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restify > restify-errors > @netflix/nerror > lodash: + patched: '2022-08-19T16:08:55.279Z' + - nyc > istanbul-lib-instrument > @babel/traverse > @babel/generator > lodash: + patched: '2022-08-19T16:08:55.279Z' + - nyc > istanbul-lib-instrument > @babel/traverse > @babel/helper-split-export-declaration > @babel/types > lodash: + patched: '2022-08-19T16:08:55.279Z' + - nyc > istanbul-lib-instrument > @babel/traverse > @babel/helper-function-name > @babel/helper-get-function-arity > @babel/types > lodash: + patched: '2022-08-19T16:08:55.279Z' diff --git a/sdk/typescript/libraries/bot-solutions/package.json b/sdk/typescript/libraries/bot-solutions/package.json index 9c49a9a45a..0e2c1e1791 100644 --- a/sdk/typescript/libraries/bot-solutions/package.json +++ b/sdk/typescript/libraries/bot-solutions/package.json @@ -1,71 +1,75 @@ { - "name": "bot-solutions", - "version": "1.0.0", - "description": "Shared library for Conversational AI Virtual Assistants and Skills.", - "homepage": "https://github.com/microsoft/botframework-solutions", - 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