After you clone the repo, from the root of the repo run:
git submodule update --init
Follow the intructions here to get circom2 (the ZKSnark compiler) installed in your system
You should probably also install VSCode extension to work with circom.
To install dependencies.
yarn install
cd circom-ecdsa
yarn install
mkdir zkeys
brew install wget # Needed for `downloadPtau` method of zkey-manager
We currently use zkey-manager, a wrapper around snarkjs for our compilation pipeline.
To compile the circuits and generate proving+verification keys:
npx zkey-manager compile -c ./zkeys.config.yml
npx zkey-manager downloadPtau -c ./zkeys.config.yml
npx zkey-manager genZkeys -c ./zkeys.config.yml
You can then test proof generation locally against the input file sample_input.json
First, generate the witness file:
node zkeys/VerifyCabal_64-4-10_prod_js/generate_witness.js zkeys/VerifyCabal_64-4-10_prod_js/VerifyCabal_64-4-10_prod.wasm sample_input.json sample_witness.wtns
Next, generate the proof and public inputs file and extract the verification key:
snarkjs groth16 prove zkeys/VerifyCabal_64-4-10_prod.0.zkey sample_witness.wtns proof.json public.json
snarkjs zkey export verificationkey zkeys/VerifyCabal_64-4-10_prod.0.zkey verification_key.json
Finally, verify the proof:
snarkjs groth16 verify verification_key.json public.json proof.json
After compiling the circuits and generating proving+verification keys:
cp zkeys/VerifyCabal_64-4-10_prod.0.zkey ../snap/src/snark_utils/
cp zkeys/VerifyCabal_64-4-10_prod_js/VerifyCabal_86-3-10_prod.wasm ../snap/src/snark_utils/