Releases: 7mind/izumi
What is it?
Izumi (jp. 泉水, spring) is an ecosystem of independent libraries and frameworks allowing you to significantly increase productivity of your Scala development.
including the following components:
- distage – Transparent and debuggable Dependency Injection framework for pure FP Scala,
- distage-testkit – Hyper-pragmatic pure FP Test framework. Shares heavy resources globally across all test suites; lets you easily swap implementations of component; uses your effect type for parallelism.
- distage-framework-docker – A distage extension for using docker containers in tests or for local application runs, comes with example Postgres, Cassandra, Kafka & DynamoDB containers.
- LogStage – Automatic structural logs from Scala string interpolations,
- BIO - A typeclass hierarchy for tagless final style with Bifunctor and Trifunctor effect types. Focused on ergonomics and ease of use with zero boilerplate.
- izumi-reflect (moved to zio/izumi-reflect) - Portable, lightweight and kind-polymorphic alternative to
's Typetag for Scala, Scala.js, Scala Native and (soon) Dotty - IdeaLingua (moved to 7mind/idealingua-v1) – API Definition, Data Modeling and RPC language, optimized for fast prototyping – like gRPC or Swagger, but with a human face. Generates RPC servers and clients for Go, TypeScript, C# and Scala,
- Opinionated SBT plugins (moved to 7mind/sbtgen) – Reduces verbosity of SBT builds and introduces new features – inter-project shared test scopes and BOM plugins (from Maven)
- Percept-Plan-Execute-Repeat (PPER) – A pattern that enables modeling very complex domains and orchestrate deadly complex processes a lot easier than you're used to.
Changes since 0.10.1
Changes in BIO
- All bifunctor classes have been lifted to become trifunctor classes, Bifunctor classes are now type aliases to trifunctor classes that use type
lambdas ignoring the first parameter. AddedBIOFunctor3
(#942) - All trifunctor typeclasses will be automatically adapted to bifunctor typeclasses when required
- Added Reader trifunctor hierarchy -
- Added Arrow trifunctor hierarchy -
- Side hierarchies do not cause ambiguous implicit errors. It’s legal to have both
as constraints, despite thatBIOMonadAsk
provides aBIOMonad3
. - Added microsite section for BIO
Changes in distage
- Updated to ZIO RC18-2, Added
for assemblingzio.Has
environments from the object graph.
syntax for injection into ZIO environment forZLayer
or anyF[_, _, _]: BIOLocal
You can now use:You can also use environment and parameter dependencies at the same time in one constructor:new ModuleDef { make[X].fromHas(zioEnvCtor) // or make[X].fromHas(zmanagedEnvCtor) // or make[X].fromHas(zlayerEnvCtor) } def zioEnvCtor: URIO[Has[Dep1] with Has[Dep2],X] def zmanagedEnvCtor: URManaged[Has[Dep1] with Has[Dep2],X] def zlayerEnvCtor: URLayer[Has[Dep1] with Has[Dep2],X]
make[X].fromHas(zioArgEnvCtor _) def zioArgEnvCtor(a: Arg1, b: Arg): RIO[Has[Dep1], X]
now usespureconfig
instead ofcirce-config
as backend - increased compatibility with HOCON (#905)- Added new syntax:
(#930) - Rename DIResource.
, deprecate old names (#949) - Added
(#875) - Fixed a bug where a binding could have broken equality and be filtered out after
(#956) - All
summoners now directly returnProviderMagnet
instead of their wrapper
Changes in distage-framework-docker
- Fixed a bug where docker containers with configuration
could be started multiple times if they were started at the same time (#961) - Docker network names are now also randomized, together with as ports and names. Added
DSL to configure Docker networks (#963) - Added Bundled Docker containers for Cassandra and Zookeeper+Kafka (with network configuration) (#939)
- Fixed a bug where
configuration was ignored in ContainerResource'srelease
action (#924)
Changes in distage-testkit-scalatest
- Fix compatibility with Scalatest
and Scalamock'sMockFactory
traits, now they can be mixed in without errors (#959) - Prevent accidental ignoring of tests when test effect type doesn't match current (#948)
- Added
- allows control on whether to run tests in the current test environment in parallel with other test environments or not. Iffalse
, runs the test environment in a separate sequential with no other tests running in parallel (#912) - Added
- forcibly attaches specified keys to every test as if these components are summoned as arguments in each test, can be used to forceacquire
actions on resources in tests (#912) - Added
DistageBIOEnvSpecScalatest[F[_, _, _]]
syntax flavor, allows each test case to summon dependencies using ZIO environment and/or function parameters:trait PetStore[F[_, _]] { def purchasePet(name: String, cost: Int): F[Throwable, Boolean] } trait Pets[F[_, _]] def myPets: F[Throwable, List[String]] } val store = new PetStore[ZIO[Has[PetStore], ?, ?]] { def purchasePet(name: String, cost: Int): RIO[Has[PetStore], Boolean] = ZIO.accessM(_.get.purchasePet(name, cost)) } val pets = new Pets[ZIO[Has[Pets], ?, ?]] { def myPets: RIO[Has[Pets], List[String]] = ZIO.accessM(_.get.myPets) } final class PetTest extends DistageBIOEnvSpecScalatest[ZIO] with AssertIO { "test purchase pets env" in { for { _ <- store.purchasePet("Zab", 213) pets <- pets.myPets _ <- assertIO(pets.contains("Zab")) } yield () // : ZIO[Has[PetStore] with Has[Pets], Throwable, Unit] } // Lambda parameters and environment may both be used at the same time to define dependencies: "test purchase pets (param+env)" in { (store: PetStore[IO]) => for { _ <- store.purchasePet("Zab", 213) pets <- pets.myPets _ <- assertIO(pets.contains("Zab")) } yield ()) // : ZIO[Has[Pets], Throwable, Unit] } }
Changes in distage-framework
- Now Activations are also read from config, not only from command line. Use activations to choose between implementations to use for a component: (#911)
Toggle in
val module = new ModuleDef { make[PetStore[IO]].tagged(Repo.Dummy).from[InmemoryPetStore[IO]] make[PetStore[IO]].tagged(Repo.Prod).from[PostgresPetStore[IO]] }
Injector(Activation(Repo -> Repo.Prod))
, or in configuration:// application.conf activation { repo: prod }
- Rename
. RenameDistageRolesModule->BundledRolesModule
. (#911) - Add
to default configs in distage-framework (#909)
Changes in LogStage
- You can now customize JSON Rendering behavior on a per-type basis by defining instances of
typeclass for your types.
can be derived in semiauto mode from Circe codecs if they exist:When usingimport io.circe.Codec import logstage.LogstageCodec import logstage.circe.LogstageCirceCodec final case class Abc(a: Int, b: String, c: Boolean) object Abc { implicit val circeCodec: Codec[Abc] = io.circe.derivation.deriveCodec[Abc] implicit val logstageCodec: LogstageCodec[Abc] = LogstageCirceCodec.derived[Abc] }
API, arguments without aLogstageCodec
instance will be rendered to JSON
as before. To forbid using any arguments without aLogstageCodec
instance in logging interpolations use
APIs. - Added
environment forwarder, you can use it to forward calls to aLogBIO[IO]
instance in your ZIO Environment - Added
algebra for trifunctor effect types
Changes in fundamentals-json-circe
- Add
What is it?
Izumi (jp. 泉水, spring) is a set of independent libraries and frameworks allowing you to significantly increase productivity of your Scala development.
including the following components:
- distage – Transparent and debuggable Dependency Injection framework for Pure FP Scala,
- logstage – Automatic structural logs from Scala string interpolations,
- idealingua – API Definition, Data Modeling and RPC Language, optimized for fast prototyping – like gRPC, but with a human face. Currently generates servers and clients for Go, TypeScript, C# and Scala,
- Opinionated SBT plugins (moved to 7mind/sbtgen) – Reduces verbosity of SBT builds and introduces new features – inter-project shared test scopes and BOM plugins (from Maven)
- Percept-Plan-Execute-Repeat (PPER) – a pattern that enables modeling very complex domains and orchestrate deadly complex processes a lot easier than you're used to.
Changes in distage
- Remove 22 arguments limit on class & trait constructors (#865)
- Factories can now be generated from abstract classes with parameters (
) (#865) - Relax typeclass requirements for DIResource for
, now they need only Applicative/BIOApplicative, not Sync/BIO (#863) - Deprecate
, use lifecycle-aware.produce
instead. If you really needproduceUnsafe
behavior, useInjector().produce(_).unsafeGet()
(#862) - Fix #854 move all macro implementations into separate objects to prevent leaking references to scala-reflect (#859)
- Fix #869 workaround circe-config Boolean codec issue in logstage config circe/circe-config#12 (#871)
- Injector reboot API (#852)
Changes in distage-testkit-scalatest
- Enhanced parallel test reporting - reporting delay is now per-suite, not global (workaround for Intellij scalatest reporter incorrectly nesting parallel test cases) (#848)
- Fixed generated junit test reports under sbt (#861)
Changes in logstage
- logstage: Deprecate
because it requires an obscure wildcard import, useConsoleSink(LogstageCirceRenderingPolicy())
Changes in idealingua
- Websocket client API is now wrapped in
Merged PRs:
- Fix #853 Drop max 22 parameters restriction on class & trait constructors (#865)
- Fix #869 workaround circe-config Boolean codec issue in logstage config circe/circe-config#12 (#871)
- logstage: Deprecate
because it requires an obscure wildcard import, useConsoleSink(LogstageCirceRenderingPolicy())
(#867) - Improve documentation, document
(#866) - Compare original function in
(#864) - logstage codec: macro infrastructure (#851)
- Introduce DIApplicative, relax requirements for DIResource methods (now liftF & LiftF need only Applicative, not Sync or BIO) (#863)
- Deprecate
(#862) - preserve reporters, as they should be suite based (#861)
- Fix #854 move all macro implementations into separate objects to prevent leaking references to scala-reflect (#859)
- generailized injector reboot support (#852)
- replaced unit with monoIO (#847)
- dealias types in constructor macros & ensure equality for generated singleton-type constructors (#850)
- distage-testkit scalatest sbt-runner workaround: remove restrictions on scanned packages (#849)
- distage-testkit: Enhance parallel test reporting, ensure all exceptions are caught (#848)
- Add ProviderMagnet.ap, fix incorrect return type in (#844)
Dependency updates
What is it?
Izumi (jp. 泉水, spring) is a set of independent libraries and frameworks allowing you to significantly increase productivity of your Scala development.
including the following components:
- distage – Transparent and debuggable Dependency Injection framework for Pure FP Scala,
- logstage – Automatic structural logs from Scala string interpolations,
- idealingua – API Definition, Data Modeling and RPC Language, optimized for fast prototyping – like gRPC, but with a human face. Currently generates servers and clients for Go, TypeScript, C# and Scala,
- Opinionated SBT plugins (moved to 7mind/sbtgen) – Reduces verbosity of SBT builds and introduces new features – inter-project shared test scopes and BOM plugins (from Maven)
- Percept-Plan-Execute-Repeat (PPER) – a pattern that enables modeling very complex domains and orchestrate deadly complex processes a lot easier than you're used to.
Major Changes in distage
since 0.9.17:
- Removed dependency on runtime scala-reflect
- Type comparisons now use LightTypeTag from
(fundamentals-reflection) instead ofscala-reflect
TypeTag resulting in greatly improved stability, better runtime performance and faster compile-time - All constructors are now generated at compile-time
- Moved constructor derivation strategies
- Type comparisons now use LightTypeTag from
is now available for Scala.js- Documentation has been rewritten
has been rewritten without runtime reflection.distage-testkit-scalatest
improved test reporting & integration with SBTdistage-framework-docker
added support for networks, addedno-copy
option for docker mounts- Added syntax for binding an implementation to multiple interfaces:
Major Changes in fundamentals-bio
since 0.9.17:
- Moved time & sleep-related methods to a new
typeclass aboveBIOAsync
- Fixed implicit priorities for conversions into
All merged PRs:
- Update docker-java to 3.2.0-rc2 (#765)
- Izumi 0.10: Remove runtime reflection (#741)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.0.3 (#766)
- Fix #374 derive higher-kinded Tags from other even-higher kinded Tags (#768)
- Merge
(#769) - Compute hashcode only based on short type name (#770)
- Move docker support to distage-framework, move Activation & PruningPlanMergingPolicy to distage-core, document AxisTags (#774)
- Do not generate constructor for
is followed by.from[Y]
(#775) - Fix #367 Very rough de-cake of RuntimeDIUniverse (#776)
- Move old testkit to distage-legacy-testkit (#777)
- Update scala-collection-compat to 2.1.3 (#783)
- Update sbt to 1.3.5 (#784)
- Update classgraph to 4.8.59 (#786)
- Fix Tag resolution inside nested type lambdas (such as BIO BlockingIO/BlockingIO3) (#792)
- Fix cats conversions type inference & implicit priority (#793)
- Update slf4j-api, slf4j-simple to 1.7.30 (#785)
- Fix cats conversion priorities on 2.13; fix BlockingIO.apply (#794)
- Cache composite PluginSources in distage-testkit (#795)
- Really fix cats conversions priority by making all implicit result types disjoint (#796)
- test envs revisited (#799)
- Fix Scalatest test output (#800)
- Update sbt-pgp to 2.0.1 (#788)
- Add LogIO.apply(CustomContext), rename IzLogger.withMapAsCustomContext->withCustomContext (#801)
- Revert "Fix Scalatest test output (#800)"
- Bug/802 scalatest (#803)
- Fix Scalatest test output R2 (#800)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.1.0 (#805)
- Update fastparse to 2.2.2 (#804)
- Rename ConcreteConstructor -> ClassConstructor (#809)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.1.1 (#811)
- Fix factories with type parameters, with arguments of the same type and with mixed assisted/non-assisted methods (#810)
- Feature/weak reference memoization (#807)
- Update classgraph to 4.8.60 (#813)
- Fix singleton type resolution in LightTypeTag (#816)
- Regard abstract type members in current trait as weak and correctly require implicit Tags for them in TagMacro (#817)
- Feature/docker mount (#815)
- Remove outdated logstage docs (#818)
- Build distage-core for Scala.js (#791)
- Fix running individual tests under IDEA / non-sbt ScalatestRunner – scan classpath for tests only under sbt (#822)
- distage-testkit: fix running test name pattern tests in sbt (#823)
- Update scalatest to 3.1.0 (#824)
- Adopt scalafmt (#748)
- Fix #812 Support abstract classes in TraitConstructor (#825)
- feature/docker-networks (#819)
- Fix #826 Return type parameter constraints for cats Resource conversions in ModuleDefDSL (#827)
- Improve error message when user tries to create a constructor for a type parameter without
context bound (#828) - distage-testkit: Restrict overloading in
for non-effectful tests toUnit
(#829) - Add ability to abstract over
annotations using type aliases (#830) - Fix #753 Change syntax for binding to multiple interfaces. Now
(#831) - fundamentals-reflection: precompute LightTypeTag hashCode at compile-time (#832)
- Rename
(#833) - In
DSL, allow.named
(#834) - Add DIResourceBase#useEffect; rename DIResource.Cats->FromCats,Zio->FromZIO (#835)
- Add an
annotation to document that a trait is used as an Auto-Trait or an Auto-Factory (#836) - Replace PluginSource with PluginConfig (#837)
First release of distage-core
for Scala.js 🎉
- use unsupervised forks in BIOFork for ZIO (same as cats Concurrent instance) (a527148)
- RoleAppLauncher now needs to override pluginSource, not bootstrapConfig (397c16c)
- Changes to plan splitting algorithm in IntegrationCheck discovery
- Fix japanese typo in docs + README (#743) by @cronokirby
Docker containers can now be declared as test dependencies / Resources in distage-testkit
object PostgresDocker extends ContainerDef {
val primaryPort: DockerPort = DockerPort.TCP(5432)
override def config: Config = {
image = "library/postgres:latest",
ports = Seq(primaryPort),
reuse = true,
Dependencies can be declared between docker containers:
object DockerPlugin extends DockerContainerModule[zio.Task] with PluginDef {
// this container will start once `DynamoContainer` is up and running
make[PostgresDocker.Container].fromResource {
Use in test:
class DBTest extends DistageBIOSpecScalatest[zio.IO] {
"postgres docker" should {
"respond to queries" in {
(doobie: Transactor[zio.Task], pg: PostgresDocker.Container) =>
doobie.trans.apply(sql"select 1")
- Shade boopickle dependency (#737)
- Fix LightTypeTag bug resolve prefixes of annotated types
- Add BIOAsync.parTraverse, parTraverse_, parTraverseN_ (1ed31c1)
- Docker resources (#732) by @pshirshov
- Move CatsDIEffectModule from distage-model to distage-roles (07d3ddd)
- Add IdentityDIEffectModule (004af1c)
- distage-testkit: Run tests in parallel, add DIEffectAsync (499f765)
- distage-testkit: Configure test class-wide options in SpecConfig (ff9a801)