- Added new notifier, guard compatible methods, Travis-CI testing (@kugaevsky)
- ensure guard 1.1 compatibility, use run_on_changes, throw :task_has_failed on error
- appending .html to file name if the input file doesn't match the pattern *.html.haml or *.htm.haml (@rtircher)
- Add documentation for :haml_options (@zhangsu)
- Fix bug with ignored options in initialization. (@ordinaryzelig)
- guard-haml is no longer crashing guard when HAML fails to compile
- Added the input option, to exclude a path from the output path. (@draiken)
- Added output option, to save compiled files into a different directory (@Nemo157)
- Set empty default HAML options
- Allow to pass an option hash directly to HAML via :haml_options => { ... }
- inital release