync_path = None
- if outfile is None:
- if outfile_syncdir and sync_path:
- outfile = 'run_summary_' + sync_path.strip(os.sep).replace(os.sep, '_') + '.csv'
- else:
- outfile = 'run_summary_' + basepath.strip(os.sep).replace(os.sep, '_') + '.csv'
- # if show_fails:
- # outfile = os.path.splitext(outfile)[0]+'_fails.csv'
- try:
- p = subprocess.Popen('cd ' + basepath
- + ' && git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD',
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
- git_branch = p.communicate()[0].decode('ascii').strip()
- except:
- git_branch = None
- # get data from all PBS job logs
- run_data = dict()
- # NB: match jobname[:15] because in some cases the pbs log files use a shortened version of the jobname in config.yaml
- # e.g. see /home/157/amh157/payu/025deg_jra55_ryf8485
- # NB: logs in archive may be duplicated in sync_path, in which case the latter is used
- logfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(archive_path, 'pbs_logs', jobname[:15] + '*.o*'))\
- + glob.glob(os.path.join(basepath, jobname[:15] + '*.o*'))
- if sync_path:
- logfiles += glob.glob(os.path.join(sync_path, 'pbs_logs', jobname[:15] + '*.o*'))
- logfiles = [f for f in logfiles if '_c.o' not in f] # exclude collation files *_c.o*
- for f in logfiles:
- print('.', end='', flush=True)
- jobid = int(f.split('.o')[1])
- run_data[jobid] = dict()
- run_data[jobid]['PBS log'] = parse_pbs_log(f)
- run_data[jobid]['PBS log']['PBS log file'] = f
- # fudge: these paths might actually apply only to the latest job
- run_data[jobid]['paths'] = dict()
- run_data[jobid]['paths']['Control path'] = basepath
- run_data[jobid]['paths']['Sync path'] = sync_path
- run_data[jobid]['paths']['Archive path'] = archive_path
- run_data[jobid]['storage'] = dict()
- # get run data for all jobs
- for jobid in run_data:
- print('.', end='', flush=True)
- pbs = run_data[jobid]['PBS log']
- date = pbs['Run completion date'] # BUG: would be better to have time when run began, including time zone
- if date is not None:
- run_data[jobid]['git log'] = parse_git_log(basepath, date)
- # BUG: assumes no commits between run start and end
- # BUG: assumes the time zones match - no timezone specified in date - what does git assume? UTC?
- if pbs['Exit Status'] == 0: # output dir belongs to this job only if Exit Status = 0
- outdir = 'output' + str(pbs['Run number']).zfill(3)
- restartdir = 'restart' + str(pbs['Run number']).zfill(3)
- paths = []
- if sync_path:
- sync_output_path = os.path.join(sync_path, outdir)
- if os.path.isdir(sync_output_path):
- paths += [sync_output_path]
- run_data[jobid]['paths']['Sync output path'] =\
- sync_output_path
- sync_restart_path = os.path.join(sync_path, restartdir)
- if os.path.isdir(sync_restart_path):
- run_data[jobid]['paths']['Sync restart path'] =\
- sync_restart_path
- archive_output_path = os.path.join(archive_path, outdir)
- if os.path.isdir(archive_output_path):
- paths += [archive_output_path]
- run_data[jobid]['paths']['Archive output path'] =\
- archive_output_path
- archive_restart_path = os.path.join(archive_path, restartdir)
- if os.path.isdir(archive_restart_path):
- run_data[jobid]['paths']['Archive restart path'] =\
- archive_restart_path
- # 'Sync output path' if it exists, otherwise 'Archive output path'
- run_data[jobid]['paths']['Output path'] =\
- run_data[jobid]['paths'].get('Sync output path') or\
- run_data[jobid]['paths'].get('Archive output path')
- # 'Sync restart path' if it exists, otherwise 'Archive restart path'
- run_data[jobid]['paths']['Restart path'] =\
- run_data[jobid]['paths'].get('Sync restart path') or\
- run_data[jobid]['paths'].get('Archive restart path')
- # find GiB for output and restart
- for k in ['Output path', 'Restart path']:
- path = run_data[jobid]['paths'][k]
- if path:
- p = subprocess.Popen('du -bs ' + path,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
- ret = p.communicate()[0].decode('ascii')
- bytes = int(ret.split()[0])
- run_data[jobid]['storage'][k + ' GiB'] = \
- round(bytes/1073741824, 3)
- run_data[jobid]['MOM_time_stamp.out'] = parse_mom_time_stamp(paths)
- run_data[jobid]['namelists'] = parse_nml(paths)
- run_data[jobid]['access-om2.out'] = parse_accessom2_out(paths)
- run_data[jobid]['ice_diag.d'] = parse_ice_diag_d(paths)
- run_data[jobid]['metadata.yaml'] = parse_yaml([basepath, sync_path], 'metadata.yaml')
- for fn in ['config.yaml', 'env.yaml', 'job.yaml',
- 'manifests/exe.yaml', 'manifests/input.yaml', 'manifests/restart.yaml']:
- run_data[jobid][fn] = parse_yaml(paths, fn)
- all_run_data = copy.deepcopy(run_data) # all_run_data includes failed jobs
- if show_fails:
- # remove all jobs that have no PBS info in log file
- for jobid in all_run_data:
- if all_run_data[jobid]['PBS log']['Run completion date'] is None:
- del run_data[jobid]
- # (jobid, run completion date) tuples sorted by run completion date
- jobid_run_tuples = sorted([(k, v['PBS log']['Run completion date'])
- for (k, v) in run_data.items()],
- key=lambda t: t[1])
- if len(jobid_run_tuples) == 0:
- print('\nAborting: no jobs?')
- return
- # jobid keys into run_data sorted by run completion date
- sortedjobids = [k[0] for k in jobid_run_tuples]
- else:
- # remove failed jobs from run_data
- for jobid in all_run_data:
- print('.', end='', flush=True)
- pbs = all_run_data[jobid]['PBS log']
- date = pbs['Run completion date']
- if date is None: # no PBS info in log file
- del run_data[jobid]
- elif pbs['Run number'] is None: # not a model run log file
- del run_data[jobid]
- elif pbs['Exit Status'] != 0: # output dir belongs to this job only if Exit Status = 0
- del run_data[jobid]
- elif len(run_data[jobid]['config.yaml']) == 0: # output dir missing
- del run_data[jobid]
- # (jobid, run number) tuples sorted by run number - re-done below
- jobid_run_tuples = sorted([(k, v['PBS log']['Run number'])
- for (k, v) in run_data.items()],
- key=lambda t: t[1])
- if len(jobid_run_tuples) == 0:
- print('\nAborting: no successful jobs?')
- return
- # Remove the older jobid if run number is duplicated - assume run was re-done
- # (check by date rather than jobid, since jobid sometimes rolls over)
- prev_jobid_run = jobid_run_tuples[0]
- for jobid_run in jobid_run_tuples[1:]:
- if jobid_run[1] == prev_jobid_run[1]: # duplicated run number
- if run_data[jobid_run[0]]['PBS log']['Run completion date']\
- > run_data[prev_jobid_run[0]]['PBS log']['Run completion date']:
- del run_data[prev_jobid_run[0]]
- prev_jobid_run = jobid_run
- else:
- del run_data[jobid_run[0]]
- else:
- prev_jobid_run = jobid_run
- # re-do (jobid, run number) tuples sorted by run number
- jobid_run_tuples = sorted([(k, v['PBS log']['Run number'])
- for (k, v) in run_data.items()],
- key=lambda t: t[1])
- if len(jobid_run_tuples) == 0:
- print('\nAborting: no successful jobs?')
- return
- # jobid keys into run_data sorted by run number
- sortedjobids = [k[0] for k in jobid_run_tuples]
- # allow referencing by submodel name as well as list index
- for jobid in run_data:
- run_data[jobid]['config.yaml']['submodels-by-name'] = dict()
- for sm in run_data[jobid]['config.yaml']['submodels']:
- run_data[jobid]['config.yaml']['submodels-by-name'][sm['name']] = sm
- # make a 'timing' entry to contain model timestep and run length for both MATM and YATM runs
- # run length is [years, months, days, seconds] to accommodate both MATM and YATM
- prevjobid = -1
- for jobid in sortedjobids:
- r = run_data[jobid]
- timing = dict()
- if r['namelists']['accessom2.nml'] is None: # non-YATM run
- timing['Timestep'] = r['config.yaml']['submodels'][1]['timestep'] # MOM timestep
- rt = r['config.yaml']['calendar']['runtime']
- timing['Run length'] = [rt['years'], rt['months'], rt['days'], 0] # insert 0 seconds
- else:
- timing['Timestep'] = r['namelists']['accessom2.nml']['accessom2_nml']['ice_ocean_timestep']
- rp = r['namelists']['accessom2.nml']['date_manager_nml']['restart_period']
- timing['Run length'] = rp[0:2] + [0] + [rp[2]] # insert 0 days
- yrs = r['MOM_time_stamp.out']['Model run length (days)']/365.25 # FUDGE: assumes 365.25-day year
- timing['SU per model year'] = r['PBS log']['Service Units']/yrs
- timing['Walltime (hr) per model year'] = r['PBS log']['Walltime Used (hr)']/yrs
- storagekeys = list(r['storage'].keys())
- for k in storagekeys:
- timing[k + ' per model year'] = round(r['storage'][k]/yrs, 3)
- if prevjobid >= 0: # also record time including wait between runs
- d1 = dateutil.parser.parse(run_data[prevjobid]['PBS log']['Run completion date'])
- d2 = dateutil.parser.parse(r['PBS log']['Run completion date'])
- tot_walltime = (d2-d1).total_seconds()/3600
- timing['Walltime (hr) between this completion and previous completion'] = tot_walltime
- timing['Wait (hr) between this run and previous'] = tot_walltime - r['PBS log']['Walltime Used (hr)']
- timing['SU per calendar day'] = r['PBS log']['Service Units']/tot_walltime*24
- timing['Model years per calendar day'] = yrs/tot_walltime*24
- for k in storagekeys:
- timing[k + ' per calendar day'] = round(r['storage'][k]/tot_walltime*24, 3)
- r['timing'] = timing
- prevjobid = jobid
- # include changes in all git commits since previous run
- for i, jobid in enumerate(sortedjobids):
- print('.', end='', flush=True)
- run_data[jobid]['git diff'] = \
- git_diff(basepath,
- run_data[sortedjobids[max(i-1, 0)]]['git log']['Commit'],
- run_data[jobid]['git log']['Commit'])
- # count failed jobs prior to each successful run
- # BUG: always have zero count between two successful runs straddling a jobid rollover
- # BUG: first run also counts all fails after a rollover
- prevjobid = -1
- for jobid in sortedjobids:
- c = [e for e in all_run_data.keys() if e > prevjobid and e < jobid
- and e not in run_data]
- c.sort()
- run_data[jobid]['PBS log']['Failed previous jobids'] = c
- run_data[jobid]['PBS log']['Failed previous jobs'] = len(c)
- prevjobid = jobid
- if list_available:
- print('\nAvailable data which can be tabulated if added to output_format')
- print('(but you may need to edit some keys to ensure uniqueness):')
- keylist = []
- for k in keylistssuperset(run_data):
- keylist.append((k[-1], "['" + "', '".join(k) + "']"))
- keylist.sort(key = lambda x: x[1])
- maxkeywidth = max([len(k[0]) for k in keylist])
- for k in keylist:
- print(" ('" + k[0] + "', " + " "*(maxkeywidth-len(k[0])) + k[1] + "),")
- if dump_all:
- dumpoutfile = os.path.splitext(outfile)[0]+'.yaml'
- print('\nWriting', dumpoutfile)
- with open(dumpoutfile, 'w') as outf:
- yaml.dump(run_data, outf, default_flow_style=False)
- ###########################################################################
- # Specify the output format here.
- ###########################################################################
- # output_format is a OrderedDict of (key, value) tuples, one for each column.
- # keys are column headers (arbitrary but must be unique)
- # values are lists of keys into run_data (omitting job id)
- # " --list" will list all available data you can add here
- # (but you may need to edit some keys to ensure uniqueness)
- output_format = OrderedDict([
- ('Run', ['PBS log', 'Run number']),
- ('Run start', ['MOM_time_stamp.out', 'Model start time']),
- ('Run end', ['MOM_time_stamp.out', 'Model end time']),
- ('Run length (y, m, d, s)', ['timing', 'Run length']),
- ('Run length (days)', ['MOM_time_stamp.out', 'Model run length (days)']),
- ('Control directory', ['paths', 'Control path']),
- # ('Archive directory', ['paths', 'Archive path']),
- # ('Sync directory', ['paths', 'Sync path']),
- ('Output directory', ['paths', 'Output path']),
- ('Output GiB', ['storage', 'Output path GiB']),
- ('Restart directory', ['paths', 'Restart path']),
- ('Restart GiB', ['storage', 'Restart path GiB']),
- ('Run by', ['git log', 'Author']),
- ('Run completion date', ['PBS log', 'Run completion date']),
- ('Job Id', ['PBS log', 'Job Id']),
- ('Failed jobs', ['PBS log', 'Failed previous jobs']),
- ('Failed jobids', ['PBS log', 'Failed previous jobids']),
- ('Queue', ['config.yaml', 'queue']),
- ('Service Units', ['PBS log', 'Service Units']),
- ('Walltime Used (hr)', ['PBS log', 'Walltime Used (hr)']),
- ('SU per model year', ['timing', 'SU per model year']),
- ('Walltime (hr) per model year', ['timing', 'Walltime (hr) per model year']),
- ('Wait (hr) between runs', ['timing', 'Wait (hr) between this run and previous']),
- ('SU per calendar day', ['timing', 'SU per calendar day']),
- ('Model years per calendar day', ['timing', 'Model years per calendar day']),
- ('Memory Used (Gb)', ['PBS log', 'Memory Used (Gb)']),
- ('NCPUs Used', ['PBS log', 'NCPUs Used']),
- ('MOM NCPUs', ['config.yaml', 'submodels-by-name', 'ocean', 'ncpus']),
- ('CICE NCPUs', ['config.yaml', 'submodels-by-name', 'ice', 'ncpus']),
- # ('Max Ocean diagnostics (s)', ['access-om2.out', '(Ocean diagnostics)', 'tmax']),
- # ('Max Ocean diagnostics: tracer (s)', ['access-om2.out', '(Ocean diagnostics: tracer)', 'tmax']),
- ('Fraction of MOM runtime in oasis_recv', ['access-om2.out', 'oasis_recv', 'tfrac']),
- ('Max MOM wait for oasis_recv (s)', ['access-om2.out', 'oasis_recv', 'tmax']),
- ('Max CICE wait for coupler (s)', ['ice_diag.d', 'timing', 'waiting_o', 'node', 'max']),
- ('Max CICE I/O time (s)', ['ice_diag.d', 'timing', 'ReadWrite', 'node', 'max']),
- ('MOM tile layout', ['namelists', 'ocean/input.nml', 'ocean_model_nml', 'layout']),
- ('CICE tile distribution', ['namelists', 'ice/cice_in.nml', 'domain_nml', 'distribution_type']),
- ('CICE block_size_x', ['ice_diag.d', 'block_size_x']),
- ('CICE block_size_y', ['ice_diag.d', 'block_size_y']),
- ('Timestep (s)', ['timing', 'Timestep']),
- ('MOM barotropic split', ['namelists', 'ocean/input.nml', 'ocean_model_nml', 'barotropic_split']),
- ('CICE dynamic split (ndtd)', ['namelists', 'ice/cice_in.nml', 'setup_nml', 'ndtd']),
- # ('ktherm', ['namelists', 'ice/cice_in.nml', 'thermo_nml', 'ktherm']),
- # ('Common inputs', ['config.yaml', 'input']),
- # ('Atmosphere executable', ['config.yaml', 'submodels-by-name', 'atmosphere', 'exe']),
- # ('Atmosphere inputs', ['config.yaml', 'submodels-by-name', 'atmosphere', 'input']),
- # ('MOM executable', ['config.yaml', 'submodels-by-name', 'ocean', 'exe']),
- # ('MOM inputs', ['config.yaml', 'submodels-by-name', 'ocean', 'input']),
- # ('CICE executable', ['config.yaml', 'submodels-by-name', 'ice', 'exe']),
- # ('CICE inputs', ['config.yaml', 'submodels-by-name', 'ice', 'input']),
- # ('Payu version', ['PBS log', 'payu version']),
- ('Git hash of run', ['git log', 'Commit']),
- ('Commit date', ['git log', 'Date']),
- ('Git-tracked file changes', ['git diff', 'Changed files']),
- ('Git log messages', ['git diff', 'Messages']),
- ])
- SUdata = [dictget(run_data, [jobid] + ['PBS log', 'Service Units'])
- for jobid in sortedjobids]
- stats = OrderedDict([ # tuples: (label, function)
- ('Total', sum),
- ('Mean', np.mean),
- ('Median', np.median),
- ('Min', min),
- ('Max', max),
- ('Std dev', np.std),
- ('SU correlation', lambda x: np.corrcoef(x, SUdata)[0, 1]),
- ('SU slope', lambda x: np.polyfit(x, SUdata, 1)[0]),
- ('Dimensionless SU slope', lambda x: np.polyfit(x, SUdata, 1)[0]*np.mean(x)/np.mean(SUdata))
- ])
- ###########################################################################
- if no_stats:
- stats = OrderedDict([])
- if show_fails:
- # output crash-related info (redefines order of any keys already in output_format)
- output_format_prefix = OrderedDict([
- ('Job Id', ['PBS log', 'Job Id']),
- ('Run completion date', ['PBS log', 'Run completion date']),
- ('Exit Status', ['PBS log', 'Exit Status']),
- ('Timeout', ['PBS log', 'Timeout']),
- ('Walltime Requested (hr)', ['PBS log', 'Walltime Requested (hr)']),
- ('Walltime Used (hr)', ['PBS log', 'Walltime Used (hr)']),
- ('qsub_flags', ['config.yaml', 'qsub_flags']),
- ])
- output_format_prefix.update(output_format)
- output_format = output_format_prefix
- else:
- # output all namelist changes
- output_format_nmls = OrderedDict()
- nmls_any_runs = set(run_data[list(run_data.keys())[0]]['namelists'].keys())
- nmls_all_runs = nmls_any_runs
- # avoid dict comprehension here to avoid python<2.7 syntax error
- nmls_no_runs = dict([(k, True) for k in nmls_any_runs]) # True for namelists that are None for all runs
- # nmls_no_runs = {k: True for k in nmls_any_runs} # True for namelists that are None for all runs
- for jobid in run_data:
- run_nmls = run_data[jobid]['namelists']
- nmls_any_runs = set(run_nmls.keys()) | nmls_any_runs
- nmls_all_runs = set(run_nmls.keys()) & nmls_all_runs
- for nml in set(nmls_all_runs):
- if run_nmls[nml] is None:
- nmls_all_runs.remove(nml)
- for nml in run_nmls:
- newnone = (nml is None)
- if nml in nmls_no_runs:
- nmls_no_runs[nml] = nmls_no_runs[nml] and newnone
- else:
- nmls_no_runs.update({nml: newnone})
- for nml in set(nmls_any_runs):
- if nmls_no_runs[nml]:
- nmls_any_runs.remove(nml)
- # add every changed group/variable in nml files that exist in all runs
- for nml in nmls_all_runs:
- # avoid dict comprehension here to avoid python<2.7 syntax error
- nmllistall = dict([(jobid,
- copy.deepcopy(run_data[jobid]['namelists'][nml]))
- for jobid in run_data])
- # nmllistall = {jobid: copy.deepcopy(run_data[jobid]['namelists'][nml])
- # for jobid in run_data}
- groups = nmltab.superset(nmltab.nmldiff(nmllistall))
- for group in groups:
- for var in groups[group]:
- ngv = [nml, group, var]
- output_format_nmls.update(OrderedDict([
- (' -> '.join(ngv), ['namelists'] + ngv)]))
- # add all group/variables in nml files that exist in only some runs
- for nml in nmls_any_runs - nmls_all_runs:
- nmllistall = dict()
- for jobid in run_data:
- if nml in run_data[jobid]['namelists']:
- if run_data[jobid]['namelists'][nml] is not None:
- nmllistall.update({jobid:
- copy.deepcopy(run_data[jobid]['namelists'][nml])})
- groups = nmltab.superset(nmllistall)
- for group in groups:
- for var in groups[group]:
- ngv = [nml, group, var]
- output_format_nmls.update(OrderedDict([
- (' -> '.join(ngv), ['namelists'] + ngv)]))
- # alphabetize
- output_format_nmls = OrderedDict([(k, output_format_nmls[k])
- for k in sorted(output_format_nmls.keys())])
- # add output_format entries for every namelist variable that has changed in any run
- output_format.update(output_format_nmls)
- # output csv file according to output_format above
- print('\nWriting', outfile)
- if len(stats) > 0:
- lhcol = [None]
- else:
- lhcol = [] # don't allow space for stats headings if we don't have any
- with open(outfile, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
- csvw = csv.writer(csvfile, dialect='excel', lineterminator='\n')
- if not no_header:
- csvw.writerow(['Summary report generated by,'])
- csvw.writerow(['report generated:',])
- csvw.writerow(['control directory path:', basepath, 'git branch:', git_branch])
- csvw.writerow(['output path:', sync_path])
- csvw.writerow(lhcol + list(output_format.keys())) # header
- for jobid in sortedjobids: # output a row for each jobid
- csvw.writerow(lhcol + [dictget(run_data, [jobid] + keylist) for keylist in output_format.values()])
- if len(stats) > 0:
- # calculate and save summary stats
- statsdata = copy.deepcopy(output_format)
- for k, keylist in output_format.items(): # calculate summary stats
- coldata = [dictget(run_data, [jobid] + keylist) for jobid in sortedjobids]
- coldata = [c for c in coldata if c is not None]
- statsdata[k] = {label:tryfunc(func, coldata) for (label, func) in stats.items()}
- # write summary stats
- csvw.writerow(lhcol + [None]*len(list(output_format.keys()))) # blank row
- csvw.writerow(lhcol + list(output_format.keys())) # header
- for s in stats:
- csvw.writerow([s] + [statsdata[k][s] for k in statsdata.keys()])
- print('Done.')
- return
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- import argparse
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=
- 'Summarise ACCESS-OM2 runs.\
- Latest version and help:')
- parser.add_argument('-f', '--show_fails',
- action='store_true', default=False,
- help='include failed runs (disables some output columns)')
- parser.add_argument('-l', '--list',
- action='store_true', default=False,
- help='list all data that could be tabulated by adding it to output_format')
- parser.add_argument('-d', '--dump_all',
- action='store_true', default=False,
- help='also dump all data to .yaml')
- parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', type=str,
- metavar='file',
- default=None,
- help="output file path; default is\
- 'run_summary_.csv';\
- overrides --outfile_syncdir if set.\
- WARNING: output file will be overwritten")
- parser.add_argument('--outfile_syncdir',
- action='store_true', default=False,
- help="set output file path to\
- 'run_summary_.csv'\
- or 'run_summary_.csv' if sync dir\
- path is invalid;\
- ignored if '-o', '--outfile' is set.\
- WARNING: output file will be overwritten")
- parser.add_argument('--no_header',
- action='store_true', default=False,
- help="don't write header rows in output .csv")
- parser.add_argument('--no_stats',
- action='store_true', default=False,
- help="don't output summary statistics")
- parser.add_argument('path', metavar='path', type=str, nargs='*',
- help='zero or more ACCESS-OM2 control directory paths; default is current working directory')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- show_fails = vars(args)['show_fails']
- lst = vars(args)['list']
- dump_all = vars(args)['dump_all']
- outfile = vars(args)['outfile']
- outfile_syncdir = vars(args)['outfile_syncdir']
- no_header = vars(args)['no_header']
- no_stats = vars(args)['no_stats']
- basepaths = vars(args)['path'] # a list of length >=0 since nargs='*'
- if not basepaths:
- basepaths = [os.getcwd()]
- for bp in basepaths:
- try:
- run_summary(show_fails=show_fails, basepath=bp,
- outfile=outfile, list_available=lst,
- dump_all=dump_all,
- outfile_syncdir=outfile_syncdir,
- no_header=no_header,
- no_stats=no_stats)
- except:
- print('\nFailed. Error:', sys.exc_info())
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 48b22b1e..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-#PBS -q copyq
-#PBS -l ncpus=1
-#PBS -l wd
-#PBS -l walltime=10:00:00,mem=12GB
-#PBS -l storage=gdata/hh5+gdata/ik11+gdata/cj50+scratch/v45+scratch/x77+scratch/g40
-#PBS -N sync
-# Set SYNCDIR to the path you want your data copied to.
-# This must be a unique absolute path for your set of runs.
-# To share your data, sync to a subdirectory in /g/data/ik11/outputs/
-# but first add an experiment description - see /g/data/ik11/outputs/README
-# and make sure metadata.yaml is correct.
-exclude="--exclude *.nc.* --exclude iceh.????-??-??.nc --exclude *-DEPRECATED --exclude *-DELETE --exclude *-IN-PROGRESS"
-rsyncflags="-vrltoD --safe-links"
-# parse argument list
-while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do
- case $1 in
- -h)
- help=true
- ;;
- -r)
- echo "syncing restarts instead of output directories"
- dirtype=restart
- ;;
- -u)
- echo "ignoring exclusions - syncing collated and uncollated .nc files"
- exclude=""
- ;;
- -b)
- echo "backward sync (from SYNCDIR to local)"
- backward=true
- ;;
- -D)
- # --remove-source-files tells rsync to remove from the sending side the files (meaning non-directories)
- # that are a part of the transfer and have been successfully duplicated on the receiving side.
- # This option should only be used on source files that are quiescent.
- # Require interaction here to avoid syncing and removing partially-written files.
- echo "WARNING: to avoid losing data, do not proceed if there are any running jobs or collations underway."
- read -p "Proceed? (y/n) " yesno
- case $yesno in
- [Yy] ) rmlocal=true;;
- * ) echo "Cancelled. Wait until all jobs are finished before trying again."; exit 0;;
- esac
- ;;
- -*)
- echo $1": invalid option"
- exitcode=1
- ;;
- *)
- echo $1": invalid argument"
- exitcode=1
- ;;
- esac
- shift
-if [ $exitcode != "0" -o $help == true ]; then
- echo "$0: rsync model run outputs (and optionally restarts) to another location."
- echo " Must be invoked from a control directory."
- echo " $0 should be edited to set SYNCDIR."
- echo " Default will rsync all output directories, leaving local copies intact."
- echo " Uncollated .nc files are not rsynced unless the -u option is used."
- echo " Also rsyncs error_logs and pbs_logs."
- echo " Also updates git-runlog, a git clone of the control directory (whose git history documents all changes in the run)."
- echo " Also updates, rsyncs and commits run summary"
- echo "usage: $0 [-h] [-r] [-u] [-D]"
- echo " -h: show this help message and exit"
- echo " -r: sync all restart directories instead of output directories"
- echo " -u: ignore exclusions - sync collated and uncollated .nc files (default is collated only)"
- echo " -b: backward sync, i.e. from SYNCDIR to local dir (default is from local to SYNCDIR)."
- echo " -D: delete all source copies (i.e. local copies, or copies on SYNCDIR if -b is used) of synced output or restart files (depending on -r), retaining only the empty directories. Must be done interactively. If -b is not used, the most recent synced local files are not deleted, so model run can continue. Does not delete non-output/restart files. (Default leaves all source copies intact.)"
- exit $exitcode
-# concatenate ice daily files
-module load nco
-for d in archive/output*/ice/OUTPUT; do
- for f in $d/iceh.????-??; do
- if [[ ! -f ${f/} ]] && [[ ! -f ${f/} ]];
- then
- touch ${f/}
- echo "doing ncrcat -O -L 5 -7 ${f/} ${f/}"
- ncrcat -O -L 5 -7 ${f/} ${f/} && chmod g+r ${f/} && rm ${f/}
- if [[ ! -f ${f/} ]] && [[ -f ${f/} ]];
- then
- for daily in ${f/}
- do
- # mv $daily $daily-DELETE # rename individual daily files - user to delete
- rm $daily
- done
- else
- rm ${f/}
- fi
- fi
- done
-mkdir -p $SYNCDIR || { echo "Error: cannot create $SYNCDIR - edit $0 to set SYNCDIR"; exit 1; }
-cd archive || exit 1
-# copy all outputs/restarts
-if [ $backward == true ]; then
- rsync $exclude $rsyncflags $SYNCDIR/${dirtype}[0-9][0-9]*[0-9] .
- if [ $rmlocal == true ]; then
- rsync --remove-source-files $exclude $rsyncflags $SYNCDIR/${dirtype}[0-9][0-9]*[0-9] .
- fi
- # Also sync error and PBS logs and metadata.yaml and run summary
- rsync $rsyncflags $SYNCDIR/error_logs .
- rsync $rsyncflags $SYNCDIR/pbs_logs .
- cd $sourcepath
- rsync $rsyncflags $SYNCDIR/metadata.yaml .
- rsync $rsyncflags $SYNCDIR/run_summary*.csv .
- # normal case: forward sync from current dir to SYNCDIR
- # first delete any cice log files that only have a 105-character header and nothing else
- find output* -size 105c -iname "ice.log.task_*" -delete
- rsync $exclude $rsyncflags ${dirtype}[0-9][0-9]*[0-9] $SYNCDIR
- if [ $rmlocal == true ]; then
- # Now do removals. Don't remove final local copy, so we can continue run.
- rsync --remove-source-files --exclude `\ls -1d ${dirtype}[0-9][0-9]*[0-9] | tail -1` $exclude $rsyncflags ${dirtype}[0-9][0-9]*[0-9] $SYNCDIR
- for d in ${dirtype}[0-9][0-9]*[0-9]/ice/OUTPUT; do
- rm $d/iceh.????-??-??.nc-DELETE
- done
- fi
- # Also sync error and PBS logs and metadata.yaml and run summary
- rsync $rsyncflags error_logs $SYNCDIR
- rsync $rsyncflags pbs_logs $SYNCDIR
- cd $sourcepath
- rsync $rsyncflags metadata.yaml $SYNCDIR
- rsync $rsyncflags run_summary*.csv $SYNCDIR
- # create/update a clone of the run history in $SYNCDIR/git-runlog
- cd $SYNCDIR || exit 1
- ls git-runlog || git clone $sourcepath git-runlog
- cd git-runlog
- git pull --no-rebase
- # update and sync run summary - do this last in case it doesn't work
- cd $sourcepath
- module use /g/data/hh5/public/modules
- module load conda/analysis3
- module load python3-as-python
- ./ --no_header
- rsync $rsyncflags run_summary*.csv $SYNCDIR
- git add run_summary*.csv
- git commit -m "update run summary"
- cd $SYNCDIR/git-runlog && git pull --no-rebase
-echo "$0 completed successfully"
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1341a6db..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-Tidy up restart directories - see argparse description below.
-This is best used with restart_freq: 1 in config.yaml.
-Author: Andrew Kiss, ANU
-from __future__ import print_function
-import os
-import sys
-from glob import glob
-def tidy(yearskip=1, keeplast=1):
- yearskip = abs(yearskip)
- keeplast = max(1, abs(keeplast)) # always keep the last restart
- restarts = glob('archive/restart[0-9][0-9]*[0-9]')
- restarts.sort(key=lambda f: int(f.split('restart')[1]))
- keptyear = None
- for r in restarts[:-keeplast]: # don't touch the most recent |keeplast| restarts
- try:
- fn = os.path.join(r, 'ocean/ocean_solo.res')
- with open(fn, 'r') as f:
- lineList = f.readlines()
- year = int(lineList[-1].split()[0]) # the year of the final time in the run
- if (keptyear is not None) and (year < keptyear+yearskip):
- print('Moving ' + r + ' to ' + r.replace('archive', 'archive/CHUCKABLE'))
- os.renames(r, r.replace('archive', 'archive/CHUCKABLE'))
- else: # always keep the earliest restart, so tidy has a consistent reference point
- print('Keeping ' + r + ': ending time is' + lineList[-1], end='')
- keptyear = year
- except:
- print('Error in', fn+':', sys.exc_info())
- for r in restarts[-keeplast:]: # this just reports dates of the most recent |keeplast| restarts
- try:
- fn = os.path.join(r, 'ocean/ocean_solo.res')
- with open(fn, 'r') as f:
- lineList = f.readlines()
- print('Keeping ' + r + ': ending time is' + lineList[-1], end='')
- except:
- print('Error in', fn+':', sys.exc_info())
- print("Note: it's up to you to delete anything moved to archive/CHUCKABLE")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- import argparse
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=
- 'Tidy up restart directories, keeping only the most recent \
- --keep-last restarts and the first \
- restart each --year-skip years (counting from the earliest forward, \
- keeping the last one written from the previous year, \
- dated 1 Jan 00:00:00, if available), \
- and moving the rest to archive/CHUCKABLE/ \
- from which the user can delete them manually if needed. \
- This is best used with restart_freq: 1 in config.yaml.')
- parser.add_argument('-y', '--year-skip', type=int,
- metavar='n', default=1,
- help="keep one restart every n years (default=1)")
- parser.add_argument('-k', '--keep-last', type=int,
- metavar='m', default=1,
- help="keep last m >= 1 restarts (default=1)")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- yearskip = vars(args)['year_skip']
- keeplast = vars(args)['keep_last']
- tidy(yearskip=yearskip, keeplast=keeplast)
diff --git a/ b/tools/
similarity index 100%
rename from
rename to tools/