Lua script for Azerothcore with ElunaLUA to test hooks.
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Compile your Azerothcore with Eluna Lua. The ElunaLua module itself usually doesn't require much setup/config. Just specify the subfolder where to put your lua_scripts in its .conf file.
If the directory was not changed in the ElunaLua config, add the .lua script to your ../lua_scripts/
directory as a subfolder of the worldserver.
Apply the sql to add the testing NPC
Trigger the events listed below.
Receive a message in the worldserver console whenever a hook fires.
.npc add temp 299
Trigger all events for the spawned wolf.
.npc add temp 1199000
Right-Clicking Chromie must print GOSSIP_EVENT_ON_HELLO.
Selecting the "Test" gossip must print GOSSIP_EVENT_ON_SELECT.
to list all playerevents which weren't tested in this session.creaturetest
to list all creatureevents which weren't tested in this session.resetluatest
to start an new session.
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHARACTER_CREATE = 1 --(event, player)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOGIN = 3 --(event, player)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOGOUT = 4 --(event, player)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_SPELL_CAST = 5 --(event, player, spell, skipCheck)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_KILL_PLAYER = 6 --(event, killer, killed)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_KILL_CREATURE = 7 --(event, killer, killed)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_KILLED_BY_CREATURE = 8 --(event, killer, killed)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_DUEL_REQUEST = 9 --(event, target, challenger)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_DUEL_START = 10 --(event, player1, player2)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_DUEL_END = 11 --(event, winner, loser, type)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_GIVE_XP = 12 --(event, player, amount, victim) - Can return new XP amount
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LEVEL_CHANGE = 13 --(event, player, oldLevel)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_MONEY_CHANGE = 14 --(event, player, amount) - Can return new money amount
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_REPUTATION_CHANGE = 15 --(event, player, factionId, standing, incremental) - Can return new standing
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_TALENTS_CHANGE = 16 --(event, player, points)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_TALENTS_RESET = 17 --(event, player, noCost)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHAT = 18 --(event, player, msg, Type, lang) - Can return false, newMessage
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_WHISPER = 19 --(event, player, msg, Type, lang, receiver) - Can return false, newMessage
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_GROUP_CHAT = 20 --(event, player, msg, Type, lang, group) - Can return false, newMessage
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_GUILD_CHAT = 21 --(event, player, msg, Type, lang, guild) - Can return false, newMessage
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHANNEL_CHAT = 22 --(event, player, msg, Type, lang, channel) - Can return false, newMessage
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_EMOTE = 23 --(event, player, emote) - Not triggered on any known emote
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_TEXT_EMOTE = 24 --(event, player, textEmote, emoteNum, guid)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_SAVE = 25 --(event, player)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_BIND_TO_INSTANCE = 26 --(event, player, difficulty, mapid, permanent)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_UPDATE_ZONE = 27 --(event, player, newZone, newArea)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_MAP_CHANGE = 28 --(event, player)
- -- Custom
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_EQUIP = 29 --(event, player, item, bag, slot)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_FIRST_LOGIN = 30 --(event, player)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CAN_USE_ITEM = 31 --(event, player, itemEntry) - Can return InventoryResult enum value
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOOT_ITEM = 32 --(event, player, item, count)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_ENTER_COMBAT = 33 --(event, player, enemy)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LEAVE_COMBAT = 34 --(event, player)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_REPOP = 35 --(event, player)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_RESURRECT = 36 --(event, player)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOOT_MONEY = 37 --(event, player, amount)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_QUEST_ABANDON = 38 --(event, player, questId)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LEARN_TALENTS = 39 --(event, player, talentId, talentRank, spellid)
- -- UNUSED = 40 --(event, player)
- -- UNUSED = 41 --(event, player)
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_COMMAND = 42 --(event, player, command) - player is nil if command used from console. Can return false
- PLAYER_EVENT_ON_PET_SPAWNED = 43 --(event, player, pet)
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_ENTER_COMBAT = 1 --(event, creature, target) - Can return true to stop normal action
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_LEAVE_COMBAT = 2 --(event, creature) - Can return true to stop normal action
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_TARGET_DIED = 3 --(event, creature, victim) - Can return true to stop normal action
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_DIED = 4 --(event, creature, killer) - Can return true to stop normal action
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_SPAWN = 5 --(event, creature) - Can return true to stop normal action
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_REACH_WP = 6 --(event, creature, type, id) - Can return true to stop normal action
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_AIUPDATE = 7 --(event, creature, diff) - Can return true to stop normal action
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_RECEIVE_EMOTE = 8 --(event, creature, player, emoteid) - Can return true to stop normal action
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_DAMAGE_TAKEN = 9 --(event, creature, attacker, damage) - Can return true to stop normal action, can return new damage as second return value.
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_PRE_COMBAT = 10 --(event, creature, target) - Can return true to stop normal action
- -- UNUSED = 11
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_OWNER_ATTACKED = 12 --(event, creature, target) - Can return true to stop normal action
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_OWNER_ATTACKED_AT = 13 --(event, creature, attacker) - Can return true to stop normal action
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_HIT_BY_SPELL = 14 --(event, creature, caster, spellid) - Can return true to stop normal action
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_SPELL_HIT_TARGET = 15 --(event, creature, target, spellid) - Can return true to stop normal action
- -- UNUSED = 16 --(event, creature)
- -- UNUSED = 17 --(event, creature)
- -- UNUSED = 18 --(event, creature)
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_JUST_SUMMONED_CREATURE = 19 --(event, creature, summon) - Can return true to stop normal action
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_SUMMONED_CREATURE_DESPAWN = 20 --(event, creature, summon) - Can return true to stop normal action
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_SUMMONED_CREATURE_DIED = 21 --(event, creature, summon, killer) - Can return true to stop normal action
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_SUMMONED = 22 --(event, creature, summoner) - Can return true to stop normal action
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_RESET = 23 --(event, creature)
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_REACH_HOME = 24 --(event, creature) - Can return true to stop normal action
- -- UNUSED = 25 --(event, creature)
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_CORPSE_REMOVED = 26 --(event, creature, respawndelay) - Can return true to stop normal action, can return new respawndelay as second return value
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_MOVE_IN_LOS = 27 --(event, creature, unit) - Can return true to stop normal action. Does not actually check LOS, just uses the sight range
- -- UNUSED = 28 --(event, creature)
- -- UNUSED = 29 --(event, creature)
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_DUMMY_EFFECT = 30 --(event, caster, spellid, effindex, creature)
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_QUEST_ACCEPT = 31 --(event, player, creature, quest) - Can return true
- -- UNUSED = 32 --(event, creature)
- -- UNUSED = 33 --(event, creature)
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_QUEST_REWARD = 34 --(event, player, creature, quest, opt) - Can return true
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_DIALOG_STATUS = 35 --(event, player, creature)
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_ADD = 36 --(event, creature)
- CREATURE_EVENT_ON_REMOVE = 37 --(event, creature)