- fix reversion signal handler to only update version field on HandleRef models (thanks to @ercpe)
- python 3.11 support
- django 4.2 support
- python 3.7 support
- python 3.10 support
- django 4.0 support
- issue with pagination in object history view causing timeout (#19)
- python 3.6 support
- django 2.2 support
- fix list index of range issue in version admin
- performance issues in admin version history view
- python 3.9
- Django to current
- python2 support
- EOL Django support
- django3.0 support
- django2.2 support
- add grappelli templates to MANIFEST.in
- version admin tools: history, revert and rollback
- py3 compatibility
- tox test django 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 and 1.11
- support handle_version in later versions of reversion
- when soft-deleting dont re-save already deleted children