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A Discord bot that keeps track of points from a variety of sources.

I don't expect this to be useful to anyone, but hey, if it is that's great :)


  • Score tracking through server-specific leaderboards
  • Manual score management when you want to punish your enemies reward specific users
  • Assignment of special roles to the users with the most points
  • Daily point rewards for both messages in configurable text channels and via a command
  • Game nights with points awarded based on how long someone stays in a call for


An example configuration is included in this repository which shows the structure that PG-13 expects when running. The bot expects its configuration to be supplied as a systemd credential with the name config.toml. If the option is set, this is handled automatically; otherwise you can set it up manually using something like the SetCredential service option.

If you're using NixOS, something like agenix can be useful for managing your PG-13 configuration. Just set to be the path attribute of the corresponding secret.


NixOS with flakes (recommended)

Just add the following to your system configuration flake:

  inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-<channel>"; = "github:5t0n3/pg-13/v1.2.0";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, pg-13 }: {
    nixosConfigurations."<yourhostname>" = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      system = "<your system/architecture>";
      modules = [
 = true;

          # optional but recommended
          # automatically sets up the systemd credential expected by the bot
          # the config file only has to be readable by root, systemd handles
          # the rest of the permissions
          # = "<path/to/your/config.toml>";

NixOS (no flakes)

Add the following to your system configuration:

{ pkgs, ... }:
  pg-13 = import (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "5t0n3";
    repo = "pg-13";
    rev = "v1.2.0"; # or a commit hash
    sha256 = "<hash>"; # obtained using nix-prefetch-url or nix flake prefetch
in {
  imports = [ pg-13.nixosModules.default ]; = true;

  # optional but recommended
  # automatically sets up the systemd credential expected by the bot
  # = "<path/to/your/config.toml>";

You can probably also add this repository as a channel, if you'd like. Then something like this should work (althought I haven't tested it):

let pg-13 = import <pg-13>;
in {
  imports = [ pg-13.nixosModules.default ];

  # ...